My Young Lord Is Really Righteous

Chapter 238 ? I, Zhao Donghan, rectify the name of the son

The sky gradually cleared up, and the sunlight tore through the dark sky, waking up the whole earth from its deep sleep.

A new day seems to represent a new life.

And on this day, two news spread across the world like a storm.

It caused the world to shake!

The first news is that Saibeiluo Rentu led 200,000 black cavalry, went south with a sword, and approached the city of Yongchuan.

This means that the Luo family is completely anti-Xia!

This time, the Luo family's anti-Xia was not just about Luo Hong shouting slogans in Anping County, but an anti-Xia with real knives and guns!

The king of Zhenbei was besieged and killed when he came out of Tian'an City, and Luo Hong was almost on the verge of death under the persecution of the Xia family.

The Luo family finally couldn't bear it anymore!

I don't want to bear it anymore!

And the Luo family's rebellion against Xia naturally attracted the attention of the world and attracted the attention of all major forces.

The second piece of news is that Luo Hong, the number one monster on the Yellow List... is not dead!

He is alive!

And also sneaked into the Great Xia Changling Mausoleum by unknown means, the world's number one man-made secret realm, once visited all the Changling Tomb monuments, stole the national luck of all the monuments in the Changling Tomb, killed many Xia family's children, and made people cry. Changling bleeds, and in the end, Daxia Changling was blown up and cracked.

This world's number one man-made secret realm is now in a half-destroyed state, and it was ruined by Luo Hong's son!

The most shocking thing was that after Luo Hong had done all this, he managed to break out of the siege of the ten land immortals and escaped!

This news shocked the world even more than Luo Rentu leading 300,000 black riders against Xia!

The news tore apart the silence and coldness of the dawn, causing a commotion, spreading in all directions like billowing waves.

All the major houses and families of the Great Xia Dynasty heard the news, and at that moment, everyone woke up from the sleepiness they felt when they woke up in the morning, and woke up instantly as if they had been poured with cold water.

When all kinds of carrier pigeons, goshawks, and night kites flew away from Tian'an City, it was destined that this sensational news would make this ordinary day extraordinary.

After Luo Hong escaped from Tian'an City,

Suffering heavy injuries, the nine land immortals chased and killed them across the sky, but were stopped by the Hualong sword Chen Tianxuan.

And Lei Cheng, the fourth in the summer list, led the silver armored guards to continue chasing and killing Luo Hong, and fought in Heiwu Mountain hundreds of miles away from Tian'an City!

It's a big fight!

Compare it to the encirclement and suppression battle on the Lancang River.

The final ending is shocking, Luo Hong and Lei Cheng fought, the details are unknown.

But what we can know is that the two strong first-rank silver armor deputy commanders who chased and killed Luo Hong together with Lei Cheng died, and Lei Cheng had to burst into the quasi-land martial arts realm to escape for his life.

Because of insufficient preparation, perhaps the hope of becoming a Martial Immortal on land will be cut off in this life.

In the end, Li Xiuyuan arrived and took Luo Hong away, and this earth-shattering noisy battle came to an end.

And under the big event of Luo Hong destroying Daxia Changling and escaping from birth, there are many small things.

The fall of Tian'an Sword Immortal, a terrestrial sword immortal, made countless people feel even more horrified.

Monster, this is the real monster!

There was a disturbance at Wangchuan Temple just now, and they immediately switched to Tian'an City, making Tian'an City go crazy.

The Daxia Changling, which symbolized the face of Daxia, was collapsed.

What is Daxia Changling?

That's Daxia's ancestral grave!

Did Luo Hong destroy the Xia family's ancestral graves? !


Unprecedented humiliation!

Who would have thought that the existence of the Great Xia Dynasty, one of the three great dynasties in the world, would be made into a mess by a fourth-rank monk.

The embarrassment the Great Xia Dynasty lost this time is second only to the prince's murder of Luo Hongchen fifteen years ago.

And Luo Hong destroyed Daxia's ancestral grave, which should have made the Daxia family feel ashamed.

However, after hearing the news, the many patriarchs and strong men of the Great Xia family not only did not feel righteous indignation, but each of them showed great joy and clapped their hands happily.

Great Xia the number one man-made secret realm in the world, but it has always been monopolized by the Xia family, and only Xia family's children are allowed to enter it. People with foreign surnames must get the emperor's approval before they can enter.

And the stele in this secret realm was left by many great masters of the Great Xia, land immortals, not by any strong Xia family at all.

Therefore, many aristocratic families criticized the Xia family for occupying this secret realm and not allowing it to be opened.

However, every time he was suppressed by the powerful Xia family.

But now, the Great Xia Changling was blown up, and the Xia family suffered a dumb loss, how could they not be happy?

They just want to say a word of admiration.

Son Luo Hong, you did a great job!


Regarding the evaluation from the outside world, Luo Hong did not know.

Luo Hong is also not very clear about what happened in Saibei.

He was entrenched on Li Xiuyuan's majestic river, carrying a strong vitality of heaven and earth, and quickly returned to Anping County.

Finally, the moment the sun jumped out of the horizon, we returned to Anping County.

From a distance, we could see Dongshan in Anping County, where the sun is shining and the atmosphere is soaring, and the stretch of Jixia Academy built on the top of Dongshan.

Luo Hong's frosty hair was falling and flying, he opened his eyes, looked at the quiet and peaceful Anping County, and couldn't help smiling.

"Finally home."

Luo Hong sighed.

As if in a lifetime, Luo Hong knew that if he left Anping County, he would be attacked and killed in various ways.

However, he did not expect that leaving Anping County this time would be so dangerous.

In Wangchuan Temple, he was almost on the verge of death, and in Tian'an City, he even narrowly escaped death.

Now that he is back, Luo Hongcai feels that the years in Anping County are quiet and good.

Still a small county town, quiet and peaceful.

There are not many disputes, mainly in Anping County, no one dares to mess with him.

On the vast flat land outside Anping County, Qinglongya was parked across there. When Luo Hong saw it, he breathed a sigh of relief. He understood that since Qinglongya was parked there, it meant that King Zhenbei and others had returned.


Just when Li Xiuyuan's long river of righteousness just entered the area of ​​Anping County.

A breath like a scorching sun burst out suddenly, tearing the sky instantly. It was Luo Xiaobei.

Luo Xiaobei, who had completely stepped into the Land Martial Immortal Realm, sensed the aura of Luo Hong and Li Xiuyuan, and was immediately ecstatic and flew across the sky.

Not only Luo Xiaobei, but Zhenbei Wang Luo Kuang, Yuan Xiazi, Situ Wei, Zhao Xinghe and others also rose into the sky and appeared before the river of righteousness.

This scene is quite spectacular, compared to the scene of Qinglongya's return yesterday.

For a while, some peasants in Anping County, who got up early, seemed to see gods.

Everyone watched from a distance, somewhat joyful, and somewhat fortunate to look at Luo Hong who was sitting cross-legged in the long river of righteousness.

However, soon, their joy and happiness disappeared completely.

Luo Hong's white hair was like frost and snow, which stimulated their eyes and made them change color.

"Little brother broke out with a secret technique in the Changling Tomb of the Great Xia, was severely injured, and burned his life essence, so he escaped from the sky..."

"That's the price you have to pay."

Li Xiuyuan said with emotion.

Zhenbei Wang's old eyes fluctuated slightly, looking at Luo Hong's frosty hair, for a moment, he didn't know what to say, but his heart became more and more melancholy.

Luo Hong opened his eyes and looked at familiar faces one after another. His heart felt slightly warm. The oppression brought by the Xia family also disappeared a lot at this moment.

"It's good to be back, it's good to be back..."

King Zhenbei appeared in front of him, looking at Luo Hong's frosty hair, he could only mutter this sentence.

However, in King Zhenbei's heart, endless anger was surging.

The Xia family bullied my grandson today, the Luo family will definitely not let it go easily!

Luo Hong was chatting with everyone, answering everyone's concerns.

Li Xiuyuan didn't exchange greetings with everyone.

He put away the long river of righteousness, and left in a free and easy manner, returning to the academy.

Under the peach blossom tree, Luo Xiaoxiao was sitting on the steps, holding a large pile of peach blossoms in her hands, picking and counting one by one.

Li Xiuyuan came lightly, and tapped Luo Xiaoxiao's head lightly, "Girl, I'll bring your brother back for you, I didn't lie to you."

Luo Xiaoxiao raised his head, his big eyes gleaming brightly.

Li Xiuyuan smiled lightly, rubbed her head, and walked into the Spring Breeze House lightly.

In the small building, the hot water in the kettle is boiling up and down.

On the tea tray, there were two cups of tea, still emitting steaming heat.

The master was sitting in a rocking chair, shaking constantly, with a leisurely face, when he saw Li Xiuyuan, he smiled.

"came back?"

Li Xiuyuan nodded.

"Have you unlocked Nirvana?" The master raised his hand and flicked his wide sleeve, the teacup fluttered up steadily and flew towards Li Xiuyuan.

Li Xiuyuan took the teacup, took a sip of hot tea, and the warmth flooded into his heart, making his impetuous heart settle slightly.

"If you don't unlock Nirvana, you won't be able to defeat Gao Lishi, and you won't be able to bring back your junior brother." Li Xiuyuan laughed.

"That's right. Gao Lishi is the same generation as Emperor Xia. He has lived for hundreds of years. When it comes to strength, he is very strong."

"He is also afraid. If you don't have the fear to attack, even if you unravel Nirvana, you may not be able to take Luo Hong away easily."

The master nodded and said.

"Master, this time I unraveled Nirvana, and I found some problems... Perhaps, I need to change my way of thinking about cultivation."

Li Xiuyuan sat upright, said.

"Next, I will choose to retreat until the end of Nirvana."

"Otherwise, once the Sea of ​​Learning Secret Realm is opened, the turmoil that will be caused...I'm afraid I won't be able to handle it."

The master took a sip of tea and frowned.

As if thinking of something, he smiled gently: "It's best if you can find the problem yourself."

"Go, the way of Nirvana, if you are not careful, you will be lost forever, if you don't succeed, you will become a demon..."

"However, regardless of whether you become a demon or not, you must remember that you must uphold a ray of kindness in your heart, and then you will not be afraid of the wind from east, west, north, and south."

"As for the consequences caused by the opening of the Sea of ​​Learning Secret Realm, you don't have to worry, the sky is falling, and this old man is here."

Li Xiuyuan nodded, stood up, lifted the hem of his clothes, and bowed solemnly.

Afterwards, he turned around and left Chunfeng Xiaolou, and began to prepare for the retreat.


Luo Hong returned to Anping County.

When Liu Neng, the county magistrate, heard the news of Luo Hong's return, he brought a large group of people and hurried out to greet this ruthless man.

What Luo Hong did in Wangchuan Temple and Tian'an City made Liu Neng's heart beat several times, so what's the matter? !

Ringing the Ten Thousand Buddha Bells, opening the secret realm of Ksitigarbha, killing the second rank of the earth list of the world's major dynasties, the heads are rolling...

The second rank of the local list, any one in Anping County would be an existence that would shake every time he stomped his feet.

In the end, he was slaughtered by Luo Hong!

Although Luo Hong didn't slaughter him himself, he was murdered, but being able to murder people is also a skill.

Not to mention what Luo Hong did in Tian'an City, blocking the city alone, it's fine if he didn't die, and even dug up the graves of the Xia family's ancestors.

He even escaped from the encirclement and suppression of the ten land immortals of the Xia family.

Are you...a monster? !

Luxian, what an incredible existence that is, County Magistrate Liu dare not even think about it.

The handsome young man who used to bribe him without the slightest fuss, now... has become an existence beyond his reach!

Luo Hong exchanged a few words with County Magistrate Liu, but they didn't stay for too long, and went back to Luo's mansion.

He saw the weak Xiao Douhua, Xiao Douhua was holding the Dizang Sword, Piaoxue Sword, and Tianji Sword, and when he heard the news of the young master's return, he ran out of the yard with a pale face.

However, when Xiao Douhua saw Luo Hong's glaring white hair, she immediately covered her mouth, and the sword in her hand fell to the ground.

Her eyes were full of sadness, what happened to the young master?

Luo Hong glanced at the sword that had fallen to the ground, this girl...doesn't scold for a day, her whole body is itchy, right?

"Pick it up! Who told you to throw the sword down? As a sword servant, you threw the sword on the ground? Do you still have a little professional ethics? You don't want to be my master's sword servant anymore, do you?!"

Luo Hong leaned on the Chun Jun sword and shouted loudly.

Xiao Douhua froze instantly.

Familiar scolding, familiar smell.

The son is indeed the same son...

"Grand... son... don't be angry..."

After Xiao Douhua said something, she quickly squatted down and picked up the three swords.

Standing timidly.

Luo Hong glanced, raised his hand and tapped lightly on her fair forehead, and stuffed the bloody Chun Jun sword into her arms.

"Put your chest up, draw your stomach in, raise your head, raise your hips, step forward with your feet..."

Luo Hong shouted.

Bully Xiaodouhua every day, and the crime is guaranteed to be in hand.

Of course, Luo Hong feels that he is not a little villain who is a little bit worse than that.

However, this girl is too stupid, she has to be scolded, and she will get better after scolding.

Seeing Xiao Douhua holding the four swords, puffing out her chest, retracting her abdomen, raising her buttocks and blushing, Luo Hong's interest suddenly faded. Stupid and cute sword waiter...will affect my image!

There is a long way to go to train this girl.

Back in his small courtyard, Luo Hong went directly to his room, lay down on the bed and closed his eyes to rest.

These days are really exhausting him.

As soon as I close my eyes, I don't think about anything and start to sleep.

This sleep, I slept for a day and a night.

When he woke up again, he felt refreshed, as if he had been reborn.

Although one can practice without sleep to the extreme, Luo Hong still believes that sleep is a unique way of self-cultivation.

On the table in the room, there is steaming hot chicken soup, which can be seen from the handwriting of Xiaodouhua.

Maybe it was because she didn't know when Luo Hong would wake up, so Xiao Douhua would take the chicken soup to reheat every hour.

Luo Hong got up, asked the maidservant to wait for her to wash up, and then drank a large bowl of chicken soup.

Moreover, now that he has reached the third-rank Wuxiu Golden Body Realm, Luo Hong didn't even bother to chew on it, so he stuffed all the chicken including the bones into his mouth, and swallowed it after a few chews.

With his current physique, nothing will happen even if he eats it with a steel knife, let alone a chicken bone.

Eat and drink enough, it's time to practice!

He recruited Xiao Douhua and asked her to declare to the outside world that after the young master continued to retreat and heal his wounds, he sent Xiao Douhua away.


Outside Luo Mansion.

Xu Yun drifted over, and beside him, Luo Feng, Zi Wei, and Fang Zheng also stopped.

They originally wanted to meet Luo Hong, but Xiao Douhua told them that the son had slept for a day and a night, and that he was going to retreat to heal his wounds.

Zhao Donghan also rushed back from Jiangling Mansion, upon hearing the news, his face changed color slightly, and the scars on his face twisted slightly.

"Young it so badly injured?"

Zhao Donghan asked.

Xiao Douhua looked serious and heavy, holding four swords, nodded.

"Young master has white hair all over his head, and his life essence has been burned for an unknown's miserable."

Zhao Donghan didn't speak, he understood.

On the other side, Zi Wei said, "Young Master Luohong blew up the Great Xia Changling Tomb...Now the entire Great Xia Dynasty is insulting Young Master Luohong, saying that the young master is disrespectful to his ancestors and doesn't know how to be in awe..."

Destroying the Great Xia Changling Mausoleum was no small matter. After all, Changling Mausoleum was the place where the dead were buried. Now that Luo Hong destroyed Changling Mausoleum, it would naturally have a huge impact on his reputation.

Zhao Donghan stared, "It's none of my son's business?!"

"My son is just trying to escape. He doesn't destroy Changling... Can he escape? I heard that there are ten land immortals in Changling. My son destroyed the existence of ten land immortals. Why are these land immortals eating farts?" of?"

Ziwei and Fangzheng fell silent immediately.

Luo Feng looked at Xu Yun. He never expected that the minister of Dali Temple was actually Luo Hong's senior brother, and also a master's disciple...

Xu Yun smiled: "I know about this matter. Most of these rumors and rumors should be rumors controlled by the Xia family. Now that General Luo Hou of Saibei has rebelled against Xia, and the Luo family is in full swing, the Xia family will naturally suppress the reputation of the Luo family."

"However, the Great Xia Changling was destroyed. It shouldn't have such a bad reputation. After all, the families of the Great Xia's prefectures still have complaints about the Great Xia Changling controlled by the Xia family. Therefore... this It should be someone sent by the Xia family to slander the younger brother."

As the minister of Dali Temple, Xu Yun naturally knew a lot of things.

Now, although he is standing on the opposite side of the Xia family, the Dali Temple intelligence network that he planted in various parts of the Great Xia Dynasty is still in his hands.

When Zhao Donghan heard the words, his eyes suddenly brightened.

If what Xu Yun said is true, then what the young master has done is not only not a crime, but a matter of breaking the Xia family's domineering monopoly and benefiting the country and the people?

"So...these rumors, are the Xia family messing with my young master?!"

"They actually want to slander the son's reputation?"

"My son's reputation, are they able to tarnish it?"

Zhao Donghan's body was full of arrogance. Although he was weak, he had sworn a long time ago that the son's reputation... would be protected by him.

Therefore, he does not allow the Xia family to slander the young master like this!

Zhao Donghan looked at Xu Yun, clasped his fists and bowed: "Mr. Xu, we need to fight back! We can't let your son's reputation be smeared by the Xia family!"

Xu Yun was stunned, "What do you want to do?"

Zhao Donghan took a deep breath: "I hope to join the intelligence network mastered by Mr. Xu..."

"I, Zhao Donghan, rectify your name!"

In one day, a dispute over public opinion suddenly broke out in the various mansions of the Great Xia Dynasty.

To everyone's surprise, the one-sided remarks that were unfavorable to Luo Hong turned in an instant. With the support of the major families, Luo Hong's move to blow up the Changling Tomb turned out to be beneficial to the country. Great deed for the people.


Anping County, Luofu.

Luo Hong didn't know anything about what was going on outside. He felt that it was not appropriate for him to stand up now. The current public opinion must have whipped him and insulted him in various ways.

And now he just needs to wait quietly for this turmoil to pass, and then reap the soaring reputation and crimes.

This time out, Luo Hong gained a lot. In addition to cultivating evil ways, martial arts, swordsmanship, Confucianism, and Buddhism have all reached the third rank!

As for the lost lifespan, Luo Hong didn't really care much about it.

Cross-legged on the bed, Luo Hong felt a slight heat in his chest, and took out the human skin booklet, which was also maintained.

This is the third maintenance of the booklet of human skin. Every maintenance will add some functions. Luo Hong is a little curious about what functions will be added this time.

Open the human skin booklet.

The first thing you turn to is the panel page.

Character: Luo Hong

Sin: 110086 (Target: ﹢110336 / Reputation: ﹢250)

Level: 8 (rewards to be claimed)

Title: Little villain

Races: Terran (mortal), Asura (activated)

Cultivation methods: "Evil Shadow of the Dead (Remnant)", "Sword Qi Jue", "Yun Jian Jue", "Burning Heaven Jue"

Spiritual Practice: "The Beidou Sutra (Disabled)"

Techniques: "Thousand-Handed Evil Buddha", "Little Evil Burning Lamp Sutra"

Swordsmanship: "Dragon Transformation Sword"

Realm: Fourth Rank (Sha Hai), Third Rank (Sword Madness), Third Rank (Golden Body), Third Rank (Liming), Third Rank (Great King Kong)

Luo Hong looked at the panel page, and this time there was a slight change on the panel page.

The crime column is finely divided into crimes for crimes and crimes for prestige.

Luo Hong looked at the -250 prestige crime with a blank face, and his face became a little vicissitudes inexplicably.


Haven't seen negative sin for a long time.

This familiar heartbreak.

Luo Hong was originally looking forward to the maintenance and update of the human skin booklet. After all, every update and maintenance will add an additional function. Now... looking forward to it!

Is the maintenance this time purely for piercing Luo Hong's heart? !

Originally, it was good that crimes were mixed together, but now that they were separated, Luo Hongfang understood that his reputation... was actually negative? !

Then why is he working so hard?

He caused a wave of head rain in front of Tian'an City.

The Daxia Changling Mausoleum was also destroyed, and the Xia family's ancestral tomb was raised.

These things are so sinful... Could it be that the world is still praising him? !

A bunch of psychos!

Luo Hong felt that his mentality was a little broken.

Looking at the guilt that I was carrying, I felt the urge to shed tears.

However, soon, Luo Hong felt a sense of enlightenment.

This is a booklet of human skins that can't be read?

Is this warning him?

Let him understand that Luo Hong still has a lot of room for development on the road of fame and evil? !

Luo Hong took a deep breath, he understood that this was spurring him to do evil!

Luo Hong raised his head and took a deep breath: "It's almost... I still have a backup, I can't wait, it's time to usurp the throne!"

After reaching out his hand, he took the level gift package.

Luo Hong didn't expect too much for this level gift bag, maybe, he rewarded another ray of original evil light, that thing... It's not as real as a stainless steel washbasin.

Suddenly, Luo Hong was taken aback.


On the human skin booklet, a line of bloody text flickered past.

"Congratulations on getting the 'Evil Spirit Swordsmith' professional inheritance, do you accept the inheritance?"

PS: It’s the end of the month, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a freshly released recommendation ticket~

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