Chapter 994

"Li Fan, aren't you arrogant?"

King Kong pointed at Li Fan in front of him with a baseball bat and sneered proudly, "It's your turn to kneel and apologize today!"

"Well, can you say something first?"

Li Fan said to King Kong while rolling up his sleeves.

"Why, do you want to beg for mercy? That's not enough, Master said. We can't go back without interrupting your leg today!"

"Shen Chen is right."

Li Fan smiled. "You are indeed a group of dogs."

"court death!"

King Kong is furious, but Li Fan is not panic. "Don't worry, I haven't finished that sentence yet."

Li Fan rolled up his sleeves and stretched his waist. "I took a heavy shot and broke you. I'm not responsible."

Speaking, Li Fanchong shouted beside him.

"Direction, help me record the video, it turns out that they did it first."

"it is good."

Although the direction was timid, but at this time, the guts were a bit bigger, took out his cell phone, and started recording.

"Grass horse, turn off the video!"

A sportsman carrying a baseball bat rushed in the direction.

Instructor Bai suddenly stretched his feet and tripped the buddy to the ground.

"Moving my students, I can't look at it."

"Leave him alone, something happened to Zhang Shao!"

King Kong shouted, and everyone's eyes fell on Li Fan again.

"Kill him!"

A group of students rushed towards Li Fan like a wolf.

Li Fan didn't use his own energy. He moved his fists and looked at those who flew in front of him without any panic.

He sank down, then separated his hands and reached out.

Ape strike.

A sports student has rushed in front of Li Fan, and the baseball bat in his hand hit Li Fan's head.

Li Fan's body was gently on one side, and then his palm was lifted, and his palm was patted on the sportsman's chin, which directly knocked him out!

Another sportsman waved a baseball bat and slammed into Li Fan's waist. Li Fan is short, avoiding his baseball bat, while supporting the ground with both hands, a monkey walking on the tree with his legs up and his legs up.

This dude was flung upside down and slammed into the students behind him, crushing them.

More students have already rushed to Li Fan, but Li Fan is not panic-stricken, every time he suddenly punches a punch, or a palm, directly knocks the surrounding sports students to the ground.

In the end, he went directly into the state of bear attack, snarled, grabbed a strong boy, held his legs, treated him as a weapon, and waved it, and the surrounding students were crying.

How long is a baseball bat and how long is a person?

As the so-called one inch long and one inch strong, Li Fan regards a person as a weapon. Where can they fight!

This guy is so strange!

King Kong shivered, and by the time he woke up, more than twenty sports students he had brought were all lying on the ground.

It's ... impossible ... but all the sportsmen he brings are not ordinary kids!

The other party is just one person, one person! But more than twenty students were all brought down!

"Don't get off?"

Li Fan looked at King Kong, "I have mercy on my men."

"This, this is not over ..."

King Kong snapped.

"Let's let your master come to me by myself."

Li Fan's eyes carried a touch of ridicule, "What's the use of just calling a dog over, and trying to trouble me, let him come in person."

"Don't be too arrogant! Someone can cure you!"

King Kong dropped a harsh word and ran away with his group of students in a daze.

The students looked at Li Fan in shock, and they singled out more than 20 sports students ... This Li Fan was a bit powerful!

"Okay, kid!"

Instructor Bai slaps him on the back of Li Fan, "I didn't see it, I practiced it!"

"I learned a little bit of self-defense when I was young. I didn't expect to use it."

Li Fan casually made up nonsense, "It is probably because they are too weak."

How can a group of sports students be weak! Instructor Bai knew that Li Fan was hiding something and didn't want to say it, so he didn't ask deeply.

"Okay, the fight is over, go back to the team and continue military training! I will react to the school when I look back. Your school is too messy."

It's a little weird to organize a group of people to fight casually. Is this still a place to teach and educate people?

"Thank you instructor."

Li Fan didn't say much. In this case, Bai instructor certainly couldn't control it.

That Zhang Guo, with his hands and eyes on the sky, didn't know what other moths would come out.

As Li Fan expected, as early as the afternoon, someone came to the playground to find Li Fan.

"Who is Li Fan?"

A boy with a student union badge asked with a whisper.

Everyone looked at Li Fan, and Li Fan came out.

"I am, is there anything?"

"Come with me."

The student union boy looked at Li Fan, "Your guide is looking for you."

"Got it."

Li Fan turned his head and asked for leave from instructor Bai.

"Instructor Bai, then I will leave for a while."

"Okay, you go."

Instructor Bai gave Li Fan a reassuring look. "Find me anything, and I'll help you testify."

"Thank you, instructor Bai."

"We are also willing to help you testify."

As the squad leader, Wang Ying took the lead and said, "The sophomores are too much, and they are bullying at the door!"

"Yes, testify to you!"

Several of Wang Yang shouted, "You can rest assured!"

"The wind is cold, the water is cold, the strong man ..."

Zhao Shuai just sang a word and was slapped by Wang Ying.

"What are you singing?"

"Ah, am I not thinking ... for the second brother ...?"

"That shouldn't be sung! Mourn it!"

"What do you sing then?"

"Let's sing good Chinese songs together!"

Wang Ying organized, "Come, one, two, three, sing with me!"

"The river flows to the east, and the stars in the sky join the battle!"

A group of students sang along, and the voice was neat, Li Fan cold sweat all came down.

Why did you sing it ... making yourself like going to the battlefield ...

"This ... what the **** ..."

The students of the Student Union were also surprised, and didn't understand the situation for a long time.

"Nothing, let's go."

"Then hurry ..."

The student probably did not expect that Li Fan, a freshman, was so popular among the students.

To tell the truth, this student is also unhappy at Li Fan. Who makes Li Fan the gossip boyfriend of Shen Chen?

But where is he sacred, he always feels a bit uncommon ... But in terms of appearance, he is very ordinary, and he can't see any legendary royal style!


Found that the other party was insane, Li Fan could not help but remind him.

"Ah ... all right, let's go!"

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