My Young Lord Is Really Righteous

Chapter 266 ? Breaking through to rank 2, adding 40,000 evil shadows!

A sword engulfs the monstrous magic fire, as if opening up hell and cutting through the sun, moon, mountains and rivers.

The hot blood was sprinkled horizontally on the white jade pill, making the carved dragons and phoenixes on the pill seem to come to life.

Half of Prince Xia Ji's arm was cut off, even the Wuxian Armor of the Land Wuxian could not protect his figure, it was sliced ​​open by this sword.

Prince Xia was extremely shocked, his eyes constricted, his body fell to the ground, rolling over and over again, blood sprayed continuously from the severed arm, looking at his severed arm, only shock and disbelief remained!

Why... is this so? !

The prince Xia Ji fell to the ground, and the blood instantly spilled, staining his face.

Luo Hong!

It's Luo Hong!

The one who cut off his arm... was actually Luo Hong who was sealed with a monster in his body. How could Luo Hong still have such combat power? To be able to unleash such a terrifying sword that even as a land fairy, he felt that he was on the verge of death?

And... what the hell are the mountain guards doing?

Why did Luo Hong get rid of the bondage and slash at him with a sword?

It's not just the prince who didn't expect it, but everyone in Tianji Palace, or Tian'an City...everyone didn't expect it.

Luo Hong, who was obviously completely restrained, unexpectedly appeared behind the prince Xia Ji at this moment, and stabbed the prince in the back who was confronting the little Douhua possessed by Ksitigarbha.

Prince, bleeding!

In the distance, the mountain guard who was resisting Chen Tianxuan's bone dragon's sword suddenly changed his expression.


how is this possible? !

The monster in Luo Hong's body was restrained by Qi Guangling's seal, how could Luo Hong explode such a terrifying sword that almost killed the prince?

How did Luo Hong break through the Wuxian armor of the land Wuxian? !


The flying arm fell to the ground, Prince Xia Ji's face was pale, and he let out a muffled groan deep in his throat.

over the years,

Apart from the man who had hurt him, this was the first time he had been hurt by another man.

Prince Xia Ji was in a pool of blood, feeling the corrosive evil energy surging from the wound, his eyes were red, murderous intent rolled!

"Lei Cheng!"

Prince Xia sternly shouted.

Lei Cheng has a cold face and moves quickly.

Everyone who was stunned reacted, a tyrannical aura burst out, and the emperor's guards who stood solemnly also shot.

The Emperor's Guards are the most powerful unit in Great Xia. Luo Hong had seen the strength of the Emperor's Guards in the Western Border battlefield before, but now here, there are dozens of Emperor's Guards.

The tyrannical Qi machine intertwined and blocked Luo Hong, who was about to strike the prince who was lying in a pool of blood.

For this crown prince, Luo Hong wished he could kill him quickly.

However, the sword that broke the land Martial Immortal just now had consumed most of Luo Hong's power, and almost half of the evil power absorbed by the demon sword Ashura in the Blood Rain Field had been released.

As for the remaining half, Luo Hong planned to use it to break through.

One blow failed to kill the prince, and Luo Hong wanted to forcefully kill a land fairy next, which was impossible at all.

Luo Hong's figure flew out quickly, and landed on the lotus platform of Xiaodouhua who was in the possession of Ksitigarbha.

The strength of Dizang Douhua is very strong, with one palm, there is a Buddha's light flowing between the sky and the earth, turning into a sweeping Buddha's palm.

The emperor's guards lined up one after another, with golden shields and swords stretching across to resist the blow of Dizang Douhua.

However, Xiaodouhua possessed by Ksitigarbha now has a combat power comparable to that of land immortals.

Under this palm, the emperor's guards were shaken endlessly.

The lotus platform rotated at an extremely fast speed, leading the two of them towards the outside of Tian'an City at high speed.

Prince Xia Ji's eyes were cold, and he was a little shocked in his heart. Luo Hong's hole cards can be called endless.

Under such circumstances, Luo Hong almost killed him.

That sword cut through the defense of his Wuxian armor with ease. His Wuxian body, which was as strong as fine iron, couldn't even hold the sword, and his arm was cut off.

This kid's hole cards... are really endless!

This humiliation, he must return it a thousand times and a hundred times!

Luo Hong and Xiao Douhua broke out of Tianji Gate and appeared on Long Street, the main road of Tian'an City.

And on the long street, the silver-armored guards were densely packed, blocking all the escape routes of Luo Hong and Xiao Douhua.

Xiao Douhua's eyes were deep, and she rose directly into the sky, controlling the Ksitigarbha Sword, and slashed out with a sharp sword light.

Just like a Buddha swinging his sword to cut the sky, the sword energy flowed down the long street like rivers and waterfalls, stirring on the long street.

Although the silver-armored guards are strong, how can they resist the breakthrough and charge of a land immortal?

Dozens of golden-armored guards attacked again, and Luo Hong and Xiao Douhua fought separately.

Xiao Douhua dragged dozens of golden-armored guards by himself.

And Luo Hong didn't hesitate, holding the demonic sword that released Taotao's demonic energy, his white robe and white hair flying, jumped off the lotus platform, and rushed towards the silver-armored guards.

Separated to escape, his shape-changing ability can shine.

He shifted his shape and shadow instantly, and plunged headlong into the silver-armored guards.

Gaining increased spiritual power is of great benefit to Luo Hong's improvement. Several times of transformation in a row has kept Luo Hong's spiritual power from experiencing too much fluctuation.

However, among the silver armor guards, Lei Cheng's eyes are cold.

Silver spears fell down one after another like thunder. His speed was extremely fast, the spear pierced out, and the void was about to be torn into ripples.

Lei Cheng, a quasi land martial artist, is very strong!

Just as Luo Hong's shape-shifting was over, the moment he landed, a silver spear crashed down.

Luo Hong only felt a terrifying and extreme murderous intent coming towards the shore like a huge wave, and the magic sword in Luo Hong's hand suddenly flung out.

At this moment, the magic sword still contained an extremely powerful offensive, smashing the silver spear flying between the waves of the magic fire.

However, Luo Hong was also smashed by a powerful force and pulled two ravines on the ground of the long street.

Luo Hong took a deep look at Lei Cheng and felt a great oppression.

This Lei Cheng... is very strong!

Quasi-land warriors, in fact, can be regarded as possessing the combat power of land immortals!

"Be obedient and catch him without a fight, you can't escape."

One silver spear after another is suspended behind Lei Cheng's back. The deep silver armor seems to stir the thunder in the sky, winding around him continuously.

The monster in Luo Hong's body was sealed by Qi Guangling, which is why Lei Cheng dared to take action.

To Lei Cheng, Luo Hong at this time is just a third-rank monk holding a powerful weapon.

Give him a chance, he can easily kill Luo Hong.

Lei Cheng stepped down, and his figure disappeared in an instant, only the tyrannical blood was impacting.

Suddenly, a vague Martial Immortal Armor appeared outside the body, and the suppressed aura, like a landslide and tsunami, came straight to Luo Hong's heart!


Lei Cheng roars angrily.

With a punch, the fierce air wave washed away the dust on the long street into ripples.

Murderous intent enveloped Luo Hong, and at this moment, Luo Hong was somewhat angry.

This Lei Cheng...

So annoying!

Before, he was obedient, but now he pretended to be sealed, and started to punch hard, isn't it too realistic? !

However, Luo Hong also knows that Lei Cheng is bound to be a hurdle if he wants to get out of Tian'an City!

If it doesn't work, the power of the evil god that was originally reserved for Emperor Xia exploded directly, sending Lei Cheng back to the west!

Luo Hong gritted his teeth, and his heart was also ruthless.

When Luo Hong was stopped by Lei Cheng.

The prince Xia Ji also staggered up from the ground, a land martial artist, with extremely strong flesh and blood vitality, he could regenerate a severed limb, but it would consume a huge amount of energy.

At this moment, the prince didn't waste energy to regenerate his limbs, but just stared at Luo Hong.

He looked at King Ning who was standing on top of the white jade pill.

"Are you watching a play?"

The prince said coldly.

Prince Xia had no idea what King Ning was up to, but King Ning was clearly present, but he just watched his arm cut off by Luo Hong's sword.

The crown prince knew King Ning's strength well, the blood of that man flowed like him, how could he be weak?

King Ning must also have the strength of a land fairy, and he was hiding like himself before!

King Ning smiled lightly.

"Here is Tian'an City, with a net of heaven and earth, Luo Hong can't escape."

"What's more, Commander Lei is still guarding the city. Today's Commander Lei is a quasi-land Martial Immortal. Luo Hong has sealed the monster in his body. How can he compete with the quasi-land Martial Immortal?"

"No matter how evil he is, he is only a third grade."

Ning Wang put his hands behind his back and said lightly.

The atmosphere fell into a bit of stiffness and embarrassment.

The situation in Tian'an City suddenly changed somewhat.

Lei Cheng's several attacks have weakened the evil spirit on the magic sword. If this continues, the evil spirit swallowed by the magic sword will be completely exhausted at this moment.

Luo Hong stared at Lei Cheng, this guy Chased and killed Luo Hong many times, but this time, Luo Hong really planned to do something cruel!

However, just when Luo Hong was about to let Erha, the evil god who was suppressing his anger in the sea of ​​will, take action.

But there was a figure standing in front of Luo Hong.

It was a hunchbacked figure, holding a tiger's crutch in his hand, and slammed it down.

The ground suddenly rippled like ripples.

King Chu!

When Lei Cheng strikes, the eyes of the king of Chu, who can see the obstruction, suddenly change.

And Luo Hong looked at the King of Chu standing between him and Lei Cheng, and was also slightly startled.

King Chu, Chu Tiannan's grandfather, would actually stand up at this time?

Do you want to avenge Chu Tiannan with your own hands?

Luo Hong frowned.

"King Chu, what do you mean?"

Lei Cheng's spears are suspended all over his body, and the thunder arc-like air machine is constantly releasing, and the main road of Tian'an City is whipped and flying gravel.

King Chu's hunched back slowly straightened up.

He glanced at Luo Hong with a complex expression, and after a long time, he said hoarsely: "Luo Hong... treat my family Tiannan kindly."

The King of Chu knew that Luo Hong detained Chu Tiannan's soul for his own use.

What a vicious thing this is, but the King of Chu understands that this may be the only way and means for Chu Tiannan to survive in the world.

The King of Chu also made a choice, mainly because of the Xia family's choice, which made him feel cold in his heart.

Perhaps, the Luo family today will be the Chu family in the future.

Originally, the King of Chu didn't believe that the Luo family could change their fate, but Luo Hong's miracles again and again made the King of Chu's heart shake.

Perhaps, the Luo family can really change fate.

Therefore, King Chu stood up and wanted to fight for the Chu family.

He stopped Lei Cheng for Luo Hong and won a chance for Luo Hong.


The king of Chu twisted the tiger-headed crutch in his hand, and from the crutch that was stuck into the ground, he pulled out a slender long sword.

The sword light was thrown out, densely packed like a rain of swords.

Lei Cheng's thunder spear roared out, collided with Jian Yu, and made a crackling and roaring sound on the long street.

Lei Cheng's face darkened. The king of Chu came to stop him and save Luo Hong?

This incident brought Lei Cheng a strong and extreme impact.

King could he make such a choice? !

The Chu family wants to betray the Xia family? !

Not only Lei Cheng, Prince Xia Ji, but also King Ning in front of Tianji Palace also tightened their eyes, a little inconceivable and astonished.

"Good... what a Chu family."

The prince clutched his wound, feeling the anger of being betrayed.

King Ning's expression was also a bit weird.

On the long street, Luo Hong took a deep look at King Chu.

Take good care of Chu Tiannan...

Perhaps this is the last hope and expectation of the elders for the younger generation.

Luo Hong didn't say much.

Instantly shifting shape and changing shadows to the distance, he ran towards the outside of Tian'an City at high speed, supporting the absence of Da Xia Tie Lu, Luo Hong felt that it was safest to leave the city.

Lei Cheng fought fiercely with King Chu, and King Chu became young. He even burned the vitality in his body to gain more strength to fight against Lei Cheng, who was a quasi-land martial artist.

On the tower of Tian'an City, there are guards such as Commander Wu and others.

However, they couldn't stop Luo Hong.

Today's Luo Hong, the frequency of body-changing is faster. This is an excellent means of escape, because no one knows whose shadow he will change behind.

However, Commander Wu immediately slashed his sword, and his tyrannical aura, like a waterfall pouring backwards, vented at the top of the city, blocking Luo Hong's movements.

He will try his best to stop Luo Hong!


Commander Wu was shocked.

At some point, behind him, a figure floated up.

Luxian's aura was slowly surging, causing Commander Wu's body to freeze suddenly.

"Chu Clan Land Immortal...Chu Xuan?!"

Commander Wu's face froze.

Although Chu Xuan's body was slashed by Hualong Sword, his sea of ​​will is immortal, and now he has reshaped his body.

Although he is much weaker, there is still no problem with blocking Wu Commander, a strong rank one.

Chu Xuan looked at the king of Chu who blocked Lei Cheng in a complicated way. Did the fate of the Luo family give the Chu family a sense of fear?

Maybe, but since King Chu has made a decision, as the Chu family, he naturally chooses to follow.

Above the void, Xiao Douhua also stepped on the lotus platform and galloped out of Tian'an City.

And Luo Hong also completed the transformation and rushed out of Tian'an City.

"Golden armored guard, kill!"

"Lei Cheng! Kill!"

The prince covered his wound and stared at Luo Hong who left the city after being obstructed by the Chu family.

And King Ning also smiled faintly, and the next moment, he disappeared in the same place, reappeared, already in front of King Chu, stretched out his hand, and his sleeves fluttered, and two fingers clamped King Chu's thin sword.

Lei Cheng retreats, passing Chu King and Ning King in an instant, like a silver light, chasing and killing outside Tian'an City.

And dozens of emperor's guards are also full of energy and blood, holding golden long swords, and together with Lei Cheng, they turned into two torrents of gold and silver to chase Luo Hong out of the city!

King Ning looked at King Chu calmly, and smiled faintly: "The Chu family... why bother to stand out?"

"Why... seek death?"

"If father beheads his wife and breaks the rules of the world, then he will naturally surpass the world, and the Chu family will also benefit. Why did you choose such an extreme path and let the entire Chu family be destroyed with you?"

"Why... you want to learn from the Luo family?"

King Ning's voice seemed to be whispering.

King Chu's beard and hair were all stretched out, and he was cold and silent. He drew out his rapier sword, and the endless sword light fell like a waterfall.

"Then the Emperor Xia must be able to win..."

"Also, even if Emperor Xia wins, what happens to the Luo family the end to the Chu family."

Chu Wangdao.

The Sword Light Waterfall enveloped King Ning, but soon, a wave of evil spirits surged up.

King Ning shattered the sword light, but he was unscathed. Endless black afterimages dragged and appeared in front of King Chu.

He gently stretched out his hand and pressed it on King Chu's shoulder.

Boom! ! !

King Chu's energy was shattered all of a sudden, his blood became cold, and endless evil spirits poured into his body, making it extremely difficult for him to even move.

The king of Chu knelt down on the ground with a palm, and he became old again.

Xiao Douhua wanted to rush out of Tian'an City, but although Prince Xia Ji had a broken arm, he was still able to fight, and his body surged out of the city, heading towards Luo Hong and Xiao Douhua.

In and out of the city, there is chaos!

Under the city, densely packed Xia family soldiers were besieging Mr. Luo and ten thousand Luo family troops, and many government troops had already suffered casualties.

Mr. Luo's eyes were red from murder, and his body was covered in blood.

Luo Hong glanced at it, but didn't stay too long. At this moment, even if he joins the battlefield, he can't change anything.

All of his evil spirits poured into Demon Sword, and even Miss Demon Sword was drained by him.

Even if they wanted to summon the Shadow Legion to help them fight, it would be very difficult.

Moreover, behind him, Lei Cheng and the emperor's guards are chasing and killing them. Once they are brought into the battlefield, it will be a disaster for the Luo family who are struggling to resist.

Therefore, before Luo Hong left the city, he already had a plan in mind.

He looked at the gate of the archway, and then at the evil gate of heaven and earth stretching across the sky.

Both of these two portals have monstrous evil spirits. If Luo Hong needs evil spirits, he must enter one of them.

Heaven and Earth Evil Gate... Forget it.

Luo Hong didn't know about it. Behind the evil gate of heaven and earth, there may be many evil kings sitting in charge.

If you get into it, you may be throwing yourself into a trap.

Therefore, Luo Hong went straight to the gate of the archway, the Big Dipper Secret Realm.

The main reason is that those Taoists of the Kunlun Palace, who are in the secret realm, joined forces to deal with the Khan of the Golden Tent Royal Court, leaving the gate of the archway unguarded and guarded.

For Luo Hong, this is undoubtedly the best opportunity!

Boom boom boom!

The golden armored guards and Lei Cheng roared to them, and their strong breath surged, just like the tide of a great river, depressing the turbulence.

Luo Hong's eyes also revealed cruelty.

I glanced back.

Looking at the closed door of the archway, the remaining power of the magic sword in his hand was completely vented immediately.

"Give it to me!"

Luo Hong cut out with a sword.

Taotao, the demon fire, instantly slashed at the middle of the gate of the archway.

The closed door was instantly cut open by Luo Hong's sword.

Luo Hong was dressed in white, with white hair curled back, kicked out, kicked open the broken door of the archway, and slipped into it.


Lei Cheng and dozens of golden armored guards also came after them, and rushed into the door without hesitation.


Battles were happening everywhere, above Tian'an City, Chen Tianxuan was fighting fiercely with the mountain guards, plus the two celestial beings who walked out of the Tianmen.

Now, these two celestial beings can fight out without any scruples as their master is dragged by Emperor Xia.

Chen Tianxuan was entangled in death energy all over his body, fighting in blood.

After King Ning suppressed King Chu, he didn't pay much attention to it, soaring into the sky, entangled with Xiao Douhua.

Outside the city, there were even more endless battles, and the sound of fighting was loud.

Above the sky and sea of ​​clouds, the peak of the sky.

Master and Emperor Xia even turned into invisible light spots, constantly colliding and fighting.

Everyone is crazy and everything is messed up.

However, no matter how chaotic or crazy, once the battle at the pinnacle of the sky is concluded, the chaos and madness will end.


After the archway portal.

Blood rained.

Luo Hong fell into the blood rain field, and his body fell, splashing three feet of blood and mud.

And the moment Luo Hong fell into the blood rain field, the three people who were sealed in it looked over in shock.

Great Zhou Crown Prince Ji Luotu, Wu Meiniang, and Yelu Yuanlong were all Luo Hong who broke through the door in shock and rushed into the Blood Rain Field.

Luo Hong was covered in mud, but he stood up and just glanced at the three of them coldly.

"Luo Hong?!"

Just as Wu Meiniang was about to speak, her expression changed instantly, because behind the door, a terrifying aura surged in like a tsunami.

Lei Cheng turned into a silver awn, blasted the blood rain all over the sky, and fell into the blood rain field. The thunder arc wrapped around his body, like a god and demon, with an extremely cold breath, scanning around.

Dozens of golden-armored guards with first-grade aura smashed in, their eyes were cold and murderous.

They were ordered to capture Luo Hong, even though there was an abyss behind the gate, they still came.

"Lei Cheng! Emperor Xia's emperor's guard!"

Ji Luotu's eyes flickered. Looking at these strong men, his heart was shocked. What happened outside?

The three of them were sealed inside, and they didn't know what happened outside. At this moment, they were confused.

Luo Hong got up, and his skin exuded positive yang energy, causing the blood mud stained on his body to evaporate, and the blood rained down, and he couldn't help twisting around his body.

Holding the magic sword, Luo Hong stepped on the ground of Xueyuyuan. His originally impatient heart suddenly calmed down.

Luo Hong looks at Lei Cheng and the golden armored guards calmly, with the corner of his mouth slightly raised.

"Your Majesty gathered together the luck of the Great Zhou, the Great Chu, the Great Luo, and the King's Court of the Golden Tent. One person monopolizes seven points of luck in the world. Now he is challenging the rules of the world. When His Majesty breaks the rules, he will shake the world and live forever. !"

"Your Majesty will be the Emperor."

Lei Cheng held one silver spear after another, glanced at Wu Meiniang and the three of them, and said lightly.

After explaining to them a little bit.

Then he looked at the golden armored guard.


One word, confided out.

In an instant, the rain curtain of the blood rain field was torn apart, causing the torrential blood rain to stagnate.

Lei Cheng's body is surrounded by thunder armor.

The golden armored guards came one by one like golden men.

Quasi-terrestrial Martial Immortals, plus dozens of first-rank auras, seemed to tear the Blood Rain Plain apart in an instant!

Ji Luotu, Wu Meiniang and Yelu Yuanlong's eyes flickered and they fled away at high speed.

Once they are involved in this battle, they will undoubtedly die.

And with so many strong men killing Luo Hong, they also felt that Luo Hong would definitely die.

"My son has worked so hard to enter this blood rain field... What do you think you want to do here?"

Luo Hong's silver hair fell down, and the blood-colored rain dripped continuously along the edge of the evil king's mask.

He stared at the transformation, the silver light and the golden light came rushing to kill, stirring up Lei Cheng and the gold armored guards who were covered with blood and rain on the ground, and the evil and dry magic sword Ashura in their hands suddenly stuck on the ground.


"Suck as much as you want!"

Luo Hong's eyes were full of madness.

What mysterious existence are you afraid of?

What are you afraid of arranging the terrifying backhand of Xueyuyuan?

Suck it and you're done!


In the magic sword, the magic fire suddenly ignited, the red dress fluttered, and the black hair was flowing. The proud and cold lady of the magic sword floated out, with her clean chin raised, overlooking the world.

She was hollowed out by Luo Hong before.

But, can suck again!

Moreover, unscrupulous sucking!

boom! ! !

The blood rain in the entire blood rain field was suddenly torn apart, and the endless evil power began to surge, and began to gather continuously, gathering in front of Luo Hong's body and above Luo Hong's head!

Indistinctly, Luo Hong's dried-up evil sea began to fill up again, and the heavenly evil beads rolled.

The evil spirit in Luo Hong's body boiled and roared.

In my mind, the method of turning all evils into one appeared.

Accelerate the absorption of the evil spirit, and with the continuous absorption of the evil spirit, the righteous yang energy on Luo Hong's body became more and more bright, like an incandescent sun shining brilliantly in the blood rain field!

Luo Hong stared at Lei Cheng, and there was murderous intent in his eyes.


Luo Hong's mind suddenly roared.

He broke through!

After unscrupulously absorbing the power of the evil spirit, Luo Hong had already reached the peak cultivation base of the third-rank Tiansha, and directly broke through the shackles.

The evil sea was churning, and one after another, the mountain peaks condensed by the continuous evil energy broke through the waves and lay across Luo Hong's dantian.

"Second Grade, Earth Evil."

Luo Hong closed his eyes, and the "Ten Thousand Evils Return to One" exercise in his mind also made Luo Hong understand the state he was in at the moment.

From the third-rank cultivator, he stepped into the second-rank.

From the evil of the sky, to the realm of the evil of the earth!

Luo Hong raised his head and closed his eyes. In his mind, the evil cultivating technique "Evil Shadow of the Undead" which was integrated with "Ten Thousand Evils Returning to One" had new content flowing in Luo Hong's mind at this moment.

"Summoning evil shadows, shifting you have any new skills?"

"Overlapping shadows..."

This is the new skill of the exercise that emerged in Luo Hong's mind.

Luo Hong really didn't expect that when he broke through to the second rank, a new skill would appear in his mind.

"Overlapping shadows: superimpose the summoned evil shadows on the body, and you can get supreme power. Note: the superimposed evil shadows cannot be superimposed again."

This is the introduction of the new trick.

Luo Hong opened his eyes, his hands were folded on the handle of the demon sword Asura, his silver hair was hanging upside down like a silver waterfall.

Looking at Lei Cheng who swooped in, the corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

Even without the power of the evil god, maybe... He, Luo Hong, has a way to kill you, Lei Cheng.

The white robes flapped against the void.

The next moment, Luo Hong suddenly raised his head.

"stand up!"


The number of souls who died in the Blood Rain Plain is really too many, not to mention the soldiers whose bones were buried here, just the Octopus Guards, Blood Wolf Guards, and Dragon Sparrow Guards who were all wiped into blood mud by Emperor Xia's palm, There are 40,000 troops including the imperial guards.

Forty thousand evil shadows, under Luo Hong's surging summon of evil spirits regardless of the cost.

One after another, they got up from the corpses in the blood mud.

Angry, unwilling, roaring...

All kinds of emotions stirred among the forty thousand evil shadows.

Lei Cheng stepped down with one step, his eyes were indifferent. He already knew Luo Hong's art of detaining spirits and dispatching generals.


He just needs to kill Luo Hong, these dead people don't need to pay attention!

And Luo Hong looked at Lei Cheng and gradually grinned.

The raised hand was clenched suddenly.

"All kinds of evil shadows, endless evil, all added to me!"

"Evil Shadow... Let's go!"


The evil shadows of the 40,000 army roared, and immediately turned into streamers of light, rushing towards the silver-haired and white-clothed Luo Hong.

The white clothes turned into black clothes.

Bang bang bang bang!

Countless evil shadows piled into Luo Hong's body like a torrent.

Just like Luo Hong's skill of stacking swords when he debuted.

The power of 40,000 evil shadows, the power of 40,000 fifth-rank monks, merged into one and only!

Luo Hong felt unprecedentedly powerful at this moment.

The magic sword that absorbed the monstrous evil spirit was suddenly pulled out.

A sword qi swept out.

Lei Cheng's eyes suddenly shrank when he swooped in.

After that, the black robes flew up.

Luo Hong didn't know when he appeared behind him.

Holding the magic sword Asura in his backhand, he suddenly stabbed down.

How can Lei Cheng's semi-finished Wuxian armor stop it?

Broken instantly.

The magic sword Asura pierces through Lei Cheng's chest. In Lei Cheng's disbelief, countless thunder arcs are still.

Lei Cheng's head hit the ground hard, splashing blood and mud all over the ground, and the magic sword pierced through his back.

crucified him to the ground.

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