964 Zhang Guo

Li Fan also looked out. The boy seemed to have an extraordinary family background. The clothes on his body were all brands and they were all Italian famous brands.

This guy is either rich or expensive, and certainly not a son of an ordinary family.

Seeing him, Chen Chen frowned and pulled up the mask directly. And Liu Xiaowan was even more uncomfortable. She lowered her head and didn't seem to want to show the other person how she looked.

"Ah, Xiaowan!"

But the boy still saw Liu Xiaowan at a glance, "Why don't you come out tonight to meet you? It turned out to be hiding here to eat! Look, we have more fate!"

He walked over with a smile, "Well, Shen Chen is here too. They all said that you were back to school, it really is. Exactly, will I invite you two to eat today? Or will I invite you to drink? "

"Ah, really Chen Chen!"

"Can you ask her for a signature?"

"It's just a show, there's nothing exciting."

The students around muttered.


Liu Xiaowan refused, "I don't like drinking."

Looking at a glass of plum wine beside Liu Xiaowan, she seemed to have no convincing words.

"Who are these people?"

The boys' eyes finally fell on Li Fan and asked, frowning immediately.

"Hello, my name is Zhao Shuai, this is a freshman this year!"

Zhao Shuai was quite enthusiastic. He hurried to stand up and introduced himself. "You should be my senior, please take care of me."

"Where is the fat man?"

"Let's take care of Zhang Shaoduo and laugh."

"Funny, right?"

The students ridiculed and said that Li Fan was unwilling, and frowned.

"Where's the silly fork."

This young man didn't look at Zhao handsome at all, and looked directly at Liu Xiaowan. "The two enjoy their faces, whatever they eat."

"How about not showing face?"

Chen Chen stared at Zhang Shao with dissatisfaction. "Zhang Guo, why are you so annoying, like a fly! You can go out quickly, can't you, the air is smelly here! Did I even wear a mask? "

Shen Chen started her mental attack again. Li Fan couldn't laugh or cry, this girl was too cruel.

"My God, why is Shen Chen like this?"

"Everyone says she's wayward, you know today."

"It's just rubbish! Whoever likes her is brain-damaged!"

A group of Zhang Shao's followers muttered again.

Zhang Guo stood there, he was not angry, but laughed.

"Shen Chen, you have such a terrific mouth, I don't know much about it. What are you two worth, how can you eat in this small broken shop, or let me invite you to eat somewhere else."

"Little broken place, aren't you here?"

Liu Xiaowan still likes this shop very much. When she heard Zhang Guo say this, she was unhappy.

"I just came here to take a look and didn't really plan to eat here."

Zhang Guo laughed, "What is my worth? Don't you know?"

"Then get out of here, don't disturb us to eat!"

Shen Chen cursed.

"I won't leave anymore. Since you guys eat, I'll taste it. What's so good about this little place."

Zhang Guo sat directly at the table next to him, with several students sitting next to him.

The waitress in a kimono came over and asked them what to eat.

"Why are all ramen?"

A girl cried with a sharp throat, "That's right, we want hot pot!"

"Sorry, ma'am."

The clerk explained, "The volcano hotpot is our specialty and only sells one per day. If you want to eat, you can come early tomorrow."

"Why, my mother is rich, and she is not allowed to eat?"

The girl patted the table, "Let your boss come and tell him we want to eat volcanic hot pot!"

"That is our boss, but he doesn't talk to outsiders when he is making hot pot."

"What kind of broken shop are you guys and what are you pretending to be!"

The girl yelled, "Believe it or not, my mother smashed this place!"

"Sorry, we can't meet your request. If you can't, you can change to another family."

The female clerk said sorry.

"Zhang Shao! You see, what a broken place here, they bully others!"

The girl immediately turned towards Zhang Guojiao.

"Let your boss come out and tell him that I am the young master of the Zhang family in G City."

Zhang Guo took out a black centurion card and put it on the table. "Today I invite a friend for dinner. I must satisfy the friend. Tell him that I will eat that hot pot for three times the price."


Abe waved and let the clerk go down. He added new ingredients for Li Fan and said without looking up.

"My volcanic hot pot sells only one per day. I don't sell more than one."

"What do you pretend!"

Another boy frowned, "I can see that you sold a copy in the morning!"

"This is not for sale."

Abe speaks blunt Chinese, "I gave them this one."

"Hey, you don't want to open a shop, do you?"

The girl immediately shouted, "Believe it or not, I'll smash this now?"

Just after she finished speaking, a strong man opened the curtain and went into the lobby.

He was wearing a white kimono with black straps, like a master karate.

The girl didn't notice him, she picked up a boy from the sports department next to her, picked up a chair, and threw it out to the table next to her.

Zhang Guo didn't stop, as if waiting to see a play.

And the karate master flew up and kicked him barefoot, but broke the chair.

"The chair I gave you just now is for me."

Abe said faintly, "I only welcome those who taste good food here, and do not welcome bad guys, so please leave."


The girl wanted to curse, but she saw the strong karate man and swallowed it back.

"This friend, hurry up and do business for two days."

Zhang Guo didn't quarrel and got up and left.

"After a few days, you can't open this store."

"Sorry, please leave."

Abe made the last order.

"Two beautiful women, don't you follow me?"

Zhang Guo also made his last effort, "I'll take you to eat real Japanese food."

"No need, goodbye!"

Shen Chen waved to Zhang Guo.

"let's go."

Zhang Guo was embarrassed today. He turned around, grunted coldly, and took a group of people away.

"A lot quieter!"

Chen Chen was very happy. "The annoying flies are finally gone!"

"Sorry ... I'll show you the joke."

Liu Xiaowan apologized to Li Fan. "This person has more money at home, so he used to be spoiled. He was not like this before, but now, hey ..."

She and Zhang Guo seemed to have known each other for a long time. She sighed and apologized to Abe.

"It also troubles you."

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