961 Foursome

"Me, my God ..."

The little fat man almost fainted.

To be able to eat with the goddess, this is the only thing I will encounter in my dreams.

"Li Fan, starting today, you are my idol! No, it's my boss!"

"Don't make a noise, you are older than me at the first sight."

Zhao Shuai, a fat man with a beard on his chin, is estimated to be young.

"How is that possible? I'm only 18 this year!"

Zhao Shuai quickly said.


Li Fan listened, startled, only 18? It's too early to go to school in the south! Also, is Zhao handsome handsome a little worried?

"Li Fan, how old are you?"

Wang Yang came over to make fun and asked.

"I'm exactly 20 this year."

Li Fan went to school late, so he was slightly older.

"Haha, then you are one year younger than me, I'm 21."

Wang Yang laughed, "I guess no one will be older than me."

"Go, I'm the first, 18 cm killer!"

Zhao Shuai immediately said, Wang Yang gave him a white look.

"I say age, who said that thing, smelly hooligan!"

"We still have a brother in our bedroom."

Li Fan looked at the empty bed and couldn't help asking, "Hasn't he come yet?"

"It's almost coming."

As soon as several people had finished speaking, the bedroom door was pushed open, and a Sven boy with a large black frame came in.

He was followed by a woman who carried him a bag.

"Just put it here."

"Yes, master."

The woman puts things on the table, and then starts to organize things for the boy, laying a bed.

Li Fan was stunned, the boys were slightly shy, and they bowed to Li Fan.

"Hello ... my direction ... Shanghai."

"Oh, my name is Wang Yang, Shandong!"

Wang Yang shook hands with the teenager.

"Zhao handsome, Sichuan."

"Li Fan, northeast."

"East, northeast ..."

Direction looked at Li Fan a little timidly, and made Li Fan amused.

"It's indeed northeast, and I can still beat you."

"Me, I'm a little scared of Northeast people. The hotel at home was troubled by Northeast people ..."

The direction was a little embarrassing.

"There are bad people everywhere."

Li Fan took the shoulders in the direction and patted them vigorously. "Everyone will be a brother in the bedroom and take care of each other."


"Is this your maid?"

Wang Yang looked at the woman who was making the bed for directions, and couldn't help asking.

"No, it's not ... my nanny ..."

The direction hurriedly waved her hands, indicating that Wang Yang had misunderstood them. And looking at the direction, Li Fan couldn't help but think of Bai Linluo, who was also a little four-eyed. Without Long Qingyun, Bai Linluo should have gone to college.

"Master, everything is done."

The nanny arranged things for him. He placed two computer screens directly on the table, and a ps4 console, obviously a game otaku.

"Thank you Aunt Li, I'm fine, you go back."

"Well, call me if you have any questions. A few classmates, my young master will trouble you for your care."

After a few orders, the nanny left.

"It seems that the family is rich."

Zhao Shuai murmured, hurriedly blushing and shaking his head.

"No, no, it's a normal family ..."

This direction is rather stingy.

"Okay, now that everyone is all together, let's line up."

Wang Yang clapped his hands and said, "We just said that we were old, direction, how old are you this year?"

"I'm 17 ..."

I go, younger than Zhao handsome!

"Why are you so small ... Okay, then our bedroom will be separated."

Wang Yang patted his chest, "I'm 21, then I will be the elder brother. Li Fan, you are the second child."

Li Fan was speechless for a while, you are the second child, your whole family is the second child.

"The handsome is the third child, and the direction is the fourth child. The youngest is the direction, so everyone will take care of it in the future."

"Boss, you see, everyone is all together. Could you please have a meal?"

Zhao Shuai rubbed his hands and asked Wang Yang with a smile.

Wang Yang's face suddenly froze, and she coughed twice.

"Here, this ... I eat, of course, I have to eat. I am the boss again, and the first meal in this dormitory, naturally, I should invite ... But, but ... But, this is not good ... No ... oh, yes, the second child didn't say today, are you going to bring us and Xuejie for dinner? "

Wang Yang looked for a long time, and finally clapped her hands, her eyes lit up.

"I can't take this opportunity away, isn't it my second child?"

"Well, let me invite today ..."

Li Fan said by the way, "But can you call me Li Fan ... the second child is too bad ..."

"Second, what's for dinner?"

Wang Yang asked.

"do not know yet……"

Li Fan was black.

Zhao Shuai said with a smile, "Second Brother, don't worry. Except for Brother, we both have to call you Second Brother!"

Li Fan thought about it, indeed.

"Late, have dinner with girls in the evening ..."

The direction was tense, he pulled Li Fan's cuff and asked a little uneasily.

"Me, can't I go ..."

"How can this be, the first bedroom activity, why not go!"

Zhao Shuai was the first to quit. "You must go, you must go! By the way, brother, how many school sisters are there at night? Are there new school girls or something?"

"School girls don't know ... but there should be a school sister besides Liu Xiaowan."

Li Fan thought about it, Shen Chen should come. This girl will never let go of any chance to set herself up.

"Sister Xue is OK, I don't feel old."

Zhao Shuai said with pain.

"Get out of the way, people don't think you're old enough to see you look like jb hair!"

Wang Yang looked at Zhao Shuai with a scornful glance.

"Fuck, this is a symbol of maturity. Don't look down on me, brother!"

"Will you go at night?"

"Go, of course! So when do we go, brother? When you come back, the brother will take you to get a quilt."

Li Fan watched the time, it is now more than six in the evening, and Shen Chen should be busy.

"I'll call and ask."

Li Fan took out her mobile phone and called Liu Xiaowan.

"Then half past six, is there a small restaurant behind the school? I see."

Li Fan hung up the phone and made an ok gesture to Wang Yang and Zhao Shuai who looked forward to it.

"Really, are you really going?"

The direction still seems a little timid.

"It's just for dinner, not for you."

Zhao Shuai advised the direction, "Direction, you just follow us. University is full of girls, you have to get used to it. Third brother, I will have a lot of tricks, so let's say, none of my favorite girls escape Find out my palm! Wait for the third brother to slowly teach you what you have learned! "

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