My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 988: Small punishment and great commandment

Chapter 988: Small Punishment and Great Commandment

"You, what nonsense!"

Chen Chen was a little nervous and looked at Lin Yuexian.

"You don't like Li Fan."

Lin Yuexian repeated again, but Shen Chen narrowed her eyes.

"It's not a fight, don't fight, elementary school girl!"

"Sister Chen Chen, although I am in English, I will study an additional psychology in a year."

Lin Yuexian stared at Chen Chen's eyes. "You have shown a lot of psychology from the beginning to the present. Including your look at Li Fan, your small actions on Li Fan have proved one thing. You don't like Li Fan, You're just in a desire to possess, so you want to win Li Fan's favor, right? "

"It's nonsense, there is no theoretical basis!"

"Is it?"

Lin Yuexian said very confidently, "The American Master of Psychology Duncan once said that the safe distance between people is 1.2 meters. Except when you intentionally want to compete with me, you and Li Fan have always kept one meter The distance above. You appear intimate on the surface, but you can't fool your heart. "

Lin Yuexian pointed to Chen Chen's position. "Even the position you are sitting in is subconsciously or unintentionally. Did you see that you are sitting in the outermost row and close to the door? All this shows that Li Fan can't give you a sense of security. You don't really like him. If you like him, you will want him to invade your security field. "

"Just talking nonsense!"

Shen Chen seemed slightly panicked, but after all, she was also a person who had experienced many big scenes and slowly calmed down.

"I naturally like Li Fan, but I have the reserved attitude of a girl. What do you want to see, did Li Fan and I do a cannonball on the table in the cafeteria?"

Lin Yuexian was drinking milk tea and almost spurted out when he heard this.

"Where have you been reserved?"

"You'll know over time. Little girl, don't play with me some of these, my mother doesn't eat this set!"

Chen Chen took out her hot energy again, "What I want, I haven't got it yet! I'm a girl beloved by God, and you grab it from me, just can't live with God."

"Sister Xue, you are really arrogant."

Lin Yuexian couldn't help sighing, "Maybe you think this is your personal charm, but Li Fan is the one who doesn't eat this set."

"He, naturally, I will adjust-teach!"

Chen Chen was still full of confidence. He was about to say a few more words, and suddenly saw a big boy came over.

He was dyed with bad red hair, muscles all over, and at first glance he seemed to exercise all year round.

"King Kong?"

Seeing this man, Shen Chen was not surprised, but frowned, "Why don't you follow your master and run to me?"

King Kong is his nickname. This buddy is from the sports department. He has been with Zhang Guo all the year round. From the perspective of Chen Chen, he is almost a dog.

This reminded her of the red-haired Tibetan mastiff beside Boss Ma.

"Master asked me to ask you, is Li Fan really dating you?"

King Kong was sulking, talking like Zhong Ming.

"Of course it is, aren't you nonsense!"

Chen Chen was rather upset. "Who is this Miss? Hot and popular idols! I will make fun of my future?"


King Kong continued, "Master asked you to tell him, and stay away from Liu Xiaowan in the future, otherwise he would discount his legs."

"Your master is so funny."

Chen Chen smiled, "What fart made him put it in my face, what does it mean to send a dog over to call?"

"Shen Chen ... don't go too far ..."

King Kong seemed to be angry.

"I'm overkill, it's ridiculous!"

Chen Chen sarcastically said, "You pee and look in the mirror, come and talk to Miss Ben!"

"You owe me!"

King Kong is a sportsman. He has a strong temper and usually has a temper, which is difficult to suppress. Although his family is not a rich man, he is also a well-off family. King Kong's father is a small director in Zhang Guo's family. His father also intentionally let his son play with his younger master, so that when his younger master inherits the family business, his son's share will be indispensable.

King Kong is a bad temper, and even Zhang Guoping rarely provokes him. At this time, Shen Chen's words prevented him from coming to the stage. He directly raised his palm and wanted to give Shen Chen a look.

Others may worship Shen Chen, but in the eyes of King Kong, Shen Chen is just a drama.

Little star he has done much! What about the big cards?

But at this moment, he was suddenly frowned by the hot milk tea!


Jin Gang screamed hot, Lin Yuexian was holding the milk tea in his hand, and at the same time dragged it over Chen Chen, protecting her behind her.

Shen Chen was surprised. Isn't this woman afraid of this woman?

"Are you looking for death!"

King Kong took a step back and slapped his palms towards Lin Yuexian. But at the moment, Li Fan was holding a plate of fried noodles in his right hand, and grabbed his left hand on King Kong's wrist, then took a sip and pressed it again.


King Kong, a magnificent man, was pressed by Li Fan on the table.

His face was clasped in the dish of back-boiled rice, King Kong felt humiliated, but he struggled twice, but his body seemed to be locked, and he couldn't break it!

"let me go!"

King Kong roared.

"A man actually shot at two weak women. Don't ask for this arm first."

Li Fan said, without hesitation, pressing **** King Kong's arm.

With a click, King Kong's right arm was directly dislocated by Li Fan.

He wailed, then glared at Li Fan, his eyes flashing with anger.

"Don't you agree?"

Li Fan laughed, "Want to bite me?"

"Li Fan, you provoked Master, your death is here."

"Oh? Really? Zhang Guoneng can kill me?"

Li Fan's face was as usual, "Tell you Master Brain Impaired, what makes him rush to me and pick less soft persimmons."

Then, Li Fan pushed a hand and pushed the King down to the ground.

"Classmates, this man bullied Shen Chen and turned him to the guard!"

Li Fan shouted.

"Fuck, that's okay!"

"I knew he was not a good thing!"

"Honestly, go!"

A group of boys volunteered, pressing King Kong and twisting him to the guard.

"Your big star's name is really easy to use."

Li Fan turned his head and smiled at Chen Chen.

"Li Fan, it was scary just now."

Lin Yuexian first plunged into Li Fan's arms, leaning against his arms, shivering.

"It's okay, it's okay, I'm here."

Li Fan gently touched her head and comforted.

Shen Chen was all stupid. Seeing Lin Yuexian secretly turned her head and squeezed her eyes at her, Shen Chen wanted to explode!

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