My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 956: Don't give face

Chapter 956

A group of big men were sitting in the van, with everyone in their arms.

Li Fan looked at it. They were all May 4th black stars. I don't know which year it was produced. Every gun is shiny and shiny. It's definitely years.

People outside always like to talk about the Northeast chaos. The Northeast was really chaotic before. It has been a terrible twenty years. But the law and order in the Northeast is okay, mainly because the governance in the past few years has been too severe. The gangsters now appear as syndicates, both black and white.

In addition, red dragon clubs like Liu Yannan contribute a lot of gdp to the economy of city a every year, and they must also manage the following things and be responsible for maintaining the following discipline. Once something went wrong, the police checked in the open and they had to check in secret.

And the South is said to have a few waves of powerful underworld forces. The owner of this horse does n’t know what ’s going on, so that everyone can bring a five or four **** stars. Grab a popular star, you can see the energy of the other party.

"You, you guys have something to tell me, let me go."

While in the car, Shen Chen tried to blind these people.

Li Fan is very speechless. This little girl is really selfish. No, it shouldn't be said to be selfish, but to kill yourself with one mind!

"Miss Shen, don't fool us. Although the brothers have no culture, they still watch TV."

A rough man was shirtless, wiping the May 4th black star in his hand, and his eyes were full of affection, as if it was not May 4th, but his wife. This look reminded Li Fan of the mixed king of tofu. When he looked at his 38th style, he had the same look.

This guy may be the same kind of person as the devious king of the world, and Li Fan was subconsciously alert to him.

"We all know what kind of temper and character you have. I don't know, my wife is still your fan."

The big man grinned, "Your fans know your personality, the agent can't control you."

"Yes, yes, big brother, you are right."

Li Fan clapped her hands. "Take her away, I'm really fed up!"

Shen Chen looked at Li Fan angrily, and Li Fan did not care about her at all, and continued, "Brother, you see, I can't do anything, so let me go."

"Sorry, big brother, I'm sorry to have you take a trip with us today."

Dahan's eyes fell on Li Fan. "We are a serious company. Since you are a broker, then you will sign a contract with Ms. Shen, and you will not be there."

"Brother, what contract do you sign? Isn't it a matter of your words?"

Li Fan pointed to May 4th in the hand of Dahan, "If I am half a word, do you still kill or bury?"

"Brothers are on their way."

The Han smiled. "But it's useless to talk to me. You can talk to the boss when you see our boss."


Shen Chen was very dissatisfied. She had panic in her eyes, but she was always pressing her fear with anger.

"Miss Shen, no matter what, let's talk to Mr. Ma in the past. Don't worry, you won't be in danger, everything will be mine."

Li Fan's words reassured Shen Chen a little, but she didn't appreciate it. She turned her head and snorted.

Li Fan was quite helpless. This woman was too proud.

"Brother, can you tell me who is the one who solves our fifth child at the airport?"

The big man suddenly spoke again, he looked up, looked at Li Fan, and asked.

"I took a peek at the scene and the opponent shot cleanly, not an ordinary person."

"Is there anyone? Your brother's gun went out on his own."

Li Fan smiled, "Look at the two of us, except in the entertainment industry, everything is ordinary."

"I know it's not you, it must be a master, maybe a retired special force."

The big man pondered, "Who the **** ... is Miss Shen the bodyguard you asked for? If so, please let him see me, I'm very interested."

Dahan skillfully debugged his May 4th style, and licked his tongue at the same time. The hungry look in his eyes was self-evident and obviously not an ordinary thug.


Shen Chen didn't want to answer this question at all. Although the little girl was proud, she was not stupid.

She knew that she would lose her words.

Originally, it was a big lie. If you say too much, you may be seen by the other party!

The reason Li Fan was tricked into the car was because he was good and saved himself at noon.

The next thing can only depend on destiny.

Xiaowan is out, she should have woke up, and let the police know.

Everything should go according to their plan.

But Mr. Ma's power is really too strong, can he get away safely ... Can only depend on destiny!

Several vans quickly drove into the suburbs, and soon they drove to an abandoned warehouse in the suburbs.

The warehouse is quite large, and it seems to have been bought by people, leaving it deserted.

The two were pushed out of the car and then taken to the second floor of the warehouse.

A boss is already sitting on the boss chair, very well-dressed. He wore a gentleman hat, a vest and shirt, and a pipe in his mouth.

The horse owner looked short and thin, and seemed harmless to humans and animals.

But the big men next to him were not good stubbles, all fiercely exposed, anxious to tear Li Fan apart. A red-haired Tibetan mastiff is lying on the side of the boss of the horse, looks like a lion, looks very different, it is estimated that this one is millions.

"Guests come, sit down."

Boss Ma reached out and asked. The two big men pressed Li Fan and Shen Chen, respectively, and pressed them on the chair in front of Boss Ma.

The Tibetan Mastiff smelled the outsider's breath, immediately raised his head, and yelled at Li Fan.

And Li Fan glared at the Tibetan Mastiff, and the Tibetan Mastiff immediately struck a spirit, lying there, honest.

Boss Ma frowned and glanced at the Tibetan mastiff he raised. Outsiders came on weekdays, and they were terribly fierce. They could not wait to go up and bite them. What happened today, eating the wrong thing and breaking your stomach?

Boss Ma looked away from his dog and watched the morning trembling slightly.

"Da Shenji, sorry, I invited you here today to talk to you about our last sale."

Boss Ma knocked on his pipe. "I'm a businessman. What I hate most is people who don't talk about credit."

"I didn't agree with you about that!"

Chen Chen immediately said, "I won't shoot that kind of thing!"

"Mr. Shen, don't be too shameless."

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