My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 989: Way to chase boys

989 chase boys

Shen Chen returned to the dormitory. Her dormitory was specially approved by the school. The international student dormitory is like a small villa with only two rooms. One lived in Shen Chen, and the other room lived in Liu Xiaowan.

After Shen Chen returned, she fell down on the sofa and seemed to be sulking.

"What happened to you?"

Liu Xiaowan is sitting cross-legged in front of the mirror, playing melodious music and practicing yoga. Seeing Shen Chen rushing in, Liu Xiaowan couldn't help asking.

"Look at you humming and arguing with the agency again?"

"certainly not!"

Shen Chen picked up a cute doll and beat it desperately again.

"Oh, quarrel with Li Fan again?"

"Not arguing with him ..."

"Oh, my Miss Shen, what's the matter with you? A life is sullen, but it will grow old quickly. Otherwise you can practice yoga with me, you can relax your body and mind, and let you liberate your soul . "

Liu Xiaowan stretched her body while talking.

Her body lines are perfect, bumpy and sexy. Even Shen Chen was a little envious of her figure.

"No, I prefer fitness."

Yoga and fitness basically go in two directions. Shen Chen prefers the thrill of burning fat.

"Oh, you're off topic! I didn't quarrel with Li Fan today, although he was so annoying ... I met a woman, a terrible opponent ..."

"Oh? Is that the little girl from the English department yesterday?"

Liu Xiaowan separated her legs and sat on the yoga board, her entire upper body almost touching the ground.

"You little figure, if I were a man, I would ** you!"

Shen Chen was stunned by Liu Xiaowan's irritating movements, she couldn't help saying.

"Say what I do, don't you talk about that little girl in English?"

Liu Xiaowan maintained this movement, then her hips were slightly shaken up and down, "I am serious yoga, your evil fire should be released and released. I see Li Fan is good, looks thin, but actually very strong. I touched After that, they are all muscles and should be able to withstand your toss. "

"Screw you!"

Shen Chen glanced at Liu Xiaowan, "You are just as abominable as that English girl!"

"Why did she mess with you?"

"I feel like I can't compete with her ..."

Shen Chen buried her face in the sofa, very frustrated, "I hate it ... I really hate it ..."

"Oh, we Shen Shen, we can't even compete for a little girl."

"What are you talking about? How about a little girl!"

Shen Chen was immediately unwilling, looked up, and looked at Liu Xiaowan angrily, "And, and Li Fan, he doesn't eat me!"

"What kind of set, as if you are very good at chasing boys."

Liu Xiaowan was happy.

"You will?"


Liu Xiaowan smiled, "Although I haven't eaten pork, I've always seen pigs run. I have a friend who looks pretty ordinary, but she changes boyfriends every week and is handsome. Until now, Many boys, I also admire her for her death. "

"so smart?"

Shen Chen was not quite convinced.

"When did I lie to you, really? You don't learn to pull down."

Liu Xiaowan picked up the remote control and amplified the volume of the music.

Shen Chen hurried to the speaker and turned off the sound, then looked at Liu Xiaowan seriously.

"Okay, I agree. You let her come."

"Do you really want to learn?"

Liu Xiaowan's turn was surprised, "I thought you were joking!"

"Not at all!"

Chen Chen is very persistent, "This guy Li Fan ... he even ignored Miss Ben's charm and was so disgusting to me! I must chase him down, then let him go and let him know what punishment is!"

"But I think Li Fan is fine."

Liu Xiaowan couldn't help but said, "He's a very good character, but I think it's you who has been pestering him."

"Hey, who are your roommates and girlfriends?"

Chen Chen was furious. "Why keep talking to others!"

"I think I'm telling the truth ..."

Liu Xiaowan laughed, "Okay, no matter what, you can be so serious with a boy, it is also a good thing. I always thought that you would be like me, and you wouldn't meet a guy who made you tempted."

"I stress again that I didn't bother him!"

Chen Chen immediately stated, "I just want to avenge him!"

"Are you sure?"

Liu Xiaowan looked into Shen Chen's eyes, "Don't like him at all?"

"No, I don't like it!"

Chen Chen hesitated for a moment. She felt that if she said something she didn't like directly ... it seemed to have hit the psychology of the little girl again.

Oops, it's really annoying. How can that little girl understand the human mind? Does her so-called psychology really look so accurate ...

Shen Chen was in a dilemma, but after thinking about it, she still said that she didn't like these three words.

"Since you don't like it, I think I can try it."

Liu Xiaowan's words made Shen Chen nervous.

"What are you doing? Are you chasing Li Fan? Are you crazy?"

"Anyway, I'm going to study abroad in two years. I suddenly wanted to understand. Instead of sorrow, I should take the opportunity to fight for it."

Liu Xiaowan seemed very serious. "It's okay after two years of vigor. I think Li Fan is pretty good and a good partner."

"Don't you, how can I chase him!"

"Don't delay, you're going to dump anyway."

Liu Xiaowan didn't know if she was joking or serious. She squeezed her eyes at Liu Xiaowan. "When you abandon him, he will be very uncomfortable. At that time, I will take advantage of the imagination instead of taking him easily."

After speaking, Liu Xiaowan also licked her tongue.

"Okay, you little girl dare to tease me!"

Shen Chen was smirked by anger, rushed up, and pressed Liu Xiaowan onto the yoga board, "You ridiculous little fairy, see the old lady will not kill you!"

"Hee hee, don't make a noise, I'll call my friend and ask her to teach you."

Liu Xiaowan was struggling. She practiced yoga. Shen Chen looked thin, but she had a lot of muscles. She had a beautiful waistline on her lower abdomen, which made Liu Xiaowan very envious.

"Hum, see if you dare to tease me in the future, you will be dead!"

Shen Chen was content and climbed down from Liu Xiaowan's body. "Little Liu, hurry up and call, Miss Ben can't wait to learn new knowledge!"

"Is it a new pose?"

"You tickle again!"

"Okay, okay, I won't tease you, I'll call."

Liu Xiaowan took a deep look at Shen Chen, then took out her cell phone and called her friend.

Early the next morning, Li Fan was woken up by Shen Chen's phone.

"Why so early ..."

Li Fan was confused and looked at the time. There was still an hour before military training.

"Come down."

Chen Chen was gentle on the phone, "I brought you breakfast."

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