993 Combat Army Strikes

"This one……"

Li Fan was a little embarrassed, and Xuejie's memory was too good. I remembered such things well.

"Eat, I didn't have any appetite."

Liu Xiaowan glanced into the distance, her eyes seemed a little deep.

"What's wrong, sister? Any thoughts?"

"No, just think about the past."

Liu Xiaowan retracted her gaze and looked at Li Fan again. "Li Fan, I ask you something. You must answer me honestly. You are not allowed to slip your head."

"Okay, I promise."

Li Fan nodded. "Sister Xue, please."

"Do you like Shen Chen?"

This question asked by Liu Xiaowan really made Li Fan a bit difficult to answer!

"I don't like it, I just think it's okay to be a friend."

Li Fan still spoke a little euphemism.

"Do you hate her?"

"It's not annoying, it just feels like the two of us can't get along."

Li Fan told the truth, "I met her on the plane. At the time ..."

"Not very friendly, right?"

Liu Xiaowan said, "I heard her mention that you and her are in first class, and she offended you enough."

"Haha, I can't talk about it ..."

Li Fan waved his hand. "Although what she said was quite ugly, I knew a few days ago that she had a strong autism, so that's why."

Autism ...

Liu Xiaowan rolled her eyes, and this girl was able to make up such a reason! It's really enough!

Although this girl can't talk about communication, her autism is not enough.

"Whatever you think of her ... I just want to tell you that she is serious this time."

Liu Xiaowan expressed her thoughts, "In the face of such a serious lady, I think you should also treat her with a serious attitude. If you like her, accept it. If you don't like her, completely cut off from her Relationship, don't give her meaningless hope. "

"This ... I don't even think I said it."

Li Fan shrugged. "I don't know where I attracted Shen Xue."

"Well, let's not talk about that."

Liu Xiaowan asked again, "Recently, the new community is starting. Do you want to go to a community?"


"Yeah, I think your parkour seems to be awesome, but it's a shame that the school doesn't have a parkour club."

"I have no idea."

Community life is indeed part of the university, but Li Fan has no good ideas for the time being.

"If you really don't want to go, you can set up one yourself."

Liu Xiaowan narrowed her eyes at Li Fan. "The school supports students to create their own associations, but requires more than five people within a month."

Liu Xiaowan is very familiar with these, "If you can have more than 30 people, the school can also grant you a classroom."

"It sounds good, let me check it out."

Li Fan did hear it, and it seemed pretty good to set up a community by himself. There was a sense of business.

In city a, he runs a dart board. Then at g, you can try to run a club to practice your skills first, and then create a martial arts hall.

A loud bugle sounded suddenly on the playground.

"When the military training begins, I won't disturb you."

"Ah yes, I have something ..."

Li Fan suddenly remembered something, "Isn't Shen Chen's throat broken, why did she release a new album?"


Liu Xiaowan laughed, "In fact, it is a collection of some classic old songs, and then re-released an album. This is just a workaround, and I don't know what to do in the future."

"Well, I hope she gets better soon."

Li Fan waved goodbye to Liu Xiaowan, "Then, sister, I'll go first."


Seeing Li Fan running away, Liu Xiaowan sat on the stand and sighed softly.

"Boys ..."

Li Fan started military training again. Today was extremely quiet because Shen Chen didn't come.

Today Bai instructor took them to practice walking. For Bai instructor, among these students, he likes and admires Li Fan the most. This boy is completely fine no matter how he drills. Even the instructor Bai could not see the depth of the boy.

Even after all the instructors ran for two laps, Li Fan still stood there casually. The military stand stood to the extreme standard, and he could not see any fatigue.

Instructor Bai couldn't help but wanted to bring the boy into the army, and let the squad leader exercise him! See if he can persist like that!

The level of training in this school is far worse than that of their troops.

"Well, take a break."

Seeing the other students turned upside down, instructor Bai shook his head.

Really, there is too little training!

Instructor Bai muttered something in his heart. Now the country has decided to recruit more cultural troops, and it is necessary to start recruiting from universities. But in terms of the physique of these students, can they really afford to join the army?

Instructor Bai could not help but have deep doubts.

While these students were resting, Li Fan saw at a glance that a group of students came over aggressively.

It's not others, it's the King Kong.

"The visitor is bad."

Li Fan frowned, but with so many people on the playground, they should not dare to do anything.

But Li Fan didn't think so after that, because King Kong held a metal baseball bat in his right hand.

He raised his baseball bat and pointed at Li Fan across.

"That's the kid! Kill him!"

King Kong is bringing a whole group of sports students, all of them holding baseball bats, rushing towards Li Fan like a tiger!

"Whatever you do, stop me!"

Bai instructor shouted, but no one listened to him, a group of people had rushed to Li Fan.

The girls screamed and avoided, and Wang Yang was frightened, and their faces were pale. I didn't know what to do for a while.

"Back up and give it to me here."

Li Fan's brow has never been loosened. These people are too brave.

There is a large crowd, and students and instructors are everywhere here, so they dare to openly fight! It seems that, like the direction said, these people are indeed fearless.

"Li Fan, don't be impulsive!"

Instructor Bai was also inconvenient to start, but he blew his whistle, ready to let the instructors come to stop this excited student!

"Instructor Bai, this is a problem between our students."

Li Fan took two steps forward, "Let's leave it to our students."

"You're stupid. So many people here still carry weapons. Are you a **** of war?"

Instructor Bai wanted to stop Li Fan, but Li Fan had already gone out and stood in front of the students of the Institute of Physical Education.

p.s Something is happening today. I am afraid that the timing will not work well, so I will distribute it once and hope to see it by the official officer.

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