My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 962: Make an appearance

Episode 962

Shen Chen was sitting in the small restaurant at the school gate, still wearing a peaked cap and mask, covering her face.

She holds a little rabbit doll in her hand, which is very cute. But Chen Chen imagined it like Li Fan, desperately dragging his head, pulling his ears, and occasionally fanning his mouth!

"Oh my god, such a cute bunny, why are you hitting it?"

Liu Xiaowan finally couldn't bear it anymore, reached out and snatched the rabbit doll.

"Huh, I think of it, I think of Li Fan's bastard, I can't help but start!"

Chen Chen exclaimed angrily.

Liu Xiaowan approached and looked at Shen Chen carefully.

"You, what are you looking at?"

Shen Chen was looked a little nervous, "Is there anything on my face?"

"You wear such a big mask, you can't see it even if you have something!"

Liu Xiaowan rolled her eyes. "It's weird you!"

"How strange?"

"You have been talking about Li Fan today. You have never seen you so much in love with a man before. Did you treat Li Fan ..."

"Go and go, nonsense! Evil spirits retreat, retreat!"

Chen Chen waved his hands in a hurry. "That stinky man, just like a cockroach, Miss Ben just wants to step on him. Don't talk nonsense!"

"I didn't say anything, you said it yourself. Look at you, what a panic it looks like."

"No, you are nervous!"

"Hee hee, let me be nervous."

Liu Xiaowan covered her mouth and laughed lightly. Shen Chen, who was smiling, was even more panicked, and could not help but hit Liu Xiaowan a few times.

The two sisters frolicked. Fortunately, there were few people in the small restaurant and they did not notice the two beautiful sisters.

The location of the small restaurant is a bit remote, it is a Japanese-style ramen cuisine, and it was not long before it was opened.

It was because there were few people who were quiet that Liu Xiaowan decided to choose here.

The ramen here tastes good, but the price is slightly expensive, and many students only come to eat once in a while.

There is traditional island music in the shop, and Shen Chen can't help humming.

"How's your throat?"

Liu Xiaowan still couldn't help asking.

"That's it."

Chen Chen shrugged his shoulders. "I looked away. Anyway, Miss Ben can also survive by relying on her face value!"

"Ah ... I asked my family to contact a hospital in the United States to see your case."

Liu Xiaowan is a medical family and has been helping her good friends to check this disease.

"It's no use. I've looked at American hospitals."

Shen Chen waved his hand. "It's all like that. I basically can't cure it."

"Well ... you still have so many fans."

Liu Xiaowan squeezed his eyes at Shen Chen, "except Li Fan."

"Huh! That bastard, I don't know what beauty is!"

Shen Chen thought of Li Fan and was furious.

"This guy must not find a girlfriend!"

"No, I think Li Fan is still very attractive to girls."

Liu Xiaowan said, "He is OK, usually very polite, and occasionally a little bad, this kind of boy is quite attractive."

"Where is he bad? He is so bad at home!"

Shen Chen froze, then stared at Liu Xiaowan, "You girl, I see. Did you see him?"

"Hee hee, I like him a bit, but I don't think it's fancy."

Liu Xiaowan laughed, "You don't know what's happening in my house. My university doesn't allow dating boyfriends. Even if I do, I have to separate them when I go abroad. It's too painful. Socialize. "

"Hey, how can we be sympathetic to each other."

Chen Chen also sighed, "We artists are not allowed to make boyfriends, so hard!"

"Go to you, how can there be a man you like!"

"This is also true, but I think you are good, let's talk about it!"

Chen Chen laughed. "It happens that I also have a house in the United States. We can live in two places!"

"Okay, I see."

Liu Xiaowan agreed, "That's how it's settled! Girl, please be happy with Ye Ye tonight!"

"Master, you're necrotic. Be gentle. It's the first time ..."

"Okay, Grandpa will make you happy and get you to heaven."

The two started to play again, and at this time, Li Fan just opened the curtain and walked in from the outside.

"Well, what are you talking about, so happy?"

"Li Fan, you are here."

Liu Xiaowan waved to Li Fan, "I've been waiting for you for a long time. Are these the schoolboys who are sleeping with you?"

"Really, really Liu Xiaowan ..."

Zhao Shuai saw Liu Xiaowan and passed out with excitement.

"Be sane, look at the fourth child."

Wang Yang pulled Zhao handsome, then pointed to the direction in which he stood silently.

"OK, OK ..."

Zhao Shuai took a deep breath and let himself calm down as much as possible.

"Sister Xiaowan, sorry, I'm late."

Li Fan led a few classmates to sit opposite Liu Xiaowan, "Introduce you, this tall and big is our elder brother, Wang Yang. This little fat man is our third child, Zhao handsome. This shy little brother is the direction , The old lady in our bedroom. "

"Oh? Then you are the second child?"

Shen Chen did not miss any chance to ridicule Li Fan, and immediately grasped the point.


Zhao Shuai had been looking at Liu Xiaowan, and suddenly heard Shen Chen's voice, turned his head at once, looked at Shen Chen carefully, and then asked with a trembling voice.

"This, this, this is ..."

"Shen Chen."

Li Fan introduced it, "also our sister."

"So, the singing morning?"

Zhao Shuai asked again, his eyes stared like a bull's eye.


Chen Chen pulled off her mask directly, exposing a delicate face.

"I am Shen Chen."


Zhao handsome fell straight to the ground.

"What's up with him?"

Liu Xiaowan was taken aback.

"Nothing, let him get drunk for a while, just fine."

Li Fan waved his hand, saying it was all right.

"Oh my god, it ’s Shen Chen, the big star ... I said you were in our school, it turned out to be true."

Wang Yang calmed a lot. He took out his notebook and carefully handed it to Shen Chen.

"Can you sign me?"


Shen Chen nodded, took the book with ease, signed it for Wang Yang, and handed it back to him.

"Thank you! Thank you!"

Wang Yang happily held his book. If it was won, "This thing is definitely worth a lot of money ..."


Li Fan also served, brother, this is a typical wealth fan!

It now seems that the direction is normal.

"Direct your classmates, drink water."

Liu Xiaowan poured a cup of barley tea for the direction, nodded in the direction, then took the tea cup nervously and poured it on his body.

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