My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 980: Liuhe Sword Formation

980 Liuhe Sword Formation

These six swordsmen are almost all concentric. Several of them gathered together to create a flying sword sword array! If Li Fan has not been promoted to the level of the ten dragons, dealing with this kind of sword formation may be really problematic.

"Crane hand!"

Li Fan stood there, hitting Feijian with both hands.

Obviously six swords, but could not break through the defense of Li Fan's hands.

"It is worthy of being a bully, and the ordinary Liuhe sword does not seem to be able to deal with you."

The headed swordsman praised, "Everyone has it, Yin and Yang."


The other five swordsmen took a step back, recalled the black sword, and poked the machine above.

A white sword was immediately divided from the black sword, and the two swords flew together, bowing to the left and right of Li Fan.

Liuhe Sword Formation has now doubled, and Li Fan is a little hard to resist.

He held his arm, and a war **** popped up behind him. The war **** transformed six arms, and kept patting the surrounding swords with the crane hand.

Liuhe sword array, yin and yang double swords, black and white are constantly alternating, specifically attacking Li Fan's weakness.

But Li Fan stood there, unmoved. He controlled the God of War, and Heshou was fighting back three times.

"Useless, you can't beat us."

The headed swordsman was very confident, "Go obediently."

With that said, six white swords suddenly fell from the sky and fell to Li Fan in a peculiar formation.


Li Fan's God of War shot six swords, but six black swords flew from the side, like a locked array, inserting Li Fan and God of War in the center.

These six swords were suspended here, releasing special sword qi, which made Li Fan unable to move.

And the six swords seemed to guide the vitality in Li Fan's body, letting him continue to pour out.

"What's the situation ..."

Li Fan felt that he was getting weaker and weaker. The six swords seemed to continuously bleed his anger around him, like a feeling of flooding.

"This is Feng Shen Jian."

The headed swordsman laughed, "Even if you are a big Luo Jinxian, you can't escape this Liuhe sword formation today!"

Li Fan did not expect that Liuhe Sword Formation still had such ability, and he was so suppressed. Li Fan's war **** couldn't keep it, so it disappeared.

The other six white swords fell from the sky again, and fell to Li Fan again in a special formation.

Li Fan has felt the power of it is not good.

"Xing Luo's magic!"

Li Fan's eyes glared, Qi Xia Jin couldn't use it for the time being, he could only use the kung fu in the Tongmai vein temporarily!

As soon as Li Fan opened up the magical power of Xingluo, the qi in his body exerted special effects uncontrollably.

The vitality of the entire campus began to focus on Li Fan's body, he yelled at the sky.


Six swords were blown out immediately.

But at this moment, a figure appeared behind Li Fan, holding a black sword in his hand.

"Just waiting for you!"

His black sword stabbed directly towards Li Fan's back. At this moment, Li Fan happened to have just switched the veins and sent out another lion roar. His body was still stiff.

Jiang Feng was very good. With this move, Li Fan couldn't stop it.


Li Fan dodged for a moment, but this sword still pierced Li Fan's body and poked out from him.

A red light flashed in Li Fan's eyes, and the Seven Demon King almost broke out.

But he suppressed it at a crucial moment.

The demons run wild, I am afraid that the whole g will be razed to their own ground.

In the state of star power, Li Fan was unable to perform his seven chivalry moves. However, he used some rough fighting methods.

"Get away!"

The sudden burst of vitality in Li Fan's body caused a small storm, which hit the surrounding area and knocked Jiang Feng out.

"Want to kill me, dream!"

Li Fan's eyes had turned red. He stretched out his right hand, and a green ball of stars appeared on his hand.

The surrounding objects were all moved, approaching his right hand.

The six swordsmen were also implicated, and their swords were somewhat out of control, flying towards Li Fan.

"Liuhe Sword Formation!"

Six swordsmen set out again, and six black swords poked at Li Fan from below.

A powerful force guided Li Fan's power and poured out again.

This Liuhe Sword Formation is weird, even if Li Fan has turned on Xingluo's magic, he can't completely resist the pouring of this power!

He soon felt weak again, and Jiang Feng lifted his sword and approached Li Fan.

"Goodbye, Bully."

Jiang Feng's sword was entangled with huge sword energy, and he was going to cut Li Fan's head.

But at this moment, a black sword-knife appeared in the sky and rushed directly to Liuhe Sword Formation.

The six swordsmen felt bad, and immediately pulled away.


Daojian cut a long ditch into the ground, and Jiang Feng stopped.

"There is a helper."

After the Liuhe Sword Array broke up, Li Fan's star power was launched again, and the strength of several of them began to **** into Li Fan's body.

"The time has passed and we withdraw."

Jiang Feng was very sensible. He immediately took six Heizhuang swordsmen, stepped on his feet, and quickly left here.

One hit, far miles away! Jiang Feng knew what he meant, and he retreated without hesitation, waiting for the next killing opportunity.

And Yu Xi stood on the top of the building in the distance, looked at Li Fan half-knelt on the ground, and sighed softly.

The adult has ordered that no further involvement in Li Fan's affairs be allowed.

"This time, this is the last time to help you. Li Fan, ask for more blessings, there will be a period later."

Yu Xi turned around and the black long coat was swinging in the night breeze. By night, she disappeared into the G campus.

"Second, are you back?"

Several other people were there when Li Fan returned to the bedroom.

Wang Yang was lying on the upper bunk, studying a weekly book. Zhao Shuai fiddled with his mobile phone and kept shaking.

The direction is still sitting in front of the computer, playing lol, fighting fiercely.

"Well, I'll take a bath."

Li Fan was all dust, he plunged into the bathroom next to him.

"How strange is Brother 2?"

"Arguing with my ex-girlfriend."

"Woman, it's really troublesome."

Several people were talking outside, and Li Fan was standing in the bathroom and being flushed with hot water, but his mood was very depressed.

The Liuhe Sword Formation defeated himself. Although it was also a slight enemy at the beginning, the existence of Liuhe Sword Formation was a little too abnormal.

It's terrible to be able to let go of your strength!

"That's because your power is incomplete."

Mr. Yang stood in front of Li Fan, looked at him, and said with a smile.

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