My Young Lord Is Really Righteous

Chapter 251 ? That man... was injured!

Boom boom boom!

The earth was constantly roaring, resounding, and trembling violently, making every mountain and every stone in the land of Xijiang tremble.

It roared like an angry mountain, shaking endlessly.

After a long time, the shock subsided slowly.

The sky, the ground, two battlefields.

Many people were stunned, but they didn't know where to place their gaze. However, when most people felt the terrifying energy and will fluctuations, they subconsciously raised their heads and looked at the sky and sea of ​​clouds.

But he was shocked to find that the clouds all over the sky were torn apart abruptly.

The projection of Emperor Xia's will sitting on the throne in the clouds suddenly collapsed and completely disappeared.

Many people saw the colorful glow, saw the endless palaces, and also saw the old man walking out of the small building with his back bent.

With one punch, Emperor Xia's will projection collapsed!

That punch seemed like no one in the world could resist and bear it.

The projection of Emperor Xia's will completely disappeared from the sky, and even the suspended corpse of Concubine Xuan Yu was swept away by a terrifying force, directly smashed into dust.

Concubine Xuan Yu, who had no bones left, died completely in this world.

Everyone is horrified.


too strong!

The one who made the attack was Master, who was in the Jixia Academy, and the punch was a phantom of Xia Huang's will that was separated by thousands of miles of mountains and rivers!

Strong and creepy!

Is this the power that the world can have?

Emperor Xia condensed his energy body and turned into a third-rank combat power. The young Emperor Xia fought Luo Hong, and the master agreed.

However, after the defeat in the battle, Emperor Xia actually ignored the rules, went beyond the rules, and wanted to kill Luo Hong by force.

Therefore, breaking the rules, the master took action.


Then crushed the phantom of Emperor Xia's will, this domineering, this powerful, made all the strong men in the world watching this battle terrified.

Master is still Master, as strong as ever.

She is the guard of the rules in the world, and she must not be provoked!

The rules are not to be provoked easily.

And the moment the battle above the sky came to an end, many people discovered that the battle on the earth was also over.

Horrific air mechanisms are criss-crossing, and the land seems to have been changed. An extremely wide ditch stretches across the land of Western Xinjiang.

At the end of the ditch, smoke and dust billowed, and there was a small mountain of earth piled up behind Xia Huang's body.

Accompanied by the scream of "Aww".

The phantom of the evil god behind Luo Hong continued to launch terrifying attacks, hitting the deformed energy body of Emperor Xia who had already been beaten.

The hill was trembling, making muffled noises and shaking off the dust.

after a long time...

The vitality of Emperor Xia's body was completely wiped out.

The heavy panting sound permeated and spread.

Many people were stunned. Is this... the end?

The battle on the sky was decided in an instant, and the battle on the earth seemed to be won in a short time.

In the body of the young Emperor Xia, the power that was constantly filling, reaching the limit of the first rank, seemed...not tossing anything, and did not put Luo Hong to death.

Instead, she was tortured by Luo Hong's subordinates, and finally... collapsed!

Everyone turned their heads and looked at the billowing smoke and dust, which was straight on the ground like a wolf smoke rising into the sky.

Most people swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

There was purple brilliance circulating, and the next moment, a figure staggered from behind the small dirt hill, paced back, and finally sat down on the ground.

There was a deep and hearty laughter, which broke the silence of the world and quietly resounded.

"A battle at the same level, you lost."

"Different levels, do you still want to win?"

"Want to fart?"

Luo Hong's white clothes were stained with dust, but his eyes were extremely bright. On his body, there were constant roars resounding, like thunder rolling in his body.

The essence of life that Concubine Xuan Yu had cultivated fell into Luo Hong's hands.

Emperor Xia wanted to take it back, but he was divided up with Luo Hong by Erha, the evil god in Luo Hong's will.

With the help of the energy of this life essence, the evil god Erha exploded with terrifying power, directly smashing Emperor Xia's body to pieces!

Press the ground, friction burst!

The other half of the remaining life essence poured into Luo Hong's body, constantly impacting Luo Hong's internal organs, strengthening Luo Hong's physical body.

When Luo Hong originally killed Concubine Xuan Yu, the injury caused by Emperor Xia's will recovered almost instantly!

This is the essence of life, something that cannot be obtained in the world.

Nature is extremely precious!

But the powerful power of the life essence also supported Luo Hong's complexion.

Even though this battle is over, Luo Hong still has a majestic spirit surging continuously. Luo Hong feels like his blood is gushing, his blood is boiling and rolling.

This is a state that Luo Hong is quite familiar with. When Chu Tiannan came to challenge him, Luo Hong came out of the Library Pavilion in this state of "going to vent his fire"!

Luo Hong practiced the martial arts skills passed down by Luo Xiaobei, constantly refining the essence of life with his blood.

Even though it is only half of it, the energy contained in it is too huge.

If Luo Hong didn't refine it, he felt that he might be exploded!

Fortunately, the exercise taught by Luo Xiaobei is feasible. Under the operation of this exercise, a large amount of life essence is transformed into qi, blood, and essence, tempering internal organs, flesh body, and bones...

This is a really good thing, every drop is a priceless treasure, and as a result, it was used by Luo Hong in this way.

The longevity that Luo Hong originally lacked, even at this moment, made up for it.

However, due to the restrictions of the rules of the world, no sublimation has been achieved, and the limit still exists.

On the small hill, Emperor Xia's body completely lost its vitality and energy, and was smashed to pieces, like a puddle of mud in the small hill.

Not only because Emperor Xia's will was smashed by the master's fist, but also because this energy body was rubbed against the ground by Luo Hong.

No one paid any attention to Emperor Xia's body anymore. This extremely complicated battle finally ended with Emperor Xia's will being damaged.

And the biggest beneficiary of this battle is undoubtedly the Luo family.

The black cavalry of the Luo family withdrew to Saibei, and under the harassment of the Gale Wind Army of the Chu family, at least they would have to pay a huge price. The 300,000 black cavalry were expected by many people, and only about 150,000 might be lost. Only then can they safely withdraw to Anping County.

However, this time, because Luo Hong came to attract hatred, the Luo family's black cavalry successfully withdrew from the Juma River. Although there were losses, they were not great.

There are also deaths, but compared to the damage that should have been extremely tragic, this kind of damage is basically negligible.

This is a great victory for the Luo family black cavalry!

On the other hand, the Xia family and the Chu family can only be described in one miserable word. The masters of the Chu family suffered heavy losses. First-rank masters, most of the weak first-rank of the Gale Army, were used by Luo Hong with the help of Longhushan and Kunlun Gong Daomen. Most of them were slaughtered.

The overall strength of the Gale Army has been weakened by at least one level.

And the Xia family was even worse, Concubine Xuan Yu died...

Emperor Xia's will came, and the young Emperor Xia went out to fight, but was beaten violently by Luo Hongyi.

Even in the end, Emperor Xia violated the rules and was smashed by his master!

Although the Luo family and the 300,000 black cavalry of the Luo family were the ones retreating, but... the Xia family and the Chu family who were chasing after them suffered unbearable heavy losses.

In the land of Western Xinjiang, the atmosphere has become incomparably weird.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, they never thought that this battle would turn out to be so weird.

It was normal at the beginning, but since Luo Hong arrived, the situation of the war has completely gone astray.

The Xia family and the Chu family wanted to kill Luo Hong, and sent so many strong men to chase and kill Luo Hong. As a result, Luo Hong became the holy son of Longhu Mountain who was a troublemaker. Those who were killed were all wiped out.

And all the weirdness started from this time.

Qi Hu leaned on his big sword and looked at Luo Hong, who was cross-legged in the huge ravine, dressed in white, who seemed to be cultivating cross-legged, and grinned involuntarily.


This kid... has a problem!

Whoever provokes whoever dies!

Qi Hu couldn't help but feel the pain of Emperor Xia. Such a beautiful concubine Xuan Yu was slaughtered by Luo Hong without blinking an eye. The one whose body and head were separated is too miserable!

Moreover, Qi Hu vaguely felt the pain of losing his beloved when Emperor Xia's body was rubbed against the ground by Luo Hong.

Emperor Xia...has such deep feelings for Concubine Xuan Yu?

A bearded girl, why should she!

Emperor Xia, you're in a daze!

Qi Hu shook his head, full of emotion, a bearded girl, not of my race, at most play for fun, could it be possible that Emperor Xia is really emotional?

He opened his eyes and looked in the direction of Tian'an City, his eyes suddenly became serious.

"Master's last punch, the mountains and rivers were torn apart, the sea of ​​clouds was blown through, and Emperor Xia's will was directly annihilated..."

"That's Emperor Xia's will. Although it's not the real body, but being annihilated, it can be regarded as a serious injury!"

"Emperor Xia suffered heavy losses... This is definitely good news for the Great Chu Dynasty, the Great Zhou Dynasty, and the Golden Tent Royal Court."

Qi Hu took a deep breath.

This world is about to change!

Chu Yuandao also had extremely deep eyes. At the moment Emperor Xia's energy body was blown away by Luo Hong's trump card, Chu Yuandao turned his head and walked away. With his Gale Army, he evacuated the land and headed towards the north of the Great Wall. go.

Today's Saibei Land needs someone to take over because of the withdrawal of the Luo family's black cavalry.

Although the Xia family may have some conspiracy with the Golden Tent Royal Court.

However, the Gale Army still wants to replace the Luo family and guard Saibei. Of course, it is also because Chu Yuandao understands that the dust of this battle has already settled. Even if his entire army of the Gale Army attacks, it will not change anything. Just increased bleeding.

The land fairy in Tian'an City, with his sleeves fluttering, stared at Luo Hong who was sitting cross-legged in the gully with a pale face. In his opinion, Luo Hong's injuries at this moment were probably worse than injuries.

"You used that trick again, summoning the mysterious strong man. You destroyed the Great Xia Changling before, and used it once when you escaped. You consumed your lifespan, and this time, facing the attack of His Majesty's energy body, You have used this method again."

"You are only a third rank, how much life energy do you have to consume?"

The land fairy smiled coldly.

The next moment, clouds and mist formed under his feet, soared into the sky, and swept away in the direction of Tian'an City.

He really wanted to kill Luo Hong right now, but he understood that he couldn't.

Leaving aside the fact that the master was looking down in the sky, even Luo Xiaobei who was glaring at him angrily, he didn't dare to make a move.

Besides, even Emperor Xia's energy body was blown up, and he couldn't guarantee that Luo Hong would have no backup.

If Luo Hong still has a backup, he chooses to kill Luo Hong rashly, and it would be too much for Luo Hong to kill him like he killed Tian'an Sword Immortal.

No one paid attention to the departure of the land fairy, and no one tried to stop him.

The land fairy is a realm of freedom.

On the land of Western Xinjiang, perhaps only Luo Xiaobei, who has stepped into the Martial Immortal Realm on land, can stop him.

Luo Hong was cross-legged in the ravine, he didn't pay attention to anything outside, at this moment, his body was like an oven, constantly refining the essence of life.

The evil god Erha gave half of the life essence to him.

Luo Hong can only be used for body training.

Originally a martial arts cultivation base of the third-rank golden body, under the tempering of the essence of life, the physical body became more and more powerful, flesh and blood, skin, bones...all began to become stronger.

The essence of life was gushing in Luo Hong's blood vessels, but the essence of life was too strong.

Bit by bit, Luo Hong's blood vessels burst, crushing his flesh and bones.

And after each detonation, the rich energy in the essence of life will help Luo Hong to re-accumulate and restore the bones, and the broken meridians and blood vessels will also be reconnected...

It's like blowing up the flesh and reshaping it.

That kind of pain... Even Luo Hong, who was used to cutting his body with sword energy, found it unbearable.

After a while, Luo Hong's whole body became dripping with blood.

This also surprised many people, and Luo Hou raised his heart in his throat.

What's wrong with this? !

Instead, Luo Xiaobei saw something as a land martial artist, and his eyes instantly turned red.

"This kid is actually training his body?!"

"Fuck! How is that possible! How can he be able to forge his body with a mere third-rank golden body?"

Luo Xiaobei's eyes were red.

Lu Xian, after reaching this realm, has a clear pursuit, which can be called the great pursuit.

Sword cultivators cultivate the way of the sword, and what they cultivate is their own sword.

Buddha cultivation cultivates Buddha nature and cultivates spiritual power.

Wuxiu, on the other hand, forges the body, and Wuxiu's body is like the sword of a swordsman.

Now, Luo Hong actually forged his body ahead of schedule!

Sure enough, this kid is really talented in martial arts!

Although such body forging is incomplete, being able to do body forging under Martial Immortal will definitely benefit a lot in the future!

Above the sea of ​​clouds.

The old master's will was a little fuzzy, he glanced at Luo Hong below and smiled.

He didn't exchange pleasantries, he was cheated by his master, and he stood on the opposite side of Emperor Xia.

In fact, Longhushan didn't want to take this muddy water.

Emperor Xia has retreated for so many years, using the deduction method of the old celestial master to seek good fortune and avoid evil, he is still vaguely uneasy.

However, the master gave too much.

An innate Taoist body, this is the only hope for the rise of Dragon and Tiger Mountain, surpassing the Kunlun Palace and becoming the authentic Taoist sect!

The old heavenly master sighed, his body turned into a paper talisman, and when the talisman burned, the figure disappeared completely.

And the phantom of the master glanced at Luo Hong on the ground faintly.

The next moment, above the sky, the vision of Jixia Academy disappeared, and so did the Master.


Tianan City.

The sky was gloomy, and thick dark clouds piled up in the sky, making the day seem to turn into night.

The depression made it difficult for the people in the city to breathe.

Pat clap clack!


The howling raindrops fell rapidly from the sky, hit the ground, and splashed.

The downpour came suddenly.

It seems to have turned into a curtain, covering Tian'an City.

A thunderbolt fell from the nine heavens, scaring many timid people, their faces changed drastically, and they screamed!

It was like the wrath of God.

This lightning struck Tian'an City, the Imperial City, and Tianji Palace.

Lei seemed to have turned into a fist.

It crashed.

boom! ! !

A muffled sound made the entire Tian'an City tremble suddenly, and the violent tremors seemed to shake the earth and the mountains.

A deep muffled sound came from the Tianji Palace that had been closed for many years.

Although it was depressing, it was like a landslide and a tsunami, agitated and overwhelmed the sound of torrential rain.

The face of Gao Lishi who was guarding outside the palace changed.

In Tian'an City, countless court ministers also changed expression.

King Ning, who was strolling on the long street of Tian'an City, was holding an oil-paper umbrella, and the rainwater hit the umbrella surface, dancing lively.

And he, looking back suddenly, raised his eyebrows slightly.

That man... was injured!

In the East Pole Palace, the prince wearing a four-claw python robe and stepping barefoot on the corridor was bathed in the torrential rain, letting the torrential rain hit his body and drenching him, but his eyes were full of excitement. color.

He stared at the Dongji Palace covered by the rain, trembling with excitement.

The muffled sound was not loud, and even under the efforts of the people in the palace to conceal it, it became like a mosquito.

However, in the ears of all the strong people who paid attention to that man, there was thunder and rolling, like a torrent of bells bursting!

It was even more ear-piercing than when the Wanfo Bell in Wangchuan Temple was ringing!

This muffled snort meant... that man was injured!

Emperor Xia, who begged for longevity, was injured!

The muffled sound gradually disappeared.

Instead, it turned into low-pitched ravings, as if whispering a name.

"Luo Hong..."

In Tianji Palace, Luo Hong's name echoed.

It's just that, whispering, gradually, it seems to have turned into a deep obsession, like a storm howling, turbulent endlessly.

click click click...

The white jade pill in front of Tianji Palace was washed away by the torrential rain, and suddenly cracked with a "click", like a crack in the earth, and a deep crack appeared that seemed to lead to Jiuyou.

The cracks spread all the way from Tianji Palace, crossed the main road of Tian'an City, and finally reached the gate of the city before stopping.

In Tian'an City, under the rain curtain, everyone stared blankly at the crack that appeared suddenly.

This is like a wound across Tian'an City, a wound that is difficult to heal.


The moment when there was a muffled hum in Tianji Palace.

Outside the western border.

Great Zhou Dynasty, Imperial Capital.

A majestic voice rose from the sky, sitting on the throne above the sea of ​​clouds, looking at the Great Xia Dynasty.

Great Chu Dynasty, Imperial Capital.

The luxurious robes bloom like gorgeous fireworks, and a graceful, graceful, and noble figure is also sitting on the throne of the sea of ​​clouds, with a sharp sword aura roaring from his body, and his beautiful eyes are looking at Tian'an City.

Outside the north of the Great Wall, in the court of the King of the Golden Tent.

In an extremely luxurious golden tent, there is also a burly figure standing slowly, with a terrifying aura, it seems that an eagle strikes the sky, looking at Tian'an City.

In the land of southern Xinjiang, there are hundreds of thousands of rivers.

There are also figures one after another, looking in the direction of Da Xia.

The emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the Empress of Great Chu, the Great Khan of the King's Court of the Golden Tent, the leader of the Miao Gu clan in Southern Border and other leaders of the dynasty and the country all looked at the Great Xia.

Emperor Xia was injured.

In the process of trying to destroy the Luo family, he was injured.

Xiahuang's injury also means that Daxia is injured, and Daxia's luck will inevitably be damaged.

And this time.

Naturally, they will not easily let go of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to make trouble!

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