My world double door

Chapter 204 Bye

As time went by and the contestants gathered, news about some talents gradually spread, and the favorites to win the championship gradually emerged.

The most dazzling among them are undoubtedly the perfect knight, Holy Power, Li Yang, who has a special inheritance and has reached the combat power of a super extraordinary person, and Tang Li, the son of the intermediate wind element.

Everyone focused their attention on the three of them, looking forward to the sparks that the final collision would bring.

Until this day, the competition officially started, and the special duel field was filled with people.

After three days of hard training, Li Yang also walked into the competition area with three players from [Cabro City] under the leadership of Master Xiyang.

The entire contestant area is already full of people, surrounded by tall walls and a spacious indoor space. Contestants from all over the place are sitting around their respective leaders. Everyone is extraordinary and they are geniuses selected from various places through hard battles. .

But here, such geniuses are everywhere, and compared to them, two places in the crowd are more eye-catching.

One is a knight wearing a dark silver armor, accompanied by a first-born monster with two horns and four wings on its back that looks like a horse. The aura of knight power on his body is as eye-catching as the sun.

One is a magician who is always surrounded by a faint breeze, and the magic power of the wind brings powerful pressure to people.

The two of them are located in different places, but the place where each of them is is the absolute center of attention among the crowd, and even the group they belong to is also attracting attention.


As the door opened again, the eyes of everyone on the scene shifted to the people pushing the door in. Their eyes instantly focused on Li Yang, and more and more people focused on him.

Being looked at by so many people, Li Yang also had a smile on his face. He followed Master Xi Yang inside and found an empty seat to sit down.

As the leader of the city, Master Xiyang got up and went to draw numbers for Li Yang's team. Li Yang sat there with his eyes closed, unaware that the people around him were constantly looking at him, a special inheritance with super extraordinary combat power. By.

Now, with the passage of time and the spread of competition news, everyone has a lot of understanding of some strong players, and naturally they can know who is strong and who is weak.

And a strong person will naturally attract people's attention wherever he goes.

As everyone's eyes gathered, the perfect knight followed by the dragon-like white horse and the son of the wind element lingering in the breeze also focused their attention on him.

The knight wearing dark silver armor raised a smile at the corner of his mouth. He glanced at the intermediate son of the wind element, then withdrew his gaze boringly and focused on Li Yang again. He reached out and gently touched the surrounding areas. The mane of the pterosaur horse: "A special inheritor with super extraordinary combat power. Man, do you think his special inheritance can defeat us?"


The four-winged dragon horse snorted lightly and looked at Li Yang in front of him with arrogance.

"Haha, although we are extraordinary, we cannot underestimate the world."

Shengli smiled and kept stroking the hair of the four-winged dragon horse beside him with his palms.


"Tangli, can you beat them?"

In another group, a team member surrounding the Intermediate Wind Elemental Son couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and asked his close friends around him with a smile.

"A perfect knight, a special inheritor with super extraordinary combat power, each of them is not a good person."

Another teammate couldn't help but speak, and then followed up: "This year's situation is special, Tangli, you may not need to put too much pressure on yourself."

“Whether you can beat it or not, you won’t know until you beat it.”

A ray of emerald green whirlwind light was reflected in Tangli's pupils, and his expression fell solemnly on another place: "Besides, they are not the only powerful opponents here."

"Oh? Besides the two of them, who else can make you feel threatened with such qualifications?"

Hearing Tang Li's voice, a flash of surprise flashed across both of their expressions, and the third teammate couldn't help but say.

"I don't know his name, but Feng told me that he is not a simple man, a... twenty-nine-and-a-half-year-old ranger."

Tang Li shook his head and focused his eyes on one person. The three people around him looked around and saw a man with burgundy hair looking at them with a smile. The thin handle on his waist The sword is particularly eye-catching.


"Due to the special situation this year, the rules of the competition have been changed. They are no longer random duels as usual, but are divided into realms. That is, the realms of the players in each arena are ranked from high to low, and the strongest player is finally determined. When people of different realms fight against each other, it will no longer happen that the strong and the strong meet and are eliminated in the early stage, leaving the weak to take the lead.”

Master Xiyang, who left to draw numbers, quickly returned, took out three slips of paper, and asked the other three people except Li Yang to draw one each. Then he explained to Li Yang: "Because you are the only one who has reached He is a person in the super extraordinary realm, so he will receive a bye in the previous knockout rounds."

"In addition, the rest will compete against each other based on different realms. The loser has three opportunities to challenge the winner. As long as you win one of the three opportunities, you can continue to qualify for the challenge. After winning three times, you can enter the next round. , but you can only challenge the same person twice at most."

"Similarly, after the winner has won all three consecutive challenges, he can no longer participate in this round of knockout and enter the next round."

“The final top 100, top 30, top ten, top three, and first place will have to accept the challenge from someone one place lower than themselves. Only by maintaining the ranking for three consecutive days can the top three be finally determined. candidate."

After Xiyang finished speaking, he smiled at Li Yang: "With your level of qualifications, you will directly enter the final round of the top 100 battle. Before this, the tedious knockout time can be used to rest."

"It saves time."

Li Yang also raised his eyebrows in surprise, then nodded with a smile, waved his hand in the envious eyes of the three teammates around him, turned around and walked out of the player area and walked to the audience area.

"Hey, Li Yang, how does it feel to take a bye and directly participate in the Top 100 battle?"

As soon as he walked to the audience area, he saw Raeder waving to him. Li Yang looked at his big beard and shrugged: "I can't hide anything from you, but then again, why don't you hide your beard?" Scratch?"

"Don't you think it would be very attractive to have some beard on your face?"

Redel raised his eyebrows, touched his beard, and couldn't help but ask him.

"as long as you are happy……"

Li Yang shrugged his shoulders again, and then asked curiously: "By the way, why is your family background so awesome? But when I first heard about you, I heard from others that the Crow family was just a family. A family with an Earth Knight?”

"Oh, you are talking about my cousin. He is indeed an earth knight. He escorted me here when I took office. I guess he was deeply remembered when he was seen at that time."

Redel shrugged his shoulders: "You must have heard about me from some ordinary nobles in Black Rock City. What can they, the savages from the outer area, understand?"


"Well, the Crow family is really a respectable noble family."

Li Yang turned around silently, looked at the venue, and said no more.

"By the way, don't you feel any pressure when facing these opponents?"

Redel turned around with Li Yang and stood on the safest seat with the best view. He raised his eyebrows and looked at him: "That perfect knight is someone that even my grandfather values ​​​​very much."

"A little bit."

While the two were talking, accompanied by cheers, the game had officially begun. Li Yang's eyes focused on the knight in dark silver armor who came out of the player's seat and sat on the back of a four-winged dragon horse. He raised his eyebrows slightly and spoke.

"Well, he's here."

Reidel, who still wanted to say something, obviously noticed the appearance of this person, and couldn't help but focus his eyes solemnly: "A genius who is born to create a top noble..."

Perfect knights are bound to be among the strongest in the world. Like other perfect qualifications, each one of them is born to be the world's top noble.

Listening to Leidel's voice that turned serious in an instant, Li Yang couldn't help but focus his attention on him.




"In this match, the holy power of the high-level perfection knight will face off against the advanced early-stage earth mage Zuo Le!"

In the arena of Shengli, after casually defeating several enemies in succession, Shengli faced his last opponent in the arena. His body stood on the back of a four-winged dragon. When the game started, his body transformed in an instant. For nothingness.


The dignified senior Earth Mage in the early stage only had time to wave his wand before he was judged to be dead by the magic circle and sent out of the ring.

"Another move, I can't even see clearly."

In the stands, seeing another invisible move from Shengli, Leder was teleporting out of the ring with his opponent in unavoidable life-threatening danger. He couldn't help but spoke in a hesitant voice, and turned to look at Li Yang beside him. Suddenly he was no longer so confident: "Li Yang, do you really have a chance to defeat him?"

After Leidel finished speaking, he couldn't help but look at another arena, where the wind was howling. Tangli, the son of the intermediate wind element, just used a whirlwind magic to knock his opponent out of the arena, and also won the first place effortlessly. knockout round.

"I'm not worried, so what are you worried about?"

Li Yang thought softly, looking at the perfect knight's Holy Power that turned the dragon's head below with a smile in his eyes.

Brother, your body is not empty enough.

Why is it within the range of my magnetic field power?

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