My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 953: Gentle sister

953 gentle sister

"Classmate, are you a g student?"

The boy watched Li Fan approach him and asked subconsciously.

"Well, I'm Li Fan from the 16th Chinese Language Department."

Li Fan reported English as a foreign language, and he felt that his English level could still be improved.

The reason why he did not directly rely on the English department was that his English level was still a little worse ... and in the case of foreign English, he basically worked as a Chinese teacher.

Li Fan's idea is very good. In the future, he wants to go abroad to open a martial arts hall, and spread China's kung fu throughout the river.

In the face of a group of foreigners, learning Chinese as a foreign language is better than learning English directly. Because many martial arts moves need to be told in Chinese, it is true that foreigners learn some Chinese in martial arts with themselves.

"Really, you are holding this sign."

The boy handed Li Fan a red sign with the big g logo printed on it.

"Take this, follow this exit, and go outside. Our school's students will be waiting there. You show them this and they will arrange for you."

"Okay, thank you, Senior."

"You're welcome, let's go, just in time to catch this bus."

The boy patted Li Fan on the shoulder. "I have to continue to pick people up. I'm probably going to be busy at night and I won't take care of you."

"Thank you, senior, then I'm leaving."

Li Fan politely bid farewell to the senior, but the senior suddenly pulled Li Fan and asked him in a low voice.

"Well, yes, did you see Shen Chen?"

"Shen Chen? Who is it?"

Li Fan was puzzled and heard the name for the first time.

"Well, you don't even know Chen Chen?"

The senior looked at Li Fan like an alien, "The big star Shen Chen, the big singer who came out of the super girl! I always love her, and I heard she is coming to g city, the time is about the same as you, I thought you two could be on the same flight. You see no, there are a group of people who are all fans of her! "

Li Fan followed the senior's hand and looked aside. Good guys, at least thousands of good people, everyone's face is full of expectations, with a banner in his hand and a t-shirt with Shen Chen's name on his body, waiting for their idols to appear.

"Such a big star must come by a private jet."

Li Fan said, "How could it be the same plane as me?"

"That's what it said, okay, let's report it."

The senior also dispelled his cranky thoughts and continued to hold a sign to wait for others.

Li Fan dragged his luggage, took the red sign in his hand, and walked outside the airport according to the direction of the senior.

A bus parked there with the name of the big g school printed on it.

Several students got a parasol and sat next to the car. There is a folding table under the umbrella, covered with a white tablecloth, and the large g logo is also printed on the tablecloth.

At this moment, Li Fan felt quite glorious, proud of being a g student.

I will be a college student in the future! The child has finally grown up!

At the desk sat a girl in a white shirt with short shoulder-length hair.

She looks very pretty, and with a little artistic flavor. There were several boys around who turned around and fanned her with water.

Li Fanxin said that the treatment of this beauty is different.

"Classmate, which department are you from?"

After Li Fan walked over, the girl looked up, looked at Li Fan, and took out a form.

"Hello sister, I am a Chinese major in Chinese as a foreign language. My name is Li Fan."

Li Fan was very polite. When he was in university, he was polite to seniors and sisters, and there was no harm.

I heard that many universities still have the habit of going to bed. This is a way to teach schoolmates and young girls. They suddenly broke into their bedrooms at night to let these new students know the rules of the school.

G seems to have the same rules. Li Fan came to the university and did not want to cause trouble, so he kept his duty and caution.

"Chinese as a Foreign Language, be a professional with me."

The girl laughed, and her smile was very sweet. Li Fan was also a person who had seen "big winds and waves". At this time, she couldn't help but look at the girl a few more times.

"My name is Liu Xiaowan. If you have any questions in the future, you can come to me."

"Oh, Xiaowan, I'm also a foreigner Chinese. I'm a senior. I'll take care of him if I have anything to do in the future. Why bother you?"

"That is, you are the Minister of Propaganda. If there are many things, leave them to me."

A group of boys cares about Li Fan. Li Fanxin said, are the principals of this school so enthusiastic?

"Come here, schoolboy, I'll pack your bags!"

"I'll guide you!"

A group of seniors embraced Li Fan and escorted him to the bus.

Li Fan still has a little cyanosis. What is the situation?

After these seniors sent Li Fan to the car, they ignored him and ran back to Liu Xiaowan to be diligent.


Li Fan wanted to ask if there was anything to eat nearby. It seems that it is not very convenient.

Li Fan sat on the bus and waited for half an hour before his stomach yelled.

This will not work, I will starve to death.

Li Fan stepped out of the door and asked.

"Sister Xue, when will we start? If there is still a while, I want to eat something."

"It is estimated that it will take more than an hour to depart."

Liu Xiaowan looked at her mobile phone. "You haven't eaten yet. So, Chen Yi, please help me stare. I'll take my schoolboy to eat."

"I'll be fine."

"Yeah, yeah, I'll take it!"

A group of boys began to ask for help again, and could not help but push Li Fan away.

Liu Xiaowan seemed a little angry, and she scolded.

"You guys, that's enough! I'm a bit hungry, isn't it good to eat with my schoolboy?"

"Xing Xing Xing, you have **** and you have the final say!"

"Don't be angry, let's stare for you, let's go eat!"

These boys just counseled.

Liu Xiaowan snorted, then turned her head, looked at Li Fan, and smiled again.

"Student, let's go. A fast food restaurant nearby is not bad."

"Okay, that's a problem for Sister Xue."

"You're welcome."

Liu Xiaowan was very gentle. "When I first came to school, there was a senior who took care of me, and others were very good."

Senior ... Is it really because of the good people that take care of you?

Li Fan looked at the pure and beautiful school sister, and didn't know how to vomit.

"You guys just ignore them, they're just a bit overwhelmed."

As Liu Xiaowan walked, he talked about the boys, "I heard that some guards have been made ... somehow. But they are still good. We are all alumni, so we take care of each other and understand each other."

"Uh-huh, it must be."

"Here it is."

Liu Xiaowan pointed to the real family in front of her, "I don't know if you can get used to it."

"no problem."

Li Fan didn't know that his troubles had just begun.

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