My world double door

Chapter 272 You don’t know, that’s easy

"God's will? My will is God's will!"


In the night sky, thunder flashed, and drizzles continued to fall from the sky. A majestic figure rushed into the thunder, and instantly swam in the thunder. A voice as vast as thunder sounded from high in the sky at the same time. Zhou is accompanied by rolling thunder.

It’s like God is coming!


The sound of thunder rolled in the sky, and the thunder fell like thunder snakes. The figure of thunder was reflected in Li Yang's pupils, and the light of thunder was faintly revealed inside his body.

In the dark, the surging thunder sea emerged in his mind, and Li Yang naturally understood it. In a trance, a brand new thunder power was born from his body, and he instantly understood its name and function.

God’s will thunders!

Supreme, my will is the will of Heaven, and when my thoughts move, Heaven's thoughts will follow.

Terrifying attack power, extremely strong mental attack suppression, and the most flexible attack mobilization.

Super Thunder Magic - God's Will Thunder!

‘He really killed Gullah! ’

‘What a good thing! ’

‘Calm down, maybe one Gelu won’t have any effect, maybe the prediction is not so absolute. ’

The guardians of the Seven Kingdoms below were shocked to see Li Yang who actually killed Gullah with one glance. Their expressions suddenly changed and they couldn't help but exchange crazy thoughts. However, in the end they could only choose to accept the result.

They followed Li Yang, who looked ahead with shock in his eyes, showing a terrifying artistic conception, and couldn't help but communicate quickly.

"Could it be that a super Thunder Mage is going to be born in the world today?"

As soon as they thought about this, looking at Li Yang in the sky exuding the rolling supreme will and terrifying thunder transformation, the guardians of the Seven Kingdoms couldn't help but think of the legendary Thunder Mage's style, and couldn't help but look at him with worry and expectation.

"Is this your first time to understand the super thunder magic?"

Just when Li Yang was feeling the blessings in his soul and the power of thunder, he suddenly heard a curious voice beside him.

"Um, what do you mean?"

While Li Yang absorbed a powerful thunder element falling from the sky, he couldn't help but look at Gu Chen who was flying beside him and asked.

At first, he felt that this person's appearance was a bit strange, but then he thought of the few words Rule said before.

'The training conditions for thunder mages are demanding. Even we and the king don't know where thunder will often fall. However, thunder mages are naturally able to sense the occurrence of thunder and then chase the thunder...'

When the thunder in the sky was brewing and falling, he realized that the other party was chasing the thunder that was about to fall here.

As for coming to him, it was obvious that he felt the power of the magnetic field that enveloped the whole city just now, so he came to ask involuntarily.

From this Thunder Mage and the world's attitude towards Thunder Mage, he can feel that every Thunder Mage is a sincere person with a pure heart. Such a person makes people unable to feel resentment, but will be very happy. Communicate with them.

Under such circumstances, it would be understandable if the other party comes to ask someone who is interested and feels friendly.

As for why I feel the power of the magnetic field is friendly... Thunder is obviously related to the magnetic field.

After all, thunder and lightning can generate magnetism. It is normal for him to feel the power of the magnetic field. But how to use the magic power of thunder to cultivate a biological magnetic field like his... He really doesn't know.

Now, in the process of the Thunder Mage bathing in the thunder, he felt the wonderful artistic conception. Although he knew in his heart that this was the opportunity to reach the high-level breakthrough to the super level, he naturally gained understanding, but for this stranger who suddenly appeared It also feels much more natural.

"To be able to cultivate to a high-level Perfect Thunder Mage in this era when thunder elements are scarce, you should have the same extraordinary qualifications as me, but why does it feel like you are comprehending super thunder magic for the first time?"

Gu Chen scratched his hair and said strangely: "When I was seventeen years old, I realized the super thunder magic. It's just that the thunder element is too rare, and it has been difficult to truly break through the realm. I polished and accumulated it bit by bit. It took hundreds of years to finally reach the level of a high-level Thunder Mage."

"I have already reached the realm of Super Thunder Mage, but I have never been able to break through because of the scarcity of Thunder Magic. Now I am accustomed to comprehending Super Thunder Magic, but why does it feel like you are comprehending Super Thunder Magic for the first time? "

Gu Chen looked at Li Yang in confusion. After finishing speaking, he hummed again and said strangely: "More than that, I just felt that you were a little worried about Lei Lei? Lei Lei is so kind and happy, why are you worried? Where is it?"

"Besides, the thunder magic in your body is so strange. It feels like it was made from scraps. It has a plastic feel."

Gu Chen muttered, and then a waist-thick thunder suddenly emerged from his fingertips, and he gestured to Li Yang: "This is the reveal of my wisp of thunder magic. You can take a look at yours."


While the two were talking, the last thunder flashed in the sky, and then everything calmed down. The thunder dissipated, leaving only raindrops falling sparsely.

The thunder magic power in Li Yang's body that was absorbing the thunder element and transforming suddenly stopped. The high-level perfect thunder magic power in the body that was in the process of transformation was also stuck in the middle of the transformation, giving birth to a desire that lacked energy.

‘The thunder element is not enough for me to break through to the super thunder mage level. ’

Li Yang twisted his body somewhat uncomfortably, and instantly realized the difficult feelings of the thunder mages in this world.

Fortunately, he has a way to generate electricity and absorb thunder elements, and he has successfully cultivated to the level of a senior thunder mage. However, most thunder mages have probably been experiencing the difficulty of this transformation since the beginning.

Li Yang looked at Gu Chen in front of him, hesitating for a moment, then moved his finger, and a wisp of thunder that was only as thick as his wrist appeared on the field.

"As expected, it's strange, it's really strange. Even if you have very poor qualifications, as long as you can cultivate the magic power of thunder, how can you be so weak?"

A look of understanding flashed in Gu Chen's eyes, and then he couldn't help but move up and down around Li Yang, looking left and right: "Also, your body and soul are some strange things that you cultivate, why don't you cultivate with the power of thunder? Woolen cloth?"

"With the power of thunder, why is it so complicated? The body, the magic power, the soul, how can it not reach the peak directly?"

As Gu Chen spoke, three powerful auras surged out of his body. One was the physical body flashing with thunder and lightning, the other was the soul that was like thunder, and the other was the advanced and perfect level of thunder magic in the body.

Whether it is soul, body, or magic power, it is stronger than any other extraordinary person of the same level!

"It's a long story, but it can give you an intuitive feeling..."

Li Yang looked at Gu Chen in front of him who seemed to have turned into a thunderous person, pursed his lips, and suddenly said with a smile: "Do you want to break through to the level of Super Thunder Mage?"

Li Yang was a little surprised to be able to break through to the level of Super Thunder Mage today, but not much.

After all, he had long since become a high-level Perfect Thunder Mage, and his magic power was still very strong. However, he originally planned to break through in areas where thunder and lightning often occur on the earth. He never thought that he could break through so easily in the magical world.

After all, in the magical world, there is no place where there is continuous thunder and lightning.

But what I didn't expect was that the unintentional effort actually yielded results first.

Especially after killing an idiot and taking advantage of the situation to break through, this feeling is even better.

At this moment, when I saw this Thunder Mage again, I was in a happy mood and became more and more pleasing to my eyes.

Maybe it was the sense of closeness brought by the magic of thunder, or maybe it was the other party's sincerity. In short, even though they only met once, Li Yang couldn't help but have some thoughts.

For example, bring a little help to his cultivation path.

"Oh? Do you have any idea?"

Hearing Li Yang's words, Gu Chen's eyebrows moved and his eyes lit up.

A smile appeared on Li Yang's face, and then he looked down at the guardians of the seven countries in the public domain below. He turned around and took Gu Chen down to the ground.

"Li will keep what the seven said in mind, but people who deserve to die will always die. It is impossible to ignore all the damn reasons and continue to live just because of who he is. If there is any accident in the future, Li will take care of it. "

Li Yang smiled brightly and spoke to the guards of the Seven Kingdoms. Seeing his posture, the guards of the Seven Kingdoms seemed to regard the huge mansion in Gelu as their own home. They couldn't help but shook their heads and bowed to Li Yang. A gift.

"We are just following our hearts and have no other intentions. Since you insist on doing so, there is nothing to say at this point. However, although the magic circle in the Gullah Mansion was destroyed, the Snow Queen will not be able to survive for a few days. We are about to return, and there is no way we can arrange a magic circle for you when the Snow Queen comes back, so you should make preparations in advance."

A guard looked at the mansion around him and couldn't help but said. The magic circle was destroyed in advance. This was one of the important reasons why Li Ming was able to defeat Gele so easily today. Otherwise, if Gele had controlled the power of the magic circle in advance, , maybe I can hold on for a while longer.

However, the defender thought about Li Yang's tough appearance before, and felt that even if he could hold on for a while, it wouldn't be much.

"Thank you."

Li Yang had a bright smile on his face. Seeing this, the guards from the Seven Kingdoms didn't stay here any longer. They nodded and flew away. In the blink of an eye, Li Yang and Gu Chen were left in the Gelu Mansion.

"From now on, I may have an extra mansion in this city."

Li Yang watched the guardians of the Seven Kingdoms leave, then looked around at the huge mansion with a smile on his face. He turned to Gu Chen and raised his eyebrows and spoke. After speaking, he turned around with the same smile. Intrigued, Gu Chen came to a quiet room.

With the combination of powerful perception power and soul power, the magic circle was suddenly destroyed by him. All the layout of the mansion was as transparent as before his eyes, and he could easily find the corresponding place.

Gu Chen was not afraid of being alone with such a terrifying and powerful man who could kill a magician. He had the ultimate enthusiasm and sincerity for thunder. He calmly followed Li Yang to the secret room, and then saw Li Yang. Yang closed the secret room, waved his hand, and six strange armors appeared in front of him.

Gu Chen's eyes were a little confused, and then he saw these armors raising their palms, and electric currents appeared in their palms.

Accompanied by waves of thunder elements.

"It's not magic...wait a minute, nothing in this world can escape the blockade of darkness and attract thunder and lightning. How did you avoid the dark sky!"

Gu Chen's pupils shrank and he spoke to Li Yang in shock.

"Um, can't items in this world escape?"

Li Yang blinked, remembering how he felt the dark power rolling overseas when he understood the super thunder magic. He guessed in his mind that what the guardians of the Seven Kingdoms said might be true, and at the same time smiled: "You don't know, then It’ll be easier to handle.”

"I don't know either."


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