My world double door

Chapter 134 Chen Qian’s sister (please subscribe)

"You mean, the winner of the competition can get super magic."

Li Yang raised his eyebrows and couldn't help asking, feeling a little moved in his heart.

"Yes, and if you participate in the battle as a warrior and can wear armor, the results of the competition will be achieved within a month."

Reidel nodded, looked at Li Yang's armor seriously and said, "With the strength of your armor, you should be able to achieve good results, and the kingdom's internal trials will not be life-threatening."

Mechas are also armor.


Li Yang thought about the only three sophisticated magics he had acquired in such a long time besides basic magic: Invisibility Magic, Soul Stab, and Thunder Finger Technique.

And... there will be no life-threatening danger.

"How can we ensure that no danger will occur?"

Li Yang thought for a while and couldn't help but said.

"Each arena will be covered by a magic circle that combines defense and teleportation. Once a life-threatening attack is detected, a shield will be instantly generated to resist the attack and the person being attacked will also be teleported outside the arena."

Redel hurriedly spoke: "Each competition will be held in a specific city. The magic circle inside can withstand a full blow from the Earth Knight at least, and can teleport the Earth Knight away, so there is no need to worry about safety. The magic circle is better than anyone else. All must be reliable.”

Like this……

"Well, it doesn't matter whether you are rewarded or not. The main thing is that I feel that as a citizen of the Lion Kingdom, I love this kingdom and am willing to contribute to the kingdom."

Li Yang hesitated for a long time, and finally a bright smile appeared on his face.


The [Lions Tournament] will be held next summer, which is ten months from now.

After getting the exact news that Li Yang was going to participate, Redel took the initiative to sign up for him and told him that someone would be sent to notify him when the competition started, so he didn't need to worry about the rest.

The barbarian army retreated and the world returned to peace. Li Yang also took over the female slaves from the Nanshan base.

Nowadays, Li Yang's Li Mansion is no longer the previous residence. Like the Riley family and the Sturt family, he occupied a large area of ​​land next to his room in the city and built a large manor as his residence.

The new manor can easily accommodate the slaves, and the scenery makes people feel comfortable staying there.

However, the original Li Mansion was also planned by him in the new house.

Because of his house in Black Rock City, two high-level perfection magicians used great magic to move the city wall a hundred meters away and expand it by tens of thousands of square meters.

"Oh, Master, the new house is so big, so big, so big..."

From Li Yang's newly built bedroom, the housekeeper Laimier's high-pitched praises came.

After a while, Lemire lay tiredly on the bed to rest. It was obvious that she had finished praising her, and her master stopped the noble lady Karin beside her in his arms.

"How did you command your soldiers to capture my mansion?"

Li Yang's voice echoed in Karin's ears. Karin's delicate body softened after being manipulated twice, and she followed the master's order while panting.

When the story was finished, she lost consciousness for a moment and collapsed on the bed.

Only then did her master lie down on the bed with satisfaction and rest quietly.




After a few days of peaceful life, he saw that everything was completely stable and on the right track, and his cultivation level had also improved too quickly and needed to be settled. Li Yang, who was thinking about studying some useful magic, found it with five hundred silver coins. Rich Megawati, try if you can get some magic from him.

In the end, Li Yang left the Riley family with a dark face and an intermediate magic.

"An intermediate sophisticated magic [Soul Stun] costs 500 silver coins, and a high-level sophisticated magic costs 10,000 silver coins. Why doesn't he grab it?"

Li Yang was indignant and felt that Megawati was definitely a profiteer. He went back angrily to find Karin and whipped these treacherous nobles severely.

"Oh~ Master, oh..."

Karin, who was basking in the sun in the yard, was whipped with an angry whip by Master Li Yang and screamed. Even though she had the strength of a knight's apprentice, she was still unconscious in just two hours.


After being whipped hard, the curtains were opened, and Li Yang walked out of the room refreshed. Then he looked at his room and felt that it was time to return to the real world.

He has been gone for more than forty days, so don't treat him as a missing person.

"The real world is the root after all."

Li Yang shook his head, thought for a while, and went to inspect the large number of properties currently occupied by his subordinates that day, and arranged the next plans and matters for each of his loyal servants.

Later, arrangements were made for the continued training of the servant army and the training of the bodyguards in the knight training method.

The firearms and artillery were all taken away by Li Yang on the day the war ended, leaving no trace in the world except shrapnel.

Li Yang is very cautious about this matter. Although there is still the possibility of it being studied, this is the only thing that can be done.

After doing this, Li Yang called Udi, the foreign affairs steward, over for a chat. Now that Blackstone City is in dire straits, it is time for him to insert his tentacles into all walks of life. In his absence, It would be safest to leave this kind of matter to a slave trader like Udi.

In addition, there were so many slave issues in the mansion that had to be managed well, so he did not hesitate to have a long and in-depth talk with Lemire all night long.

"Lemie, do you think this is thorough enough?"

"That's enough, oh, Master~"


In the early morning of the next day, Li Yang left Black Rock City in a low-key manner after arranging everything.

"Phew, this time you are exposed to the public eye. I'm afraid you won't be able to stay here as well as before."

Black Rock City, over the Eastern Mountains, Li Yang, who was flying in the air, looked at the [Zongheng Mecha] in front of him and shook his head with emotion.

In this battle of barbarian invasion, the [Zongheng Mecha] can be said to have shined brightly. With just the power of one mecha, coupled with Li Yang's mental attack assistance, he directly killed nine high-level barbarians. Extraordinary person, this powerful combat power made Li Yang surprised and happy.

But the sad thing is that as this mecha is exposed, it may attract some coveted eyes. If he leaves, some thieves will use some magic he doesn't know to take away the [Zongheng Mecha] and restrain it. , that would be unpleasant.

So to be on the safe side, let’s take it to the real world together.

Li Yang thought in his mind, and immediately put on the [Zongheng Mecha] on the spot, moved his body, and disappeared from the spot.




In the early morning, the sun rose early from the east. Chen Qian, who was dressed very seriously and appropriately, stretched her waist and told her sister to finish her breakfast.

"Sister, when will I go see brother Li Yang?"

When Chen Qian was about to go to work, Chen Na, who had been idle for more than forty days with a ponytail, suddenly couldn't help but speak.

"Brother Li Yang is out for business now, and no one can contact him. We'll wait until she comes back. Please pay more attention to your hygiene, exercise at home, and don't get fat."

Hearing what her sister said, Chen Qian pursed her lips and looked at her sister who was wearing cool clothes, revealing a pair of white and long legs, and warned her.

The morning in May was still a little bright, but the air conditioner in the room was always on, making it so warm that Chen Na didn't feel cold even if she was only wearing shorts and short sleeves.

She wore slippers on her feet, which were whiter than Chen Qian's. Her legs were straight and stood side by side. The clothes on her body were very simple and plain, but the energetic and delicate feeling on the girl's body could not be concealed. Everyone likes it.

"Well, I understand. I exercise every day, but do you think Brother Li Yang will really like me? Will he not want me?"

After listening to her sister's words, Chen Na couldn't help but speak without confidence, with a very anxious look on her face.

"Don't worry, my sister is here."

Chen Qian touched her head, chuckled and said something, and then gave her a few more instructions. When she nodded, she turned around and left.

After Chen Qian left, Chen Na turned around and finished her breakfast listlessly, then washed her mouth, practiced morning exercises in the room, lay comfortably on the bed, raised her white calves, picked up her mobile phone and started playing games.

She simply loved the days when she didn't have to go to school every day, didn't have to worry about anything, and just waited to be taken care of.

It’s just that I haven’t seen anyone for more than forty days, and it’s a bit boring to stay at home every day and not be able to go anywhere.

Chen Na pursed her lips and rolled around on the bed anxiously, but after thinking about Heyang's story some time ago, she still felt that it would be best to listen to her sister and wait at home, so she silently played with her phone.

After playing for a while, Chen Na got up from the bed and began to stretch her body and look at green plants for forty minutes, which would make her eyes clearer and brighter.

This is what Chen Na has been doing since she learned about Li Yang's story with her sister during the Chinese New Year and strengthened her confidence.


On the other side, Chen Qian arranged for her sister to be at home. She came to the unit wearing decent and serious clothes and light makeup. She talked and laughed with some colleagues along the way, and then walked to her office.

When she got to the seat where she and her leader Yu Xiaohua were fighting, she looked at the leader's desk. A newspaper about Li Yang's company was placed on the desk untouched. She couldn't help but pursed her lips and took out her mobile phone to play with it in a boring way. got up.

Before entering the unit, she had unrealistic fantasies and perceptions about this place, but after arriving here, she actually found that the person she left before was still being licked by the leader.

Recently, the leaders showed great concern for Li Yang's company, and she saw it all. Thinking about the previous scenes, she felt more and more that something was wrong. It wasn't until she returned for the New Year that she fully realized it.

This kind-faced and ruthless leader used her relationship to lick Li Yang.

Then why doesn't she just take control of it herself, and why does she still want to follow your path?

Chen Qian was thinking in her mind, thinking about her sister who came to Heyang with her because she didn't want to go to school, and she silently made up her mind.

There was really nothing to do in the office, so she was scrolling through her phone boredly. Suddenly, her phone vibrated, and her eyes lit up.

[Li Yang: I just came back. I haven’t looked at my phone for more than 40 days. By the way, you want to see me so much. My place of residence has not changed. You can come when you want... Forget it, I’ll see when I’m free. Shuise Tea House]

'Finally home! ’

Seeing Li Yang's message, Chen Qian's eyes sparkled, and she hurriedly clasped her phone to respond: "Dear brother, I know I was wrong. I was wrong before. I'm sorry. Don't be angry with me, okay? Today is noon and afternoon. I've been waiting for you in Room 999 of Shuise Tea House/Poor."

[Li Yang: OK, let me see when I am free]

"Thank you dear, I will never let you down again / pitiful / pitiful"

Chen Qian responded hurriedly, a little excited and wanted to leave immediately, but she calmed down immediately. Now that Li Yang has just come back, there must be a lot of things to deal with. If she goes now, it will delay his work.

After thinking about this, Chen Qian hurriedly sent a message to her sister at home, asking her to dress up well from now on and prepare to meet brother Li Yang at noon or afternoon.


[Another military base in Bangkok was visited by an unknown thief. The tightly guarded military camp did not notice a trace of the thief. This is already the second large-scale arms theft case in the past month...]

[The Bangguo officer sternly stated that he would severely punish the thief, but the garrison officer said that their arms storage has always been very strict, with 24-hour personnel and troops closely guarding it. He seriously suspected that some superior officers were guarding theft]

[The garrison officer said: No one can steal the arms of two entire arsenals from the defense of our Space Nation troops. Unless he is one of our own, is it possible that there is someone who can become invisible and jump in space... 】

[Netizens who learned about this incident commented enthusiastically and said: Maybe there are people who really know the art of invisibility and space jumping/funny]

[No, no, no, I think the thief may still have telekinesis, otherwise how could he have emptied so many weapons by himself/Serious face]

[Have you ever heard of Laoshan Taoism? You don’t even know this, right?/Funny]

[No more pretending, wall penetration and invisibility is a compulsory course for our Yanhuang high school students]

[Ah, no one can be invisible, right? This kind of thing is just a greedy officer guarding and stealing, not something made out of nothing.]

(Look, there is an honest man)


Heyang City, East District, in Liyang Villa, Dai Yueming was lying on a deck chair in the yard to bask in the sun, wearing a slim long skirt and bare white calves and feet, enjoying the spring sunshine leisurely.

Time has arrived in May unknowingly, the weather has warmed up, and the sun is just right today. Dai Yueming, who has nothing to do, likes to bask in the sun in the yard after working out and enjoy a leisurely life with nothing to do.

How wanton.

[Don’t the Bangguo people say that Yanhuang and others are orthodox? How come they don’t even know the invisibility technique and wall penetration technique? This is a Taoist technique that I learned in my freshman year of high school/Goutou]

While basking in the sun and scrolling through the contents of the [Entertainment Video], Dai Yueming couldn't help but smile and curl his lips. His long, white and tender legs were alternately placed up and down, and he couldn't help but make a comment.

After commenting, she couldn't help but shake her head and sigh. It seems that China is better. Compared with this upright performance of disappearing an arsenal, China is more stable.

If an organization with ulterior motives obtained the arms from these two arsenals and used them to kill civilians... it would be a terrible thing to think about.

Just as he was sighing, Dai Yueming's phone suddenly vibrated, and he sat up from his chair in surprise.

[Husband Li Yang: Baby, I’m finally done with my work. I’m so exhausted these days. Hurry up and wait for me.]

Dai Yueming was so surprised that he called Li Yang directly. He chatted excitedly with Li Yang for a long time on the phone. When he heard that he was approaching and urged her to take a shower, he said with a smile: "I have finished taking a shower this morning. .”

"You've finished taking a shower. Then wait for me outside. I'll be back soon."

Outside the villa, Li Yang shook his head helplessly, hung up the phone, and then walked to the villa. Before he entered the door, a tall young woman with a slender figure and a graceful figure ran towards him happily and happily.

Li Yang opened and locked the door smoothly, held her in his arms by her hips, and strode into the room.


Before he got home, Dai Yueming hugged Li Yang and kissed him fiercely. Once his lips touched, he couldn't bear to separate. He took off his clothes as he walked. He waited until Ailang pressed himself on the sofa before gasping and speaking: "Why have you been gone for so many days without leaving a single phone call or driving the car? If you hadn't told me in advance, I would have thought you were missing."

"It's troublesome to drive. The defense there is too tight. You can't touch electronic devices when you go in. I'm sorry, honey. Didn't I just come back to see you?"

Li Yang's gentle voice, accompanied by the warmth of her tongue, was transmitted to Dai Yueming. She touched Li Yang's hair, raised her head and let the man kiss her, and took a deep breath: "Let me carry your child, husband, I am too Love you..."

"Okay, good wife."

Li Yang opened his mouth with a smile, and Dai Yueming asked for a passionate kiss. After a moment, he took a deep breath, pursed his lips, and hugged Li Yang's body tightly.

"What have you been doing these forty days since I was gone?"

Li Yang looked very tenderly at this woman who was really willing to follow him without thinking about anything.

"I'm at home every day, I haven't seen anyone, I haven't gone anywhere, I'm just here, waiting for you, hoo..."


A farewell is better than a wedding. After not seeing each other for more than forty days, Li Yang was very happy with Dai Yueming, who had been waiting for him for more than forty days without moving. He had fun all morning until she fell asleep from exhaustion.

"What a good woman."

After lunch, he told his aunt to keep Dai Yueming's share. Li Yang kissed the sleeping Dai Yueming on the cheek. It was just a matter of brain waves. He knew a little about Dai Yueming from [Breeding No. 9]. Not lying.

He sighed softly, then looked at Chen Qian's message, thought about it, turned around and drove to Shuise Teahouse to see this acquaintance.

Brothers, there are still more than two hundred monthly tickets to reach one thousand, please give me some more, please give me some more.

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