My Young Lord Is Really Righteous

Chapter 264 ? Emperor Xia leaves the customs, let go of your junior brother

Anping County, Dongshan.

Jixia Academy.

A gust of wind blows in, blowing the peach blossoms one after another on the mountain road. The peach blossoms are flying, drifting with the wind, passing the school palace, and falling in front of the small spring breeze building.

The Master stretched out his hand and pinched a swaying peach blossom petal, his face was expressionless.

He raised his head and looked in the direction of Tian'an City.

The old and deep eyes began to gradually become complicated, like a drop of ink dripping into a clear pool, completely smudged into a pitch black.

There are many reflections in his eyes.

He saw the Beidou secret realm that stretched across the world.

He saw Qi Guangling standing behind Luo Hong with his sleeves fluttering on top of the tower of Tian'an City.

He also saw a gap in the depths of Tian'an City, where the gate of the Ji Palace was opened that day.

"Has it started yet?"

Master, let go of your hand.

There seems to be a strong wind, and the peach blossom in the hand continues to fly horizontally in the wind.


Tianan City.

Inside and outside the city, the atmosphere was instantly tense.

Outside the city, the Luo family's army glared instantly. Mr. Luo drew out his ink saber, swung the saber straight away, and glared in all directions.

The Xia family... This is to force the Luo family to death. If that's the case, then kill them, kill them quickly!

Even if he died, he would tear off a piece of Xia family's flesh and blood.

It's just that Mr. Luo's eyes are full of sadness, and there is even a feeling that there is nothing greater than death in his heart. He is inexplicably unwilling to die like this.

Above the sky, Luo Xiaobei was fighting fiercely with the seven land immortals. It wasn't long before Luo Xiaobei landed on the land martial immortals. Although he was very talented, it was still a disadvantage for him to fight the seven land immortals alone.

Almost in an instant, he fell into an extremely dangerous situation.

Now the land fairy of the Luo family,

Only Luo Xiaobei was alone, once Luo Xiaobei was defeated and died, the fate of the Luo family would not be much better.

Xiao Douhua, who was pushed off the tower by Luo Hong, had panic and madness in her eyes.

She held the Ksitigarbha sword, and wanted to activate the Ksitigarbha sword to resonate with the will of the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva in the sword and help the young master.

However, the more anxious she was, the more difficult it was for her to fall into the resonance.

The huge archway door opened, and the passage was closed.

And above the gate of the archway, the five luck towers are floating and sinking, and the five luck golden dragons are roaring and roaring.

The robes of the Taoists of the Kunlun Palace were fluttering. They floated up and stood guard in front of the gate of the archway. Indistinctly, they seemed to form a strange formation, covering the gate.

Da Zhou, Da Chu, and many strong men from the Golden Tent Royal Court felt that something was wrong, and glanced at the floating Kunlun Palace Taoists, but shook their heads again.

It may be that they were overwhelmed, and then their eyes shifted sideways and landed on the tower of Tian'an City again. There, Luo Hong, who was pinned by the shoulder of Qi Guangling, the dean of the Sitian Academy, caught their attention .

Emperor Xia suddenly launched an attack on the Luo family, and they never thought of it.

Originally thought that Emperor Xia would wait until the end of the Great Court Meeting before launching an attack, but he never thought that Emperor Xia would target the Luo family so quickly and wanted to get rid of the Luo family.

Many people don't quite understand why the Xia family treats the Luo family like this. After all, the Luo family used to be a meritorious family that shed blood for the Xia family.

Can't help but give people a sad feeling of a cunning rabbit dying and a running dog cooking.

Qi Guangling, the guardian of the mountain, and Lei Cheng, who is a quasi-martial immortal on land, at this moment, Luo Hong is completely in a desperate situation.

Qi Guangling's strength is unfathomable, he is a Daoist real person, and the mountain guard is also a strong one among land immortals. Coupled with the iron law of Daxia covering the entire Tian'an City, it is impossible for Luo Hong to break the blockade and escape.

Many people secretly sighed, Luo Hong, the Luo family... careless.


Luo Hong's face was a little strange, and the roaring sound in his will exploded.

"Cunning little Luo, this person actually wants to seal him?"

The words of the evil god Erha are full of shock, inconceivable, and... suppressed anger!

How noble, how supreme, how stupid mortals want to seal him up?

to die!

The Evil God Erha fell into a rage in an instant, and this time, Luo Hong didn't need to trick him into making a move, the Evil God Erha did it on his own, and the moment he made a move, he was extremely violent!

Endless waves of will rolled up in Luo Hong's sea of ​​will.

One Buddha lamp after another is flickering and flickering!

Crash, clatter!

The chains one after another were completely stretched, and there was even an overwhelmed creaking sound from the chains, as if they were about to collapse completely.

The formation formed by the chains sealed Erha the Evil God, making it impossible for Erha the Evil God to transmit power to Luo Hong.

Qi Guangling's white light and shadow are incomparably dignified, and seals are formed in his hands continuously, forming seals all the time.

"What a terrifying power..."

"What the hell is this?"

Even Qi Guangling, who has traveled all over the world and has seen a lot, can't understand at this moment. What exactly is this existence in Luo Hong's sea of ​​will?

He originally thought that it might be the sojourn of the soul of a certain strong man after his fall, but now it seems that it is not!


What he arranged is the most powerful sealing formation in Kunlun Palace, even heaven and man can seal it...

However, at this moment, he felt a little powerless, and the seal didn't seem to last long.

The task that Emperor Xia arranged for him was really difficult.

However, Qi Guangling could understand that even Emperor Xia was a little bit afraid of Luo Hong's existence in the sea of ​​will, and asked him to take action on purpose, but it made sense, if the task was simple, it would be impossible for him to take action.

Bang bang bang!

The chain was stretched straight, with faint cracks appearing on it.

The evil god Erha's eyes suddenly turned scarlet, and there was a surge of terrifying violence.

Mortals, actually want to imprison only one? !

Although staying in the sea of ​​will of the cunning Xiao Luo is not absolute freedom, but... this can also be said to be a rare happy time in the endless years!

And now, this mortal wants to ruin only his happy time? !

"Just break it!!!"

Boom boom boom!

Every time there was an impact, the formation trembled, and the trembling made Qi Guangling tremble with fear.

"This is the most powerful sealing formation in Kunlun Palace...don't waste your time, just stay obediently."

Qi Guangling looked at the evil god Erha and said.


The sealing formation trembled again, and on it, the enlarged nostrils of the evil god Erha stuck to it.

The cold voice was mixed with endless angry murderous intent.

"Mortal! You will die!"

Qi Guangling smiled: "Everyone is mortal, so be quiet for a while, and when His Majesty's plan is over, hello, hello, hello everyone."

After the words fell, Qi Guangling began to form seals in his hands again, one after another seal was continuously played, strengthening the formation of sealing the evil god.

The evil god Erha was actually sealed?

Luo Hong was startled, his face changed slightly.

However, the moment this idea just surfaced in his mind, the roar of the evil god Erha resounded in his mind.

"Cunning Xiao Luo, what are you thinking?"

"Can this garbage mortal be trapped?"

"It's just a mark. If the real body comes, he will be killed! Even if it's just a mark, if you give him only ten breaths, it will only kill this mortal who dares to offend God!"

The evil god Erha roared, then fell silent.

Luo Hong's eyes moved slightly, ten breaths?

Luo Hong believed in the evil god Erha, but ten breaths were enough for the mountain guards to suppress him and capture him.

Especially there is Qi Guangling behind him.

Luo Hong's eyes turned and landed on Prince Xia Ji. During these ten breaths, Luo Hong had to find a way to save himself.

A heartbeat.


Luo Hong instantly switched positions with a silver-armored guard. Qi Guangling only invaded his sea of ​​will, and did not restrict his actions. He still has a chance!

Qi Guangling stood on the spot, frowning. Obviously, he was struggling and fighting fiercely in the sea of ​​Luo Hong's will, so he had no time to take care of Luo Hong.

Luo Hong instantly appeared behind a third-rank silver-armored guard, and threw out the magic sword in his hand.

Lei Cheng reacted suddenly, a terrifying air burst out, and silver spears shot at Luo Hong one after another, and black cracks were ripped out of the air.

But Luo Hong ignored Lei Cheng, held the magic sword in his hand, and threw it out step by step.

It hit the sealing light curtain formed by Daxia Iron Law Firm.

However, it was as if a sword had been slashed into the quagmire, and the tyrannical attacking power was absorbed by the light curtain.

Luo Hong tried to move out of the city tower, but he couldn't move out.

Lei Cheng's attack came in an instant, and Luo Hong had no choice but to move away from him again.

Lei Cheng's attack hit the light curtain and was absorbed without causing any waves.

In the distance, Prince Xia Ji smiled faintly.

"The iron law of the Great Xia is a treasure, it is an absolute defense...not to mention you, even if it is a land immortal of the five realms, it will be difficult to break through..."

There was some sarcasm in Prince Xia Ji's words.

She was mocking Luo Hong's overthinking.

Luo Hong glanced at Prince Xia Ji, expressionless.

The next moment, he raised his hand and clenched it.

Behind Prince Xia Ji, a squirming black shadow suddenly emerged, and Luo Hong instantly switched positions with it.

The white sleeves of his clothes struck the void, and Luo Hong appeared behind the four-clawed python robe, holding the magic sword Asura instead, and put the sword on Prince Xia Ji's neck.

In the distance, Lei Cheng, whose aura was soaring into the sky like thunder, shrank his eyes immediately, and the attack he was about to make stopped immediately.

"Luo Hong! Presumptuous!"

Looking at Luo Hong's big black sword on Prince Xia Ji's neck, Lei Cheng's face turned livid, and he shouted.

Luo Hong glanced at him indifferently.

Behind him, the breath of the mountain guard is still surging.

"Mountain guard, stop."

"Otherwise, the dog prince will be killed today."

Luo Hongdao.

However, what surprised Luo Hong was that the thick fog of the mountain guards still rolled in, forming a thin figure in the thick fog.

Luo Hong threatened him with the crown prince, but the mountain guard... was indifferent!

But the prince Xia Ji, who was held around the neck with a sword by Luo Hong, smiled faintly.

"Are you... threatening Bengong?"

Words fell.

Suddenly, a huge coercion of heaven and earth surged out of the prince.

The terrifying air wave slammed into Luo Hong's body fiercely.

Luo Hong was immediately smashed into the air like a cannonball, and his shape changed instantly, and he landed in the distance.

As for Prince Xia Ji, his clothes were flying, and the aura on his body was rising steadily, as if an oven was burning and tumbling.

Prince Xia Ji's eyes were extremely terrifying, like a demon head, full of oppression.

"A mere third grade, dare to... threaten the first place in the summer list?"

A golden armor suddenly appeared on Xia Ji's body, it was Wuxian Armor!

The crown prince Xia Ji is actually a hidden Martial Immortal on Earth!

Luo Hong was startled.

He always thought that the prince Xia Ji was at most a strong first-rank, but... he was actually a land immortal? !

The mountain guard knew, so his pace did not stop.


The dense fog slammed heavily on the city wall.

The mountain guards came.

Looking at Luo Hong calmly with indifferent eyes, he raised his hand, and the endless oppression between heaven and earth gathered on Luo Hong's body at this moment.

This is not coercion, but the thick fog turned into shackles, capturing Luo Hong's body.

"Luo Hong, I finally caught you."

"When you set foot on the tower of Tian'an City again, your fate is already sealed."

The hoarse voice of the mountain guard sounded.

"Don't struggle, His Majesty has already paid enough attention to you, please move Dean Qi to seal the monster in your body."

"In this world, there are only two or three people who can attract His Majesty's attention. You are proud of being one of them."

The mountain guard said lightly.

The aura on Prince Xia Ji's body subsided, and he regained that sloppy attitude. He didn't attack Luo Hong. Emperor Xia wanted to save Luo Hong's life and punish him himself.

"Unfortunately, the protagonist of this event is not Luo Hong."

The prince chuckled lightly.

With his hands behind his back, he ignored Luo Hong, but looked at the portal of the archway in the distance, and the Qiyun towers suspended above the portal of the archway.

Those luck towers are the protagonists of this event.

at the same time.

In the deep palace of Tianan City.

Tianji Palace.

The heavy sound began to resound, crunching, crunching...

It seems that the door that has been closed for a hundred years, shaking off the dust, slowly opens at this moment.

The gate of Tianji Palace was completely opened.

The sun tore through the sky, slanted along the opened door, and sprinkled all the way in, dispelling the darkness and ushering in the light.

Before Tianji Palace.

Gao Lishi, dressed in a luxurious purple robe, bowed his body halfway, his face full of respect.

And beside Gao Lishi.

However, King Ning, who was wearing plain clothes, also lowered his head.

Boom boom boom!

It was as if there were distant footsteps coming from the depths of Tianji Palace, and the footsteps seemed to be stepping on King Ning's heart.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty."

"Congratulations, father."

Gao Lishi and King Ning bowed and spoke.

at the same time.

On the flat ground in front of Tianji Palace, the emperor's guards in golden armor knelt on one knee and lowered their heads.

"Congratulations to His Majesty the Emperor Xia!"

The emperor's guards roared in unison, tearing apart the clouds and the oppressive thick clouds over Tianji Palace.

At this moment, the entire Tian'an City became extremely quiet.

All the monks in the city felt an extremely suppressed panting, as if they were being grabbed by the throat.

The spies of Dazhou, Dachu, Jinzhang Wangting and other forces had their eyes narrowed, and their whole bodies were trembling with fear.

Looking in the direction of Tianji Palace in disbelief, that out? !

Emperor Xia... is out!

The walls of Cheonan City.

A sense of oppression that was so suppressed that it was hard to breathe suddenly swept over.

Luo Hong's heart shook, and he turned his head to look in the direction of Tianji Palace.

Indistinctly, there was an incomparably bright and dazzling light bursting out from the Tianji Palace, so dazzling that Luo Hong hardly dared to look directly at it.

Emperor Xia, who is in seclusion to seek longevity...has left the seclusion? !

Above the tower of Tianan City.

Extreme madness flickered in Prince Xia Ji's eyes, and he couldn't help clapping his hands: "It's out! It's out!"

And the mountain guard's eyes shrouded in thick fog shone with awe.


And outside Tianan City.

Mr. Luo, the Luo family's army, and even the Xia family's soldiers and horses all over the mountains and plains can all see the majestic Tian'an City. It seems that at this moment, it seems that at this moment, there is an extremely tall, mountain-like figure floating in Tian'an City. , overlooking the ground.


After the gate of the archway, within the Beidou Secret Realm.

The blood rained, the blood rain drifted, torrentially flying.

At this moment, in the Blood Rain Plain, soldiers and horses from all directions are laid out across the field, stationed and separated on the Blood Rain Plain.

The Great Zhou, the Great Chu, the Golden Tent Royal Court and the Great Xia... four armies of 10,000 people were bathed in the rain of blood.

However, at this moment, the entire Xueyuyuan turned into dead silence.

The dead silence reached the extreme.

The rain hit the ground, splashing blood and mud.

Everyone raised their heads, staring in shock and inexplicable at the huge figure that covered the sky and the sun behind the blood rain field.

That figure, sitting on the throne, looked down on them in the blood rain field with indifferent eyes.

Who is he? !

Ji Luotu, the crown prince of the Great Zhou Dynasty, shrank his eyes, and an inconceivable fear surged in his heart.

The eldest prince Yelu Yuanlong and Wu Meiniang also felt a chill.

This familiar look, this terrifying coercion...

Emperor Xia!

A crisis instantly enveloped the bodies of Ji Luotu, Yelu Yuanlong and Wu Meiniang.

The three people who were supposed to be in the opposing camp, at this moment, looked at each other, and they all saw the... panic in each other's eyes!

"Emperor Xia?!"

Standing in the bloody rainstorm, Yelu Yuanlong roared.

However, that towering figure smiled faintly.

He actually raised his hand.

clatter clatter...

At this moment, the blood rain between heaven and earth was pulled by an invisible force, and turned into a blood-colored palm above the blood rain field, and every drop of rain water turned into blood flowing in the blood vessels.

A bloody palm, covering the sky and the earth, containing a terrifying coercion, slowly covered it!

The Baji Guards of the Great Zhou, the Dragon Sparrow Guards of the Great Chu, the Blood Wolf Guards of the Golden Tent Royal Court, and the Imperial Forest Guards of the Great Xia.

All at this moment, covered by this palm!

"Emperor Xia?! What are you doing?!"

Ji Luotu, the crown prince of the Great Zhou Dynasty, roared on his back, his eyes tearing apart.

The terrible crisis of death hangs over him.

How could this be?

This is the secret realm of the Big Dipper, this is the secret realm managed by the Kunlun Palace, and it is the place where the Great Court Meeting will be held...

Why did Emperor Xia's will clone appear here? !

And also shot at them...

What does Emperor Xia want to do? !

Ignoring the rules of the Grand Court?

"Rules...Emperor Xia...does he still care about rules?"

At this moment, Wu Meiniang took off the fake dragon sparrow sword she was carrying, and laughed miserably: "I should have thought of it a long time ago, when those law enforcement officers ignored the Xia family and dealt with Luo Hong..."

"The Heavenly Man and the Xia family... have joined forces!"

Yelu Yuanlong, the eldest prince of the Golden Tent Royal Court, also stared at him, full of disbelief: "Emperor Xia! You and the Great Khan of the Royal Court agreed to join forces! Are you going to tear up the covenant?!"

They agreed to join forces to deal with Da Zhou and Da Chu, but now they backtracked and turned their backs?

This Blood Rain Field has now become a burial ground, Emperor Xia wants to bury all of them here!

Puff puff!

A terrifying coercion swept down, and the tyrannical force of will continued to surge with the falling of the bloody palm.

One after another the figures were blown to pieces, the Baji Guards, Dragon Sparrow Guards, Blood Wolf Guards, and Great Xia's Royal Forest Guards were all wiped out under this palm, blasted into blood mist, and turned into blood mud...

This is an indiscriminate killing. The "Emperor Xia" wants to wipe out everyone in the Blood Rain Field, even Daxia's... Royal Forest Guards.

The first-rank commanders of the four armies soared into the sky.

They are not reconciled, they are covered in blood.

The commander of the imperial guards was even more eye-opening: "Your Majesty! Why?!"


Cold blooded?


However, there was no response, only the palm fell, and the four strong first-ranks were still wiped out inch by inch.

Ji Luotu was covered in blood and was in a panic: "It's too strong! Even if it's just the will coming down at this moment, it's comparable to the land fairy of the upper five realms! This is Emperor Xia!"

"Is Emperor Xia's purpose just to kill us?!"

"Kill us? You're thinking too much... Emperor Xia's purpose... is for luck!" Wu Meiniang, who was covered in blood, also spoke.

"For luck?"

Yelu Yuanlong, the eldest prince of the Golden Tent Royal Court, laughed miserably, he understood.


The next moment.

The pupils of the three of them turned into liquid gold, and a terrifying aura diffused from their bodies.

It turned into three rays of light in the blood rain field, tearing apart a piece of blood rain.

They saw the corpses all over the ground, and they also saw the phantom of Emperor Xia covering the sky and the sun.

The next moment, all three of them understood something.

"Xia Jie!"

A cold voice came from the mouths of the three.

All three of them turned into streamers and rushed towards the entrance of the secret realm of Blood Rain Field.

However, as soon as the three of them left, outside the gate of the archway, the immortal lines between the brows of the Taoists of the Kunlun Palace began to emit brilliance, and a mysterious formation enveloped the entire gate, allowing the three strong men possessed of will , unable to break through the door and get out!

In short, they were sealed in the secret realm of Xueyuyuan.

They always thought that the Xia family was going to deal with the Luo family.


They are wrong!

The Xia family's goal from the very beginning was them. They teamed up with heaven and man to launch an attack at this great court meeting. The goal was the luck of the Great Zhou, the Great Chu, and the Golden Tent Royal Court!

Even, Xia Huang's so-called damage to his strength was deliberately digging a hole, waiting for them to jump down!

Now that Emperor Xia has left the customs, his ambition is clearly revealed at this moment!

In front of Tianji Palace.

Facing the respectful worship of Gao Lishi and King Ning, as well as the kneeling worship of the emperor's guards, the burly man smiled faintly.

Starting today, the Great Court Meeting.

The Daxia.

The burly man stepped forward.

Opened his mouth.

Terrible suction erupted, and a huge vortex seemed to form between the heaven and the earth. Countless vitality, countless essence, and the five air transportation towers suspended above the portal of the archway, all flowed into the sea like a river, heading towards came out of the man's mouth.


The five air transportation towers, like scrap iron, lost their light and fell to the ground.

And the luck in the tower poured into the mouth of the man wearing the five-clawed golden robe.

Emperor Xia devoured the luck of the three great dynasties and the Golden Tent Royal Court, as well as the newly promoted Da Luo Dynasty, the five most powerful forces in the world today.

One person alone controls seventy percent of the world's luck!

When Emperor Xia finished all this, his gaze was level, and a terrifying aura surged.

His eyes were raised, and he looked lightly into the distance, towards the tower of Tian'an City, the figure in white clothes and white hair.

There is a monster in his juvenile body.

If that monster... can be used by him, he will be more confident in the next battle that challenges the rules of the world.

The man let out a breath slowly.

After that, he said lightly: "Come here."



Qi Guangling's complexion suddenly changed.

"What the hell... is this monster?!"

The strongest sealing formation in Kunlun Palace can't even seal the opponent. You must know that being sealed by the formation will consume your strength continuously, and this monster has hit the seal countless times, but the more it hits, the more courageous it is! Hit harder!

It seems to have infinite power!

Click click click!

Suddenly, countless chains broke, and a claw-like arm suddenly protruded from the broken chains.

Qi Guangling's body instantly disappeared in place, dodging the blow.

However, as his body moved, he realized that the situation was bad.

Because he couldn't continue to strengthen the seal, the seal... was completely broken!


The chains broke one by one, and the sealing formation was trampled and destroyed.

It seems that there is a monstrous evil permeating the air, with terrifying murderous intent and anger surging.

"Freedom from imprisonment?!"

"Cunning Ronaldinho's sea of ​​will is his home field, do you dare to imprison him?"

An angry roar exploded.

Qi Guangling's complexion changed drastically, and there was cold sweat on his forehead.

He swiftly formed seals with both hands, formed seals...

Countless afterimages are disappearing and changing, hurry up! Faster!

The seal is back!

However, the paw of the evil god Erha slammed down hard.

Qi Guangling's body seal froze for a moment, and his body was slammed into the sea of ​​will, setting off monstrous waves.

The evil god Erha's hand fell into the sea, grabbing Qi Guangling out.


Boom boom boom!

The evil god Erha grabbed Qi Guangling's avatar and kept swinging it, like swinging a sandbag, constantly swinging it.


When Luo Hong was escorted by the prince Xia Ji and the mountain guards to go to Tianji Palace, Luo Hong's mind moved, and he chose to sink into the sea of ​​will, and saw the evil god Erha holding Qi Guangling like a chicken cub !

The angry evil god Erha almost strangled Qi Guangling to death!

However, Luo Hong hurriedly spoke and stopped him.

Emperor Xia's exit was beyond Luo Hong's expectation, and Emperor Xia devoured seven points of luck in the world, which shocked Luo Hong even more. This guy seems to be more rebellious and villainous than him? !

Luo Hong felt that...he had learned it!

Of course, what needs to be done now is how to find a chance of life in a desperate situation.

Emperor Xia is too strong, Luo Hong can only fight with the help of the evil god Erha.

Therefore, Luo Hong asked the evil god Erha not to pinch Qi Guangling's will clone to death, creating the illusion that Qi Guangling was still sealing the monster in Luo Hong's body.

When approaching Emperor Xia, taking advantage of Emperor Xia's unpreparedness, he made an insidious blow.

This may be Luo Hong's only chance.


In front of Tianji Palace.

Prince Xia Ji squinted his eyes and looked at the burly Emperor Xia. For hundreds of years, Emperor Xia's appearance had hardly changed much.

He escorted Luo Hong to the front of Tianji Palace.

Shrouded in thick fog, the mountain guard bowed towards Emperor Xia.

Luo Hong opened his eyes, calmly looking at the man on the ladder who swallowed seventy percent of the world's luck.

The Emperor Xia at this moment is terrifyingly strong, no, it should be said that this man has always been terrifyingly strong.

Luo Hong was waiting for an opportunity, and kept suppressing the evil god Erha who was about to roar out in the sea of ​​will. He was waiting for an opportunity to make the evil god Erha explode and kill Emperor Xia with one move.

Although, Luo Hong knew that this chance was very slim.


Luo Hong still wants to try.

Emperor Xia looked at Luo Hong calmly.

Suddenly, Emperor Xia stopped looking at Luo Hong, turned his eyes and looked at the sky above Tian'an City.

The sky above Tian'an City, above the Iron Law of Daxia.

don't know when.

An old man in Confucian shirt stood there quietly.

With deep eyes, he quietly looked at the imposing and powerful Emperor Xia in front of the stairs of Tianji Palace.


It's Master!

Many people's eyes shrank. They didn't expect that Master actually left Jixia Academy and appeared in Tian'an City.

The master, Rushan Lilian, looked at Emperor Xia with complicated eyes.

"Xia Jie, you are going too far."

"Let go of your little brother."

After the words fell, everyone in the world was dumbfounded.

But Emperor Xia looked at his master, smiled lightly, and nodded slightly.

"Teacher, long time no see."

PS: Looking for a monthly ticket, looking for a freshly released recommendation ticket, many things are thrown out without foreshadowing? The plot is advancing so fast, and there are so many rumors?

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