My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 957: I am not a businessman

957 I am not a businessman

A thug nearby couldn't help cursing. Boss Ma frowned. He picked up his cane from the table, pulled out a thin sword from the cane, and stabbed in severely according to the thigh of the thug. .


The thug's leg was pierced, but he just stood there, frowning slightly, without saying a word.

"Did I let you speak?"

Boss Ma wiped his hands and asked the thugs, "Has it been so long with me, haven't you learned what is polite?"

"I was wrong, boss ..."

The beater bowed his head and apologized. The strong man, who was nearly two meters tall, bowed his head to a small man who was less than one meter and six meters tall. It looked funny, but he could also guess how terrible the horse owner was.

Some people are ruthless, not physically!

This horse boss is definitely a great character.

"Well, disobedient dog, I have learned it for you."

Boss Ma turned his head and smiled at Shen Chen again.

"Miss Shen, let's talk about the contract."

"I'm not short of money. I won't make tertiary films."

Chen Chen emphasized again, "You give up, boss Ma, I won't do any amount of money."

"Miss Shen, have you thought about it?"

Boss Ma was not angry, but he fiddled with a sapphire and slowly said, "I was recommended when you got up. The saying goes, you do n’t forget to dig wells, you do n’t know how to be grateful, it ’s not good Right? "

"If Boss Ma is going to make commercials or normal movies, I will definitely push all the schedules out and come to help. But tertiary films, absolutely not. Even if I die in the morning, I won't make it."

"Young man, don't talk about death at every turn."

Boss Ma looked at Shen Chen, "I'm helping you too, Shen Chen. How long do you think you can still get angry? Can your throat problem be solved? I am afraid that the most advanced medical solutions can't be cured."

When Chen Chen heard this, he stopped talking.

"A lot of actresses want to act in this role. I don't know how many calls will be answered in a day. Now that the opportunity is in front of you, you have to cherish it. How long can you keep your voice away?"

"There is no need to worry about Boss Ma."

Shen Chen put up with it, and then said, "Even if I can't sing, I can still make commercials and movies and continue to develop. It really doesn't work. I'm not a star, just continue to be a student."

"You are still young, how can you be so negative."

Boss Ma reminded Chen Chen, "The sponsor said that if you come to shoot this film, you will give me a billion yuan. Shen Dashou, do you know what a billion yuan is?"

Boss Ma said, spending a row of zeros on the paper.

"There are so many zeros, how many people don't even have to die for so many zeros! So, Miss Shen, you have to think about it. You are not right with me, you are right with this billion. A gentleman, but for this billion, I can really do anything. "

"Boss Ma, let's talk more."

Li Fan was silent for a long time, and now he finally spoke.

"What are you talking about? How much do you want, you can make an offer."

The upper limit of Mr. Ma's mind is 100 million, which is the price of business. But in his heart, he felt that Shen Chen was worth more than 10 million yuan. Had it not been for the other owner's favor, she would not have made so much money.

"Maybe Mr. Ma treats us Chen Chen as cargo."

Li Fan said, "What I want to tell Boss Ma is that Shen Chen is priceless. What she doesn't want to shoot, we won't sign anything."

Shen Chen gave Li Fan a surprise look.

"Think clearly."

Boss Ma tapped his fingers lightly, and the thugs behind Li Fan pulled out the pistol and directly reached Li Fan's head.

"I'm a businessman, but I don't like to talk business with the dead."

"Boss Ma, what I want to tell you is that I am not a businessman."

Li Fan said, his head was slightly tilted, then his hands were pushed up directly, grabbed the big man's hand, and then kicked over the stool. The stool hit the big man's leg and let him forward.

Li Fan just pushed back and easily seized the thug's pistol. At the same time, his left hand gripped the thug's neck behind him, and the pistol was aimed at the horse boss directly opposite.

This set is complicated to say, but when Li Fanshi was on display, it was just a momentary effort.

The other thugs around were all shocked, and were going to pull their guns subconsciously. Li Fan pointed at Mr. Ma and said with a smile.

"I raised my hands high. Whoever dared to touch the gun, I killed him."

In the distance, a thug didn't believe it, reaching out and sneaking up to his lower back.

Li Fan fired a shot directly, hitting the boss Ma's hand, **** were hit directly, flesh and blood was blurred!

"Ahhhh! Did he put down the gun! Raise your hand! Raise your hand!"

Boss Ma is no longer a gentleman, roaring again and again, the beaters around are a little unwilling, but he still raises his hands up.

"Well, that's fine, very good."

Li Fan nodded with satisfaction. "It's so good, everyone loves civilization and talks well."

Then, Li Fan glanced at Chen Chen.

"Shen Chen, come after me."

"You ... can't escape."

Boss Ma's face is a bit distorted. Looking at Li Fan, he said ruthlessly, "In the city of G, people who mess with me can't be better!"

"You reminded me, should I kill you more directly?"

Li Fan hooked his finger on the trigger and pressed it down a little, and Ma's face turned pale.

"You, you kill me, you can't live."

"This five or four **** star has eleven rounds in it. I shoot one by one, and this dog is just enough."

The calmness shown by Li Fan shocked everyone else.

This guy is definitely a professional. Not a professional bodyguard, or a professional killer.

"Boss Ma, I'm just a normal student, and I don't want to kill your mouth. But remember, I'm alone, just leave my head alone. If you annoy me, I will come to you and fight hard. For you, I think it's a good deal. "

Boss Ma's face twitched, and he secretly gave the old man a look.

The rough man nodded, and he stepped back a few steps, his eyes fell on the ak47 hanging next to him.

However, Li Fan noticed his movements instantly, and he immediately kicked himself on the thigh of the thug, and he stumbled to the ground. Li Fan followed his knees, kicked the thug, and seized his pistol.

Li Fan held two pistols, stepped on a chair, and shot at the thugs on both sides.

"Bang bang bang!"

The sound of gunfire kept ringing, and every shot of Li Fan hit a calf of a thug.

The bullet of this **** star is penetrating, and almost in a blink of an eye, it penetrated the four thugs' legs!

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