My Young Lord Is Really Righteous

Chapter 252 ? A new dynasty is established today, and the country is named Daluo!

Emperor Xia is injured.

This news, in an instant, swept across the entire world like a storm, making the silent world seem to wake up from a deep sleep.

Great Zhou, Great Chu, Golden Tent King's Court, and Miao Gu tribes in the southern border all have strong people floating around, looking at the Great Xia Imperial Capital.

Although the three great dynasties are said to be supreme, in fact, the Great Xia Dynasty is the only country that has not experienced too much turmoil. The death of Luo Hongchen, the peerless genius of the Great Xia fifteen years ago, was considered a minor disturbance, but , and cannot affect the pattern of Daxia in the world.

Both the Great Zhou and the Great Chu have experienced changes in the throne, and the power of the dynasty has been slightly damaged.

Therefore, the Great Xia Dynasty is the most powerful of the three major dynasties, not only because of the strength of Emperor Xia, but also because of Great Xia's imperial fortune.

But this time, Emperor Xia was injured!

Emperor Xia's will came, surpassed the rules, and was blown away by the master's punch.

When the will is crushed, it will feed back to itself, causing a lot of damage to the sea of ​​​​will, which is stronger than Xia Huang, and he groaned, and the ground of Tian'an City cracked uncontrollably.

This is enough to show how badly Emperor Xia suffered.

This is an opportunity that Da Zhou, Da Chu, and the Golden Tent Royal Court all dream of!

Just as Qi Hu guessed, the world is about to change.

Emperor Xia's injury affected the situation of all parties.

Originally, Emperor Xia was unfathomable, in a state of seclusion, pursuing longevity in the world.

Emperor Xia's pursuit of longevity in the world must break the rules of the world, and if he wants to break the rules of the world, he needs to have supreme strength.

The Emperor of Great Zhou and the Empress of Great Chu did not dare to test Emperor Xia's strength.

This shows the confidence and strength of the Great Xia Dynasty.

But now, Emperor Xia was injured.

It means that Emperor Xia is not as powerful and invincible as in the legend.

This news naturally swept through like a storm.


Great Zhou Dynasty,

Zhou Tianzi stood on the high platform, with a majestic phantom floating, looking at the direction of Daxia Ancheng.

In the Great Chu Dynasty, the empress's gorgeous clothes were in full bloom like brilliant flowers, she was unparalleled in beauty, her long eyelashes danced lightly, and she smiled softly.

It was good news for them that Emperor Xia was injured, but it was very difficult to take advantage of it.

After all, Emperor Xia is not dead yet, and the centipede is dead but not stiff. It is impossible to destroy the Great Xia Dynasty.

However, they can take advantage of this opportunity to gain some benefits.

The national fortune of the Great Xia Dynasty was damaged when the Emperor Xia was injured, and this was also their opportunity.


Zhou Tianzi opened his hand, and behind him, an oven floated up, and there were three colors of fire dancing in the oven, and the majestic air flowed from his position to the sky, turning into a beam of light, rushing into the sky.

Empress Da Chu also saw Zhou Tianzi's actions and smiled.

Lifting the palm slowly, the next moment, the Longque Sword roared up, and the terrifying sword energy rushed into the clouds with the monstrous Great Chu Kingdom Fortune, tearing everything apart.

The sky is roaring, and the sun is shining.

The profuse sweat of the Golden Tent Royal Court, with shining eyes, and a golden curved bow blooming with endless brilliance, dazzling, is also the luck of the Golden Tent Royal Court.

At this moment, countless powerhouses were dazzled by it.

Great Zhou Good Fortune Furnace, Great Chu Dragon Sparrow Sword, Golden Tent King Court Hunting Divine Bow...

This is the greatest treasure in the world!

They are all divine soldiers to suppress the fate of a dynasty!

The Great Xia Dynasty also had it, the Imperial Power Sword.

And the leader of the Gu tribe in the southern border also had good luck soaring into the sky. The next moment, a pitch-black Gu worm floated above the sky like a black sun.

However, although the aura of this Gu worm is not weak, it is much worse than the three great dynasties and the supreme soldiers of the Golden Tent Royal Court.

The luck of the Gu tribe is also incomparable to that of the three dynasties and the Golden Tent Royal Court.

However, at this moment, they are still trying their best to strive for glory.

The moment Emperor Xia was injured, the rulers of these major forces also expressed their wishes.

Great Xia Dynasty, Tianan City.


Qi Guangling's crane robe fluttered in the heavy rain, with fluttering sleeves, standing on the top of Sitianyuan, Wen Tianxing followed behind him, his face full of horror.

"Brother, this is... what happened?"

"Tianzi Zhou, the Empress of Chu, the Great Khan of the Golden Tent Royal Court, and the leaders of the Miao Gu tribe launched an attack at the same time... What are they going to do?!"

Wen Tianxing gasped, but he didn't understand.

Emperor Xia was only injured, not dead.

Each of these people is a person who stomps their feet and shakes the world. What are they going to do?

Qi Guangling stroked his beard, holding a feather fan in his hand, the feather fan swayed lightly, and the breeze was gentle.

"This son of Luo really a variable."

"The situation in the world is all stirred up by this son."

Qi Guangling sighed.

"As for what these strong men who carry the enormous energy in the world are going to do? Emperor Xia was only injured, not fallen. They probably didn't dare to go too far, but..."

"Now, within the Great Xia Dynasty, the Changling Mausoleum was destroyed, the Chu family's Gale Force was injured, and the Luo family rebelled... This can be regarded as an unprecedented weak period in the past six hundred years of the Great Xia Dynasty. At this time... the Qi is the weakest, naturally This is the best time to start the 'Great Court Meeting'."

Qi Guangling shook his feather fan lightly and said calmly.

And Wen Tianxing, who was behind Qi Guangling, was shocked when he heard the words, he understood, and suddenly realized.

"Grand court meeting!"

"That's right, Emperor Xia was injured, and Great Xia's Qi was damaged. It is naturally the best time to hold the 'Great Court Meeting' to compete for Qi!"

"In the previous great dynasties, the Great Xia came out on top, and the Great Xia was in full swing. Most of the small clans and countries were plundered by the great Xia, Great Chu, and Great Zhou dynasties. But this time, the Emperor Xia was injured. , Great Xia’s Qi was damaged, and even more counterattacked by the Luo family, Qi is at its lowest point, and it’s naturally the best time to set off the ‘Great Chaohui’ at this time.”

Wen Tianxing took a deep breath.

Sure enough, none of the existences that can affect the pattern of the world are weak, and they are all very sensitive to the situation.

If there is any trouble, it will show its minions like a cat smelling fishy.

Wen Tianxing seemed to have thought of something, and looked at Qi Guangling: "However, with the opening of the Great Dynasty Conference, even if the major dynasties are set off, it is still necessary for the Kunlun Palace to monitor the sky mirror, communicate with the Heavenly Gate, and obtain the Heavenly Man after the Heavenly Gate." It can only be held with permission, right?"

"Will heaven and man agree? According to the general trend, the next court meeting should be in five years, and this time... it is considered to be earlier."

Wen Tianxing asked.

Qi Guangling smiled, the torrential rain was still there, and at the moment when the torrential rain roared, there was also a whistling gust of wind sweeping through him, blowing the crane cloak on his body into the air.

"Heaven, how could you disagree?"

"They...can't wait."

Who will benefit the most from the turmoil in the world?

Isn't it the heavenly beings behind the Tianmen?



The luck of the Great Zhou, the Great Chu, the King's Court of the Golden Tent and the Gu Clan in Miaojiang soared into the sky, causing huge changes in the clouds above the sky.

It seemed as if the sea of ​​clouds was stirring, and amidst the roaring bursts, an incomparably tall portal appeared indistinctly.

That is……


Behind the Tianmen, there are faint figures, and there are even extremely terrifying auras, emerging from behind the Tianmen, suppressing the earth of the world.

All practitioners raised their heads and looked at the Tianmen above the nine heavens.

On the land of Western Xinjiang.

Luo Hong opened his eyes, the fiery energy in his body slowly quieted down, his body training was over.

Vaguely, Luo Hong felt that his physical strength was much stronger than before.

The qi and blood in the blood vessels under the skin are rushing, just like the waves of a great river.

The essence of life is indeed a treasure. After a body training pass, Luo Hong's martial arts cultivation base is now approaching the second-rank indestructible state.

Luo Hong was also a little surprised, the physical strength has become stronger, which naturally has many benefits.

However, at this moment, Luo Hong didn't pay much attention to the changes in his physical body, but frowned slightly. At this moment, the oppressive luck in the sea of ​​will was constantly trembling.

He raised his head and looked at the Tianmen that emerged from the nine heavens.

The Tianmen that appeared this time was very shocking and depressing, as if it was hanging above everyone's heads. Behind the Tianmen, there were pairs of eyes looking down on everyone in the world indifferently.

Luo Hong's eyes narrowed slightly, and the energy in his mind trembled. Is it related to Tianmen?

Luo Hou, Luo Xiaobei and the others had already gathered, and they were all relieved to see that Luo Hong was safe and looking up at the Heavenly Gate.

Everyone did not suspect him, and they all raised their heads and stared at Tianmen.

In the distance, Qi Hu was holding a big sword and squinting his eyes. Sure enough, as he expected, the world was going to change drastically.


In the Great Zhou Dynasty, on the top of the Forbidden City, the emperor of Zhou rose to the sky step by step with his hands behind his back in his robes.

The magic furnace behind him was constantly burning.

He was extremely majestic, slowly raised his head, at a forty-five-degree angle, looked at Tianmen calmly, and said: "My Great Zhou, I want to start the Great Court Assembly."

The words fell, and the sky and the earth roared!

far away.

In the Great Chu Dynasty, on the high platform, the female emperor with a long dress blooming like a flower is supremely majestic, and the Dragon Sparrow Sword soars into the sky behind her, as if the Great Chu Dragon Sparrow soars its wings and recovers from the fire on this day.

The female emperor climbed straight up to the sky, her eyes were dim, and she also looked at the gate of heaven, "I am a great Chu, and I want to start a great court meeting."

The profuse Khan of the Golden Tent Royal Court also breathed soaringly, and slowly said: "My Royal Court, I want to start a grand court meeting!"

The leader of the Miao Gu tribe in southern Xinjiang also looked at Tianmen: "I, Nanzhao, want to start a grand meeting!"


At this moment, the majestic voice stirred up the whole world.

The supreme celestial being behind the gate of heaven looked down lazily at the mortal world. After a long time, his eyes shifted horizontally, as if the sun was shining brightly, and it landed on Ancheng in the great summer.

Daxia, what do you think?

In Tian'an City, the faces of many ministers changed.

All the major dynasties in the world want to open the Great Court Assembly, even if the Great Xia refuses, so what?

The general trend of the world is like this, can Daxia go against the trend?

The reason why the major dynasties want to start the Great Court Meeting at this time, isn't it because Emperor Xia was injured? Is it because of the damage to Daxia's luck?

Daxia's courtiers all turned their heads to look at Daxia Ancheng.

And Zhou Tianzi, Chu Nvdi and other most powerful people also looked at Tian'an City.

What choice will that man in the deep palace make?

The torrential rain was roaring, and the torrential rain sprinkled between the sky and the earth. The violent raindrops fell rapidly and slapped on the wall tiles of many houses in Tian'an City.

King Ning was holding an oiled paper umbrella, and the corner of his mouth was raised, what choice would father... what choice would he make?

The prince was in the corridor, bathed in the rain, and was also staring at Tianji Palace, with a hint of madness in his eyes.

Seeking longevity?

Can you still seek longevity in peace? !

At this moment, it seemed that the eyes of the whole world were focused on Tian'an City.

But Tianji Palace is extremely quiet.

Only a deep crack spread out from under Tianji Palace.

In fact, none of the ministers of the Great Xia Dynasty were willing to start the Great Court Meeting. The major dynasties wanted to take advantage of the Great Xia Dynasty's weakened vitality to start the Great Court Meeting to take advantage of it.

However, the specific decision still needs to be made by Emperor Xia.

What will happen to Emperor Xia?

Most likely it won't be allowed.

But now, many people looked at the Tianji Palace, which was still extremely silent under the roar of the torrential rain.

Emperor Xia did not leave the customs, and the palace gate was still tightly closed.

However, everyone guessed that maybe Emperor Xia... didn't want to start the Great Court Meeting so early!

In today's Great Xia, once the Great Court Meeting is opened, it is afraid that it will become the target of the major dynasties to divide up their luck.

The Great Xia Changling Tomb collapsed, a lot of first-rank members of the Xia family and Chu family died, and the Emperor Xia’s will was even damaged...

At this time, there is no benefit for the Xia family to open the Great Court Meeting!


Just when all eyes were on Tian'an City.

The land of Western Xinjiang.

Luo Hong's complexion changed slightly as he felt the power of luck surging in his sea of ​​will.

In fact, does Luo Hong have accumulated little luck power?

There are not many, the three thousand national fortunes carried by Luo Xiaobei, and the eight thousand years of martial arts at Wangchuan Temple, plus the huge wave of national fortunes that Luo Hong harvested wildly at the Great Xia Changling...

Although Luo Hong's aura is not as good as the Three Great Dynasties and the Golden Tent Royal Court, and even a bit worse than that of the Southern Border Miao Gu clan, it is not weak.

At this moment, Luo Hong also felt a little weird.

And in his sea of ​​will, after devouring half of the life essence, the evil god Erha, the evil god's imprint seemed to be much more solidified.

"How is this going?"

Luo Hong's will floated in the sea of ​​will, seeing the suppressed restlessness, he couldn't help frowning.

The evil god Erha glanced at Luo Hong lazily, and said lightly: "Stupid Xiao Luo, this thing is similar to the power of faith, and it is helpful for the achievement of the god position, but the god position proved like that has no soul. !"

"Stupid Ronaldinho, if you use your own power to break everything and become a god, that is the real invincibility."

"Just like the same thing, get it?"

The evil god Erha yawned and said.

"So, I just advise you to transfer these things out as soon as possible."

Hearing this, Luo Hong was thoughtful.

The evil god Erha is indeed very strong, and his body should be stronger.

A god, an evil god... is also a god!

The evil god Erha's suggestion should be very pertinent.

"Now, your power of luck, because of the appearance of the door above your head, the restlessness is drawn..."

Erha, the evil god, said: "Stupid Xiao Luo, if you want to be more arrogant, you can ask Zhizhi to help you."

Hearing this, Luo Hong raised his eyebrows slightly.

He grinned, feeling the sea of ​​will that was suppressed very hard, Luo Hong simply did not suppress it.

Liberation directly!

Suppress what?

Arrogance is over!

He, Luo Hong, is an officially recognized villain, what is he suppressing? What are you holding back?

It's better to offend the whole world, then the whole world will scold him, and he will continue to reap sins!

Therefore, Luo Hong's eyes lit up.

Do it!

Jie Jie Jie!

In an instant, the power of luck suppressed in Luo Hong's sea of ​​will suddenly exploded!

The luck of eight thousand years at Wangchuan Temple, the luck of three thousand countries that caused Luo Xiaobei to go crazy, and the luck of looting in the Great Xia Changling Tomb all exploded at this moment!

outside world.

The whole world seemed to be silent, waiting for Emperor Xia in Tianan City to make a decision.

But at this time, everyone seemed to feel something.

The Great Zhou Emperor Zhou, the Great Chu Empress, and the Great Khan of the Golden Tent Royal Court also turned their eyes to the land of Western Xinjiang.

but see...

On the land of Western Xinjiang, a beam of luck suddenly shot up into the sky, tearing apart the extremely thick clouds!

Luo Hong's eyes were clear, and behind him, the phantom of the evil god suddenly appeared, baring his teeth and claws.

Luo Hong was hunting in white clothes, and the aura of Zhengyang was extremely bright, like a real fairy walking in the world, and there were mantras of the sages with the word "Zheng", like a peacock spreading its tail, extremely dazzling.

"Jie jie jie..."

"Mortals, tremble!"

With a big laugh.

The huge phantom behind Luo Hong seemed to be roaring the world.

The terrifying aura kept rising on Luo Hong's body.

As this momentum spread, the whole world shook.

This is... the luck of which dynasty? !

Many people looked at Xijiang and found that slender pillar of luck rushing towards the clouds.

Under the beam of luck, Luo Hong grew lotuses step by step, rose to the sky, and roared to the world with the phantom of the evil god behind him, in a mess of arrogance.

The Chuchu figures behind the high-hanging Tianmen were all silent.

Even the luck of the Miao Gu clan is not as good as it is, but it has forcibly created an aura comparable to the luck of the three dynasties.

This forced... who? !


Anping County.

The master, who had blown Emperor Xia's will with a single punch, did not return to the Chunfeng Xiaolou.

He stood outside the small building, his pale hair fluttering in the breeze.

He had his hands behind his back and his back was bent.

With muddy and vicissitudes of life, he looked into the distance.

In fact, he didn't want to make a move. He had already made a move once when Wangchuan Temple was making troubles.

But this time, facing Emperor Xia's will, he didn't want to make a move.

However, he couldn't sit back and watch Luo Hong be obliterated by Emperor Xia ignoring the rules, so he punched.

He knew that with this punch, the world would definitely change drastically.

However, he still punched.

For this little disciple who broke his heart.

In his life, he accepted six disciples.

But each of them has not embarked on the true right path, and has deviated from the original intention.

He hoped that this last little disciple could embark on the path of righteousness with peace of mind.


Suddenly, the Master's cloudy eyes couldn't help but froze.

Sensing the beam of luck suddenly bursting out from the land of Xijiang, and the phantom of Luo Hong, who was extremely arrogant and roaring to the sky, appeared behind him.

Why does this phantom of the evil god linger? !

The Master's face flushed suddenly, and he stretched out his hand, beating his chest and stamping his feet.

He is so difficult.


The land of Western Xinjiang.

Luo Hou was stunned, and Luo Xiaobei was also stunned.

what's the situation? !

Luo Hong, what are you doing? !

They all knew that there was luck in Luo Hong, but why did Luo Hong stand up at this time?

Today's Luo family has just rebelled against Xia, and its foundation has not yet stabilized. Is it possible that they still want to participate in this "Great Court Meeting"?

As far as the Luo family is concerned, with the Luo family's current strength, participating in the Great Court Meeting... Isn't that looking for abuse?

I'm afraid it will become the object of division and targeting by the major dynasties!

Besides, in what name did the Luo family participate in the Great Court Meeting?

The Grand Court Assembly, as the name suggests, needs to be joined in the name of the country.

Their worries were not unreasonable, but at this moment, Luo Hong didn't care about them.

Arrogance is over.

The phantom of the evil god behind him was laughing.

Luo Hong was also laughing.

The aura of positive yang on his body soared into the sky, and while his white hair was fluttering, Luo Hong looked indifferently at the incomparably towering, huge gate of heaven that stretched across the sky and the earth.

Behind the Tianmen, there was an extremely powerful celestial being looking down at Luo Hong indifferently and in astonishment.

Emperor Zhou, Empress Chu, and Wang Ting Dahan all looked over with strange eyes.

Luo Hong, they naturally recognize this son, the evildoer of the Luo family who disturbed the whole summer is even more evil than Luo Hongchen back then.

It's just that they were curious about what Luo Hong was doing now?

Zhou Tianzi put his hands behind his back, and behind him there was a magic oven burning the world. He looked at Luo Hong majesticly and indifferently: "Young man, the battle of qi is not a joke, retreat quickly."

Empress Chu was graceful and luxurious, her beautiful face was shrouded in a cloud of mist, making it difficult for people to see clearly, she smiled lightly and said, "Luo Hong? Are you going to join the opening ceremony?"

"And in what name?"

"You want to use the name of the Great Xia Dynasty? Open it on behalf of the Great Xia?"

Empress Chu played with taste.

The profuse Khan of the Golden Tent Royal Court also sneered: "It's ridiculous, the little boy represents Da Xia?"

The enmity between the Luo family and the Golden Tent Royal Court is endless. Even though the Luo family has withdrawn from Saibei, the Golden Tent Royal Court still hates the Luo family.

If you can seize the opportunity to ridicule, you will naturally ridicule to death.

And just when everyone's attention was attracted by Luo Hong.

Daxia, Tianan City.

In the silent Tian'an City, there was a faint revival of vitality.

In Tianji Palace.

Suddenly, an incomparably majestic pillar of Qi soared into the sky.

In an instant, it rushed into the roaring sky of the torrential rain, tearing apart the torrential rain.

Zhou Tianzi, Chu Empress, Wang Ting Dahan and other strong men also turned their heads to look, their eyes brightened.

Emperor Xia... expressed his opinion!

The figure of Emperor Xia did not appear, but a sword with a golden light and extreme majesty soared into the sky, the sword of imperial power, the imperial sword of the Great Xia Dynasty!

Faintly, there seemed to be a majestic phantom, holding the imperial sword, above the nine heavens, and faintly glanced at the Tianmen.

"My Great Xia, I want to start the Great Court Assembly."

"Because Daxia has the right to choose the site, the venue for the Great Court Meeting this time will be located in Tian'an City."

Emperor Xia's voice wafted out mightily from the Tianji Palace.

The Great Xia Dynasty's Pillar of Luck is as majestic and powerful as ever!

Although slightly weakened, but not obvious.

The strong men from all sides stared at each other. Obviously, Emperor Xia was not seriously injured as he imagined... Their plan seems to be somewhat unworkable.

The celestial beings behind the Tianmen also had their eyes flickering slightly.

The venue for the Grand Court Meeting should be located in Tian'an City? !

At this moment, Emperor Xia's purpose is clearly revealed.

Originally, Emperor Xia had been reluctant to make a statement.

However, after Luo Hong erupted into the pillar of luck, Emperor Xia chose to express his position, and, using the right to choose a location, arranged the venue for this grand court meeting in Tian'an City!

There is no doubt that this is aimed at Luo Hong and the Luo family!

Many people's eyes turned and fell on Luo Hong's body, and many people's eyes were full of playfulness.

The Luo family, Luo would he choose?

All eyes swept over and landed on Luo Hong.

The celestial beings behind the Tianmen also looked at Luo Hong.

If Luo Hong shrinks back, then it is enough to disperse the pillar of energy now, if he does not shrink back and disperses the pillar of energy, then he chooses to participate in the Great Court Meeting, and then he needs to go to Tianan City in person...

For the Luo family, Tian'an City, in the Longtan and Tiger's Den, is full of dangers.


At this moment, the faces of Luo Hou, Luo Xiaobei and the others also became a little dignified and serious.

But Luo Hong smiled. Behind him, the phantom of the evil god roared to the world.



Longtan and Tiger's Lair?

My son even bombed the Xia family's ancestral grave, so why are you afraid of entering Tian'an City?

What I want is to usurp the throne!

Today, I can finally get my wish!

Luo Hong turned his head to look at Tian'an City, dressed in white, with his hands behind his back, looking at the floating imperial sword, the corner of his mouth slightly twitched.

The momentum is like a sword, and it is the best.

The mighty words also stirred up the world.

"I once defeated the young Emperor Xia, a big victory, to celebrate the new dynasty."

"A new dynasty is established today!"

"The name of the country...Da Luo!"


"My Great Luo Dynasty wants to start a great court meeting!"

The sound stirred between the heaven and the earth, and everyone's expression changed, and they were astonished.

In the land of Xijiang, Luo Hou and Luo Xiaobei were stunned, and the next moment, their faces turned red and became excited!

Counseling? afraid?

Don't go to the Dachaohui?

Is this the Luo family? The Luo family has endured for so many years, and now they will continue to endure? !

Hold up!

Today, a new dynasty is established, damn it!

And the 300,000 black riders who crossed the Juma River, and the more than two million people who trekked and migrated with the Luo family were also startled. The next moment, everyone's chest was full of hot blood.

The black cavalry generals and black cavalry soldiers all had reddened complexions and throbbing veins in their necks. They withdrew from Saibei and trekked Juma River. They suffered too much grievance and aggrieved.

Although they seemed to have won this battle, they were still aggrieved.

If it weren't for Luo Hong, they would have suffered heavy casualties.

Therefore, they recognized Luo Hong and the young master.

Today, with the words of the young master, all grievances are not grievances.

Everyone in the black knight drew out the ink knife from their waists!

Raising the knife, the tip of the knife pointed to the sky, roaring with excitement.

The two million trekking people raised their arms and shouted.

"For the new dynasty! Congratulations!"

"For Da Luo! Congratulations!"

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