My world double door

Chapter 133 The Barbarians Retreat and the Lion Competition

"Why didn't you put on a show this time?"

On the bed, Li Yang looked at Karin, who could only speak Pinyin, and asked with raised eyebrows.

"It was the barbarians who really killed my husband. You killed the barbarians and avenged me."

Karin didn't say anything, but Li Yang pressed harder, and she hurriedly spoke. Her beautiful eyes flashed, which made Li Yang very emotional.

What's more, aristocratic women are beautiful.

Karin, a young woman, is more beautiful and elegant than all the female slaves of Li Yang in this world. Her skin is even as delicate as the women who Li Yang does skin care for every day in the real world. If this is a girl of extraordinary nobles …

Are all high-quality resources filtered out by them first?

A thought flashed through his mind, and Li Yang straightened his back, with a smile on his face: "In that case, you must be my personal maid obediently and repay me well."

"Well, well, well..."




That afternoon and until night, no more barbarian soldiers attacked.

The civilians in the city were urgently mobilized to repair the city wall that had been damaged by the high-level extraordinary beings. It was not until daylight that the city walls were finally repaired.

The next day, Master Vin Ste and Master Megawati Riley recovered completely from their injuries. Together with Mr. Li Yang, who had undergone a super transformation, they were stationed at the city defense. The people in the city were at ease, and repairs to the city wall were accelerated. It took a day and the repair was finally completed.

"In a short period of time, Mr. Li Yang has grown from nothing to where he is now. It's really admirable."

There was no fighting that day. During dinner, Vin St and Megawati Riley had a banquet with Li Yang. They felt the surging spiritual power of Li Yang and the breathtaking momentum of his actions, and they raised their glasses in sincere praise. .

"It's just that the body and soul have just reached a high level, and they are far worse than the two mages."

Li Yang raised his glass modestly and clinked a glass with the two of them.

"You two, there is something that I am a little unclear about."

After clinking glasses, Li Yang put down his glass, looked at the two senior mages he knew, and said with some confusion: "If you want to practice the knight inheritance to a high level, you must practice the power of knights. This conflicts with magic power. , and it is difficult to obtain a powerful physical body through normal magic cultivation. Isn’t there a method in this world that is suitable for mages to cultivate a powerful physical body?”

"It's not easy to step into the extraordinary world. It's a blessing to be able to choose one path to practice. How can we have all three?"

Hearing Li Yang's words, Vin St put down his glass and shook his head and said: "The power of knights, the power of warriors, the magic power of mage, the agility power of rangers, and the witchcraft power of wizards. If you want to practice to a high level, To each degree, one must cultivate corresponding extraordinary powers, and the extraordinary powers must conflict with each other."

"Different extraordinary powers have different emphases. For example, knights, warriors, and rangers focus on the body's attack power, defense power, and flexible and explosive power. Mage focuses on magic cultivation, magic power, and improvement of oneself and then uses magic to fight against the enemy. Wizard The focus is on the power of witchcraft. They have chosen a witchcraft with growth potential from the beginning, relying on witchcraft as their own support. Although they only have this one method to fight the enemy, this move is very powerful. .”

"But similarly, strength in one area means weakness in other areas."

"As far as I know, in the entire continent, except for the rumored Thunder Mage who can physically crush knights, warriors, and rangers, magic power that crushes mages, and magic that overwhelms wizards, there is no other extraordinary person who can do this. .”

As a fighting mage, Vin St. obviously has a very unique understanding of this aspect, and then he couldn't help but shook his head: "However, the talent of the Thunder Mage is given by God. People with the talent of the Thunder Mage are naturally not afraid. Thunder, who can control thunder and lightning to a certain extent without cultivation, are the descendants of Thunder. Only they can survive the raging thunder of heaven and practice with the help of the violent thunder. No one else can Other ways."

"The necromancers are actually working on ways to make up for the shortcomings of people from different systems. Unfortunately, the results are not ideal. There are very few masters who are still doing research on necromancy."

Megawati, who has lived for a hundred years, shook her head, and then looked at Li Yang's serious suggestion: "No matter which path you take to reach the peak of cultivation, you can become a top powerhouse that is respected by others and has a long life. There is no need to distract him." Gu."

Thunder Mage?

Is that so.

However, the magic power of thunder does have a strong tempering effect on the body, but the effect on the soul was not noticed.

Because the gap between the current soul power and thunder magic power is too big?

Li Yang blinked, took the initiative to raise his glass, and said in deep agreement: "You are right, you can't be too ambitious. Thank you two mages for clarifying your doubts. Let us drink from this cup and get through this disaster together."

Vin St and Megawati Riley also said this with the attitude of admonishing others. At this time, they raised their glasses and didn’t think much about it. They smiled and clinked a glass with Li Yang.

Li Yang did not intend to reveal that he had thunder magic power until the magic power of thunder had grown up.

Advanced soul power, advanced physical power, two sets of powerful armors... these things are enough to maintain his intimidation.




Since Li Yang took over the battle on the fourth day, Black Rock City has been calm for several consecutive days.

Until the day before the kingdom's power was about to attack, seven high-level extraordinary beings led an army with the intention of attacking the city. Li Yang directly controlled the [Zongheng Mecha] formation to kill five people, including Vin St and Megawati Lai. Li each killed one person.

More than 50,000 barbarian soldiers died outside the city that day. Li Yang led the zombies under his command to absorb souls together, and their physical fitness underwent the sixth transformation on the spot. The three intermediate mutant zombies also advanced to the fifth transformation. One hundred basic Mutated zombies break through to their third transformation.

Immediately after his soul absorbed the genetic power accumulation of two full sets of first-level potions, his soul power also received a stable commission, and his physical strength was comparable to the sixth after taking the fourth set of first-level potions in succession. The pinnacle of transformation.

The day after the large-scale siege, the kingdom's army surged out of the city. Twenty terrifying earth knights appeared in succession. Three super magicians who formed the legendary trio. The army of the Lion Kingdom shuttles across the earth.

Unfortunately, Li Yang did not see these powerful men except for a magnificent army of the Lion Kingdom.

Under their dispatch, the barbarian soldiers and horses quickly retreated to the barbarian west land faster than they came in.

The disaster in the outside world is over, and the people who fled Tuoming City once again returned to their land. However, compared with before the war, all the houses were empty. In order to give the people enough time to recuperate, the Lion Kingdom decided to waive the taxation belonging to the kingdom. Used to supply the people.

City lords and extraordinary nobles from various places also followed suit, giving up part of their profits in exchange for the rest and recuperation of the people everywhere.

In Black Rock City, the Ste family, the Riley family, and the Li family have all expressed their willingness to provide resources of one hundred silver coins per month to protect the people. In addition, with the decline of all industries, they can only earn one million dollars a year in tears. Ten thousand silver coins.

However, the monthly funds of three hundred silver coins from the three families are enough to provide everyone in the city and the nearby territories with a full meal every two days. Coupled with the welfare of the kingdom, the people's lives will be better visible to the naked eye after they return. better.

After all, fewer people means more land, and you can farm whatever you want. In the past, a family had ten acres of land, but now it is no problem to have one hundred acres of land. Survival is not that difficult. In addition, houses are cheap, and everyone is willing to have children. After twenty years, it will be lush again.

Under good policies, people from all over the country returned one after another, and the prices of houses and fields were finally no longer so low.

Master Li Yang had a large number of fields, shops, and houses in the city. He had more than 5,000 servants at home, and more than 2,000 people who could fight. After a great battle, Master Li Yang, who seized the opportunity, completely became a powerful force here. .

Not long after, a familiar city lord was transferred back to Blackstone City. Li Yang, Vin St, and Megawati Riley were all invited to the city lord's mansion to attend the inauguration wedding banquet to express their congratulations to the returning city lord Redel. .

City Lord Redel very humbly expressed his humility to the three high-level transcendent beings, and the guests and guests enjoyed the dinner.

"There is one thing I don't understand. Why are the barbarians considered to be in a racial crisis when they have so many troops?"

At the dinner, Li Yang asked Vin St, Megawati Riley and Lord Reddell with some doubts.

You know, he killed three to four hundred thousand barbarians alone, and I'm afraid there were even more who didn't arrive. This was just the army. This was a racial crisis. He didn't understand it.

"Because they do not have double-digit super transcendent level experts, they may be destroyed at any time, and everyone is a soldier. The barbarian army you see is already 100% adult males of their race, and the remaining ones are only cubs and Only women and old people stay in the territory.”

This question was answered by Raeder. He shrugged his shoulders and explained: "This is an extremely dangerous signal for a group. You know, our Lion Kingdom alone has three-digit super extraordinary people, and more than ten extremely extraordinary people." By."

"Well, is that so? It's really dangerous."

Li Yang shrugged his shoulders, and then couldn't help but say: "What on earth is the barbarian god that makes the kingdom so afraid?"

"That is an immortal life that can kill magic masters. Only the rumored Thunder Mage in the world, who has cultivated to the pinnacle of magic, can compete with it..."

Vin St spoke softly, with a flash of admiration in his words: "The reason why it was sealed was because of the last legendary thunder mage in the world who reached the pinnacle of magic, 'Gu Lei, Son of Thunder'. It's a pity that this creature When it appeared, Gu Lei was already in his later years, his fighting strength was exhausted, and he was unable to kill him in one fell swoop, so he still exists today."

"Can't we use powerful magic arrays and magic weapons to summon a large number of top extraordinary beings to surround and kill it together?"

Li Yang raised his eyebrows and felt the thunder magic in his body, but he still didn't understand.

"It's useless. Except for the magic of thunder, no matter how powerful the other powers in this world are, they can't cause it to be fatally injured. I mean, it can't even be seriously injured..."

Megawati shook her head: "But the barbarians reproduce very quickly. Although they look like humans, they are actually different. A barbarian woman can give birth to five babies a year, and each baby can give birth to at least three. In addition, they only need to grow There is a chance of awakening extraordinary power in the prime of life, and gaining strength through belief in the barbarian gods does not require many resources, so we can only control the number of barbarians through constant wars."

"As long as these barbarians are taken outside the realm of the barbarian gods and the barbarian tribe, they will lose this characteristic and become no different from humans. Rather than being a race, they are more like subsidiary lives of the barbarian gods..."

Li Yang frowned, but quickly raised his glass again and stopped talking about these things at the wedding banquet.


When they came out of the City Lord's Mansion, everyone left with a smile and feeling relaxed.

Before the danger came, Redel, the descendant of the Crow family, ran the fastest. Now that he is back, it means that there is really no chaos.

"Mr. Li Yang, please stay. I have something to discuss with you."

Vin St and Megawati Riley jumped away one after another, but Redel behind them stopped Li Yang who was about to go back.

"Oh? Lord Redel, what's the matter?"

Li Yang raised his eyebrows and asked with a smile on his face.

"May I ask if Mr. Li Yang is under thirty this year?"

Redel smiled kindly, and after Li Yang stopped, he asked him with a smile.

"Oh, that's not true."

Li Yang shrugged when he heard this. He is only twenty-three years old this year and is still early to turn thirty.

"Mr. Li Yang is indeed a talented man."

Hearing Li Yang's words, Redel's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly spoke: "Next summer, there will be a [Lion Tournament] in the Lion Kingdom, at which the most outstanding thirty-year-olds from the three kingdoms will be selected. The winner of the former young extraordinarys will represent the Lion Kingdom in the [Human Nations Competition]. This is a rare opportunity for the young extraordinarys of the kingdom to become famous."

What about the hegemony meeting? I play with women at home every day. I feel uncomfortable cultivating honestly. Moreover, he is still thinking about continuing to break through the cultivation level. How to obtain soul skills. How can he have so much leisure and elegance to participate in some competition with you.

"Thank you for your attention, Mr. Reidel, but I am obsessed with practicing and have no intention of participating in this kind of competition. Please forgive me, Mr. Reidel."

Li Yang smiled and declined politely. Redel was stunned for a moment, and then said: "During the [Lion Contest], as long as they pass the first round of eliminations, the training resources of all players will be borne by the kingdom."

"Once you enter the top 100, you can get any high-level transcendent inheritance and have the qualifications to enter the defensive cliff and enjoy the full protection of the kingdom."

"If you reach the top thirty, you will get a super magic and can move into the royal capital to live permanently."

"The top five in the competition will each have the resources to break through to the same level as a super magician, and can obtain the status of a noble in the royal capital."

"The top three in the competition will each receive personal guidance from the kingdom's magic master and a high-level protective magic weapon."

"The first place in the kingdom can even get a super protective magic weapon and be granted the title of great noble."

"If you get a good ranking in the competition among the kingdoms, you can even choose from the kingdom's treasure trove, you can marry the kingdom's princess, and you can even get gold given by the kingdom!"

Reidel spoke one sentence at a time, and then said tentatively: "I think Mr. Li Yang has now broken through to the high-level transcendental level. Mr. Li Yang may not be aware that if a high-level transcendental person wants to break through and become a super transcendental person, he must There is one core condition that must be possessed: super extraordinary skills.”

"If a senior magician breaks through to become a super magician, he must practice a super magic and use the power of super magic to complete his transformation. The same is true for other paths."

"Or you can understand the laws of heaven and earth by yourself and use the power of the laws to become a super mage. But compared to understanding the laws yourself, it will undoubtedly be easier to practice a super magic created by the predecessors."

"You must also know that it is not difficult to obtain cultivation techniques in this world, but it is difficult to obtain excellent extraordinary skills, especially the super magic that can enable a senior magician to break through to a super magician. Monopolies held by major families will never be easily passed on to others.”

Reidel looked at Li Yang and couldn't help but said pointedly: "For many practitioners in the kingdom, the kingdom competition is the only opportunity to obtain extraordinary inheritance, and appearing as a warrior in the competition can wear Damn it, your armor is so powerful, I think you will definitely get a good ranking."

If an orthodox magician wants to break through all the way, there are too many hurdles to overcome to become a super transcendent.

Apprentices on the extraordinary path, the four stages of beginner, intermediate, and advanced, only need resources and some talent to achieve through continuous hard work.

But when you reach the level of high-level extraordinary beings, such as the Earth Knight of the Knight, the Earth Line Warrior of the Warrior, the True Power Ranger of the Ranger, the Super Magician of the Magician, and the Super Wizard of the Sorcerer, they all need to unlock the key to the Super Extraordinary.

This key can be used to understand the laws of heaven and earth by oneself, but the more choice is the super inheritance left by the predecessors, because these super inheritances contain the laws of heaven and earth, which can be used to achieve transcendence.

In addition to keys, resources are also needed.

If you rely solely on your own hard work, even if you have inheritance, unless you are extremely talented, you will never reach the level of a high-level transcendent in your lifetime.

Magic power enhancement potions, body strengthening potions, delay potions, healing potions, recovery potions, concentration fluids...etc., etc., are all precious resources that help people practice, and these all cost a lot of money.

That's fine, but the threshold from high-level breakthrough to super is not something you can break through just by having money. You must have extraordinary talent, and be able to understand the world and understand a law that suits your own magic power, and break through to super extraordinary. ranks.

Either you have to have a background and be able to exchange it, or you have to get a super magic and take the opportunity to become a super transcendent.

If you don't have either, it's up to you.

Or - participate in the kingdom selection, fight for the kingdom, and receive royal rewards.

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