981 Fusion

"I'm so annoyed, don't come to noisy me."

Li Fan was so upset that he yelled at Mr. Yang.

"I'm your most loyal partner."

Mr. Yang expressed his grievance. "When you are the most downcast and weakest, I will always be by your side, won't I?"

The reason seems to be this, but Li Fan still feels a little uncomfortable.

"Li Fan, if you want to become stronger, you must accept my strength ... No, it should be said, accept your own strength."

"Don't talk nonsense, I won't use the power of the demon."

Li Fan sneered, "You don't want to confuse me."

"You still don't understand that the demon is part of yourself."

Mr. Yang reminded Li Fan, "Do you want to betray yourself? Refusing the demon is rejecting part of your strength. How can an incomplete you become the strongest?"

"Say ... it seems to make some sense ..."

Li Fan seemed to understand something. He immediately sat down with crossed legs in this bathroom, rounded his hands, and entered the world of his own imagination.

The world is still divided into two, divided from the middle. Half is light and half is dark.

Li Fan looked at the huge fighters standing in the two worlds. He looked at them with some special thoughts in his heart.

In kung fu, it's like the old naughty boy invented left-right intercompetition.

Let people draw a square with their left hand and a circle with their right hand. This matter sounds simple, but it is especially difficult to operate.

Li Fan once did it, and sent himself and the War God to a split attack, but it was also an impromptu play.

This is like giving a program command to yourself. Wanting to forcibly break through the blockade of your brain is not something that can be done in a few words.

"Come, who is afraid of who!"

Li Fan made up his mind, and then tried to make the two soldiers slowly leave their world and gather towards the middle.

But he can't do the most perfect state, either Dragon God will take one more step, or the Seven Demon Kings will take two steps.

If you can't reach the middle limit at the same time, your experiment will definitely fail.


Li Fan is a bit depressed. How can this be done?

But at this time, Mr. Yang stood beside him and looked at him.

"Did you forget me?"

Li Fan flashed, yes, since he still has a schizophrenic Mr. Yang, can he rely on him to achieve the perfect integration?

"Help me control the Seven Demon Kings."

"Pray for me."

"Don't pull it down."

"I admire you for being strong, well, anyway, it's all my own, and I help you."

Mr. Yang said, slamming his fingers, the seven demon kings moved again, and slowly raised one foot.

"Okay, I will come too!"

Li Fan was a little excited. He controlled the dragon **** general, kept the same behavior with the Seven Demon Kings, and walked towards the middle boundary.

Two huge figures slowly approached, and then at the middle point, the two reached out their hands together and collided in the air.


The palms of the two giants collided, and their strength began to merge together!

At this moment, Li Fan himself was trembling.

The veins in his body seemed to be cracked, and the power inside was released to the surroundings frantically.

The Tongshen veins are melting away, and they flow through all the meridians of Li Fan like liquid.

Li Fan's body exudes a dazzling golden light. If he was not in the bathroom, he would be shocked to other people in the bedroom.

The star power and the seven chivalrous spirits are merging together. The two forces in Li Fan's body are constantly blending, and the bodies of the seven demon kings and dragon gods are also joining together.

At this moment, Li Fan seemed to hear countless sorrows and roars.

Anger, jealousy, remorse, killing ... all kinds of negative emotions appeared in Li Fan's body at the same time.

Li Fan felt like he was surrounded by evil thoughts.

If you continue this way, you may really be unable to control yourself and become a demon.

However, the demon is part of himself, and he will not become complete without learning to accept his words.

Accept the demon, and let the demon accept yourself!

Everyone has a dark side in their bodies. Let the dark part surrender to yourself!

Li Fan's Qi Xia Jin suddenly began to exert force, but once Qi Xia Jin is too strong, Xing Luo's magic will become weak, and the Seven Demon King will be suppressed.

It doesn't work, it seems to maintain a consistent rhythm.

Li Fan took a deep breath and continued to adjust the rhythm of the fusion of the two forces.

The radiance of the sacred veins completely envelops all of Li Fan's meridians. This time it no longer exists as a special meridian alone, but actually strengthens Li Fan's original meridians and integrates with his body.

The magical power of Xingluo finally dispersed, and the seven chivalrous spirits **, became Li Fan's true power.

The seven chivalrous spirits in his body also broke through in one fell swoop, and the eighth star in the sky was finally lit!

Li Fan imagined that the world of the mind was completely formed, and began to appear day and night.

And at this moment, Li Fan finally entered the realm of a great master.

He took a deep breath, and the surrounding energy automatically entered his mouth. But if he doesn't want it, the energy won't come near.

His current seven chivalrous spirit should be called the perfect seven chivalrous spirit.

When Li Fan opened his eyes, he heard the door smashing wildly outside.

"Second Brother, are you asleep inside? I'm going to pull my pants up!"

Outside the door was Zhao Yinghuai's scream, Li Fan couldn't help but smile, and he had been washing in it for a long time.

"Come out and wait a minute."

Li Fan used real energy to dry the moisture on his body, put on a t-shirt and big pants and left the bathroom.

"I'll go, you can figure it out!"

Wang Yang waved his hands and said, "The third child is going to light the bedroom!"

Zhao Shuai had no time to explain, and plunged into the toilet.

Li Fan also pinched his nose. "No, I'm going to the balcony to catch my breath."

He came to the balcony and closed the balcony door backhand.


Li Fan breathed a sigh of relief. After entering the eighth layer of exercises, Li Fan felt that his six consciousness had improved a lot.

He could even hear the buzzing of a girl secretly using a vibrating stick in the bedroom opposite.

Not only that, he also felt that in some places, there seemed to be some mighty power lurking.

Is it a master of another generation of masters?

It seems that only by truly reaching this level can we feel the existence of other master-level masters.

Li Fan also felt a bit like another generation. He did not expect that when he was a freshman, he was already a master at the master level.

Is he still a little bit amazing?

Mr. Yang also seems to have completely disappeared. It should be said that he is integrated with himself.

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