My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 987: You don't like Li Fan

987 You don't like Li Fan

"Li Fan, do you have lunch at noon?"

Lin Yuexian was also wearing a blue military uniform, and went to Li Fan in the attention ceremony of a group of boys.

And Shen Chen was immediately alert, she stood up, holding Li Fan who had just disbanded.

"Sorry, he is my boyfriend. We are going to eat together at noon."

Lin Yuexian just glanced at Chen Chen lightly, then turned to look at Li Fan again.

"The ramen at the door is very delicious. May I invite you today?"

Zhao Shuai, who was planning to have dinner with Li Fan, whispered immediately when they saw this.

"Let's eat it ourselves ..."

"Yeah yeah……"

These people immediately slipped away.

"Hey! You, do you understand politeness!"

The second person who ignored him, although Shen Chen was angry, Li Fan was obviously the most important. Revenge Li Fan on his own, before he's done, how can he give him up to another little girl! Doesn't that mean that he is inferior to others!

Thinking of this, she stared at Li Fan again, "Did you take her to ramen?"

"There is another grilled cold noodle at the door, which is quite authentic. Go try it?"

Lin Yuexian stepped forward, holding Li Fan's other arm, and said softly.

"You're enough! He's my boyfriend!"

Shen Chen grabbed Li Fan and glared at Lin Yuexian.

"You guys are also fun, can you be cheeky when you are a star?"

Lin Yuexian's eloquence is the best Li Fan has ever seen. "You unilaterally declared that he was your boyfriend. Has he promised you?"

"He's my boyfriend! What Miss Ben said, that's what!"

"Why don't you say that there are two suns in the sky, and the US emperor is Huaxia territory?"

Lin Yuexian rolled her eyes, then followed Li Fan and looked at Shen Chen like a demonstration.

"Also, Li Fan and I have been in love for a long time. I know him, do you know him?"

"I ... I don't need to know him!"

Chen Chen immediately shouted, "I just need to be responsible for the beauty and flowers, so he loves me enough!"

"I think you are a neurosis living in your own world."

Lin Yuexian said politely, "Are you awake, do you think that all men in this world will like you?"

"You girl, that's too much!"

"I'm just telling the truth."

The two women, like the hens, started to go head-to-head.

Li Fan was so fed up that he shook his hands and shocked the two women away.

"The two of you are arguing slowly. I went to eat."

"Oh, Li Fan! Don't go! Did Miss Ben let you go, you come back!"

"Li Fan, I'm sorry. I'm a bit over-speaking. I apologize. Don't be angry."

The two girls stomped in place, one stepped forward, and once again held Li Fan.

"Damn, don't take advantage of it!"

Shen Chen thought about it for a long time, and then stomped her head fiercely, followed decisively and took Li Fan's other arm.

"My God, I think tomorrow's news headlines are coming out again."

Wang Ying was stunned looking away.

"Shen Chen is jealous of fighting with a mysterious beauty ... Oh my god, the headline has been contracted by Shen Chen recently ... I feel bad for my leather pants ..."

"This Li Fan ... what charm is it, let so many beauties jealous of him ..."

There are other girls in the class who don't quite understand.

And Li Fan was already half dragged and dragged into the cafeteria.

Two beauties left and right, sitting around him. He didn't even have the opportunity to cook, and he had several kinds of food in front of him.

"This spicy mix is ​​a feature of our cafeteria."

As a sophomore veteran, Chen Chen used his advantages to point to a large portion of spicy food in front of him and said, "It's terribly delicious. I deliberately asked for a large portion. Shall we eat together?"

"How many times do you come to school a year?"

Lin Yuexian sarcastically said, "If you can make two trips, even if you change sex! Do you know what is delicious in the cafeteria?"

She said, and pushed the back-boiled rice bowl she bought in front of Li Fan. "Li Fan, you used to love this. I specially found the best one."

"It's over and over. Will you fight with me?"

Chen Chen glared at Lin Yuexian.

"Nothing can happen."

Lin Yuexian smiled sweetly, "I never saw you as an opponent, because you are so annoying."

"Dare you say that Miss Ben is annoying?"

"To be honest. If fans knew your true face, they would have been a passerby."

Lin Yuexian sentenced with poisonous thorns, poked on Shen Chen's body, and angry Chen Chen wanted to explode.

"Okay, can the two of you stop the meeting, can you concentrate on eating?"

Everyone said that a woman is equal to five hundred ducks. Li Fan felt that this was not an exaggeration.

"Noisy, I have no appetite."

No matter how good he is, this will be a bit unbearable. What could be noisy between the two women, just to have a meal?

"Li Fan is right, no longer noisy."

Lin Yuexian nodded. "I'm a bit of a kid, I'm really sorry. I'll feed you."


Chen Chen hurriedly picked up chopsticks and picked up a piece of pepper, and then crammed it into Li Fan's mouth.

"Stop it! Eat your own!"

Li Fan smiled angrily, "You two are sitting here, I'll buy something I want to eat! When I come back, whoever dares to quarrel, don't blame me for turning!

Talking, Li Fan got up and left.

Shen Chen pursed her mouth and said that she wouldn't eat you if it wasn't for this lady's revenge! Humph!

Lin Yuexian didn't say anything, just mixed the rice on her plate.

"Is this pork belly not so good?"

"Hello, when did you meet Li Fan?"

"Hey, talk?"

"Hey, are you dumb?"

Lin Yuexian finally lowered her fork and turned to look at Shen Chen seriously.

"Sister Xue, you look pretty, but I think a beautiful woman who doesn't learn anything about etiquette is just a vase."

"Who doesn't understand etiquette? I've practiced it!"

"Then you don't know what to call the other person's name, shall I call him?"

"You ... what's your name?"

"Lin Yuexian, the moon in the forest, Chang'e flying fairy."

"You can beautify yourself ... my name is Chen Chen!"

"All Huaxia people know that your name is Shen Chen."

"So when did you meet Li Fan ... Lin Yuexian Xuemei."

"In high school."

Lin Yuexian seemed to think about the past and couldn't help laughing, "Li Fan at that time was still a silly dumb kid."

"He's not smart enough now."

"If you think he is bad, you can quit."

"I like his stupid look! No way!"


Lin Yuexian looked up and down Shen Chen a few times, and then smiled again. Shen Chen was laughed a little uncomfortably. She looked at Lin Yuexian and asked.

"You, what are you laughing at?"

"You don't like Li Fan."

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