My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 958: I am so beautiful

958 I am so beautiful

The room is spacious but crowded.

Many thugs wanted to fight back, but before they could pull their guns, Li Fan's bullets had landed on their legs.

This Li Fan is like opening a plug-in, without a shot!

The rough man stood next to him, looking at Li Fan, who was full of beauty, and couldn't believe his eyes.

No matter how accurate a person is, it is impossible to reach such a level.

If the pistol wants to shoot accurately, there are several conditions to be met. First, the range does not exceed twenty meters. Two or three at the line, aiming at the target with a gun in both hands.

Like in a TV series movie, firing with a gun is completely nonsense. In reality, it can't be done at all!

But in front of this man, he did it ...

And two guns, bowed left and right, the gun hit the target.

There were also thugs firing around, but it was not easy to hit someone, and several shots were missed.

But the agent shot one at a time, kicking his brothers to the ground.

His legs were broken, and these people couldn't even shoot with a gun.

One of the thugs knelt half-kneelly on the ground, raised his hands, and aimed at Li Fan with some trembling, and fired.


The bullet hit the ceiling above the head, flying directly, shattering the glass next to it, and the boss Ma, who was so frightened, shrank directly behind the writing desk.

Li Fan continued firing and flew out the hitman's pistol.

The other side's tiger's mouth was shattered, and blood rushed out.

With almost no effort, Li Fan brought down all the thugs in the house.

The rough man had set up the ak47, half-knelt on the ground, driving the gun with his knee, and aimed at Li Fan at the muzzle.


The rough man said goodbye to Li Fan, then pulled the trigger.

Three rounds were shot. In the sight of the rough man, Li Fan should be shot immediately and shot here by himself.

But Li Fan's figure did not know when it disappeared. When he turned his head, he saw that this guy was standing on his right hand!

When did he come over?


Li Fan fired two shots. One shot hit the rough man's arm, and the other shot hit his calf, which directly abolished his ability to move.

"Dangerous guy, don't play casually."

Li Fan reached out and confiscated the ak47 of the rough man, and disassembled the firearm into parts a few times.

The rough man was stunned, this clean and beautiful disassembly technique, even he could not!

What is the origin of this man!

Li Fan didn't wait for him to understand that the **** smashed on the head of the rough man and knocked him out.

At the same time, Li Fan walked over and trembled the boss of the horse shaking from behind the desk.

"Boss Ma, do you want Shen Chen to make a film?"

"No, I dare not, I dare not ..."

Mr. Ma is really convinced, this kid is definitely a stubble! There is nothing to end him in. For Boss Ma, he is worth a lot. He has a child and a wife, and the one who doesn't want to provoke is Li Fan who is not afraid of death.

As the saying goes, barefoot ones are not afraid to wear shoes, this is still reasonable.

"I admit it, I really admit it. Shen Chen, the bodyguard you asked, Niubi, I'm convinced! From today on, I won't bother you anymore. Really, I'm Ma Wuren.

Boss Ma sent his soul out and swear!

"Let him go?"

Li Fan turned his head and asked Shen Chen.

"Let's go ..."

Although Chen Chen is willful and indulgent, he has not reached the level of contempt for life. She looked at the horse owner who was crying and weeping, and her heart softened.

"Look, you're lucky."

Li Fan patted Mr. Ma's shoulder. "Our Shen Chen forgives you."

"Yes, yeah, thank you Shen Shou ..."

Boss Ma is also relieved. As long as he can survive, this is better than anything.

His family had a great career, so he didn't want to die.

"Ok, it looks like our business is settled."

Li Fan clapped his hands, unloaded the two pistols into parts, and threw them to the ground.

Almost everyone in the house was injured, and no one dared to come and stop them.

Li Fan took Shen Chen out of the warehouse with a big swing.

"can you drive?"

Li Fan pointed at a van and asked the big stars around him.

"You asking me?"

Chen Chen was surprised, "Who is Miss Ben, and I've always been an assistant to drive me!"

"I'm not your assistant again."

Li Fan shrugged.

"Then call a car!"

"Crouch, do you think I am a taxi?"

Li Fan gave Shen Chen a vain glance. "Gentle school sister, what about taking good care of my college life? Is that how you take care of it? Tertiary film, boss Ma, shootout?"

"You ... I know you helped me a lot, but it's your pleasure!"

Chen Chen snorted, "You should be grateful to me!"

"Do I have to kneel down and lick you?"

Li Fan asked, "Well, licking your legs, don't **** girl, I'm afraid you have athlete's foot."

"Asshole! Go to death!"

Shen Chen was furious, this bastard, I felt like he was a little handsome just now, he was a rogue!

"I'll call the car and forget it!"

Shen Chen took out her cell phone and found that the cell phone didn't know when it was broken.

"Asshole, Apple's stuff is so resistant!"

Shen Chenqi was terrible. He lost his cell phone. Where can I find a car in this wilderness?

At this time, Li Fan had started the van, and then beckoned to Shen Chen.

"Get in the car, Shen Dafang."

"Will you drive?"

"A little bit."

"Then why didn't you say it earlier!"

"You didn't ask."


Shen Chen wanted to curse, but in the end she resisted and got on the van obediently.

Li Fan stepped on the accelerator, the car rushed out, and Shen Chen hadn't even had time to fasten her seat belt. The whole person was pressed **** the chair, which scared her into screaming.

"When do you take your driver's license?"

Shen Chen finally managed to stabilize his emotions and asked immediately.

"driver's license?"

Li Fan didn't look back, "I don't have time to test my driving license."

"Mmp! My day you! Li Fan!"

Shen Chen was about to cry.

And Li Fan laughed, "We Shen Dazhi finally shouted at my name!"

"Stop it 555, shall we go back?"

"Sit down, I speed up."

Li Fan banged on the accelerator, and the van began to accelerate sharply, heading all the way to the urban area.

Before five o'clock, Li Fan finally returned to school.

He parked the car in the corner and Xiaowan came over to pick them up in person.

"Oh ... you're fine ..."

Xiaowan hugged Shen Chen tightly. "Frightened me, I'm going to commit a heart attack!"

"We're fine. Miss Ben is so beautiful. God can't bear me to die."


Li Fan followed, and was particularly helpless to hear this.

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