Volume 985

Zhao Shuai was afraid of Li Fan now. What physical strength is this guy, even in that situation, he can easily do push-ups!

Is he abnormal?

"My second child ... how do you usually exercise ..."

Wang Yang is also tired enough, push-ups and standing posture, making him a big deal in Shandong.

Not to mention the direction, the technical otaku couldn't even care about the dirty, resting his head on the trash can next to him.

"Keep running every morning and evening, add more protein."

Li Fan casually humped.

"Is this useful?"

Zhao Shuai was a little skeptical, "I ran for a while, but every time I came back, I became hungry and ate more!"

"You, you have to eat something high in protein, low in fat."

The direction is worthy of the technical house, and immediately took the stubble, "If you finish running ... drink Coke and eat potato chips, you must run free ..."

"I wipe, how do you know ..."

Zhao Shuai pouted his lips. "Anyway ... I can't take any exercise."

"Don't talk about the second child, Wang Ying's little girl is also very strong!"

Wang Yang could not help but groaned. "That girl is too fierce. Look at the small body and do so many push-ups in one breath. There is nothing at all!"

"She's pretty strong ..."

Thinking of Zhao Shuai, he couldn't help shivering. If this woman marries home later, she will definitely be squeezed out ... terrible!

"You two, talk about what a little girl does."

Li Fan despised them, "Furthermore, they are indeed better than you! Look at the look of the instructor, do you not understand?"

"What can I do, I don't want to ..."

Zhao Shuai sighed, "I have been like this for several years, how can I change it! How can I spend the next fourteen days plus one afternoon! It might as well kill me! I really ca n’t It's up! "


Wang Ying came over at this time. She wiped the sweat on her forehead and looked at Zhao Shuai, who was lying on the ground. Never mind! "

This handsome Wang Ying's poisonous tongue, Zhao Zhaoying said nothing.

"These fifteen days happen to be your exercise. Yesterday, your roommates laughed at you like a turtle, did you forget?"

"Obviously you let me act well!"

"I chose you out of respect for your image."

Wang Ying immediately argued, "And some of them are really laughing at you, stupid!"


Zhao Shuai's mouth was not stupid, but he was speechless when he met Wang Ying.

"Well, don't ridicule him, he wasn't born to want to be so fat."

Li Fan advised, "Things like losing weight are meant to be taken slowly."

"Don't talk about him, and you!"

Wang Ying looked at Li Fan and was a little angry. "Who asked you to help me just now? Did I let you?"

"You didn't let it, I'm happy."

Li Fan smiled. "You're biting me if you're not convinced."

"You ... you bastard, don't you know what a gentleman is! I really don't understand how Chen Chen thinks of you!"

Everyone is a fan of Shen Chen, and Wang Ying seems a little angry when she mentions it.

"Don't mention her? That woman is a neurosis."

Li Fan suddenly felt a little frizzy, "Good to say what I am her boyfriend, is she crazy! Do you look at her like me, do you like me?"

As soon as Li Fan's words fell, the crowd around him burst into cheers.

Li Fan turned around and saw that Chen Chen was wearing a clean little cowboy and was walking towards him slowly.

He suddenly felt scalp numbness and said badly! But now it is during the military training, and training is about to start. He is not ready to get out! Shen Chen also took advantage of this opportunity to walk in front of Li Fan.

"My dear, I came to see you."

In the eyes of everyone, Shen Chen took out the energy drink from his bag and handed it to Li Fan.

"Here you are. I'm thirsty. Drink quickly."

Shen Chen laughed when she saw that Li Fan was not picking up.

"My dear, are you really naughty, are you tired and have no strength to pick it up. It doesn't matter, I will feed you."

Speaking, Shen Chen opened the bottle cap, then pulled out the straw, inserted it, and handed it to Li Fan's mouth.

At an angle that no one else can see, Shen Chen kicks his eyes at Li Fan sternly, meaning that if you dare not drink, the old lady will never finish with you!

Li Fan had no choice but to take the drink himself, tore off his straw, and drank it directly.

"Too, so enviable ..."

Zhao Shuai sat aside, crying all he saw.

"Why am I not the second brother ... oh oh, where am I worse than him!"

Wang Ying glanced at Zhao Shuai quite helplessly, and said how embarrassed you were to say that.

"Dear, I'm tired. Should I squeeze your shoulders?"

Shen Chen was gentle like water and asked in Li Fan's ear.

Many people are going crazy, superstar Shen Chen personally pinched the shoulders, my God, this is only the treatment of God!

They want it too!

"No need ... there is nothing wrong with my shoulder."

Li Fan is particularly helpless, this girl is a little too much.

"Go and do your favor, my military training is very pleasant."

What a pleasure!

Everyone mourned in their hearts.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, I don't have any lessons today, just stay with my dear."

"There is no place for you to rest here."

Li Fan motioned.

Chen Chen said, pointing to the flower bed next to it, "I just sit here."

As soon as Chen Chen's voice fell, several boys immediately ran over, scrambling to spread his seat cushion on the flower bed.

"Please, please sit down!"

"Sit me, he's dirty!"

"Fart, clean it! New!"

Several boys were about to fight, and Shen Chen smiled at them.

"Thank you, I'll just sit here."

The selected boy was fainted with excitement.

"Shen Chen, here, here you are!"

A little girl also ran over and raised her parasol for Shen Chen.

Shen Chen's charm is almost universal.

"Thank you."

Chen Chen nodded her thanks.

And a few students came forward bravely to give Shen Chen an umbrella and water, as well as food.

Shen Chen quickly laid a lot of snacks and water beside her. She sat there and looked at Li Fan with a smile. Another student contributed a small portable fan to blow Shen Chen by the side.

"Look, isn't it nice here?"

Seeing Shen Chen's airy look, Li Fan was quite helpless. This woman is dead.

"Aren't you afraid of reporters?"

Li Fan could not help asking.

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