My Young Lord Is Really Righteous

Chapter 257 ? A Meeting Gift for Prince Xia Ji

He ignored the evil god Erha who kept roaring in his mind.

Maybe this is the so-called inconsistency between good and evil. When the evil god and the master get close, there will always be inexplicable sparks, the kind that Luo Hong can't stop.

Luo Hong was also very helpless. Of course, he didn't think about stopping it. After all, unless Master rushed into his will, the two would not be able to fight.

The master seemed very happy, humming a little tune and entered the Chunfeng Xiaolou, and Luo Hong did not stay in Jixia Academy any longer.

He glanced at Luo Xiaoxiao. Originally, he planned to take Luo Xiaoxiao out of Jixia Academy, but now that he thinks about it, the academy is the safest place. At least, no one can hurt Luo Xiaoxiao in the academy. Small, and with Li Xiuyuan's protection, she is safe and sound.

Therefore, Luo Hong still left Empress Da Luo here.

And he took Xiaodouhua, went straight down the Dongshan Mountain, and returned to the Luo Mansion.

Luo Hong knew the rules of the Great Court Meeting. Once it failed, the luck of the Great Luo Dynasty would be lost and the collapse of the Great Luo Dynasty would be exacerbated. This was not allowed by Luo Hong.

The theory of the luck of the dynasty seems to be related to the heaven and man after the Tianmen.

If all the luck of a dynasty disappears, no matter how prosperous the dynasty is, the celestial beings in the sky will send catastrophe and punishment, causing the dynasty to fall apart.

And the so-called Dachaohui is also somewhat like the method used by the celestial beings behind the Tianmen to play tricks on the world.

Although Luo Hong was very upset, as the master said, the Great Court will have rules for the Great Court Meeting, and since he has participated in the Great Court Meeting, he agrees with this rule.

Back in Luo Mansion, in the study, everyone was still arguing vigorously.

Luo Hong went into the study and told everyone that he could participate in this grand meeting because the bearer of luck became Luo Xiaoxiao.

This news plunged the entire study into a dead silence.

After a long time, Mr. Luo couldn't help pulling off a beard, staring and said: "You mean...that little girl?"

Zhang Jingzhi also narrowed his eyes: "Can carry energy... Is it the same physique as Luo Hongchen?"

Luo Hong nodded.

For a moment, the atmosphere in the study room became strange.

Mr. Luo smiled: "Okay... What a third son, nothing special, but he gave birth to a pair of good children."

Many people present rolled their eyes.

It's just you, King Zhenbei, who dare to say that. Others, who dares to say that Luo Rentu is mediocre?

And Luo Hong didn't say much on this issue.

Zhang Jingzhi frowned again: "If we want to participate in the Great Court Meeting, we must pay attention to the battle of ten thousand troops..."

"However, Anping County now only has 5,000 black cavalry, which is not enough, and we also need to be responsible for the military defense of Anping County. Therefore, when we go to Tian'an City, we have to find General Luo on the way to ask for 10,000 elite black cavalry."

Zhang Jingzhi's words aroused the approval of most of the strong people in the study.

Zhao Xinghe also stared and said: "Master Zhang is right... Although fighting is prohibited during the Great Court Assembly, but... we have to guard against it. Today's Anping County is the center of the Da Luo Dynasty. Once it falls, the problem will be serious. .”

This is also the result of their discussion in the study.

However, Luo Hong was beyond their expectation, he just waved his hand...

"There is no need to borrow someone from my father. The 300,000 black cavalry need to protect the people to enter Anping County. They are very busy... This time we enter Tian'an City to participate in the Great Court Meeting, and we don't need black cavalry."

Luo Hong narrowed his eyes.

He looked at Zhang Jingzhi and said, "Let's borrow 10,000 soldiers from Commander Sun."

"Jiangling Mansion's 10,000 soldiers should be able to take them out?"

Zhang Jingzhi was stunned, not only him, everyone in the study was stunned, "Looking for the Jiangling government army?"

"The government army is the government army after all, how can it compare with the black cavalry of the Luo family?!"

Mr. Luo was the first to disagree and waved his hand.

Zhao Xinghe also had a dark face: "Young master... the Dachaohui is not a joke. Once it fails, the luck of the Daluo Dynasty will be divided, and the dynasty will perish."

However, Luo Hong waved his hand, with a gesture of resignation.

Zhang Jingzhi took a deep look at Luo Hong.

He felt that Luo Hong should have his own plan, maybe... the ten thousand Jiangling army could create a miracle?

But the 10,000 government army, perhaps even the Chu Family's Gale Wind Army may not be able to do it, how can they fight against the strong soldiers specially trained by the major dynasties for the great dynasties?

In the end, after intense bargaining, Anping County was left behind by three thousand black cavalry.

The remaining 2,000 black cavalry will cooperate with the 8,000 Jiangling government troops to rush to Tian'an City.

After making such a decision, the other people who originally wanted to say something also sighed and stopped talking.

"This time... the old man will go with you."

Mr. Luo said.

There is a gleam in his eyes, he has fought for the Xia family all his life, and this time...he should fight for the Luo family once.

"This time the battle of ten thousand troops will be led by the old man."

As soon as his words came out, there was a commotion in the study, but everyone didn't know how to persuade him.

Luo Hong thought for a while, but did not refuse.

A group of people didn't stay in the study for a long time, and soon walked out of the study.

It burst out and roared towards Qinglongya outside Anping County.

Outside Anping County.

County magistrate Liu gathered many people from Anping County at the gate of the city.

When figures flew past one after another above the city tower, County Magistrate Liu's eyes froze, he brushed his clothes, clasped his fists, and bowed.


Behind him, the policemen who had been arranged by him a long time ago were beating the gong.

The sound of gongs exploded outside Anping County.

"Liu, on behalf of the people of Anping County, respectfully sends the elite of the Da Luo Dynasty to attend the Great Court Meeting. May I, Da Luo, be victorious!"

Magistrate Liu said loudly.

Behind him, the people of Anping County were also chattering.

And Zhao Donghan, Ziwei, Fang Zheng and others who were among the common people also looked at Luo Hong and others with firm faces.

If they can't participate in this battle, let the world know what a good Mr. Luo is, and let the world know that the Luo family... what a good Luo family!

County magistrate Liu took a deep breath, he knew very well that this grand court meeting was a nirvana for the Da Luo Dynasty, if it succeeded, it would soar into the sky, and from now on, Da Luo would have a place in the world.

If Dachao will fail and his vitality will be exhausted, then Da Luo... will be reduced to a joke.

And Anping County will also become a cloud of the past and eventually annihilate.

Since County Magistrate Liu has already chosen the Luo family, he has no other chance to make a choice. He can only put everything on top of everything, hoping that the Luo family can win this grand meeting!

The pupils of many strong men who swept out of Anping County were all fluctuating.

Looking at the people below, I have mixed feelings in my heart.

Mr. Luo also had some emotion in his eyes.

The next moment, many strong men, including Luo Hong and the strong men of the Luo family, swept through the air one after another and landed on Qinglongya.

Zhao Xinghe had already arranged for two thousand black knights to sit among the green dragon teeth.

Luo Xiaobei stood on the stern of the Qinglongya boat, driven by the Qi machine, the incomparably huge Qinglongya suddenly roared, rose from the ground, and flew out of the sky at a high speed.

Above the Qinglongya, most of the powerful members of the Luo family gather here.

Except for Zhao Xinghe who needs to stay in Anping County and sit in charge of five thousand black cavalry, basically the high-grade powerhouses of the Luo family are planning to fight with their backs.

That's right, even the members of the Luo family don't have much hope for this grand meeting.

Luo Hong didn't explain too much to them. No matter how much he explained now, everyone would only feel that Luo Hong was comforting them.


Qinglongya swept across the sky, and soon arrived at Jiangling Mansion.

When Zhang Jingzhi found Commander Sun and was about to leave the eight thousand troops, Commander Sun was in a daze.


The Luo family intends to use the 8,000 troops of Jiangling Mansion to fight the elites of other dynasties?

This is... Are you kidding me?

However, now that he has chosen to stand in line with the Da Luo Dynasty, Commander Sun, even if he is in a daze, finally after a half-day of rough screening, he dispatched eight thousand elite troops of the government, mixed with the Luo family's black cavalry, followed the Luo family's powerful men, and headed towards Tian'an City fly away.

This green dragon tooth is so huge that ten thousand people can squeeze it on it.

After all, everyone is a practitioner, so it's okay to squeeze.

Luo Xiaobei is a land Martial Immortal, even if there are another 10,000 people, he can move them.


Qinglongya let out a furious roar, turned into a cyan streamer, tore apart the sky in Jiangling Mansion, and flew slowly towards the Great Xia Imperial Capital, Tian'an City.

Qinglongya's galloping speed was not fast, but it was somewhat firm.

On top of the Qinglongya boat plank.

Luo Hong sat cross-legged on the bow of the boat, letting the wind blow his hair.

Mr. Luo, Xiazi Yuan, Zhang Jingzhi and others are all sitting cross-legged on Qinglongya, recharging their energy.

Luo Xiaobei's Qi was surging, and he was controlling Qinglongya, his eyes were also a bit dignified.

The reason why Emperor Xia spoke out when Luo Hong chose to participate in the Great Court Meeting was that he deliberately chose the location of the Great Court Meeting in Tian'an City.

The purpose is also to force the Luo family to go, if the Luo family dares to go...

Emperor Xia would have a chance to take down the Luo family in one go and wipe out the Luo family completely.

However, if the Luo family does not go, the vitality of the Luo family will be exhausted, and the heavenly beings behind the Tianmen will completely destroy the Luo family.

This is Emperor Xia's conspiracy, even if there is a master standing behind the Luo family, so what?

The master is the guardian of the rules in the world, and the Luo family's disintegration because they did not participate in the grand court meeting is all within the rules, and the master can't take action to reverse it.

Therefore, for the Luo family, Tian'an City, the capital of the Great Xia Emperor, is a den of dragons and tigers. Once they go, they may never return.

Qinglongya stretched across the sky for a day.

Wait until the dawn rises.

Qinglongya is like a black dot, slowly grazing in the rising red morning glow.

The ancient Tianan City, bathed in the morning sun on the horizon, looks like an ancient existence, overlooking the earth.

Mr. Luo didn't continue to adjust his state, he walked to the bow of the boat with his hands behind his back, and looked at the majestic Tian'an City below.

A city that he tried to escape from once, and now he has returned not long after.

However, this time when he came back, he returned as the grandpa of the Da Luo Dynasty, the Little Empress of Da Luo.

But this time, it was also a narrow escape.

"Going around and coming back here."

"If the old man finally falls in this city, perhaps... this is fate, a fate that cannot be escaped."

Mr. Luo sighed.

The people around were also silent, and Luo Xiaobei was also silent.

However, Luo Hong stood up, dressed in white, with white hair flying, flaunting it wantonly.

"Old man, my generation of monks... what fate?"

"Cultivators walk against the sky, don't believe in the sky, don't believe in fate, only believe in themselves, people will surely overcome the sky!"

Luo Hong laughed.

Luo Hong's words sounded like a bell, ringing in Mr. Luo's ears.

He smiled wryly, but was a little dazed.

Indeed, why should he believe in fate?

Emperor Xia said that the fate of Luo's family is to be destroyed. Does Luo Kuang want to believe it?


When Qinglongya saw the city of Tianan City.

Sitting cross-legged in the stern of the boat, Luo Xiaobei suddenly opened his eyes, and there was surging anger in his eyes...

He had a feeling of heart palpitations, and vaguely, he seemed to feel that there was something important in Tian'an City... or someone!

"who is it?"

Vigorous strands of hair fluttered in front of Luo Xiaobei's forehead.

He stared at Tianan City.

With terrifying qi and blood surging, Qinglongya suddenly accelerated, and in an instant, circle after circle of air ripples swept out around Qinglongya.

The sudden acceleration of Qinglongya surprised everyone on Qinglongya.

However, soon, everyone felt Luo Xiaobei's emotions, the emotions of a land warrior, which suddenly infected everyone, as well as the Jiangling government army in Qinglongya's cabin.

call out!

Above the tower of Tianan City.

There was a white-clothed Taoist holding a sword like a ray of white light descending from the sky.

"The ones who come will stop."

"The troops brought in must gather outside the city."

Above the tower, the Taoist man in white from the Kunlun Palace, who represented the will of heaven and man, said lightly.

In front of Tian'an City, there are many black army formations, all of which are tens of thousands of troops.

Wave after wave of strong energy and blood rushed into the sky, as if they wanted to disperse all the clouds in the sky!

This is the team that the major dynasties are preparing to participate in the ten thousand army formation.

It is the elite cultivated by the major dynasties.

On the green dragon teeth, Mr. Luo took a deep breath, extremely dignified.

"The Dragon Sparrow Guard of the Great Chu, the Octopus Guard of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the Blood Wolf Guard of the Golden Tent Royal Court, the Golden Gu Guard of the Miao Gu of Southern Border, and the Royal Forest Guards of the Great Xia..."

"Every team is the elite of the elites of the major dynasties, what a terrifying aura..."

"Even if there are 10,000 black riders from the Luo family here, against any of them, the outcome will only be 30-70."

Mr. Luo naturally knows about black knights, and he has said so, which shows that these troops are really strong.

"Because it is an army battle, the soldiers' cultivation must not exceed the fifth rank, otherwise... it is a violation of the rules, but even so, the soldiers in these armies have reached the pinnacle of the fifth rank!"

Qinglongya fell down slowly.

The powerhouses of the major dynasties below are all watching.

Someone laughed.

"Oh, it's the newly established Da Luo Dynasty team."

"The black cavalry of the Luo family is pretty good. If you give time to cultivate some elites who can attack the Great Court, you may still have a chance. Unfortunately... the time is so short, where did the Luo family get the time?"

"That's why the Luo family is here to bring luck to this grand meeting. We should thank the Luo family."

There was laughter lingering underneath.

On the green dragon teeth, Mr. Luo kept a cold face and did not speak.

Luo Hong smiled lightly, like a spring breeze.

The green dragon teeth opened, and the Jiangling government troops who had been holding back for a day suddenly swarmed out.

Mr. Luo took a step forward, and his momentum suddenly exploded, "Array!"

Eight thousand Jiangling Mansion troops plus two thousand black cavalry quickly lined up. However, facing the powerful impact of the surrounding dynasties, some Jiangling Mansion soldiers looked pale and bloodless.

Although the Jiangling Mansion Army is considered a good team, they are mixed. Although there are five ranks, most of them are seventh and eighth rank martial arts.

Compared with the elite of other dynasties, it is like a puddle of mud.

And all the powerhouses who paid attention to the Luo family were stunned.

"This is not the Luo family's black cavalry!"

"It's so weak, this ten thousand army... It seems that eight thousand people are government troops?!"

"Fuck... Is the Luo family giving up on themselves? The Luo family is indeed a lucky baby..."

Many strong men were stunned, and after the astonishment, they laughed and sneered unabashedly.

The Eight Thousand Army of Jiangling Mansion only felt flushed, ashamed, ashamed of themselves...

The two thousand black knights of the Luo family stood upright, their palms resting on the ink knife, and their eyes were extremely sharp.

Mr. Luo didn't say anything, and quietly walked to the front of the line. He was wearing armor, and his stooped body suddenly stood upright, holding a black knife, standing in front of the army.

"Old man, trust you."

"This old man will accompany you in a bloody battle!"

The Eight Thousand Mansion Army, who was still somewhat ashamed, suddenly felt a flame burning and boiling in his body.

Luo Hong fluttered down from Qinglongya, and walked slowly towards Tian'an City with a small bean curd in a white skirt.

On the tower, Prince Xia Ji was wearing a four-claw python robe, looking at Luo Hong indifferently.

This time, he represented Emperor Xia to draw the lottery for the Great Court Assembly.

The emperors of the major dynasties did not appear, Zhou Tianzi, the Empress of Chu, the Great Khan of the Golden Tent Royal Court, and the leaders of the Miao Gu clan, etc., did not appear, but the draws on behalf of them were all major A person with a prominent dynasty status.

The one who came from the Great Zhou Dynasty was Prince Ji Luotu, an extremely gentle young man.

The person from the Great Chu Dynasty surprised Luo Hong, it was none other than Wu Meiniang.

Since she was possessed by the Empress last time, Wu Meiniang's identity... seems to have risen. If she can represent the Empress to participate in the Great Court Meeting, no one knows whether it is luck or sorrow.

When Wu Meiniang saw Luo Hong walking up the tower, she smiled and nodded.

When Luo Hong stepped onto the tower of Tianan City.

clang clang clang!

Lei Cheng's eyes were extremely cold, and the silver-armored guards around him drew out their weapons one after another, staring at Luo Hong with murderous intent.

The silver-armored guards hated Luo Hong very much, after all, there were quite a few silver-armored guards who died in Luo Hong's hands.

Lei Cheng, who stepped into the quasi-land Martial Immortal, was even more angry, which made the sky seem to change slightly.

Xiao Douhua hugged the sword and followed behind Luo Hong, trembling. scary!

On the other hand, Luo Hong smiled calmly. He didn't pay much attention to Lei Cheng and such scenes.

Luo Hong looked at Lei Cheng and grinned: "do you really want to kill me? Come on... I'm standing here, come and kill me? "

Luo Hong laughed.

Above the city tower, it was extremely quiet.

Lei Cheng's murderous intent is rolling, and his back molars are about to be bitten and broken.

"After the Great Court Meeting, your Luo family will be defeated, and I, Lei Cheng, will kill you!"

Luo Hong laughed: "This is not the first time you have said this."

"Aren't you only talking harsh words? My son is right in front of you now, and you're here to kill me?"

"If you are an enemy, come and kill me."

Luo Hong stretched his fair and clean neck, patted and sneered at the same time.

The depressive atmosphere on Lei Cheng's body is getting stronger and stronger.

So arrogant!

So cheap!

This son is so angry!

However, due to the rules of the Dachaohui, Lei Cheng could not make a move.

"Commander Lei, don't get angry, just calm down."

On the tower, Prince Xia Ji said calmly.

At this time, if it is an assassin, it will not be beneficial to violate the rules of the Dachaohui.

Lei Cheng just calmed down.

Luo Hong glanced at the indifferent Prince Xia Ji in the distance, ignored Lei Cheng, and walked slowly up the tower with Xiaodouhua under the eyes of all the people.

Soon, they came before the powerful men of many dynasties.

The crown prince Xia Ji, the crown prince of the Great Zhou, Wu Meiniang...the figures representing the major dynasties all looked at Luo Hong.

And these people were all sitting on chairs, looking at Luo Hong quietly.

The Taoist of Kunlun Palace with the fairy pattern between his eyebrows also looked at Luo Hong indifferently.

Luo Hong looked left and right, looked at Prince Xia Ji and others sitting on the chair, and grinned.

"I don't have a seat, sir?"

"I am the majestic regent of the Da Luo Dynasty...don't have a chair to sit on?"

Luo Hongdao.


Everyone was startled, what is the regent?

And Luo Hong raised his hand and snapped his fingers lightly.

"Then you sit with a hammer."


Under each chair, black shadows emerged.


The black shadows smashed into shadows one by one, and smoke and dust flew continuously on the tower.

Prince Daxia, Prince Dazhou, Wu Meiniang and others all stood up, the chair was broken, if they didn't stand up, they would have to sit on the floor.

Many people looked at Luo Hong, who was dressed in white and had flying hair, and couldn't help being speechless.

Broken chair, it really belongs to you!

This is not a violation of the rules of the Dachaohui, and the Taoists of the Kunlun Palace can't say anything.

Luo Hong chuckled and turned to look at Prince Xia Ji.

He met Prince Xia Ji's eyes.

"Prince Daxia?"


"I heard you are calm?"

After the words fell, a bloody head suddenly appeared in Luo Hong's hand, Wen Yiwei's head taken out from the storage page.

"A small meeting ceremony is not a respect."

Luo Hong grinned and threw Wen Yiwei's bloody head to Prince Xia Ji.

Prince Xia Ji faced the head thrown by Luo Hong, he didn't move, and finally fell full.

Looking at Wen Yiwei's head in his arms.

Prince Xia Ji, who originally advised Lei Cheng to calm down, suddenly darkened.

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