My world double door

Chapter 271 God’s will? I am God!

In the sky above the city in the human race's public domain, the guardians of the Seven Kingdoms looked at Li Yang with a look of surprise on his face and a cold sweat on his face.

This man really plans to kill him despite the instructions of the spirit of the world!

They were transmitting messages to Li Yang frantically while explaining hurriedly.

"We have absolutely no intention of stopping you. Like a lunatic in Gullah, he has done many evil things here, which has long made us unhappy. However, after all, this matter is related to the safety of the world. When the time comes, all the eggs will be safe under the nest. Please, please Think twice!"

"The meaning of the World Spirit Warning is the result of the joint derivation of the [Supreme One] whose souls, magic powers, and bodies of the four races of humans, elves, dwarves, and monsters have all reached the peak of sixteen transformations. So far, there have been many You must not disbelieve what you have verified!”

"Gele deserves to die, but it might not be a good choice to cripple him and seal him in a jar so that he can act as a wedge when the [Dark Wave] comes... Well, as long as you can deal with the Ice Queen who is about to return."

"Yeah, why take such a big risk just because of your anger."

The seven guardians of the Seven Kingdoms spoke to Li Yang sincerely, but Li Yang involuntarily raised his eyebrows and pointed at Geler with a somewhat unbelievable expression on the ground, where all his limbs had turned into blood mist and had been severed: "Are you kidding me? You use the excuse of the will of the world spirit to persuade me not to kill him?"

"Ho ho ho... you seven are finally here."

Geler, whose limbs were cut off and fell to the ground like a dead body, suddenly made a sound when he saw the guards from the Seven Kingdoms arriving. He couldn't help but reveal a sinister smile on his face, and looked at Li Yang with sinister eyes: " You can kill my son, you can kill my relatives, but you must not kill me."

"The seven of them must have sent you a message to tell you the reason. They don't know, but I know that although you are very strong, very strong, very strong, I can't beat you and am not your opponent, but... your There is no aura of immortality in him.”

"I don't know what means you used to possess such terrifying combat power without immortal power. But without immortal power, you don't know these things. So before, if you dared to kill someone, I wouldn't say anything. , the waiting is now.”

"Why, now, do you still dare to kill me, risking... great destruction?"

A arrogant smile appeared on Geler's face, and he looked at Li Yang with vicious eyes: "Do you dare to kill me? Come on, come and kill me. At the risk of the destruction of this world, you will also die in two hundred years." Come and be buried with me!"

"I've never heard such an outrageous request."

Li Yang twisted his neck, his eyes showed a red light filled with heat vision, and he looked at Ge Le on the ground with some doubts: "Where do you get the confidence? Do you think I will not dare to kill you?"

"You don't even have your arms and legs now, and there's not a drop of magic left in your body. Where did you get the courage to say such a thing?"

"How arrogant, domineering, and arrogant you must have been to be able to dare to speak like this under such circumstances."

"Tell me, how do people like you change?"

Li Yang's expression was full of confusion. The more he spoke, the more scarlet and blazing the heat vision in his eyes became.

"Mr. Li Yang, don't listen to the crazy words of a lunatic. The safety of the world is the most important thing!"

"Don't you find it strange that perfect qualifications are so rare? Why do they appear so frequently in this competition? This is a sign of disaster and a sign that the spirit of the world is saving itself!"

"We didn't know before that you don't have immortal power, but you have such power and you should not be afraid of the erosion of dark power. We just tell you this, and it will never harm you. Mr. Li Yang, think twice!"

"You are from the [Lion Kingdom]. The [Lion Kingdom] borders the barbarians beyond the defensive cliff. You must know the barbarian god of the barbarians. Once the barbarian god revives, even the Supreme One cannot kill him with all his strength. But recently, The barbarians are becoming more and more active, and the god of the barbarians is showing signs of revival, and this is a sign of darkness sweeping the world!"

"It's just a lunatic Gel, it's nothing. All the people in the world are great. Don't look at his arrogance now, but his limbs are broken now. You can seal him in a jar and take it with you when the time comes. Humiliate him however you want." Torture is fine, as long as you can deal with the threat of the Ice Queen, it will be a hundred times more pleasurable than just killing him like this!"

"The Ice Queen is the wife of Gullah. She is a magic master with the qualification of being the son of a high-level ice element. She is a perfect ice magician. Five years ago, she walked into [Colster], a city that suddenly transformed into an oasis. It has been five years since I realized the ultimate secret of ice magic in this land of ice and frozen soil, and recently there is news that the Ice Queen will return in another month at most!"

"The Ice Queen is the son of a high-level ice element. In addition, she is an ice magician with the perfect level of magic master. She has also condensed the body of fifteen transformation levels of spiritual ice. If she comes back to see her husband and If your entire family is slaughtered by you, I’m afraid you won’t stop until you die!”

"Leugler is alive and will be sealed away forever. In view of Geler's own actions, even if she comes back to find out the reason, it's hard to say anything. But if Geler dies, the Ice Queen will probably be angry. For you!"

The guards of the Seven Kingdoms spoke to each other and begged Li Yang sincerely, but they kept persuading without any intention of actually stopping him.

They saw Li Yang's terror in their eyes. Compared with the dark turmoil in their position two hundred years later, it was undoubtedly more dangerous to provoke such a vicious god now, so they could only stand nearby and give advice without any intention of speaking out.

In fact, even the advice was only in the form of voice transmission and not spoken out loud.

Obviously, this was the reason why he didn't speak because he was surrounded by a high-level and perfect Thunder Mage.

This is completely consistent with what they said that once they know this information, they will be corroded by the power of darkness.

"Hahaha, you made me laugh so hard. You said it in such a loud tone. I really thought you were that cruel, but to my surprise, you were just pretending."

"How do I change? Why should I change? Seal me and humiliate me to your heart's content. When my wife comes back, she will recover and reach a higher level. I will repay today's shame a hundred times!"

"Or are you coming to kill me?"

Geler, who was lying on the ground, was frightened by the red light filled with heat vision in Li Yang's eyes, but then he saw that he did not launch the terrifying attack immediately, but was listening to something, and he burst out laughing. , and then spoke loudly to Li Yang with a crazy expression.

"Come and kill me, come and kill me!"

"You come and kill me if you dare!"

Gullah kept shouting, and Li Yang narrowed his eyes, digesting the content of the crazy voice-transmitted advice and advice from the guardians of the Seven Kingdoms. He was waving his fingers slightly, considering whether to bring the seal with him to humiliate him, or to just send him a wave. Killing is a happy moment.

"Oh, the thunder is coming. What are you still telling him? Don't you want to happily swim in the thunder?"

Gu Chen's excited voice came from above. Li Yang raised his eyebrows slightly and raised his head, wondering where the thunder came from.



A dazzling bright light suddenly flashed from the sky, and then a thick thunderbolt illuminated the night sky, shining down with bright light, illuminating the world in an instant.


The crisp sound of thunder and lightning after the rumbling made people faintly feel palpitated. Thin raindrops fell from the sky along with the thunder. Gu Chen, who was flying in the air, soared his eyes excitedly into the sky: "Thunder is coming, thunder is coming, come quickly!"

Accompanied by Gu Chen's cheerful voice, his figure suddenly collided with the thunder falling from the sky. In an instant, the whole person was emitting thunder and lightning light from the inside out, and his black hair turned into silver. The whole person was extremely excited. Cheering in the thunder.

He really has no fear of thunder!

The guardian of the Seven Kingdoms shrunk his clothes and silently fell to the ground from the low sky. He looked up at the glorious power of heaven and felt emotional in his heart.

"The will of the world spirit, does it mean the will of God?"

They were avoiding the power of thunder and lightning when they suddenly heard a whisper coming from beside them. When they turned around, they found that Li Yang was looking at the sky and mumbling to himself.

Thunder and lightning were reflected in his pupils.

"Yes, this is God's will. The immortals are of great significance. The world needs them to fight against the darkness."

A guard spoke silently, and when he finished speaking, he saw the thunder and lightning that suddenly appeared in Li Yang's eyes getting stronger and stronger.

"God willing……"

Li Yang murmured softly in his mouth, and the thunder magic power in his body that had already reached advanced perfection suddenly felt an unspeakable restlessness at this moment. It rolled immortally in his body, and a faint sense of transformation emerged from the thunder magic power. .

Li Yang looked at the ancient stars and flashing thunder and lightning bathed in the sky, and his spirit seemed to have entered an inexplicable space. There were rolling and powerful thunder everywhere, but all around was the continuous darkness that fought against it.

He looked at these thunder and lightning, and suddenly there was an inexplicable throbbing in his heart.

"Yes, God's will, hahaha, you have the ability to go against God's will and kill me!"

"You are so strong, why are you hesitating!"

"Come on, come and kill me, see if you dare to go against God's will!"

Gele, who was lying down, suddenly laughed and spoke. Li Yang suddenly came back to his senses from the inexplicable space. He felt a series of ingenious insights rising from his heart. He looked down at the broken limbs. Ge Le, who was still shouting, had a dazzling red light flashing in his eyes.

"Okay, if you want to die, I'll make it happen for you!"

Li Yang let out a loud shout, and the next moment, the heat vision was probably released from his eyes, and his head was shattered with one blow in Geler's wild smile.


The heat vision energy exploded and cut, and Gullah's body exploded to pieces in an instant. Only then did Li Yang put away the fascinating red light in his eyes. He then raised his head and looked at the thunder rolling in the sky, and Gu Gu rolling in the thunder. Chen, looked down at the stunned defenders of the seven kingdoms beside him, and groaned heavily.

"Whatever God wants, I am God!"

Li Yang shouted loudly, and then he rushed into the sky, passed through the rain that continued to fall, and plunged into the thunder falling from the sky.


The terrifying power of thunder fell from the top of his head and hit his body instantly, causing Li Yang to lose consciousness for an instant. An indescribable supreme intention, the breath that dominated everything poured into his heart along with the thunder, brewing in his heart. The throbbing instantly rose up and turned into power to push the advanced thunder magic power in the body to transform into super thunder magic power.


In the sky, thunder was rolling, and Li Yang's spirit suddenly awakened. He almost subconsciously absorbed the thunder elements that emerged around him as the thunder fell, which were far more powerful than the thunder elements he usually absorbed. This strong impulse and perception caused the high-level thunder magic in the body to completely complete the eighth transformation.

"God's will, my will is God's will!"

Li Yang's eyes were burning, and a powerful magical power that moved according to his heart quietly appeared throughout his body.

Self-enlightenment of Super Thunder Magic - God's Will Thunder!

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