My Young Lord Is Really Righteous

Chapter 265 ? Luo Hong's counterattack, beheading the prince with one sword

The Master appeared.

This was not beyond anyone's expectations. Emperor Xia devoured seventy percent of the world's energy in himself, as if he wanted to prove the Tao in an alternative way.

And such a method is unheard of for the world. The world is full of energy, and if it is divided for a long time, it must be united for a long time.

Like Emperor Xia, the way to swallow all the luck in one breath and gather it in his body to obtain powerful power is naturally against the rules of heaven and earth.

As the guardian of the rules of the world, the master will naturally appear.

Even at this moment, many people feel a little creepy.

They figured out the purpose of Emperor Xia. Perhaps, the purpose of Emperor Xia from the beginning was to attract his master, the most invincible existence in the world.

Today, challenge the rules of the world!

It is the rule of the world that one cannot live forever.

Emperor Xia has been seeking longevity for these years, but now, perhaps he has found the direction, and if Emperor Xia wants to live forever, if he does not enter the gate of heaven and stays in the human world, then no matter what, he cannot get around the guardian of the rules of the world, Master.

Therefore, everything that happened today may have been deliberately done by Xia Huang. Xia Huang knew that it would attract his wife, but he still did it, which is tantamount to declaring war on the rules of the world!

At this moment, many people have a feeling of scalp tingling.

But the most shocking thing was the conversation between the newly appeared Master and Emperor Xia.

This dialogue reveals the relationship between Master and Emperor Xia.

Emperor Xia... called Master a teacher?

Master is the teacher of Emperor Xia? !

Many people were at a loss, including Luo Hong who was also very at a loss.

Emperor he one of those senior brothers?

According to seniority, Luo Hong could easily guess that Emperor Xia should be the oldest of the six disciples of Master, that is to say... the eldest disciple of Master.

Jixia Academy, Mr. Da? !

Luo Hong was shocked. He didn't know anything, and he had never heard of it from his master.

Luo Hong looked above his head in disbelief,

The master who stepped on the iron law of Daxia, the unattainable iron law, couldn't stop him at all, as if the sky was as high as the master.

It's just that at this moment, Luo Hong's eyes are as weird as they are.

Master, you are very strong, but you are not good at accepting apprentices.

What kind of disciples are they receiving?

None of them are serious, and all of them are going off the right path, going further and further away.

It's really yours.

Not only Luo Hong, but even Prince Xia Ji, King Ning and others knew this for the first time. Emperor Xia was actually a disciple of his master, that extremely mysterious Mr. Jixia Xuegong, whose true face no one had ever seen.


"Stop it."

"Let Luo Hong go, he is innocent."

Master said.

He was admonishing Emperor Xia, as if he was giving Emperor Xia one last chance. Regarding this former disciple, the master had mixed feelings about him.

And Emperor Xia looked at the old master, his eyes fluctuated slightly, and he raised his hand. The majestic luck contained in his body made his spirit constantly soar.

"Stop it? It's about to succeed, how can you stop it."

Emperor Xia said lightly.

"You are not on the right way, and it is difficult to achieve real longevity."

Master said.

Wearing a golden robe with five claws, Emperor Xia stood in front of the Tianji Palace, behind him the gate of the Tianji Palace was closed, resplendent and majestic.

He took a step forward and stepped on the white jade dange, the carved dragons on the danji seemed to come alive.

"The right way? Teacher, aren't you ashamed to say this? How many of the teacher's disciples follow the right way?"

Emperor Xia smiled lightly.

Then, he glanced at Luo Hong: "Except for the younger brother."

Above the sky, Master is a bit helpless, Luo Hong? To be honest... Whether Luo Hong is walking the righteous way, the master is still a little uncertain. After all, the evil existence in Luo Hong's will is not at all like an existence that can crawl forward on the righteous way.

And when Emperor Xia said this, many people's eyes swept over.

Luo Hong's face turned dark.


Dog Emperor!

Who are you scolding? !

Luo Hong is really depressed, why involve him in nothing?

How could he look like a junior brother happily walking on the right path?

He even plotted to usurp the throne, isn't that bad enough? !

The master didn't say anything more, what is there to say, Emperor Xia's purpose of leaving Tianji Palace now is obvious, it is to challenge the rules of the world, and also to challenge him.

So, next, the battle is over.

Sky over Tianan City.

The master's Confucian shirt was flying, and his stooped back gradually straightened.

The original deep eyes gradually became brighter and brighter, and in the end, they were even so bright that they looked like two scorching suns hanging high above the sky.

An incomparably terrifying coercion swept over like a tsunami, and even the swirling air suddenly became extremely heavy, oppressed by invisible pressure, and clinging to the ground.


Above the sea of ​​clouds.

The eight streaks of light fell down quickly, forcibly suppressed by heavy coercion.

Luo Xiaobei was covered in blood, and the golden martial arts armor on his body was full of cracks, but he didn't flinch in the slightest, like an angry mad tiger.

He fell to the ground, and the ground trembled.

The seven land immortals also floated down, hovering around Luo Xiaobei's body, confronting each other.

Of course, they didn't continue to fight, but looked towards the direction of Tian'an City with some palpitations. The appearance of Master made their hair stand on end.

Master Xuegong finally appeared.

The master is going to fight, how dare they be higher than the master, and compete above the sea of ​​clouds.

Ignoring the eight land immortals, the master stood on the iron law of Daxia with his hands behind his back. The next moment, the soles of the feet wearing rough cloth shoes fell down suddenly.

Stepping on the iron law of Great Xia!

A boom!

The light curtain hanging down from the iron law suddenly trembled, and disappeared like a truncated waterfall.

And the iron law talisman that originally radiated endless light and released the strongest coercion seemed to be damaged in an instant, and became dim. After being kicked by the master, it flew towards the city like a cannonball. .

The corners of Emperor Xia's mouth raised slightly, and he twisted his neck, as if the shackles from his whole body were gone.

Sitting cross-legged in the Tianji Palace for a hundred years, seeking longevity for a hundred years, is like sitting dry for a hundred years.

Now, he has to start moving around!

Taking one step forward, Emperor Xia surpassed everyone, appearing in the sky above Tian'an City as if teleported. He was surrounded by majestic luck, and phantoms such as mountains, rivers and lakes were spinning under Emperor Xia.

He seems to carry all the power in the world.

"Teacher! Please enlighten me!"

Xia Huang stretched out his hand to grab it, and the iron law that whizzed and fell suddenly glowed with brilliance again, and quickly returned to Xia Huang's side, hanging above Xia Huang's head.


Da Xia Tie Lu suddenly shrank, and finally, it turned into a thick armor, covering the Xia Huang's burly body.

Emperor Xia's aura was as heavy as a majestic mountain.

Emperor Xia stepped out, and the world was turned upside down, and the vast and grand momentum filled everyone's heart in an instant.

The jet-black hair whipped into the void, and the white clouds above Emperor Xia's head were completely black, as if covering all the light in the sky and the earth. Just one step, it actually caused the changes in the sky, even the land immortals may not be able to do it.

Among the land immortals, there are also strong and weak ones, and Emperor Xia... is standing on the top of the land immortals.

But Master Confucian shirt is flying, unlike Emperor Xia, white clouds are shining above his head, endless rays of light are flowing, and there is a river of righteousness roaring and galloping.

In the entire sky, half of it is full of ink, and half of it is bright.

What the master guards is that half of light.

Indistinctly, a powerful spiritual force swept across, like a whistling hurricane, like a boiling volcano.

With one thought, arouse the celestial phenomenon, and burn mountains and seas with one thought.

The spiritual power of Master and Emperor Xia collided in the void.

Everyone's countenance changed, and it was difficult to breathe with depression.

In Tian'an City, Luo Hong also felt great oppression, is this still human?

It's like a god!

The world is in their mind.

And the mountain guards wrapped in dense fog were full of horror, awe, and fear...

"The land immortals are divided into ten realms, and the fifth realm is the acme that mortals can reach, and these two are probably far beyond the five realms, breaking the shackles of the world, standing at the peak of the ten realms, breaking through life and death, and becoming immortals with one thought!"

The hoarse voice of the mountain guard lingered in the streets and alleys of Tian'an City, but it shocked the world even more.

I have a clearer understanding of the confrontation between the two in the sky.

The master took a step forward, as if he was playing with two scorching suns with his hands, while Emperor Xia's eyes were shining brightly, with terrifying energy and blood roaring in his body, coupled with the flow of luck, he was like a supreme fairy king!

Emperor Xia raised his hand and raised it violently.

In the depths of Tianji Palace, there was a stream of light scattered in all directions.

A mighty golden sword, mighty and oppressive, rises brilliantly like a golden sword that empties all the huge waves in the world!

Imperial Sword!

Great Xia Divine Soldier!

The imperial power sword soared up, and was held in Xia Huang's hand, and Xia Huang's energy suddenly became more and more high.

The two disappeared in front of the eyes of the world in an instant, tore everything apart, rushed into the sea of ​​clouds, and entered the nine-day battle!

Many people looked up and wanted to wait and see this battle.

However, in the streets and alleys of Tian'an City, countless people howled miserably, and blood and tears flowed from their eyes, just like ordinary people can't look directly at the gods.

The battle between Master and Emperor Xia is already like a battle between gods.

The mortals looked straight at it and shed tears of blood.


The terrifying roaring air waves spread out, and everyone only felt that the black and white clouds on the sky seemed to press down a distance of hundreds of feet, infinitely close to the ground, giving people an extreme sense of oppression.

The battle in the sky is a battle that belongs to the gods, and mortals... can't watch it.

But the battle in the world is still going on!

In Tian'an City, the atmosphere was extremely strange.

The mountain guards bound Luo Hong, Prince Xia Ji, and King Ning stood quietly in front of Tianji Palace.

As for Luo Hong's disposal, it seemed to be shelved at once.

Luo Hong seemed to be ignored all of a sudden.

But in fact, the mountain guard was very relieved, because Qi Guangling was still frowning. Obviously, his will was out of body, and he was sealing the monster in Luo Hong's body.

The mountain guards are afraid of the monster in Luo Hong's body, but they are not afraid of Luo Hong.

No matter how evil Luo Hong is, he is only a third-rank monk now, and a third-rank monk can be killed with a snap of his fingers.

No one knows what the final outcome of the battle between Emperor Xia and Master will be.

In front of Tian'an City, the wills of the three dynasties of Da Zhou, Da Chu, and the Golden Tent that were trapped in the gate of the archway are also constantly attacking the formation that is sealed outside.

However, it is extremely difficult to break through the array of heavenly and human law enforcers.

after a long time.

The existence behind the portal seems to have given up the attack.

Shortly thereafter.

In the three directions of Da Zhou, Da Chu, and the Golden Tent King's Court, there is a powerful aura soaring to the sky.

The eyes of Emperor Da Zhou were extremely cold, and he stared at the direction of Tian'an City extremely coldly.

The Empress of Great Chu had a murderous intent, and the Dragon Sparrow Sword hovered above her head, brewing a terrifying sword intent.

The Khan of the Golden Tent Royal Court was also extremely angry, Xia Jie... a liar!


The three strong men of the dynasties in the world took steps in an instant and crossed a long and long distance. They gave up using their will to possess their bodies, and came directly.

They naturally sensed the battle between Master and Emperor Xia.

Emperor Xia has devoured seven points of luck in the world, and his wolf ambition is clearly revealed.

"Xia Jie...want to testify to the Human Sovereign!"

Emperor Da Zhou's eyes were cold.

"Xia Jie is also worthy?! Using such indiscriminate means to collude with the luck plundered by the heavenly beings of the Tianmen, how can he be worthy of the position of emperor?! What face does he have!"

Empress Da Chu was even more furious.

They were tricked by Emperor Xia!

As for the Khan of the Golden Tent Royal Court, he didn't say anything, only the murderous intent in his eyes.


The appearance of the three powerhouses is enough to change the situation in the sky.

Even if it was the battle between Emperor Xia and Master, the joining and intervention of the three most powerful people in the land fairyland would be enough to change everything.

And in Tianan City.

Gao Lishi smiled: "This old slave is willing to share the worries for His Majesty."

The next moment, the purple meaning was billowing, soaring into the sky. This old eunuch seemed to have released the shackles at this moment, and his breath continued to rise, becoming young and handsome.

The whisk in Gao Lishi's hand was three thousand feet long, and with a flick of it, he stopped in front of the Emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

The emperor of the Zhou Dynasty had a good fortune oven on his head, and his eyes were coldly staring at Gao Lishi who had completely given up hiding his cultivation.

Without further ado, let's fight directly!

The oven poured down, and endless flames rolled and spread from the oven, burning mountains and boiling seas.

Zhou Tianzi was blocked, and the Great Chu Empress held the Dragon Sparrow Sword, and was also killed by the supreme soldier. A sword intent soaring into the sky seemed to break through the clouds and cut into the battlefield of the sea of ​​clouds!

And in front of Tianan City.

King Ning's lowered eyes fluctuated slightly, and he raised his head.

With a twitch of the corner of his mouth, a token appeared in his hand, and he tapped it lightly.


An extremely dark portal suddenly spanned between the sky and the earth.

The monstrous evil spirits are surging.

Heaven and earth evil door!

Someone uttered a shocking exclamation, this is indeed the evil gate of heaven and earth, and this strange gate unexpectedly appeared here.

And behind the portal, a terrifying aura erupted.

A huge, pitch-black Gu worm burst out, fighting with the Empress of Great Chu!

Under Tianan City, everyone was shocked!

"That's... Nanzhao King, the leader of the Miao Gu clan! Nanlihuo!"

"Nan Lihuo also joined forces with the Xia family?!"

Everyone in Tian'an City was shocked by this sudden change, they never thought that the Xia family's heritage was so profound.

It's just that Emperor Xia is not as strong as ordinary people.

The Xia family actually had Gao Lishi who could fight against the Great Zhou Emperor.

And Nanlihuo, the ruler of Nanzhao, will also fight for the Xia family.

However, the Khan of the Golden Tent Royal Court was unstopped. He was staring at the sky at the moment, as if he had seen through the clouds and saw the battle between Emperor Xia and Master.

He was hesitating whether to intervene.

In the end, murderous intent still appeared in his eyes. At this moment, Emperor Xia swallowed seven points of luck in the world. Once he suppressed his master and broke the rules of the world, Emperor Xia would be the Emperor of Humanity!

The emperor of the world!

There is only one way for the Golden Tent Royal Court to surrender.

Warriors in the royal court, how can there be any reason to submit? !


The Taoists of Kunlun Palace who were suspended in front of the portal of Beidou Secret Realm opened their eyes one after another.

When the three strong men gave up their will possession, these Taoists no longer needed to maintain the formation.

The leading Taoist from the land with a fairy pattern between his eyebrows that seemed to come alive stepped on a flying sword and rushed up like a rainbow. Behind him, Taoists from the Kunlun Palace arranged a sword formation across the sky like a sword fairy, blocking the golden tent. The king's sweat.

In normal times, the battle between land and immortals, which is not seen at all, broke out completely at this moment.

And it was the extremely powerful Land Immortal who was fighting.

In holy places such as Wangchuan Temple, Longhu Mountain, and Kunlun Palace, there are strong men floating, overlooking this battle of luck in the world.

Outside Tianan City.

The soldiers and horses of the Xia family all over the mountains began to roar, and they swooped down on their horses, heading towards the Luo family's ten thousand troops in front of Tian'an City to besiege and kill them.

The sound of shouting and killing shook the sky, and the murderous aura soared to the sky.

Let the world change color.

Above the sky, land immortals are fighting.

And on the earth, mortals are also fighting!

Mr. Luo glared, holding an ink knife in his hand, calm and fearless, standing at the forefront of the army of ten thousand people.

His beard and hair are stretched, and his blood is boiling.

"For the new dynasty! Fight!"

"For Da Luo! Fight!"

Old Master Luo roared, and then, he picked up the ink knife, led the 8,000 government troops and 2,000 black cavalry behind him, and rushed fearlessly towards the densely packed Xia family soldiers and horses.

Blind Yuan and Situ Wei also followed Mr. Luo.

They also did not take a step back.

This was the last face-to-face battle between the Luo family and the Xia family.

Even though they might die in this battle, they were happy and fearless.


In front of Tianji Palace.

Compared to the hustle and bustle outside, this place is extremely quiet.

The mountain guard did not move, still suppressing Luo Hong. His mission was to suppress Luo Hong.

In fact, the Xia family already paid enough attention to Luo Hong. Qi Guangling came to seal the monster in Luo Hong's body, and the mountain guards came to suppress Luo Hong...

Sending two powerful land immortals to suppress, this is the card.

Prince Xia Ji hugged his hands and glanced at King Ning.

He was a little surprised that King Ning was able to invite Nan Lihuo, the lord of Nanzhao, obviously King Ning had more trump cards than he had imagined.

But Prince Xia didn't care, he stared at the battle above the sky.

As for Luo Hong, he didn't think Luo Hong could escape in this situation.

No one thought that Luo Hong could escape.

At least, Luo Hong couldn't escape without the help of the monster in his body.

Of course, Luo Hong didn't think so.

He was suppressed by the coercion of the mountain guards, and it was indeed difficult to move.

But, in fact, at this moment, Qi Guangling's nose and face were bruised and swollen, unable to move, and his will was suppressed by the evil god Erha, unable to return, and the evil god Erha was suppressing his anger.

I didn't go to provoke mortals, but mortals are going to provoke me.


If it wasn't for the stupid Ronaldinho who kept stopping him, he would have already killed him now.

A mountain guard can't stop the one possessing Luo Hong.

However, Luo Hong didn't let the evil god Erha take action, he was waiting for an opportunity.

Outside Tian'an City, shouts of killing resounded.

That was the Xia family's army besieging and killing the Luo family's tens of thousands of troops.

Luo Hong was a little anxious. Even if he had to wait for the opportunity, he was still a little anxious because he was kept here.

He couldn't just watch Luo's family being destroyed by Xia's family for nothing.

He glanced at the mountain guard, and then at the prince Xia Ji.

Xia Ji didn't respond, while the mountain guard looked at Luo Hong indifferently and solemnly. He had been bullied by Luo Hong once, so this time, he was more vigilant and could not give Luo Hong any chance.

Luo Hong smiled at the mountain guard, his white hair flying up.

A figure suddenly flashed in my mind, the figure sitting cross-legged on the black lotus platform.


Luo Hong whispered softly.

The next moment.

Outside Tian'an City, the Ksitigarbha sword in the arms of Xiao Douhua in a white dress trembled suddenly.

It was as if a Buddha's light came down from the sky, covering Xiaodouhua with a golden armor.

In the Ksitigarbha Sword, the last ray of aura belonging to Ksitigarbha was aroused.

Xiao Douhua's eyes became deep, and she pinched the Buddha's seal with her hand, and looked at Tian'an City calmly.

Raise your hand, and slowly push forward a palm.

boom! ! !

Without the absolute defense protection of Daxia Iron Law, only the formation arranged by Qi Guangling remained in Tian'an City. This formation broke directly, and the gate of Tian'an City was punched out of the palm of the hand.


Xiao Douhua sighed.

Stepping out on foot, the next moment, the body turned into white light and swept into Tian'an City.

Xiao Douhua broke through the defenses of Tian'an City and broke into it.

Instantly caught the attention of Prince Xia Ji and the mountain guards.

Prince Xia Ji frowned, his four-clawed python robe swelled, and he stepped out with a single step, the blood roaring under the armor of the Martial Immortal, blocking him in front of Xiao Douhua possessed by Ksitigarbha.

For Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, Prince Xia Ji did not have much affection for him. After all, his son died in the secret place of Ksitigarbha.

"Luo Hong, you must stay!"

Prince Xia Ji said coldly.

This time, no one can take Luo Hong away!

Prince Xia Ji punched out, and immediately collided with the Buddha's palm pushed out by Xiaodou Huaping.

After all, it is just a ray of Ksitigarbha's thoughts, and it is difficult to fully demonstrate the strength of Ksitigarbha.

Therefore, Xiao Douhua was stopped.

The mountain guard didn't make a move, he stared at Luo Hong, staring at him.

And Luo Hong also looked at him, grinning, revealing a grim smile.

The next moment, Luo Hong suddenly raised his head.

He looked behind the mountain guard.

"Uncle Chen!"

Luo Hong shouted in surprise.

The mountain guard was startled, Uncle Chen? Dragon Transformation Sword Chen Tianxuan?

He turned his head abruptly, but there was nothing behind him.

He immediately understood that Luo Hong was lying to him.

His eyes turned coldly, "Luo Hong...don't play tricks!"

"You take it obediently and wait for His Majesty's sanction."

However, Luo Hong ignored him and stared behind him again.

The mountain guard frowned.


"Master is now restrained by Emperor Xia, Tianmen will be even more reckless in chasing and killing Chen Tianxuan. He can't protect himself, let alone save you!"

However, the mountain guard had just finished speaking.

Suddenly, a chill enveloped the whole body.

The sense of crisis as a land fairy made him turn around suddenly, and a terrifying aura erupted behind him.

A ray of imperial sword and sword light tore through, and then Tianmen emerged out of thin air.

And Chen Tianxuan hung in the air in a daze, with death energy entangled all over his body, he was attacked by the heavenly beings behind the Tianmen, blood was sprayed, and he slashed a sword towards the mountain guard.

A ferocious bone dragon descended from the sky.

The mountain guard let go of his restraint on Luo Hong in a frightened moment, and countless dense fogs rolled in, resisting Chen Tianxuan's sword Huagulong!

And at the moment when the mountain guard released the restriction.

Luo Hong suddenly took out the mask of the evil king and pressed it on his face.

The Asura state is activated.

The whole person is like a madman, holding the magic sword.

"Help me!"

Luo Hong growled.

In the dantian, a beautiful figure in a red dress emerged, her mouth pursed.

No more, it's all for you!

I gave you everything I sucked!

Above the Demon Sword Asura, a monstrous evil spirit spewed out suddenly. This is the evil spirit absorbed by the Demon Sword Asura in the blood rain field!

"not enough!"

Luo Hong growled again.

The eyes of Qianying in the red skirt fluctuated, feeling extremely distressed.

Now... it's really gone!

The evil power on the magic sword skyrocketed again!

"It's still not enough!"

Luo Hong roared again.

Qianying in the red dress suddenly felt hopeless, as if her heart was broken.

On the demon sword Asura, the evil spirit seemed to have turned into flames, burning with demonic fire, distorting the heaven and the earth.

"Come again!" Luo Hong was still yelling.

As for Miss Demon Sword, she also opened her mouth angrily: "It's been hollowed out! It's all been hollowed out!"

Luo Hong pouted.

It seems that it is really all squeezed out!

Afterwards, Luo Hong did not hesitate, and his mind moved.


Behind Prince Xia Ji who was confronting Xiaodouhua possessed by Dizang.

Dishan's evil shadow appeared distorted.

The next moment, exchange places with Luo Hong.

Luo Hong held the fiery sword Asura, and stared at the back of the prince Xia Ji coldly and mercilessly, with murderous intent rolling.

Facing the crown prince Xia Ji, [step chop] cut out!

Even the prince Xia Ji never expected that Luo Hong would suddenly attack at this moment!

This is Luo Hong's sword that completely vented the power accumulated by the Demon Sword, and even completely bet on the evil spirit in his dantian!

A sword light cut down instantly!

Without hesitation, he slashed at Prince Xia Ji's neck.

The chief culprit who persecuted the Luo family, Prince Xia Ji, must be beheaded!

However, the prince Xia Ji was also in crisis.

Without hesitation, he turned around abruptly.

Blood spilled!

Prince Xia Ji's half arm from neck to waist was dripping with blood, and it was chopped off by Luo Hong's sword!

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