My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 986: celebrity effect

986 star effect


Shen Chen tilted his head and looked at Li Fan, "You forgot, this is the university campus, not everyone can come in. The school leaders have investigated these days, and reporters are not allowed to enter the campus."

"School, you have the last word?"


Shen Chen squinted his eyes at Li Fan. "But Dean is my fan."


Li Fan has all kinds of unpleasant feelings, it is too much to be a star, and he still has this privilege! Irrelevant!

"It doesn't matter, you are my boyfriend, the privileges I can enjoy, you can also enjoy. You can even enjoy me, right?"

Chen Chen proudly said to Li Fan, Li Fan almost vomited blood.

She's not hooking herself up, she's just showing off!

"You won, then you sit here slowly, I'm going to military training."

Li Fan was defeated by Shen Chen. He was about to leave, suddenly turning his head, pointing at the corner in the distance.

"You are headlined."

Shen Chen looked over there and found a reporter lying on it constantly taking photos.

"Come on."

The corner of Shen Chen's mouth rose slightly, then he shouted in panic.

"Oh my **** ... why was someone sneaking a shot at me at school! Too much!"

As soon as Shen Chen shouted, several boys rushed towards the corner of the wall angrily, scaring the reporter to jump over the wall and escape.

Sun, this morning is really good at using his ability!

"Okay, too lazy to ignore you, military training."

The instructor had blown his whistle, and Li Fan turned his head away.

"My dear, come on!"

Shen Chen made a cheering gesture at Li Fan. The students around were envious of death, and they wanted Shen Chen to cheer!

"Everyone cheer!"

In addition to being self-willed to Li Fan, Shen Chen maintained the image of a pure jade girl in front of everyone. She seemed to have guessed the thoughts of these people, so she made an air kiss to the military training crowd in the Chinese Department.

"Oh my god, Shen Chen cheered me on!"

"She blows a kiss at me!"

"Nonsense, obviously blowing kisses at me!"

"it's me!"

Some people quarreled, and the instructor came to maintain order.

Li Fan had to dare to drive, this woman Shen Chen ... her star effect was terrible!

Think about it, if it wasn't for the protection given to her by the Dean, I'm afraid she would be too difficult to do in this university!

"That ... Li Fan, are you here?"

After the instructor let everyone stand, let Li Fan walk in front of him, then embraced Li Fan's shoulders, brought him in front of him, lowered his voice and asked.

"That ... for a while, can you let Shen Chen sign me?"

"Wipe, Instructor Bai, do you chase the stars?"

"That's not called star-chasing! I just appreciate art, do you know?"

Bai instructor Bai gave Li Fan a glance, "Besides, what age are we, and are we soldiers isolated from the world? Is there anything unexpected like Chen Chen! I bought her several CDs! Unfortunately, I did not bring them to the army Come on, hey ... "

"Okay, instructor ... I understand your mood, but this signature ..."

"Masters, happy!"

Instructor Bai tensed Li Fan, "This is the task given to you!"

"God tm mission ..."

"Is it okay? Do I have to be an instructor?"

"Okay, okay ..."

Li Fanxin said, might as well let him fight! Regarding Chen Chen's signature ... Li Fan glanced at Shen Chen, who was sitting there. The girl was holding her cell phone and posing for various selfies. I found that Li Fan was watching her, and beckoned at Li Fan happily!

This neurotic woman ... I really don't want to approach her ...

Li Fan sighed, why did he spread such a thing.

"It's almost the same, come back!"

The instructor seems to be in a better mood, and the next training will be easier.

"Second Brother, have you made any py deal with the instructor in private?"

Zhao Shuai couldn't help lowering his voice and asked Li Fan, "How can this make training a lot easier ..."

"Zhao handsome, get out!"

Bai instructor shouted, and Zhao Zhaohuan was shocked!

"Who made you talk! Twenty crouched! Start!"

Zhao Shuai was about to cry.

Li Fan is gloating, letting you yelling!

"Did you just say that the training intensity is low? After twenty crouches, give me three walks along the playground!"

Instructor Bai gave the order, "Call your slogan louder and louder so that I can hear you! Let's go if you can't hear me!"


Zhao Shuai really cried.

Li Fan was training, then Shen Chen seemed a bit bored, took out his mobile phone and watched a movie.

I saw the moving place and cried. The appearance of the pear flower with rain attracted the distress of many boys. They can't wait to hold Shen Chen in their arms and coax some. It's a pity that these are just for thought. After all, Shen Chen already has a master, and it is a grassroots!

Oops, just think about it!

Otherwise, female idols are not easy to find, if they find a high-rich handsome, it will make people feel that they are vanity and greed. If you find a peer, you will be besieged by fellow fans. If you find a grass root diao, it will make people think that all dogs are fucked!

Therefore, for the development of some female idols, the brokerage companies have regulations, and they are not allowed to fall in love when performing business.

South Korea has the strictest control in this regard. Many Korean artists can only secretly fall in love, and they are miserable when found.

Although the mainland is a little looser, it doesn't get much better. I'm afraid there aren't so many willful people like Shen Chen.

Li Fan couldn't do anything with Chen Chen. He simply didn't care about her.

And he didn't know that the city of a at this time was also a little bit boiling.

Extraordinary dart game.

"Shuiyue, what are you looking at?"

When Yang Shuiyue heard Xia Ye's voice ringing behind her, she scared her phone to the ground.

"What is it, scared like this?"

Xia Xuan picked up her cell phone and saw a news headline above.

"Shen Chenchun's heart is full of affection for college students."

Below is a big picture of Li Fan.

Xia Yan's eyes widened.

Chilong Club, Liu Group.


Liu Yingnan dropped a vase, and Yu Feng next to him could not say a word.

"Book me a ticket to G City, the fastest!"


Murong Villa.

"Murong Ai ran away?"

Murong Ying frowned when she heard the report from Jiading.

She glanced at the news on her phone and stared at Li Fan's photo for a long time.

"I'll go out for a few days. Don't tell my father."

Yi Jian laughed in the breeze, Daxueshan.


Luo Xuewu looked at an iPad screen held by his men and smiled.

"This kid is not honest, Ye Yulou, Guo Mingming, you two, come with me."

"Go to him?"

Ye Yulou asked quickly.

"Well, get her husband back."

Luo Xuewu said, already out of the hall.

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