My world double door

Chapter 203 Get this sorted out

Space magician friendship meeting?

A race for hegemony among clans?

"Excuse me, Master Xiyang, what is the Space Magician Friendship Meeting? Is the Competition of Clans an advanced event in the future?"

Li Yang raised his eyebrows. This was the first time he heard about these things and couldn't help but ask.

"Whether it is the Lions Competition or the Human Race Competition, the ultimate goal is to select the best geniuses in the entire human race to compete and fight with other races."

Master Xiyang heard Li Yang's question and smiled: "The resources on the Life Continent are limited, but each race must continue to develop, and competition will inevitably occur."

"Although there will be alliances and friendships between races, in the face of some special resources, it is inevitable to seize them through competition."

"Especially some special resources have to be fought for, but now every race on the continent knows the importance of peace. The top strong men of each race are the cornerstones of each race, and they cannot be used easily, because once they are used Such a top powerhouse is no different from starting a war. No race is willing to take the risk of racial overthrow and easily activate such a top powerhouse."

"But extraordinary people who are too weak cannot play a decisive role, and people will not be willing to use some mediocre people, so we made a rule to require the strongest genius before the age of 30."

"Because, even with perfect qualifications, it is impossible to reach the magic master level before the age of thirty. In this way, even if the combat power of a super extraordinary person occasionally appears, winning or losing will make it easier for everyone to accept."

"Only those who become famous in the [Contest for Hegemony among Clans] are qualified to contact the [Space Mage Friendship Association]"

Xiyang glanced at the three winning contestants who were listening attentively with a smile on his face, and then focused his eyes on Li Yang: "There are no real [space mages] in the world, there are just a group of people who have mastered [space mages]. Other mages like Space Magic, but this is already very precious, so it is not an exaggeration to call oneself a [Space Mage]."

"The [Space Mage Friendship Association] exists as a platform for a group of practitioners who have also learned [Space Magic] to communicate with each other. There is a lot of space-related knowledge and basic space magic for people to browse and learn at will. The purpose is to promote [Space Magic] Progress in Space Magic].”

"Every mage who has mastered [Space Magic] is a rising power on the mainland, and only those who are emerging on the mainland are qualified to join the [Space Magician Friendship Association], because vulgar people are There is no qualification to learn [Space Magic]."

After Xiyang finished speaking, he smiled and said: "As a warrior with super extraordinary combat power, I am very optimistic about your ranking, as long as you can pass the first level."

"If you can stand out from all the human nations and become famous in the competitions among the various races, then I can personally serve as your guide and lead you to join the [Space Mage Friendship Association]."

The three contestants had expressions of surprise and surprise on their faces. It was obvious that Xi Yang's words were not just meant for Li Yang, but were also intended for them to hear as well.

He couldn't help but look to the side of Li Yang frequently. He had an answer to why everyone was a contestant, but only he came so late, with surprise in his eyes.

Master Xiyang's voice fell to the ground, and Li Yang couldn't help but nodded with his eyes moving slightly: "Li Yang will definitely try his best. I hope that I will be lucky enough to become a member of the [Space Mage Friendship Association] with Master Xiyang!"

Hearing Li Yang's voice, Xi Yang nodded with a bright smile, and then nodded his staff: "We are here."

As the voice fell, the colorful scenes around the flying carpet returned to normal instantly. Li Yang turned around and saw behind him a majestic city wall that was extremely tall and shrouded in a powerful magic circle.

Beside the city wall, more than a dozen knights exuding powerful auras lined up with more than a dozen warriors. Some magicians and rangers were scattered everywhere, smiling.

In front of me is a large and wide brick and stone street. The bright sunshine shines on the street, and the earth-yellow brick and stone road is very bright.

"Hey, Li Yang, Master Xiyang, what a coincidence, have you just arrived in the royal city?"

Just as Li Yang continued to look around, the scene around him suddenly changed. A mage in white robes and a familiar figure appeared on the street, followed by loud greetings.

"Raedel, why are you here?"

Xiyang looked back at the second-generation ancestor of the Crow family and asked with a smile.

"I happened to have a governance mission that required me to come to the royal city to report on my duties. You know, everything related to the city is an important mission related to the kingdom's territory, so I had to go there in person. This matter has been received With the approval of Prince Hull.”

Reidel replied with a smile: "Of course, the affairs in the royal city are busy, and I am not sure how long I will stay, but when I need to leave, I will definitely inform Prince Hel and leave immediately."

"Hahaha, don't worry Redel, I won't report you through the City Lord's channel."

Xiyang couldn't help laughing when he heard this, and then spread his hands: "What is a very coincidence is that the player you recommended, Li Yang, also came with me. If you happen to need to wait, why not come with us? Let’s go for a walk and visit the players’ residences and competition venues?”

"What a coincidence. I was notified before I arrived that I would have to wait for a long time after arriving in the royal city. I have nothing to do, so we might as well take a walk together."

A happy smile suddenly appeared on Reidel's face, and he looked at Li Yang with a smile on his face: "Li Yang, what a coincidence, we happened to be here together."


Li Yang rubbed his fingers, answered silently, and then walked outside with Master Xiyang and Leidel, who had joined the team with a smile.

This place seems to be a place similar to an airport. It is surrounded by strong guards and is covered by a magic circle. When you go out, you have to pass a notification test and a series of verifications before you can pass.

"The management and distinction between the royal city and the inner and outer civilian areas of any kingdom are very strict. Even I, now that I have the identity of the city lord of the outer civilian areas, cannot easily enter and exit the royal city."

"Only residents who are born here and are completely under control, and extraordinary nobles with no special status can come and go freely here."

After leaving the magic carpet parking area, Redel explained to Li Yang in a low voice: "There are too many mysterious and magical magics in the world. In order to maintain the stability of the kingdom, we can only use such harsh methods. In fact, we are willing to absorb foreigners." With geniuses from the area entering the royal city, the Lion Kingdom is already considered a very enlightened kingdom."

"All right."

Li Yang shrugged his shoulders and didn't say much. He just followed Master Xiyang calmly and looked at the surrounding situation.

The first impression of this royal city on Li Yang was that it was spacious, clean, prosperous, vital, and filled with extraordinary beings.

The crowd around them didn't pay much attention to the arrival of their group. Everyone was busy with their own things, so they merged into the crowd very calmly.

As Li Yang looked around, he was led to a very luxurious palace to live in. As soon as he entered, someone came to entertain him. After verifying his identity, he was arranged into a courtyard together with the three contestants around him. middle.

"The competition will start in three days. At that time, you will compete with other contestants in the first round of the finals. During these three days, you can walk around the royal city at will, but you need to bring your waistband, and at the end of the day It’s better not to go too far. If something unexpected happens, your qualifications for the finals will be canceled at any time and you will be expelled from the royal city.”

After the accommodation arrangements were completed, the exclusive official of the residence hall walked up to Li Yang and the other contestants, issued specific magic waistbands to each of them, and gave serious warnings.

"During this period, three meals a day will be served by someone. If you don't eat, they will be taken away. In addition, there is a training square in each courtyard. If you want to practice, please go to the training square to practice."

After speaking, several serious-looking exclusive officials assigned each person's room and turned around to leave. Redel showed his family emblem with a smile. Several officials immediately stopped and were led by the smiling Redel. Then walked to the side hall.

At noon that day, a sumptuous feast of Warcraft meat was delivered to Li Yang's room.

Just as they were about to enjoy it, a pair of girls with reddish cheeks walked into the room.

"Is this Mr. Li Yang? We are intermediate ranger sisters. We are here to serve you at Mr. Redel's command."

The younger one among the girls was more bold, and she took the initiative to speak to Li Yang with her watery eyes.

"Oh? Intermediate ranger, how do you serve as an intermediate ranger?"

Li Yang raised his eyebrows and asked in surprise.

"That's right, I..."

The younger sister's face was red with embarrassment and she was squirming. At this moment, the elder sister who had been silent until now pulled her clothes and revealed her bigger self.

Bigger sister, bigger.

"Raider, how do you arrange this? Doesn't this delay my cultivation?"

Li Yang opened his eyes, tightened his palms, and looked closely at the bigger sister's bigger one, and then moved to the younger sister next to him: "Is yours too big?"

The younger sister's face turned red, her eyes glanced to the side and she said coquettishly: "Sir, you can open it and see for yourself."

"Okay, let me see, let me see."




As time went by, all the people involved in the Lion Contest gradually arrived, attracting more and more attention from the nobles in the royal city.

"Son of the Wind Element, Tang Li; Perfect Knight, Holy Power; Super Extraordinary Combat Power, Li Yang, this hegemony competition is really full of talents."

Asking for monthly ticket

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