My Wife Is the Martial Alliance Head

Chapter 992: You failed to learn

992 You failed to learn

Li Fan's 40kg load is on his body. If it works really well, it will not be a problem for him at all.

But Li Fan did not use his true energy, but relying on his own body, he was running with loads. He didn't run too fast at first, afraid that Shen Chen could not keep up. But Shen Chen also seemed very relaxed, following Li Fan as a priority, **** while running and keeping his whole body in motion.

Li Fan glanced back and found that Chen Chen, who had a leisurely look, couldn't help but praise it. This girl is pretty good.

He continued to run and started to increase his speed slightly.

By the way, he clasped the earphones on his ears and exercised while listening to music. The effect was the best.

People are born to pursue a sense of rhythm, which is true.

He was comfortable, but it was the morning Chen that followed. At first she followed very easily, but suddenly found out that Li Fan was running faster and faster, as if she didn't know how tired she was! After running two laps after Li Fan, Chen Chen began to pant.

Damn this guy, is he going to take off! Why run so fast!

Chen Chen is getting harder and harder, and she feels more and more heavy. When she ran for two hours by herself, she never used such a fast speed!

"You, you slow down ..."

Shen Chen finally could not help but shouted, but Li Fan wore headphones and did not hear her shout at all.

At this time, Li Fan was surrounded by music.

He was like a running machine. The motor on his body was turned on, and every machine part was running, driving his rhythm and running on the playground.

When Chen Chen barely kept up with Li Fan, she also discovered something that shocked her.

After running so far, Li Fan didn't even sweat a bit on his forehead!

Oh my god, is he a monster!

Shen Chen was already sweating and she was puzzled.

A normal person, with metabolism, will surely sweat after such a fierce run! Why does Li Fan not have a drop of sweat? He is a robot?

Shen Chen was very unconvinced. She adjusted her breathing to maximize the working power of the heart and lungs, and continued to chase Li Fan.

But Li Fan ran for a while, and had reached the state of utterly ecstasy.

He also forgot to follow Chen Chen, who ran forward for a while, then suddenly rushed out of the runway, then jumped forward, and jumped up step by step along the front auditorium.

Li Fan did not use light work, but just bounced with the strength of his muscles. Soon, he jumped onto the auditorium, ran another two steps, stepped on the air conditioner in the front building, and jumped to the platform on the second floor. He leapt forward, flipped his head in the air, landed on a basketball rack across the street, stepped on the basketball rack, and jumped to the windowsill on the second floor of the cafeteria behind.

Li Fan grabbed the railing above the window sill, turned over and leapt to the rooftop on the third floor of the cafeteria.

In Shen Chen's stunned eyes, Li Fan ran along the roof of the third floor, ran to the edge, then turned around, fell to the roof of the stadium opposite, and continued to run.

"Asshole, is this parkour?"

Chen Chenqi's teeth are itchy, what makes himself do? Although she also wanted to play parkour for a while, she felt too dangerous and gave up.

Unexpectedly, Li Fan played so smoothly and freely!

Chen Chen was a little envious and a little jealous. She only came to understand at this time, Li Fan said that he could not keep up.

Li Fan is not running around the playground at all, but running around the row of low-rise buildings around the playground. Except for this, you can't do anything else.

"It must have been shown to me on purpose! This nasty ghost!"

Chen Chenqi's lame!

At this time, Liu Xiaowan just happened to have passed the breakfast and saw Shen Chen standing on the runway, unable to help.

"Why are you here, haven't you run with Li Fan?"

"He ran away by himself!"

Chen Chen exclaimed, "I can't catch up with him!"

"No, don't you keep fit and don't catch up with him?"

Liu Xiaowan was a little strange.

Shen Chen stretched out his hand and pointed it upstairs.

Liu Xiaowan glanced, surprised, and then laughed.

"I said, you really can't catch up with this. Classmate Li is really awesome, he will still be parkour!"

"Well, what's so great, I'm bolder, I can do it!"

If Shen Chen were to know that Li Fan was still carrying a weight of 40 kilograms, I'm afraid she would not say so.

And Li Fan just finished a lap, slipped on the handrails next to the stairs, and when he was two meters away from the ground, he rolled over and landed on the ground.

He saw the depressing morning standing on the runway, and the smiling Liu Xiaowan, suddenly realized.


Li Fan took off his headphones and said, "Sorry, Sister Shen ... I forgot you ..."


Shen Chen didn't know what to say, she was a dignified superstar Shen Chen! There was a man here who had forgotten her!

What a hell!

Shen Chenqi's half-death cannot be manifested, and he still laughs at Li Fanqiang.

"I'm bad ... I'm sorry I didn't follow you."

Liu Xiaowan especially wanted to laugh, it seems that in Li Fan's body, his good girlfriend is really eating again and again! Whoops, why is it so gloating, that's not good.

"Not counting this time, let's compare again."

"No way ... win is win, I'll sign you."

Shen Chen was a little bit depressed. "I'll go back to get my new album and sign the name for you. I won't accompany you for breakfast, goodbye ..."

She left dejectedly, and Liu Xiaowan picked up the breakfast in her hand and motioned to Li Fan.

"Student, do you want to eat together?"

"Well, enough for two?"

"Well, I bought a little for a senior, but he was out of school and it was enough for both of us."

Liu Xiaowan said casually, "Sit in the auditorium and eat, it feels pretty good."


Li Fan nodded and sat next to the audience with Liu Xiaowan. Breakfast is simple buns and milk. Southerners have a small appetite, and there are not many buns. There are four in total. Li Fan was also embarrassed to eat more and only took two.

"Eat another one."

Liu Xiaowan took one herself and gave the third to Li Fan.

"You northerners have a bigger appetite. Two of them are afraid they are not enough."

"No, I have a small appetite!"

Li Fan hurriedly said.

"Hee hee, the first day we met, what did you say, did you forget?"

Liu Xiaowan's memory is very good. "You want to cheat your sister, you're bad.

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