My Young Lord Is Really Righteous

Chapter 239 ? Not everyone can be Zhang Shoufu

Luo Hong was really surprised by this reward.

I didn't expect such a thing to be issued in the level gift pack this time.

Luo Hong finally understood that what the level gift package of this human skin book can offer is entirely dependent on luck. Maybe it can offer an excellent reward, compared with first-class, second-class rewards, or extremely poor rewards. The reward is similar to the consolation prize.

But this time, a job reward of "Evil Spirit Swordsmith" was issued...

"Does this mean that my son has too little practice?"

Luo Hong was a little speechless, he was no longer just a simple evil cultivator.

His goal all along is to be a simple and unpretentious evil cultivator.

But now, he felt that he was getting further and further away from his original intention.

Sword cultivator, Buddhist cultivator, Confucianist cultivator, martial arts cultivator, just one Taoist cultivator is missing... Luo Hong can get together the main cultivation systems of this world.

A person's energy is limited, and now a "swordsmith" industry has been opened for him.

Luo Hong took a deep breath.

A swordsmith, as the name suggests, is not a mover of swords, but a producer of swords.

Therefore, this is intended to make Luo Hong a forged sword?

"There are too many things to practice, and it is too much work to practice and forge swords. However, the rewards that come in vain, don't want them in vain."

"Knowing some knowledge of sword casting may also be useful."

Luo Hong shook his head, but still chose this reward, at least... There is not much harm in knowing this line of work.

And after Luo Hong chose to accept it.

On the human skin book, blood words began to emerge again.

This time it is the explanation and analysis of the evil spirit swordsmith.

"Evil spirit swordsmith: A caster of evil swords. The swords he forges have monstrous evil powers, and can produce evil spirits that devour the souls of the sword holders to strengthen their own evil spirits."

this introduction,

Evil is coming.

And in Luo Hong's mind, there is also a lot of information rushing in rapidly, about how to forge a sword, the process of forging a sword, the process of gathering evil spirits, etc...

When Luo Hong opened his eyes, they couldn't help but look a bit vicissitudes and deep.

The evil spirit swordsmith... seems to be more evil than this evil cultivator.

Luo Hong narrowed his eyes, maybe... Luo Hong thinks that job change seems to be a good thing.

Looking at the negative prestige crime, Luo Hong felt that he had to find a way to improve the prestige crime.

"However, this move to divide the prestige crimes is really heartbreaking."

Luo Hong muttered.

And it may be that following his muttering, in the column of crimes, the subsequent crimes against crimes and prestige crimes are quietly hidden.

When Luo Hong moved his mind, he could emerge again.

It turns out that out of sight and out of mind can be achieved, which is much more humane.

Luo Hong smiled, and continued to turn the pages. The human skin booklet at the back has not changed much, basically the same as before.

After flipping through the target page, Luo Hong was taken aback because he found that there was an extra page in the human skin booklet.

His eyes fell on it, and there were three words on it that shocked Luo Hong's mind.

"Storage page!"

Looking at these three words, Luo Hong's breathing suddenly became short.

Is this the main function of this maintenance update?

Luo Hong has always known that the human skin booklet has the function of storing things. After all, the things exchanged from the human skin booklet before can be stored in it.

But now, this unlimited storage function has finally been developed.

Luo Hong was a little delighted, this is definitely a precious function.

[Storage page]: The current crime is 110086, and the size of the storage page is 110 cubic meters.

Is the storage space ratio of 1000 to 1 exchangeable?

Luo Hong couldn't help breathing fast, what a good thing!

A space of 100 cubic meters is not too small, but it is not too big either.

The acquisition of sin is closely related to the size of the storage space, this is to stimulate Luo Hong to find ways to obtain sin.

If you get sin, you can open up storage space. If you get 100 million sin, wouldn't you get 10,000 cubic meters of storage space?

Luo Hong felt that the reward of the storage space was more precious than the reward of the incomprehensible evil spirit swordsmith.

And this may be the main function of Human Skin Booklet's maintenance update this time.

As for how to use it, Luo Hong has experience.

Spiritual power surged out, wrapped the table in the room, and put it into the storage page, and on the storage page, a line of bloody text appeared.

"Ordinary table."

Luo Hong took out the table again, and the words on it disappeared.

Luo Hong became playful and tried to incorporate many things into it.

The effect is very good, the only disadvantage is that it consumes quite a lot of mental power.

In the sea of ​​spiritual will.

The phantom of the evil god Erha was sitting cross-legged boredly, looking at Luo Hong's stupid posture, he couldn't help snorting.

What kind of rare thing is a storage spirit treasure?

Stupid Ronaldinho actually had such a great time playing.

If your strength is sufficient, you can directly tear out a space and use it as a storage place.

After playing for a while, Luo Hong generally understood the properties of this storage page. This thing can hold dead objects, but it cannot store living objects.

This made Luo Hong feel rather pity.

This means that the function of this [storage page] is not perfect enough.

"Hey, stupid Xiao Luo, why don't you hurry up and condense the evil beads? If you don't condense, your evil sea will continue to collapse. At that time, it will become more and more difficult to gather more evil beads."

The evil god Erha reminded Luo Hong.

Luo Hong's heart moved, and he felt that there was some truth.

However, before that, he felt that he still had to exchange the reward. Luo Hong finally understood that, judging by his prestige and sinful nature, he had to hurry up and exchange the evil reward.

Otherwise, if you don't pay attention, the evil will fall.

【Reward pool】

Special Class: Heavenly Demon Indestructible Body (Sin: +??...? can be exchanged)

First Class: Heavenly Peak Evil Law "All Evils Return to One (Remnant)" (Sin: +100000~+1000000 can be exchanged)

Second Class: Earth-level evil method "Roar of the Evil God" (Sin: +10000~+100000 can be exchanged)

Third class: Mysterious-level evil method "The Record of Ten Thousand Ghosts" (sin: +300~﹢1000 can be exchanged)

Consolation: A very unscrupulous Gathering Pill (Sin +10/﹣1~﹣??...? can be exchanged)

Luo Hong turned to the reward pool page, and frowned slightly.

This time the updated rewards, except for the consolation prize which is the invariable Gathering Pill, the other three rewards turned out to be Evil Law Chapters.

Luo Hong also has evil methods, and "Evil Shadow of the Undead" is a kind of evil methods.

And Luo Hong's cultivation methods all along have been carried out according to this evil method.

Now, this is the appearance of forcing Luo Hongduo to practice an evil method?

Luo Hong thinks "Evil Shadow of the Undead" is pretty good, his army of evil shadows is so strong, one person is one army, it's amazing.

He didn't even want to exchange it anymore, and planned to change the reward pool rewards for the next period.

However, Luo Hong thought about it, and based on the principle that if you don't use it for evil, it may be lost sooner or later, he thinks it's better to exchange it.

Therefore, Luo Hong stretched out his hand and tapped on the first-class reward.

"Peak of Heaven Rank? This is the first time I have encountered it."

"Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang... the peak of the sky rank should be regarded as the limit of the skill? I don't know if there is a level above it?"

Luo Hong took a deep breath.

And after he chose to exchange, Luo Hong only felt his spiritual will tremble suddenly.

"Would you like to exchange for the peak heavenly skill "Ten Thousand Evils Returning to One"?"

The reminder of the routine in the bloody text emerged, Luo Hong hesitated, and with a surge of will, he chose to exchange.


The next moment, Luo Hong felt his world spinning for a while, and then, in the sea of ​​will, a black fragment like a broken tile emerged.

Information constantly surged out from it, penetrating into Luo Hong's spirit and soul.

In the sea of ​​will.

The evil god Erha suddenly raised his head, stared at the broken black tiles, and sniffed fiercely with his enlarged nostrils.

A little bit of disbelief flickered in his eyes.

"Oh, Huo? A practice method that is close to the god level?!"

"It's a pity, it's a fragment, but even if it's perfect, it can only reach the demigod level..."

"Heh, stupid Xiao Luo, in front of only one, he is still weak."

The evil god Erha proudly twitched the corner of his mouth, then fell silent again. This was a ray of divine power imprinted by him in Luo Hong's sea of ​​will.

Now that the connection has been severed, he can't be too disturbed, otherwise, after exhausting the energy of the divine power mark, the next time Luo Hong casts the divine descent technique, he may not be able to be pulled by the mark in time and arrive quickly.

Luo Hong didn't care about the evil god Erha at the moment, his head was heavy and he felt like he was going to be blown up.

However, soon, he calmed down, and Luo Hong read the introduction of "All Evils Return to One" in his mind.

For a whole day, Luo Hong was studying this exercise, and only after studying it thoroughly did he start to try to practice it.

He crossed his knees in the room and performed the operation method introduced by the exercises.


The dry sea of ​​evil in the dantian boiled instantly.

The main reason is that the speed of birthing evil spirits is much faster than the original technique "Evil Shadow of the Undead"!

Moreover, Luo Hong felt that this "Ten Thousand Evils Returning to One" was terrifying, he was devouring "Evil Shadow of the Undead", and incorporated this exercise into it bit by bit.

This is what makes Luo Hong feel the creepiest!

Luo Hong only felt that the evil power in every cell in his body had been extracted.

Moreover, with the operation of the exercises, Luo Hong felt that his body was burning like a furnace, and it was constantly burning. The hot feeling made Luo Hong sweat continuously, and beads of sweat the size of beans engulfed his body. The impurities in the body shot out and hit the ground, like marbles hitting the ground, making the sound of big and small beads falling on a jade plate.

On Luo Hong's body, the aura of Zhengyang became more and more bright and dazzling, and every inch of skin on his body was emitting the light of Zhengyang!

Indistinctly, his physique seemed to undergo a unique change with the operation of the exercises.


During the period when Luo Hong fell into retreat.

However, the situation of the Great Xia Dynasty has undergone tremendous changes.

The news of Luo's rebellion against Xia should have shocked the entire Great Xia, sweeping through the entire dynasty like a landslide and tsunami.

However, the momentum created by Luo Hong before was suppressed, so this news did not have that shocking effect.

However, Luo Hong's silence for the past few days caused the news of the Luo family's anti-Xia to blow up like a hurricane again.

And Luo Hou's 200,000 troops broke through several cities and approached Yongchuan Prefecture.

In the city of Yongchuan Prefecture, there were also 200,000 troops gathered, the Gale Army of the Chu Family, and the troops from other big prefectures near Yongchuan Prefecture.

It also formed a large and powerful force to resist the black knight's offensive with difficulty.

However, after all, the Gale Army of the Chu family is good at fighting against the Miao Gu clan in the southern border. It is naturally difficult to fight against the Luo family's iron cavalry, which is more elite, and the Luo family's black cavalry, who are better at the Northern Serbia War.

The correct way is to keep guarding the city and not get out. If you really go out of the city and fight head-on with the black cavalry, the end may be dire.

The Xia family intends to use the Chu family to replace the Luo family. The idea is good, but it still needs to be done slowly, like a frog boiled in warm water. Let the Chu family replace the Luo family, and even take over the Luo family's iron cavalry.

However, the Xia family's series of violent measures against Luo Hong made it impossible for Xu Xu to figure it out.

These days, there are constantly pigeons and goshawks flying across the sky in the territory of Daxia.

Informed about the situation in Saibei.

Although Yongchuan Prefecture was attacked by Luo Hou, Chu Yuandao, who was defending the city, was still defending the city with all his might. He fell from the tower and held on to Yongchuan Fucheng.

This move made all parties look a little confused and do not understand.

Chu Yuandao was also a famous general of his generation. Although the city of Yongchuan was very important, it was not so important that so many lives were needed to defend it.

Under the city of Yongchuan.

Luo Hou was wearing a black armor, and his body was covered with blood. After the siege, basically everyone in the army has blood on their bodies.

The blood was not their blood, but the blood of the defenders of Yongchuan City.

These high-grade powerhouses tried to attack the city, but they were desperately intercepted by the high-grade powerhouses in the Chu family army.

They also did not dare to enter the city easily, once they were surrounded by the crazy Chu family army, they would also be in danger of falling.

"Chu Yuandao is not some fatuous general. He is Chu Tiannan's father. He won a great victory in the battle against the Miao Gu clan in southern Xinjiang. He is a general who is good at strategizing. Yongchuan City is of no benefit to them..."

An elegant-looking black knight general said solemnly.

Luo Hou was holding a knife, staring at the sand table in front of him, also lost in thought.

He stretched out his hand and clicked on a city seven hundred miles behind Yongchuan City. This city is called Huanglong City, and it is located on the bank of the Huanglong River. Logically speaking, Huanglong City is related to an important pass, which is what Chu Yuandao should do. Desperately defend the place.

Because, once Huanglong City falls, the Luo family's 200,000 black cavalry will be sure to point directly at Tian'an City.

Luo Hou and many black cavalry generals are too familiar with the terrain in Saibei.

Saibei is the home of their Luo family.

However, Chu Yuandao's actions were completely beyond their expectations.

Even the master of the black cavalry, known for his strategy, couldn't guess Chu Yuandao's intentions.

Chu Yuandao, what exactly do you want to do?

In other words, what is he waiting for?

Luo Hou slowly stroked the handle of the knife with his callused palm. After a long time, he seemed to think of something.

Turning his gaze, he followed the sand table and looked all the way to Saibei... beyond.


Daxia, Tianan City.

There was a patter of rain, ever since the Changling Tomb collapsed and some land immortals fell, the rain in Tian'an City has never stopped.

The entire Tian'an City seemed to be shrouded in a haze.

In the city, one after another luxurious carriages were driving on the official road, the wheels rolled over, and the water was rolled up two feet high.

These carriages drove towards the palace one after another.

When they arrived in front of the palace, the officials in the carriage stepped down one after another, and every official had a look of anxiety on their faces.

In the palace.

The officials took their positions, and the screen hung down. Prince Xia Ji was wearing a four-claw python robe, sitting quietly behind the screen, listening to the reports of the officials who kept entering the palace.

Every official expressed concern about the situation in northern Serbia.

There was even a censor who directly impeached Chu Yuandao who was stationed in Yongchuan City, thinking that Chu Yuandao should not stick to Yongchuan, but should retreat to Huanglong City.

In the hall.

The faces of several censors were red.

There were also officials arguing, and they wanted to roll up their sleeves and beat them together.

Standing quietly with a tiger-headed cane, the old King Chu swayed, eyes closed, as if taking a nap.

Behind the screen, Prince Xia Ji watched with a faint smile, leaning on the chair, tapping his finger on the handguard.

In his spare time, he even turned his head to look at the dragon chair on the side.

The dragon chair seemed to be very close to him, as if it was within easy reach, but Xia Ji knew that the distance between him and the dragon chair was extremely far away, as if there was a huge mountain separated by a thousand zhang.

However, it was extremely difficult for him to cross this mountain.

The prince withdrew his gaze, with a slight smile on his face, and continued to listen to the arguments of the ministers below.

Some officials couldn't come to an end after arguing, so they looked at the King of Chu.

I want the king of Chu to express his position, explain some situations, and reveal what exactly Chu Yuandao wants to do?

The King of Chu waved his hand and smiled.

There was something deep in his eyes, and he seemed to see through something.

It's just that it's inconvenient to say it.


While arguing endlessly in the court.

A tyrannical air force suddenly swept from outside the palace, and the gloomy raindrops all over the sky were torn apart.

Gao Lishi, who was dressed in a purple robe, was holding a whisk in one hand, and an imperial decree exuding the coercion of the emperor in the other.

"The decree has arrived."

The sharp voice was full of vigor and solemnity.

Exploded in the palace.

The debate among the officials came to an abrupt end, and they knelt down one after another.

Even the prince Xia Ji, who was sitting high above the court hall, stepped out of the screen and knelt down on the ground.

The imperial decree floated up, Gao Lishi flicked his whisk, and recited majesticly.

After reading the content of the imperial decree, there was only deathly silence in the entire court.

"Your Majesty has an order to allow Concubine Xuan Yu to return to the Golden Tent Royal Court to visit her relatives, and leave immediately. Ministers, please go to Tianji Gate and send Concubine Xuan Yu off respectfully."

Gao Lishi said lightly.

All the officials looked at each other in blank dismay, even the sharp-tongued censors were silent.

And above the high position, Prince Xia Ji smiled calmly.

It seems to have been expected.

The king of Chu also smiled calmly, and the tiger's crutch tapped the ground lightly. The sound reverberated in the palace, as if hitting the hearts of every official.


In front of Tianji Gate.

An extremely luxurious chariot landed in front of Tianji Gate.

Five golden-armored emperor's guards with extremely strong aura, with golden scabbard swords on their waists, stood expressionlessly on both sides of the chariot.

The chariot is luxurious, covered with a canopy, with thousands of silk ribbons hanging down, and Concubine Xuanyu's gorgeous face is faintly visible in the chariot, but there is no joyful mood to go back to visit relatives on that gorgeous face.

And behind the chariot, there is also a simple sedan chair sitting quietly, which is carried by four powerful second-rank martial artists with strong aura.

The officials came one after another, seeing the formation in front of Tianji Gate, their expressions changed slightly.

At this extremely delicate moment, Emperor Xia actually asked Concubine Xuan Yu to return to the Golden Tent Royal Court to visit her relatives?

This visit is definitely not an ordinary visit. Could it be... What is the purpose?

Many officials looked sideways, and some officials who were not weak even shrank their eyes.

Because, in the plain sedan chair behind Concubine Xuanyu's queue, there is an unfathomable aura, it is a land fairy!

A land fairy escorted Concubine Xuanyu into the Golden Tent King's Court. This situation... I have to say, it is very face-saving.

The king of Chu has arrived, the prince has also arrived, and all the officials have arrived.

King Ning, who never went to court, also appeared with an oiled paper umbrella.

Between the melodious symphony of bells, drums and zithers.

The curtain of Concubine Xuanyu's chariot flew up, and the chariot suddenly burst into air waves, breaking through the clouds and rain in the sky, flying into the clouds, and heading towards the direction of Saibei.

All the officials watched Concubine Xuanyu's chariot disappear, but they were terrified.

You Yushi looked at the Tianji Palace behind the Tianji Gate in disbelief.

Now, who has the greatest influence on the situation in northern Serbia?

It's the Golden Tent...

At this moment, Concubine Xuan Yu was sent back to visit her relatives by Emperor Xia, the purpose was self-evident.


Emperor Xia... is crazy!

How can this be...

This will really chill the hearts of people all over the world!

Several hot-tempered censors came to the gate of Tianji with their bodies drenched in the rain, stepping on the spray.

They really wanted to shout "Your Majesty can't do it", but looking at the deep Tianji Gate and the Tianji Palace behind it, the courage they had finally summoned suddenly collapsed. They covered their heads and knelt down in front of the gate .

After all, not everyone can be Zhang Shoufu.

PS: 4D update, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a freshly released recommendation ticket~

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