The thunder is silent and dissipates.

Lei Cheng's head fell heavily into the bloody mud all over the floor, and the blood splashed up continuously.

He stared, the half-finished Wuxian armor on his body was constantly dimming, slowly filled with cracks, almost shattered.

He fell to the ground and wanted to stand up again, but it was very difficult. It felt as if a weight of tens of thousands of catties was pressing on his body, as if there were mountains suppressing his body.

Blood flowed out from the wound on his body, it was the vitality flowing through his body.

Lei Cheng wanted to make a fist and prop up his body, but It was extremely difficult.

He felt that he couldn't gather his strength, or in other words, the strength in his body was broken by a sword... cut to pieces.

Luo Hong changed form and appeared behind him in an instant, making him unprepared.

It is even said that Luo Hong's current shape-shifting and shadow-changing has no fluctuations at all, which makes him completely unaware of Lei Cheng.

Therefore, Lei Chengcai was nailed to the ground by Luo Hong's sword.

The monstrous demon flame in the demon sword Asura is full of corrosive power, which is the power of evil spirits. The flesh and blood of ordinary people can't bear it at all, it will be corroded, and eventually turn into pus and blood.

Even though Lei Cheng's qi and blood are strong, it is still very difficult to fight against the evil force pouring into his body.

"Luo... Luo Hong..."

Lei Cheng's pupils are slack. He can't believe it. Although he is not a land immortal, he can be regarded as an extremely powerful quasi-land martial immortal. His body is extremely powerful. Except for the flowers that have never bloomed, he has already counted Above is a realm of land immortals.

However, now, at the moment when he entered the blood rain field, he was nailed to the ground by Luo Hong's sword.

Luo Hong was sealed by the monster in his body, his strength should not be so strong...

This... is unreasonable!

There is blood flowing out of Lei Cheng's mouth and nose.

The magic sword is still constantly absorbing Xie Sha, and with the influx of Xie Sha's power, the magic flame begins to rise.

The entire blood rain was roaring, and the blood-colored clouds were constantly gathering high above the sky,

It was so oppressive that people couldn't breathe, and the air seemed to have turned into an extremely viscous liquid, making people slow down.

Luo Hong was standing there, his silver hair still brilliant, but the white shirt on his body had turned into a black shirt, as black as ink, like countless shadows condensed together.

On Luo Hong's snow-white skin, there are also black lines, covering it like dense spider webs, like porcelain covered with cracks, if you are not careful, it will shatter into pieces.

The 40,000 troops, the 40,000 forces of the great dynasties, and the elites carefully cultivated, turned into evil shadows, all of which gathered into Luo Hong's body in an instant.

This is a new function of "Undead Shadow", and it is also a very powerful function.

Even if it was Luo Hong, if his body had not been baptized by the evil light of the origin and became much stronger, and he was also a third-rank golden body monk, he might not be able to withstand the superposition of 40,000 evil shadows.

Luo Hong doesn't know how strong he is at the moment, anyway, it's just that he is powerful and terrifying.

Luo Hong is no stranger to superimposed power. From the very beginning, Luo Hong used superimposed swordsmanship to kill many people.

But now, the appearance of superimposed shadow technique is actually not much different from superimposed sword technique.

However, with forty thousand elite evil shadows gathered together, Luo Hong also felt the difficulty.

Today's Luo Hong doesn't know how strong he is.

And Lei Cheng is his best touchstone.

With one move, Lei Cheng was pierced through his body and nailed to the ground.

The power in the magic sword Asura constantly corrodes Lei Cheng, making Lei Cheng lose the power to resist.

"So weak."


Luo Hongdao.

Lei Cheng, who is a quasi land martial artist, has chased and killed Luo Hong for too long. From the first time he entered Tian'an City, Luo Hong has been chased and killed by Lei Cheng.

After all, Lei Cheng, who was originally in the top ten of the Tianbang, became a quasi-land Martial Immortal, and his combat power soared terribly. Before that, Luo Hong looked up to him.

However, now, Luo Hong's body has gathered the power of 40,000 and 5th rank monks, and with one move... he nailed Lei Cheng to death!

"I...I don't accept..."

Lei Cheng is coughing up blood constantly. He really refuses to accept it and is not reconciled.

His brothers from the Lei family were destroyed just like that.

They once agreed to step into the realm of land immortals together, however, the final result was that neither of them became land immortals, and they fell one after another.

Lei Bing died a long time ago, but now, Lei Cheng...will die too.

But Lei Cheng is not convinced.

Half of his foot has stepped into the threshold of the Land Martial Immortal!

How could he be killed by a brat whose own strength was only third rank? !

"Not convinced?"

Luo Hong seems to have heard Lei Cheng's roar.

Suddenly laughed.

"You're right..."

Luo Hong grinned, raised his hand, and a strong suction burst out from his hand.

The magic sword shoots out of Lei Cheng's body immediately.

Blood sprayed up to several feet.

Lei Cheng turned over from the bloody mud ground. He felt that his strength was returning. He turned around and punched. Above the fist, the originally dead thunder reappeared.


Luo Hong raised his hand, the magic sword floated up, raised his hand, and tapped lightly.


Wrapped in the monstrous evil spirit, the magic sword fell down again.

Boom! ! !

Lei Cheng's body was pierced again, and the thunder he had just gathered collapsed in an instant, like a extinguished flame.

A big pit formed around Lei Cheng's body, and Lei Cheng's body was pierced again.

And there was a roar in the big pit.

Lei Cheng is covered in blood, and he wants to crawl out of it. The silver armor on his body is broken, and he is already in disrepair!

He can't die here!

He also wants to land Martial Immortal!


Lei Cheng wants to stand up!

And Luo Hong's ink clothes flew up, and he raised his hand to make a move.

The tip of the magic sword pointed at the sky, roaring into the sky, and the blood cloud was dispersed. After that, a mountain of sword energy surging with magic flames fell from the sky.

Above the mountain, there is still a pitch-black dragon wrapped around it!

Sword Kunlun!

This type of sword move became more and more domineering as Luo Hong's strength became stronger.

The sword mountain fell, and Lei Cheng, who stood up in the big pit, was swallowed up immediately. The armor on his body evaporated, the blood and blood were conquered, and the flesh and blood were broken...

Little by little it was wiped out.

An incomparably powerful quasi-land Martial Immortal gradually wiped out his vitality under this move.

after a long time...

There is another hole in the big hole, and in this small hole, only the bones of Lei Cheng are left, standing in it with an attitude of unwillingness.

Lei Cheng is not a land fairy yet, so he can't achieve the level of immortality and immortality.

Therefore, Lei Cheng was wiped out by Luo Hong's sword.

Complete fall!

In the middle of the blood rain.

At the moment of Lei Cheng's fall, there is an extremely strong evil spirit rushing up, which envelops Lei Cheng's unwillingness and anger.

However, in the end, this evil spirit was suspended in the sky, and the flying red dress Miss Demon Sword opened her pink lips and swallowed it in one bite.

In Xueyuyuan, it fell into a complete silence.

The eerie silence, the silence of death.

far away.

The golden armored guards standing in the rain of blood were silent.

But Ji Luotu, Wu Meiniang, Yelu Yuanlong and others were completely in a state of stupor. They never thought that Lei Cheng, who was powerful enough to become a Martial Immortal in the land, would be killed by Luo Hong alone?

No... It seems that they didn't kill alone, they also saw the soul shadows of dead soldiers standing up from the ground one after another.

A full... forty thousand!

Forty thousand shadows were all integrated into Luo Hong's body.

That is to say, Luo Hong will not kill Lei Cheng alone, but... 40,000 people will kill Lei Cheng!

There are 40,000 fifth-rank, maybe a group fight may not be able to kill Lei Cheng, a quasi-land martial artist, because it is easy for him to break through.

However, when the power of forty-five ranks gathers as one, the explosive power... Lei Cheng can't bear it!

So, Lei Cheng is dead!

Shocked, horrified, unbelievable.

Especially Yelu Yuanlong, at the moment he didn't dare to vent his anger, he didn't dare to say a word, for fear that Luo Hong would turn his head and pay attention to him.

You know, he had insulted Luo Hong before, once Luo Hong found out, it would be easy for Luo Hong to kill him now.

Dozens of guards in golden armor had grim faces.

Although they were surprised by Lei Cheng's death, they didn't pay much attention to it.

The purpose of their existence is to execute Emperor Xia's will. Since Emperor Xia said that he wanted to capture Luo Hong, their purpose at this moment...

Naturally, it was to capture Luo Hong!


One after another, the golden-armored guards burst out with first-grade aura.

The main reason is that Lei Cheng died too fast, otherwise, they would have already helped.

At this time, they understood that only by joining forces can they capture Luo Hong.

Luo Hong's black shirt was flying upwards, which was the power after fusing forty thousand evil shadows.

He looked at Lei Cheng's bones, raised his hand, and squeezed it violently.

"stand up."

Like the chanting of a god, like an ancient existence, calling in a dead and cold different space.

Lei Cheng is a quasi-land Martial Immortal, but in fact, he is only a rank one.

Now... Luo Hong has entered the second rank, can he summon the evil shadow of the first rank?

At least, you can try.


The place where Lei Cheng's bones are located suddenly has a majestic evil spirit surging.

Indistinctly, there seemed to be an unwilling roar roaring, wanting to tear apart a different space and come to the world.

The endless evil soon turned into a face, which was Lei Cheng's face.

Soon, these evil spirits fell from the sky and poured into Lei Cheng's bones, vaguely...

In the shadow of the corpse, a majestic black shadow slowly got up from it and stood up...

Luo Hong's eyes fluctuated slightly.

succeeded? !

The ease is beyond Luo Hong's expectation. Logically speaking, as a quasi-land Martial Immortal, even if Luo Hong wants to successfully summon Lei Cheng, it is impossible for him to be so easy and relaxed.

Before summoning a weak first rank, one would have to die, but now, although one has stepped into the second rank, one can only summon a strong first rank.

The failure rate of summoning quasi-land Wuxian should be very high.

However, Lei Cheng was summoned at once, which made Luo Hong think of something while being a little surprised.

"Is it because of this 'Blood Rain Field'?"

Luo Hong looked around at the bloody rain.

Perhaps, because of being here, the success rate of the summoning has greatly increased.

Lei Cheng's evil shadow stood up, his body was extremely tall, and because it was an evil shadow, his cultivation base seemed to be further advanced, a little stronger than before his death. The Wuxian armor on his body turned black, but it became more profound.

Just to summon Lei Cheng, Luo Hong consumed a lot of evil spirits.

Luo Hong chuckled suddenly.

Although Xie Sha has consumed a lot, in this blood rain field, the most indispensable thing is the power of Xie Sha.

Spend it to your heart's content!

Luo Hong raised his hand, flicked his fingers, and tapped the magic sword lightly.


Lei Cheng's scarlet eyes were full of brilliance. He took a complicated look at Luo Hong. For a moment, he seemed to have a clear consciousness flashing past. Then, he swooped down on the golden armored guard who came to kill him.

Lei Cheng, who turned into an evil shadow, seems to have stronger combat power, and he can even be called a real land fairy.

With a punch, the armor of the golden-armored guard headed by the smash was shattered, and he flew out fiercely.

Shocking ravines were pulled out of the muddy ground of Xueyuyuan.

The terrifying air machine is boiling.

Lei Chengxiying is still domineering!


The black lightning arc danced, and the silver spears blasted one after another, each silver spear had the power to pierce and kill a strong first rank!

Feeling the consumption of Xie Sha at this moment, Luo Hong was also a little startled.

Is this the combat power of Lu Xian?

If it's a real land fairy, I'm afraid it will consume more evil spirits!

If he was not in the blood rain field, Luo Hong would not dare to let Lei Cheng charge so recklessly.

Luo Hong didn't continue the experiment, he was in a hurry to go out, he was needed more outside.

Feeling the explosive power in his body, he raised his hand and held the magic sword Asura, without being silent any longer.

Instantly shifting shape and changing shadows, just like teleportation.

Appeared behind a golden armor guard.

His eyes were ruthless, and with a sweep of the sword, the demon flames instantly disregarded the opponent's shield to resist, and together with the shield, the head of this strong first rank was chopped off.

The power of the forty thousand evil shadows is superimposed, and it is really tyrannical.

It's a pity that the evil shadows can't be superimposed once they have been superimposed, which Luo Hong feels quite regretful.

Otherwise, if he casts overlapping shadows in every battle, wouldn't he be called a land fairy? Possess the combat power of land immortals?

This is not a small limitation.

Moreover, the consumption of the spy shadows is also very large, and the consumption of Xiesha is extremely huge.

If it weren't for this place being the Blood Rain Field, Luo Hong might not be able to superimpose many evil shadows by relying on his own strength alone.

Luo Hong swept out with a sword.

Sword Qi spurted out from the demon sword Asura, and the sword gas transformed into a demon dragon, and in an instant, four demon dragons rushed out of the ground roaring and rolling.

The tyrannical force instantly strangled the four golden armored guards.

Above Luo Hong's head, there is an evil vortex constantly absorbing...

Feeling the explosive power, Luo Hong rushed into the golden armored guards and fought together.

Lei Chengxieying was very domineering, but he couldn't break through the defense when he was forcibly stopped by a dozen golden armored guards.

And Luo Hong's killing was the most shocking and silent.

The evil shadow of the undead appeared teleported behind the golden armored guard, and then, the magic sword was drawn out, beheading with one sword.

Clean and fast.

The pupils of many strong men in the Golden Armored Guards gradually began to fluctuate!

How can it be so strong? !

Of course, Luo Hong's shape-shifting was too weird!

Luo Hong didn't choose to waste time with these golden armored guards, and the cold murderous intent permeated.


Kill them all!

The golden helmet fell to the ground, stained with blood and mud.

The torrential rain in the blood rain field became more and more violent and roaring, and the blood and mud all over the ground were filled with the breath of death.

In Ji Luotu, Wu Meiniang's and Yelu Yuanlong's shocking and stiff gazes.

Daxia's strongest army, dozens of golden armored guards, all fell.

And that figure with black clothes and silver hair, among the golden armored corpses, the young man standing leaning on a magic sword burning with black magic flames, seems to have become the brightest star in this world!

Lei Cheng Die!

Golden Armored Guards...destroyed!

This is a shocking result.

The monstrous evil spirits are constantly sweeping through.

Luo Hong held the magic sword, vaguely, as if he felt something in his heart, he raised his head, as if looking through the thick blood-colored clouds.

After seeing the clouds, there was a pair of eyes, looking down at Luo Hong in the blood rain field coldly.

It's just that these eyes flashed away and disappeared in an instant.

As if it had never been there.

Luo Hong frowned slightly: "The mysterious existence behind Blood Rain?"

Is it because he absorbed too much evil?

This blood rain originally had a big secret.

Unfortunately, now is not the time to explore the secrets.

Miss Demon Sword's red dress fluttered and flew down.

Miss Demon Sword, who was originally slender, now looks a bit plump...

She hiccups from time to time, and evil spirits are sprayed from her delicate mouth.

Luo Hong was speechless, it turned out that you were the culprit. You absorbed so many evil spirits, and almost provoked the mysterious existence behind the blood rain.

However, it is easy for Demon Sword to have enough food and drink.

Glancing at the golden-armored guards who were left with only bones on the ground, Luo Hong raised his hand and raised it sharply.

One after another black shadows stood crookedly from the corpses.

Perhaps because it took too much luck to summon Lei Chengxieying, out of dozens of gold-armored guards, only three golden-armored guards turned into Xieying.

Luo Hong still felt rather regretful, but regrets were regrets.

He didn't stay in the blood rain field for long.

It's time to kill it!

Eat, drink, and recharge...

Fight back, start!

Luo Hong grinned, raised the magic sword in his hand high, and let out a silent roar.

The body bounced like a spring, and suddenly thousands of bloody mud exploded. With the evil shadow of Lei Cheng and the evil shadow of the golden armored guard, he killed the Blood Rain Plain and the Big Dipper Secret Realm!


In the sky above Tian'an City, blood-colored clouds suddenly emerged.

This is a vision that will only appear when a land immortal dies. This phenomenon also appeared once before when Tian'an Sword Immortal died in the Changling Tomb of Great Xia.

And now, it appears again!

This means that there is a land immortal!

However, the vision this time was not as grand as it was when Tian'an Sword Immortal fell.

At this moment, not many people responded to this vision.

In Tianan City.

Ning Wang, who was blocking Xiaodouhua, changed his expression slightly.

Looking up at the sad cloud of blood in the world, he frowned, who died? !

"This level of vision strength should not be a powerful land fairy, but probably a quasi-land fairy..."

King Ning suddenly thought of something, and looked at the portal of the archway.

Lei Cheng has entered the portal of this memorial archway. Did something happen?

As a quasi-land Martial Immortal, once Lei Cheng falls, it fits the vision of heaven and earth at this moment.

However, Lei Cheng and so many gold-armored guards chased and killed Luo Hong into the Beidou secret realm. Luo Hong could not escape with his wings, and there was no way to survive.

As if feeling something was wrong, King Ning looked at Qi Guangling, who was still standing on the tower.

Qi Guangling kept his movements and frowned.

Obviously, he was still fighting against the monster in Luo Hong's body, sealing him.

"Could it be that Luo Hong was the one who died? Luo Hong, a peerless evildoer, once he dies, is no more regretful than the fall of a quasi-land fairy. The heavens and the earth will be sad for it... and it should be."

Ning Wang thought in his heart.

Afterwards, Xiaodouhua was blocked again unhurriedly.

And in front of Tianji Palace.

Prince Xia Ji was clutching his one arm, and the four-clawed python robe was covered with blood. He sat on the white jade danji, staring at the door of the archway.

Luo Hong is not dead, his anger cannot be dispelled.


Prince Xia Ji narrowed his eyes.

The portal of the archway has been opened!

But there is an incomparably violent qi, billowing and surging from behind the door, like a broken dam, unable to stop the water flow, making the water flow surging!

Luo Hong wore a mask of an evil monarch, with flying silver hair, but the black shirt on his body was extremely eye-catching.

The blue shirt was stained with blood, and the blood-soaked Dragon Sword was confronting the mountain guard and the two celestial beings who had smashed out of the gate of heaven.

At this moment, seeing Luo Hong walking out of the gate of the archway, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Above the city tower, Chu Xuan, who suppressed Commander Wu, had complicated eyes.

This is not dead?

Lei Cheng and the gold-armored guards are enough to besiege and kill him, a land fairy with unstable foundation.

As for Luo Hong, not only did he not die, but his aura became even stronger.

King Chu's betting on Luo Hong, is it right?

Luo Hong walked out of the gate of the archway, and immediately attracted the attention of many people.

Luo Hong didn't care, leaning on the magic sword, his silver hair flying, and his chin raised.

He looked outside Tian'an City, where the dense Xia family army was besieging and killing the Luo family's ten thousand troops.

Mr. Luo was wounded, blind Yuan, Situ Wei and others also looked miserable.

As for the two thousand black cavalry, not many died, but among the eight thousand army, a thousand had already died...

The Luo family army is still struggling to support.

Now, Luo Hong has walked out of the Beidou secret realm, and he has returned.

Luo Hong looked at the Xia family's army all over the mountains and plains, with murderous intent in the corner of his mouth: "Come out..."

"Slaughter to your heart's content, vent the anger of death to your heart's content."

Luo Hong groaned.

In the next moment, the panting, blood-stained black cavalry, and the side of the government army, there are evil figures standing in their shadows, with scarlet eyes glowing with endless coldness.

These evil shadows stood close to them, as if they were their partners and comrades-in-arms in close combat.

With the addition of Xieying, the original numerical advantage of the Xia family's army seems to have begun to lose the wind.

The army of evil shadows culled and slaughtered, which eased the battle situation a little.

It gave the Luo family a chance to breathe.

Mr. Luo was holding an ink knife, the tip of which was dripping with blood.

He looked in the direction of the gate of the archway, and seeing Luo Hong standing leaning on the magic sword, his eyes couldn't help flickering with joy.

He felt that the Luo family... It's time to fight back!

far away.

Luo Xiaobei was still burning with energy and blood, and was fighting to the death with the seven land immortal guards of Tian'an City. However, compared to the fierce battles in other places, these seven guards seemed to be at a loss, and none of them wanted to fight with them at this moment The crazy Luo Xiaobei fought to the death.

However, even though they were paddling, Luo Xiaobei's body was also seriously injured, Wu Xian's armor was completely shattered, and many flesh and blood on his body were also exploded and twisted.

But Luo Xiaobei still fought to the death unwillingly, roaring at his reluctance to surrender to fate.

Luo Hong glanced.

He stepped out of the door.

But when he walked out of the portal, he only did three things.

The first thing is, the Heavenly Fiend Bead emerged, split into one hundred and eight Fiend Bead swords, raised his hand, and lightly tapped on the first sword.

The second thing is to ask Lei Chengxiying to help Luo Xiaobei.

The third thing... Raise your head, look through the sea of ​​clouds, and look at the battle above the sky, looking for opportunities for a wave of Emperor Xia.

One hundred and eight evil bead swords roared out and rushed towards the Xia family's army.

Luo Hong at this moment has fused the power of 40,000 evil shadows. The power of this evil bead sword is simply a sword that kills people.

Harvesting the lives of one Xia family sergeant after another!



"Da Luo! We must win!"

The Luo family.

The two thousand black knights who were bathed in blood drew out their ink knives and let out a roar of extreme excitement!

With the help of the Evil Shadow Legion and the Shazhu Sword, a counterattack was launched!

Lei Cheng turned into an evil shadow and appeared on the battlefield in Luo Xiaobei area in an instant. The seven land immortals who were paddling were startled.

Lei Chengxiying's scarlet eyes were full of murderous intent. Joining the battle greatly relieved Luo Xiaobei's pressure.

Luo Xiaobei knew what happened when he saw Lei Chengxiying's dead appearance.

This Lei Cheng was sent by Luo Hong to arrest the spirit!

Luo Xiaobei was suddenly excited, the eldest nephew... awesome!


Luo Hong saw through the sea of ​​clouds and stared at the battle in the sky. He could vaguely see Emperor Xia and his master fighting like gods. There were dense black cracks intertwining around the battle between the two.

It will be impossible to win or lose for a while. Luo Hong wants Emperor Yin Xia, but he definitely can't do it now.

However, Luo Hong can do other things to influence Emperor Xia.

The power of 40,000 evil shadows is superimposed in the body, Luo Hong can't waste it.

His eyes fell on Tian'an City.

Luo Hong held the magic sword with one hand, and the demonic energy above the magic sword was overwhelming, while Luo Hong was hunting in a black shirt, and his eyes were as bright as a rainbow.

Silver hair fluttering, and Asura's slender body made him even more handsome while holding the magic sword.

Taking a deep breath, the thick blood that enveloped the battlefield spread out immediately.

The next moment, Luo Hong stepped down heavily, holding the magic sword Asura at the side.

Master and Emperor Xia fight, what Luo Hong has to do is to mess with Emperor Xia's mentality!


It's just one step. Luo Hong, who has 40,000 evil shadows on his body, is so powerful. With this step, the ground began to crack, and the cracks spread and crisscrossed to the gate of Tian'an City!

"What kind of power is this?!"

"Impossible! Isn't Luo Hong a third-rank monk? How can he have such power? The monster in his body...was released?"

"So strong! Such a depressing atmosphere! Is this a land fairy?!"

In Tian'an City, everyone's expressions changed!

Commander Wu on the top of the city tower showed a look of panic, and Chu Xuan of the Chu family was also stunned.

How did Luo Hong become so strong when he entered the Blood Rain Field? !

In the void, King Ning, who was fighting fiercely with Xiaodouhua, also quickly escaped and landed on the tower, staring at Luo Hong.

"My son, the vigor and energy at this moment, I am afraid that he has the strength of a second-level land fairy..."

King Ning took a deep breath.

Even if it is him, he is only at the second level.

This son... what is he going to do? !

The crown prince Xia Ji also stood up from the white jade pill and stared at it.


King Ning and the Crown Prince's eyes shrank.

Because, Luo Hong stepped down with one step.

The roaring sound exploded between heaven and earth.

"Xia Ji!!!"

Luo Hong's silver hair lashed out, his eyes were frosty, he held the magic sword, and his body popped out.

Substantial ripples spread in front of Luo Hong like a spread paper fan, sweeping past, the ground was like water, the sword energy was like tide, and when the air flow shattered and exploded, Luo Hong's figure touching the magic sword disappeared. .

It reappeared, but it had already arrived before Tianan City.

Facing the majestic and majestic city wall of Tian'an City, the magic sword unleashed the monstrous evil power, and slashed out with one sword!

He wants to split Tian'an City and kill the prince!

The huge sword gang tears everything apart.

The city wall was cut open with a bang!

On the city tower, King Ning felt a huge crisis instantly, and quickly swept away.

Although he is a second-level land fairy, how can he block Luo Hong and the magic sword that looks like a magic weapon?

How dare he stop? !

Boom boom boom! ! !

The sword gang is huge, and it splits along the main road of Tian'an City's long street...

Looking down from the sky, it seems that Tian'an City is cut into two halves!

Standing on the white jade pill, Prince Xia Ji, who was clutching his broken arm, suddenly shrank his eyes.

That sword gang sliced ​​through Tian'an City, and kept cutting towards him.

That's too fast!

And Bai Yu Dan Chi, just on the main road, facing Jian Gang!

Prince Xia Ji's complexion changed slightly.

Although he was a land immortal, he was only in the second realm, and one arm was broken by Luo Hongyin.

The main reason is that the magic sword in Luo Hong's hand seems to be fully charged, it's too scary!

Prince Xia Ji wanted to escape.


The moment he left.

In the shadow, the evil shadow of the golden armored guard emerged, dragging his body.


Prince Xia Ji let out an extremely cold roar.

The powerful one-arm swept across, and immediately wiped out the evil shadow of the golden armored guard.

However, such a hindrance.

The mighty Jiangang has already arrived.

The crown prince Xia Ji stood on top of Dan Chi, staring at the sword gang!


Suddenly, in the Tianji Palace behind him, an invisible barrier erupted.

Standing in front of the prince, Luo Hong's sword slashed on it and gradually disappeared.

The corners of Prince Xia Ji's mouth gradually turned up, revealing a hint of sarcasm.

But soon, the sarcasm at the corner of his mouth froze.

Because Jian Gang dispersed.

Luo Hong's figure appeared instantly, and there was a calm murderous intent in his indifferent eyes.

Barriers block slaughter, but do not stop people.

Luo Hong passed through the barrier with his big hand, and held down Prince Xia Ji's head.

The magic sword Asura in his hand was suddenly handed out.

It pierced through the chest of Prince Xia Ji.

Pushing the body of Prince Xia Ji, he kept retreating on the Baiyu Danchi, and finally, he slammed hard on the door of Tianji Palace.

Under Luo Hongxie's mask, there was no expression on his face, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

After cutting off your arm, I will naturally give you a complete one-stop service.

While you are sick, I will kill you.

The demonic sword in his hand swallowed demonic flames.

On the pattern of the four-claw python robe...

Pull out, stick in.

Pull out...and plug in.

PS: Nearly 8,000 words, big chapter, killing the prince, not broken, asking for a monthly ticket, asking for a freshly released recommendation ticket!

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