My Young Lord Is Really Righteous

Chapter 256 ? Little Empress Luo, the Cthulhu God Exploding with Anger


Following Luo Hong's sword slashing down, the powerful man sent by the crown prince to supervise the Jiangling Mansion, Wen Yiwei, who was fifteenth on the celestial list, had his head chopped off.

Without reaching the land fairyland, once the body dies, it means that the will also dies.

Although Wen Yiwei is the fifteenth in the heaven list, he is not a land immortal after all, but a strong first-rank. What's more, his sea of ​​will has already been torn apart by a fierce beast at this moment.

Wen Yiwei is dead.

The bloody night in Jiangling Mansion came to an end. Many powerful people from aristocratic families stared blankly at the bloody long street.

The blood of the first-rank monks stained this ancient street red.

Luo Hong was walking in the street, dressed in white, with white hair, every step he stepped on, the splash of blood and mud was like a lotus flower in full bloom.

Everyone looked at Luo Hong, only to be terrified. Those strong men from aristocratic families who were hiding in the darkness, those who were about to watch the excitement, were trembling in fear.


All dead!

Who would have thought that with twelve weak first-ranks and one strong first-rank, this lineup could be called first-class in the Jianghu, but it was smashed by Luo Hong with one person and one white robe.

It's heart-shattering.

The Shazhu sword whizzed out, and together with Xieying, they were still harvesting the lives of the monks present. These monks had already died of twelve first-ranks, and the moment Wen Yiwei died, they completely collapsed.

Their lives were harvested by the flying Shazhu sword, and their vitality was wiped out by the evil shadow.

And Luo Hong, dressed in white, walked past the bones, among the fallen evil shadows, there were also newborn evil shadows standing up one after another.

On the city wall, Zhang Jingzhi's body swayed slightly, his face extremely pale.

A little dazed, he stared blankly at the menacing, white-clothed figure stepping across a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood like a demon head.

He knew that this incident in Jiangling Mansion... which could be called a farce, was over.

The crown prince's controlling power in Jiangling Mansion has been completely removed. Next, Jiangling Mansion... will belong to the Da Luo Dynasty.

On the long street, the night is like blood.

The thick blood filled the room, turning the entire night into blood.

Luo Hong calmly looked at Wen Yiwei's body lying on the ground.

This is a strong first-rank, according to the normal situation, it is impossible for Luo Hong to kill a strong first-rank.

Although Luo Hong has the strength to confront weaker ranks, and even kill weaker ranks, it mainly relies on the suppression of spiritual mysticism and the sudden eruption of evil shadows.

But the mystical spirit is useless to the strong first rank, so Luo Hong's means will be weakened by several percent, head-on head-on, Luo Hong still can't kill the strong first rank.

However, to Luo Hong's little surprise, although the esoteric magic was useless, the evil god Erha was unexpectedly easy to use.

Using the second Harry, the evil god, to carry out a mental shock is basically unstoppable, even Wen Yiwei, a strong first-rank, first-rank Tianbang, was still killed by Luo Hongqiang.

Luo Hong felt that he seemed to have discovered the correct way to open the evil god Erha.

If the god descending technique is used, although it is very powerful, the price is also very high. Moreover, it is possible to summon other evil gods. Other evil gods may not be as easy to talk to as Erha.

Therefore, unless it is absolutely necessary, Luo Hong will not use it easily.

Possession with the will of the evil god is not bad, but it is only with the help of the power of the essence of life that the will of the evil god can be possessed.

And the power of life essence will soon be exhausted.

Therefore, now that Luo Hong has developed a new posture of the evil god Erha, Luo Hong is naturally full of joy.

However, Luo Hong was overjoyed. In his sea of ​​will, the evil god Erha kept roaring.

"Stupid Ronaldinho! What do you think of it? A broom for cleaning garbage?!"

"What cats and dogs have to be shot, you want to show some face?"

"Stupid Ronaldinho, if you do this again... you will lose your soul!"

The evil god Erha opened his teeth and claws, and roared endlessly, turning Luo Hong's sea of ​​will upside down.

Luo Hong was very calm. Erha the Evil God loved face, and this time he was used to kill Wen Yiwei, which made Erha the Evil God feel ashamed.

Regarding the roar of the evil god Erha, Luo Hong buckled his ears.

Toss it, just toss for a while.

But at least, now, Luo Hong has the means to deal with Qiang Yipin.

"In the final analysis, one's own strength is the key."

Luo Hong took a deep breath, his eyes gradually sharpened.

No matter how strong the evil god Erha is, it is an external force after all.

Only by becoming stronger can one have enough confidence.

"If you want to become strong, you have to be evil enough... I need more evil."

Now that the Great Luo Dynasty was established, although it was still enough to seek rebellion, it seemed that it was not enough, because Da Xia did not take the Great Luo Dynasty established by Luo Hong seriously.

Not only the Great Xia, but even the Great Zhou, Great Chu, the Golden Tent Royal Court, and the Southern Border Miao Gu clan didn't seem to pay much attention to the Great Luo Dynasty, and they were basically just watching a joke.

This made Luo Hong understand that his attempt to usurp the throne is not a treasonous attempt at all, it can only be regarded as a self-entertainment, so how can there be enough crimes?

Therefore, Luo Hong had to make the Da Luo Dynasty stronger.

And the opportunity for the mighty Da Luo Dynasty lies in this great court meeting.


The evil bead swords returned one after another, gathered into the heavenly evil bead, and fell into Luo Hong's dantian evil sea.

Because of too many killings, the evil power absorbed by the Heavenly Fiend Orb seems to be much stronger. With the help and operation of "Ten Thousand Evils Returning to One", Luo Hong's evil power has actually grown somewhat majesticly .

And the entire long street in Jiangling Mansion was swept away.

According to what Zhang Jingzhi said in the letter, Jiangling Mansion is of extraordinary significance to the newly established Da Luo Dynasty, and it is the throat of the Da Luo Dynasty. The next development of the dynasty is very important. If you want to develop a country, you can't do it without money.

Prince Xia Ji obviously knew this, and he paid enough attention to it. He sent a first-rank Tianbang to guard it, and even joined forces with local snakes, the powerhouses of the three major families, and made Zhang Jingzhi empty-handed, taking precautions to deal with the Luo family.

This power is indeed very strong, even Luo Hong is ready to use the power of the evil god Erha. As a result, what Luo Hong did not expect is that these weak ranks are really weak.

They lack blood, do not have strong enough beliefs, and when it comes to combat power, they are even stronger than some second-ranks at most.

They are not geniuses with evil talents, most of them are cultivated by stacking heaven, material and earth treasures. Their willpower is too weak, so Luo Hong finds an opportunity and kills them all.

"Prince Xia Ji."

Luo Hong narrowed his eyes, remembering the man who stood on the tower of Tian'an City back then.

That guy, since Anping County, has been plotting against him, Luo Hong.

It's a pity that he is the son of Emperor Xia, and he is hiding in Tian'an City, a wretched one.

If he was stupid enough to walk out of Tian'an City like Concubine Xuan Yu, then Luo Hong would definitely kill him without hesitation.

Luo Hong walked up to Wen Yiwei's head, Wen Yiwei's eyes were full of disbelief.

Luo Hong picked up Wen Yiwei's head, moved his mind, and put it in the storage page.

The words [Wen Yiwei's head] appeared in blood on the storage page.

Zhang Jingzhi walked down the tower and came to Luo Hong's side. He had gradually regained his composure, looking at the corpses all over the ground with a calm expression.

The killings all over the place were all caused by him, Zhang Jingzhi.

How could he let Luo Hong bear the infamy of a butcher?

Zhang Jingzhi raised his head and looked at the scarlet talisman floating above Jiangling Prefecture.

"Young master, Wen Yiwei is dead, and the talisman has no owner. Can you break it?"

Zhang Jingzhi asked Luo Hong.

Luo Hong raised his head and glanced at the talisman.

This talisman was requested by the prince from Qi Guangling, the head of the Sitian Academy. It is extremely profound, and it is an extremely powerful defensive talisman. Those below the land immortals cannot break through the confinement of the talisman.

The prince gave this talisman to Wen Yiwei in order to let Wen Yiwei guard the Jiangling mansion. However, the prince may not have expected that Luo Hong's shape-changing actually ignored the confinement of this talisman and made Wen Yiwei Killed.

Once this talisman is activated, it is very difficult to destroy it.

Without the power of Luxian, it cannot be destroyed at all.

The evil shadow of the goshawk under Luo Hong's feet instantly appeared, supporting Luo Hong's body, soaring upwards.

Soon, Luo Hong appeared in front of the talisman, the Chunjun sword in his hand was held backwards, and suddenly stabbed out.

There was a crisp sound of ding!

The Chun Jun sword was bounced away, and Luo Hong couldn't help raising his eyebrows slightly.

"Is this the technique of Taoist talisman?"

Luo Hong thought for a while, Luo Hong doesn't know much about Taoist practice, he only knows one "Big Dipper Sutra", but with the Big Dipper Sutra, it should not be able to break this talisman.

Luo Hong's mind moved, and the black and white intertwined Taoism of Longhu Mountain suddenly emerged.

Luo Hong took out the Taoist species of Longhu Mountain and smashed it at the talisman!


From within the talisman, intertwined blood-colored thunder shot out, wrapping around Luo Hong's body.

However, Luo Hong's body exuded a misty white light, and the bloody thunder lingered for a while, then disappeared straight away.

Luo Hong easily stretched out his hand and took off the talisman, the mysterious nature of the talisman subsided.

Looking at this extremely cute talisman, Luo Hong felt that... he seemed to have found a treasure.

Put the talisman into the storage page.

A line of blood characters [Kunlun·Sunxian Talisman] appeared on the storage page.

And at the moment when the formation disappeared, Commander Sun, Xiazi Yuan and others outside the Jiangling mansion rushed in quickly.

Commander Sun took a deep breath when he saw the bloody scene in the city.

Commander Sun joined Zhang Jingzhi, and with Wen Yiwei's death, Commander Sun regained control of the government army.

Under the command of Commander Sun, the brigade army poured into Jiangling Mansion.

Zhang Jingzhi's Confucian shirt is flying.

He spit out a word lightly.


Commander Sun understood that there was no turning back.

After all, Commander Sun is a soldier. Now that he has made a choice, he must carry it out resolutely. With an order, many powerful men in the army rose up and blocked the sky above Jiangling Mansion, preventing news from the city from spreading. .

Commander Sun led the army, with clanging armor and murderous intent, sweeping away all the aristocratic families in Jiangling's mansion.

Any family that participated in this siege, all... slaughtered!

That's right, all the families were slaughtered, leaving no one behind.

Homes were ransacked, families were exterminated, and property was confiscated.

Zhang Jingzhi is more ruthless than Luo Hong. The development of the Da Luo Dynasty, a new dynasty, requires a lot of wealth, and Jiangling has been romantic for hundreds of years, and the major families have amassed a lot of wealth.

Zhang Jingzhi knew that the aristocratic families in the Jiangling Mansion may not be strong, but...the wealth they possessed was extremely terrifying, and it could be called an incomparably rich country.

And this time, it happened to make them spit it out.

He is responsible for Luo Hong's infamy.

This night is destined to bleed.

Wails came from the great families and the Meteor Sword Sect, tearing apart the night.

Luo Hong did not participate in this massacre because he was recovering from his injuries.

This time, Luo Hong used all his cards to kill twelve strong men, exhausting all his energy.

Therefore, he needs to recuperate.

Blind Yuan held the bamboo pole and stood guard for Luo Hong.

One night passed in a blink of an eye.

When the dawn light tore through the black clouds in the sky and sprinkled over the land of Jiangling Mansion, Jiangling Mansion, which was once prosperous and crowded with people yesterday, was like an empty city.

The people, the people are hiding in their homes and dare not go out.

Only Commander Sun, covered in blood, handed over to Zhao Xinghe and the black riders who rushed over overnight.

Overnight, Jiangling's mansion changed its name to Luo.


Luo Hong did not stay in Jiangling Mansion for long, he returned to Anping County together with Zhang Jingzhi soon.

Returning to the small town of Anping County again, Luo Hong felt more at ease physically and mentally than ever before.

Mr. Luo and everyone gathered together. When Mr. Luo saw Zhang Jingzhi and Zhang Jingzhi was covered in blood, Mr. Luo also understood Zhang Jingzhi's choice.

Jiangling Mansion was originally a thorn in Mr. Luo's heart, but he never expected it to be resolved so quickly.

But that's okay, the matter in Jiangling Mansion is settled, and Luo Hou takes the Luo family's black cavalry and the people to migrate, so there is no need to worry about the future.

Of course, Mr. Luo is now concerned about the Dachaohui.

What Luo Hong did in the western border has already been reported back to Anping County. Luo Hong went to Saibei alone to cover Luo Hou and the 300,000 black cavalry to withdraw, but he did not expect it to be a success.

The black cavalry of the Luo family did not suffer heavy casualties, while Luo Hong established the Da Luo Dynasty in the western border.

The wave after wave of rhythm made Mr. Luo almost breathless, but fortunately everything is over now.

The Great Luo Dynasty, if it is established, it will be established.

The Luo family was oppressed endlessly by the Xia family, and Luo Hong was the one who was bullied the worst. In this case, what could Luo Hong say if he wanted to rebel against Xia and establish the country?

What is he qualified to say?

It's a pity that with the Luo family's current background, participating in the Great Court Meeting may end in a terrible end.

Although the Luo family is not weak, but compared with the power of Great Xia, Great Chu, Great Zhou, Golden Tent Royal Court and other dynasties, it is more than a star and a half behind.

In just one big summer, the Luo family was almost destroyed.

In the competition of the Grand Court, the chances of the Luo family are very slim.

"Great Chaohui...Jingzhi heard from his father."

In the study, Zhang Jingzhi changed into a clean Confucian shirt, sat quietly, and spoke.

"The Great Dynasty Conference is a meeting where the major dynasties compete for luck and show their respective strengths to collide..."

"So, every force will devote everything, and even some countries have devoted all their resources to this grand meeting..."

Luo Hong sat on the chair, his skin was glowing with brilliance, he didn't speak, listening to everyone discussing the Great Court Meeting.

"What about the rules of the Grand Court?"

Luo Hong interjected and asked.

He is ignorant of this rule.

Zhang Jingzhi took a look at Luo Hong: "The rules of the Grand Court Conference are not complicated. Fighting, Tianjiao battle, ten thousand army battle... Every time you win a game, you can get the luck stored in the luck tower by the opponent."

"Most small countries basically lose all three battles, and the national fortune will be exhausted, and they will withdraw from the Great Court..."

"As for the Daluo Dynasty, because of the support of the Buddhist fortune of Wangchuan Temple, it can probably support us to lose twice."

Zhang Jing's way.

Knowing that Luo Hong participated in the Great Court Meeting, he deliberately searched for the information.

"I said I would give you a gift, so I will do everything I can to win for Da Luo."

Zhang Jingzhi looked at Luo Hong, and said seriously and seriously.

This is his promise to Luo Hong in the letter.

On the other hand, Mr. Luo couldn't help being overjoyed when he heard the words, what the Luo family lacks now is talents.

And Zhang Jingzhi is the son of Zhang Shoufu, with him participating in the battle, there is at least a certain chance of winning.

"And the Tianjiao battle is divided into three rounds, namely Xuanbang, Dibang, Tianbang... the three-bang Tianjiao battle."

"As for the battle of ten thousand troops, as the name suggests, it is the collision of troops."

"Among the three battles, the Luo family's most serious problem is the Tianjiao battle, because the Luo family does not have so many Xuanbang, Dibang, Tianjiao..."

"So the Luo family is at a disadvantage. Only Luo Hong and Yuan Chenggang, the spear king of the Tianbang, are the only ones who can get their hands on it... Moreover, Luo Hong, as the holder of luck, is not allowed to participate in the Great Court Meeting according to the regulations..."

"As for the ten-thousand-army battle, it's hard to say whether it will win or lose. Although the Luo family's black cavalry is famous in the northern part of the country, in the Great Court Meeting, the ten-thousand-strong army everyone brought out is the best of the best, and even the best of the best have been cultivated with all their resources. A strong army of ten thousand people, because no one wants to lose."

The study was extremely quiet, as Zhang Jingzhi slowly explained the rules.

Everyone's faces became very ugly.

Because, judging from the rules, the Luo family... really doesn't have much chance of winning.

Great Xia, Great Zhou, Great Chu, the King's Court of the Golden Tent, and the Southern Border Miao Gu clan are not weak.

If the Luo family meets any side, they will surely fall into a hard fight, and even completely lose all their luck.

After Luo Hong heard the rules, he fell silent.

He was thinking about the loopholes in the rules. This time, Luo Hong must win, not only for the Luo family, but also to make the Great Luo Dynasty no longer a joke.

Instead, it has become an existence that is enough to be valued by powerful dynasties such as Da Zhou, Da Chu, and Da Xia.

Only such treason by the Da Luo Dynasty would produce enough crimes.

It's not him, Luo Hong, who is fighting alone.

Suddenly, Luo Hong's eyes gradually lit up.

"Seeking a war... I can't influence you."

"But Tianjiao War, who said that my Luo family... has no Tianjiao?"

The corner of Luo Hong's mouth raised slightly.

Aren't Wu Tian, ​​Chu Tiannan and others Tianjiao?

Who said that if they died... they couldn't be Tianjiao?

Indistinctly, Luo Hong seemed to have found a big loophole in the rules of the Great Court...

Perhaps, he will give some big surprises to the three great dynasties and other great powers!

As for Luo Hong being the bearer of luck, this is a problem. If Luo Hong can make a move, and the bearer of Great Xia's luck, Emperor Xia can also make a move, so what a joke.

The discussion in the study was very intense.

They are all discussing candidates for the Great Court Meeting.

After Luo Hong made up his mind, he didn't tell them, but left the study, preparing to go to Jixia Academy.

Xiao Douhua held the sword and waited quietly outside the study.

Luo Hong returned safely, but she was relieved.

When Luo Hong saw Xiao Douhua, he didn't have the desire to scold, so he took her straight up Dongshan.

After entering the school, I met Luo Xiaoxiao who was playing with peach blossoms on the peach blossom meadow.

Luo Xiaoxiao was also overjoyed to see Luo Hong.

"elder brother!"

Luo Xiaoxiao ran over quickly, and finally stood still in front of Luo Hong, raised her head, and looked at Luo Hong with bright eyes.

Luo Hong patted Luo's little head, filled with emotion.

Almost forgot he has a sister.

Suddenly, looking at Luo Xiaoxiao, Luo Hong's eyes gradually narrowed.

Luo Xiaoxiao, who was originally excited, saw Luo Hong's eyes, and inexplicably remembered the scene when he was moved by physics.

Brother is thinking about bad things again!

Luo Xiaoxin was terrified and wanted to turn around and run away, but Luo Hong lifted his neck and picked him up.

In front of the Spring Breeze Building, Luo Hong saw his wife lazily basking in the sun.

"The student has seen the master."

Luo Hong bowed and said.

The master glanced at Luo Hong, this uneasy disciple, this guy has finally returned to the academy.

It has stirred up a bloody storm outside, and now a Da Luo Dynasty has been created...

"The old man knows what you are going to do here. You are the upholder of luck. According to the rules, you are not allowed to participate in the Great Court Meeting... If the Luo family does not have you to participate in the Great Court Meeting, it will undoubtedly lose."

The master said lightly.

Luo Hong's smile disappeared, and he sat cross-legged in front of his master: "Teacher, please advise."

"You scoundrel who goes to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing..." The Master shook his head.

"You came to find the old man, isn't it just to solve the problem of the luck bearer?"

The master finished speaking.

The next moment, he stretched out his old hand, and put his palm on Luo Hong's forehead, and then, like a thin thread was pulled out, it gently patted Luo Hong's eyebrow.

"Luo Xiaoxiao's physique is very similar to that of Luo Hongchen fifteen years ago. She can carry the luck of your Luo family. You have an impure heart and are not suitable for being an emperor. You should practice the way of a saint."

After finishing all this, the master leaned back on the chair leisurely.

When Luo Hong heard this, he couldn't help being overjoyed.

Looking at Luo Xiaoxiao, he slapped Luo Xiaoxiao on the head.

All right, little girl, little empress Da Luo.

It's so hidden, it actually has the physique of an uncle!

Luo Xiaoxiao was slapped by Luo Hong, stepped back two steps, and sat down on the ground, covering her brows with a bewildered expression.

Did brother sell her?

Did she bear the pressure that she shouldn't have to bear at this age?

And Luo Hong looked at Luo Xiaoxiao, his eyes gradually brightened.

The younger sister became the queen of Da Luo, so Luo Hong would be the regent, and if there was another big show of coercing the emperor to order the princes in the future, wouldn't the crime come in a hurry?

Luo Hong felt as if he saw a broad road paved in front of his eyes.

Master looked at Luo Hong who was smiling wickedly, his beard trembled.

"Don't think about it, after the Great Court Meeting, go back to the school and learn the way of a saint..."

"The way of a sage is the right way. Don't touch those messy things, and don't be fooled by any messy things."

The master said seriously.

Hearing this, Luo Hong immediately turned serious, folded his sleeves and folded his palms, bowed and said, "My disciple is taught."

In Luo Hong's sea of ​​will, Erha, the evil god, was roaring: "Stupid little Luo, what is this mortal old man talking about? He's talking nonsense? Is he insulting me?"

"Stupid Ronaldinho, let go of your body and mind, let only your body be possessed, just kill him! Let him understand the greatness of the supreme being!"

"Oh! This old thing is so mad!"

The corner of Luo Hong's mouth twitched.

But in reality, Master glanced at the speechless Luo Hong, as if he had guessed something.

He stroked his beard, and said in a strange way: "Xiao Luo, remember, evil can never prevail against good! Don't be blinded by dirty and evil things, you are a disciple of a sage, and your future is limitless. If you learn things badly, you will damage the foundation of the Dao.”

After the master finished speaking, he got up, put his hands behind his back, hummed a little tune, turned around and entered the Chunfeng Xiaolou.

In the sea of ​​will, the evil god Erha is about to riot!


"Stupid old thing, just let you go?!"

"Old man, don't leave if you have the ability!"

"What is a dirty and evil thing? What is learning to be bad and destroying the foundation of the Dao? This is the supreme way to become a god!"

"Just let the stupid Xiao Luo become the supreme god! You old bastard, you know nothing!"

The evil god was roaring in anger, so angry that it was about to explode!

He felt insulted.

This stupid mortal old man, it's only a second insult!

PS: Looking for a monthly ticket, looking for a freshly released recommendation ticket~

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