My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 965: Ugly rejection

965 ugly rejection

"It's ok."

Abe waved his hand. "In business, you will inevitably meet such people. Taishan Jun, you have worked hard for you today, so you can step back."

The karate man nodded and went back to his room.

"Zhang Guo is still a bit capable ... he may really make your store unopenable."

"You can rest assured that my shop is funded by a multinational Japanese company. Even the local government cannot seal my shop without the approval of the Ministry of Health. And if the Ministry of Health wants to do so, it must produce strong evidence. "

Abe Castle is also a member of the Abe family. He has the status of an island investor and is considered a privilege in China.

"I really want to make good food, no matter what kind of difficulties I encounter, I have to continue."

Abe continued, "At that time, I invite you to taste more and give more directions."

"Rest assured, I will come back often."

Li Fan patted Abe's shoulder. "I want to try the ramen you made."


Abe hurriedly presented a gift to Li Fan and was dragged by Li Fan.

"What are you doing so kindly, you'll be friends in the future."

"This man, it's crazy to have two bad money!"

Ignored by Zhang Guo just now, Zhao Shuai was obviously a little angry. At this point Zhang Guo left, and he immediately lost his temper.

"He just walks fast, otherwise I'll definitely teach him a meal!"

"You can pull it up. I didn't see you talking just now. Now it's great."

Wang Yang grumbled again.

"You're carrying a gun in the den!"

"Why not! I just didn't want to fight with him just now. I am handsome, but a gentleman!"

Zhao Shuai blushed for a while, then hurriedly shouted.

"Okay, don't bother with you, the hot pot will be cold for a while."

Li Fan didn't put Zhang Guo in Yan's eyes at all. When he was in city A, there were too many rich people and too many were killed by him.

"In short, that kind of person is still less troublesome."

When Wang Yang came out, the family specifically told him to less trouble and learn more at school.

"Well, forget this, he probably doesn't know who we are."

Li Fan patted his brother on the shoulder and comforted him, "Continue to eat hot pot, and we will leave after eating."

"Yes, don't worry, he doesn't know you."

Liu Xiaowan also comforted Wang Yang, she saw that Wang Yang was really a little scared.

In universities, few powerful students like Zhang Guo are willing to offend.

"Yeah, what are you afraid of him. He's a mallet!"

Shen Chen didn't put Zhang Guo in his eyes either. "Take your studies well."

Wang Yang was silent.

"Stop it, come, eat hot pot and eat hot pot! It is a pleasure to come out today, and it is my pleasure to meet everyone!"

Li Fan brought up a glass of sake, "It is also the fate between us! Drink and drink, everyone made this glass!"

"Well, drink."

Zhao Shuai also raised his glass, "I don't want it anymore!"

Several people raised the glass together, and Li Fan asked Abe to drink the glass with them.

Whether you are an islander or not, being able to know is a fate. Even Abe Haruko Li Fan can make friends, not to mention Abe City who really loves food and is willing to come to China to open a store.

"That ... Li Sang, there is a word, I don't know if I should ask ..."

As he walked away, Abe suddenly held Li Fan and asked in a low voice.


Li Fan looked at Abe and didn't know what he wanted to ask.

"That ... our family members ... is she okay?"

"Relax, well, I won't embarrass a woman."

Li Fan haha ​​smiled, this buddy was quite concerned about Haruko.

"Who is the current leader of the Abe family?"

"Abe's ... awful ..."

Abe's face suddenly sank. "He is back ... reunited with the Abe family. I am afraid that the dark days of the island nation are coming."

"He? Who is he?"

Listening to Abe's tone, it seems that this person looks a little scary.

"Abe Longya ... Abe's brother, everyone's brother."

Abe said, "He practiced dark yin and yang in his early years and was kicked out of the yin and yang family ... now he is back with great strength ..."

"So it is."

Li Fan nodded, "This person is expected to set off a **** storm in the island country first."

"Doesn't Li Sang want to fight him?"

"Think, but not now."

Li Fan slackened, "I want to enjoy my college life first, and then talk about other things."

"Congratulations Li Sang first."

Abe took out a beautiful carved food container. "It's all my own sushi. You can take it back to try."

"Okay, thank you so much."

Abe Castle makes something really delicious, especially the volcanic hot pot just now. After eating the last dish, Li Fan only knew what it was like to feel a volcanic eruption. At that time, all kinds of delicious taste exploded in the mouth, it was really delicious.

This guy is indeed a born cook and should not study yin and yang.

"Li Sang, don't thank me, I should thank you."

Abe said gratefully, "If it weren't for you, I'm still working on those yin and yang techniques that I don't like. It's you that made me take the first step in pursuing good food. In the future, you can come here to eat, Free forever. "

"Even if it's a permanent exemption, just give me 20% off."

Li Fan squeezed his eyes at Abe. "I'm not a fan of white food."

"Okay, as long as you are happy."

Abe didn't demand, "Welcome you often."

Li Fan went out with the food container, and Liu Xiaowan were all waiting outside.

"Well, what is this?"

Shen Chen saw Li Fan's food box at one glance and asked immediately.

"Sushi, the boss gave it."

"Do you two have a py deal! How can he treat you so well!"

"You know the fart, this is the appreciation among men!"

Li Fan rolled his eyes, and Zhao handsome was nervous. This is the superstar Shen Chen, what is Li Fan saying so fierce!

"Cut, it's py trading, admit it! Half of me!"

Shen Chen reached out to grab it.

"Fuck, you py with me too, I'll split you half!"

Li Fan quits.

"I also want to try the boss's sushi ... It is limited every day and it is difficult to buy."

Liu Xiaowan sighed.

"Then you take it, sister."

Li Fan gave the entire food container to Liu Xiaowan.


Shen Chen was unwilling at once, "How come Xiaowan said she wanted to eat, you gave it all! I don't want half of it!"

"You look ugly."

"Day grandma!"

"Go on."


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