My Young Lord Is Really Righteous

Chapter 268 ? Emperor Xia's Wrath, Slash the Light Ball!

One sword, another sword.

Every sword pierced straight into the prince's chest, dyeing the skirt of the clothes red, and hot blood spread from the prince's chest, soaking the four-clawed python robe.

But looking back at Tian'an City in an instant, it was a mess.

An incomparably thick and vertical ravine spread from the cleaved gate of Tian'an City all the way to the front of Tianji Palace. If Tianji Palace hadn't been restricted by Emperor Xia, maybe even Tianji Palace would have been cleaved together!

In the ear of the prince, there was silence.

His face was ferocious, but there was a little calm under the ferocity. He looked at Luo Hong who held his head and pressed him against the closed door of Tianji Palace, stabbing him endlessly with one sword after another.

This once insignificant existence in his eyes was like an ant, but now, he actually holds the cold sword in his own hand, and puts the sharp point of the sword into his chest, absorbing his vitality and suffocating his will.

The magic sword very strong.

Especially the magic sword that has absorbed enough evil power is not even weaker than the imperial power sword in Emperor Xia's hand.

The prince is indeed a land immortal, but at this moment, Luo Hong, with the power of 40,000 sergeants in the overlapping shadows, is not weaker than a second-level land immortal, not to mention the blessing of the magic sword.

Prince Xia Ji looked at Luo Hong, with blood running from his mouth and nose. He was no longer as luxurious as before. At this moment, he was like a wild dog drenched in heavy rain, losing his composure as the Great Xia Prince.

"You... are so... courageous!"

The prince coughed up blood and stared at Luo Hong.

Everything happened too fast, or beyond his imagination.

From Lei Cheng and dozens of golden-armored guards chasing and killing Luo Hong into the gate of the archway, Xia Ji thought that everything should have been settled, but what he didn't expect was that Luo Hong seemed to have turned the tables, not only killing Lei Cheng , It even slaughtered the golden armored guards.

This son... how did he do it?

Is it a miracle?

Another miracle?


Luo Hong was wearing the mask of the evil king, grinning, his silver hair lashing the void, wearing a bit of evil charm.

"I don't even bother to do things that are not bold."

Luo Hongdao.

After the words fell, the magic sword pulled out the prince's chest, bringing up a pool of blood, and then pierced it again, but this time, Luo Hong broke out the evil power in the magic sword Asura, twisting the prince's chest It's a mess.

The internal organs were all chopped up and exploded at this moment.

The heart was also completely torn apart by the magic flame and sword energy!

The prince's eyes narrowed, he coughed up blood, his hair was messy covering his cheeks, his breath was like a collapsed building, slipping down and down in an instant.


The prince laughed lowly.

A little crazy, but also a little...unwilling.

"How did you kill me?"

Prince Xia Ji stared at Luo Hong. How could Luo Hong possess the power of a second-level land immortal? He was clearly only a third-rank monk.

As for Luo Hong, he smiled, his mind moved, evil spirits surged behind him, and one face after another appeared behind him.

Those were all the elites of the major dynasties who entered the Blood Rain Plain and were wiped out with the palm of Emperor Xia.

Forty thousand, forty thousand elite.

The prince was in a trance for a while, and saw the dense and unyielding souls of the dead contained in Luo Hong's body.

Those who died were actually all sent into the blood rain by him.

It's just that I didn't expect to become Luo Hong's helper now. The people who died in the past are now Luo Hong's helpers. The people who were killed by him finally became the people who killed him.

The prince laughed softly, "So...the ones who killed me were those 40,000 people who were unwilling to die?"

But Luo Hong's mouth twitched slightly.


"It was me who killed you."

Luo Hongdao.

After the words fell, Luo Hong suddenly pulled out the magic sword, and the mighty power in his arm suddenly exploded, turning into a sword piercing from this distance.

Fast, accurate, ruthless!

Piercing Prince Xia Ji's throat.


Prince Xia Ji was unable to dodge at all, the magic sword entered his throat and nailed him to the gate of Tianji Palace.

And Luo Hong's sword, which contained the strength of 40,000 people, opened the door to a crack, and the endless darkness was exposed from the crack.

Prince Xia Ji fell.

With one arm, he covered his throat where a bloody hole had been pierced by the magic sword.

He fell on the ground list of Tianji Palace, and the dark red blood flowed out from the wound, little by little like a river flooding, like a hideous bloody flower.

And he looked at the roof of Tianji Palace with various patterns painted on it.

He has never stepped into the Tianji Palace in his whole life, but now, he has entered the Tianji Palace in this way.

Luo Hong landed, looked at the Tianji Palace with the door open, holding the magic sword, the tip of the magic sword was dripping blood.

He frowned, staring at the crack of the door.

Indistinctly, the phantom of the saint in the dantian gave a warning, there is danger, there is great danger.

However, there is no need for Luo Hong to step in, because the prince Xia Ji must die.

The physical body has been cut off from all vitality, and it is impossible to recover.

In Tianan City, everyone was shocked.

Luo Hong slashed out a sword from outside Tian'an City, and the sword split Tian'an City in half. The ravine that spread from outside Tian'an City all the way to the front of Tianji Palace was shocking.

However, what was even more shocking was that Luo Hong pressed the prince Xia Ji on the gate of Tianji Palace, and stabbed him to death with one sword after another.

Prince Xia Ji, the chief culprit who has been targeting and persecuting the Luo family from the very beginning, causing the Luo family to rebel against Xia, is now... nailed to death by Luo Hong's sword.

This high-ranking and powerful man under one person was crucified to death in Tianji Palace by Luo Hong.

King Ning fell in the distance, with deep horror and disbelief in his eyes.

He looked at the opened gate of Tianji Palace, and at the body of Prince Xia Ji who fell into it, he felt absurd and ridiculous for a while.

How could this be?

Luo Hong... the third grade... exists like an ant.

To actually kill the crown prince Xia Ji with his own hands, and kill Xia Ji who flows through the blood of Emperor Xia? !

Not just King Ning.

The king of Chu, who was kneeling on the ground and slapped by King Ning, raised his head with disheveled hair, and there was disbelief in his eyes.

However, after being unbelievable, there was a slight smile.

Sure enough... This kid once again created a miracle, creating possibility out of the impossible.

"What is impossible?"

"My grandson Chu Tiannan is dead, so why can't the prince die?"

King Chu murmured.

The mountain guard who was fighting with Steward Chen trembled all over.

He swung away Steward Chen with one move, and looked at the prince Xia Ji who had fallen into the Tianji Palace, full of disbelief.

Prince, was killed by Luo Hong? !

That ambitious man just died like this?

Chen Tianxuan's blue shirt was stained with blood, and with a twitch of the Earth Flood Sword in his hand, he chopped off a bone dragon and forced the two heavenly beings from the Tianmen to retreat.

He looked at Luo Hong, frowned slightly, and reminded: "The land fairy is not easy to die, the sea of ​​will is immortal, and there is a possibility of resurrection."

Is the prince dead?

The sea of ​​will has not been cut off, so it should not die.

He was reminding Luo Hong that he had to cut the grass and roots.

The crown prince Xia Ji has been targeting the Luo family. No matter what the purpose is, the current crown prince Xia Ji has an unending enmity with the Luo family.

If it is giving the prince a chance to be resurrected, it will definitely be very bad for the Luo family.

Luo Hong stood on the white jade alchemy in front of Tianji Palace, his eyebrows raised when he heard this.

"It's the first time to kill a land fairy, and I have no experience."

Luo Hong muttered.

The immortal will of the land is immortal, and can it be resurrected?

Luo Hong stared at the tattered corpse of the prince in the extreme palace that day, raised his hand, and the magic sword immediately released a terrifying evil spirit, and the evil spirit power was like a black dragon wrapped around the magic sword.

Luo Hong raised his hand and tapped lightly.

The magic sword trembled slightly, and in the next moment, it flew out, heading towards the howling tear in Tianji Palace.

He didn't care what the Tianji Palace was where Emperor Xia retreated.

All he knows is that Prince Xia Ji... is going to die today!

To cut off all his hopes, so that he can no longer be a demon.

Of course, the biggest point is that the crown prince Xia Ji is the target of the shelved cabinet recorded in Luo Hong's small book. If he is killed, there will be a majestic attack on the crime.

Therefore, no matter what, Prince Xia Ji must die.


A demon dragon roared out, transforming into a dragon sword, but this time it was a demon dragon!

The magic dragon roared and roared, and the magic flames roared.

And the prince Xia was in the extremely cold corpse.

Immediately, an illusory figure stood up. The four-clawed python robe was neat and miraculous. It was the body of will conceived by the flowers that bloomed from the Prince Xia Ji Dao.

If the will is immortal, the land immortal will not be considered dead.

"I was almost deceived by you."

Luo Hong narrowed his eyes.

Prince Xia Ji's body of will fluttered up, facing the fast-slashing magic dragon, floating, and glanced at King Ning.

"Dear younger brother, don't you stand in the way for Brother Huang?"

Prince Xia Ji's pale body of will looked at King Ning and said.

King Ning also calmed down at this moment. Facing Xia Ji's words, he didn't move or speak, but just stood quietly.

His attitude said it all.

"Hahaha...the royal family is ruthless."

Prince Xia Ji's body of will laughed madly, but in fact he had already gone crazy.

The next moment, his body of will suddenly disappeared, and flew towards the depths of Tianji Palace.

The magic dragon transformed by the magic sword followed closely behind, and instantly diffused into the Tianji Palace, like a stone sinking into the vast sea all of a sudden, without any fluctuations.

Luo Hong held his hands behind his back, his black shirt fluttering, and his silver hair was flying like frost and snow.

He raised his head and looked at the sky where the sea of ​​clouds was churning. There was infinite coercion, and endless oppression was spreading.

Even with the superimposed power of 40,000 monks now, Luo Hong still felt a huge oppression, which was not a battlefield that ordinary land immortals could touch.

It was like a "god" battlefield.

Luo Hong narrowed his eyes. In fact, when Luo Hong pierced the magic sword Asura into the prince's body, Luo Hong was paying attention to the situation above the sky.

He wanted to influence Xia Huang, the prince Xia Ji was Xia Huang's flesh and blood after all, the two had the same blood, if Xia Ji was dying, Xia Huang should feel it.

If he is distracted during the battle, with Master's strength, he can definitely deal a fatal blow to Emperor Xia.

This was Luo Hong's plan all along, but unfortunately, the sky was calm.

Emperor Xia didn't even make a small move to glance at Prince Xia Ji.

It seemed that what Luo Hong killed was not Emperor Xia's flesh and blood, but a stranger with no blood relationship.

Luo Hong looked back with some disappointment.

He looked towards the deep and dark Tianji Palace, and then took a step forward.


The sleeves of the black shirt smashed into the void, and the white jade alchemy under his feet, which symbolized the face and glory of the royal family, was stepped on by Luo Hong, and it was torn apart.

Luo Hong's figure floated into Tianji Palace like a ghost.

King Ning's eyes flickered, but he didn't stop.

On the other side, the mountain guard almost fell into madness, and the offensive against Chen Tianxuan was almost a desperate fight.

However, Chen Tianxuan still had a cold face, and his dead air spread, blocking the mountain guards.

Luo Hong stepped into the Tianji Palace, which was completely dark.

The oil lamps on both sides of the palace had their wicks extinguished. The darkness was like an endless night, and you couldn't see your fingers.

Luo Hong looked at the corpses of the prince Xia Ji.

After that, he looked into the depths of Tianji Palace again, and his eyes could not help shrinking slightly.

In the depths of Tianji Palace, there is a white light shield covering the noble dragon chair.

In that white mask, there seems to be a person indistinctly.

And the willed body of the prince Xia Ji staggered towards the mask, his eyes were a little crazy, a little... fiery.


The magic dragon transformed by the magic sword collapsed inch by inch in an instant, and there was an invisible coercion that seemed to turn the air into a muddy swamp, making it very difficult to move.

Luo Hong frowned slightly, staring at the ball of light, inexplicably, the speed of blood flow in his body accelerated a bit.

Who is in the light sphere?

Luo Hong thought in his heart, but he couldn't figure it out, could it be Emperor Xia?

However, Emperor Xia is currently fighting against his master above the sky, challenging the rules of the world.

That's not Emperor Xia. In this sphere of light, who is in the private place of Emperor Xia's retreat?

At this moment, Luo Hong suddenly felt extremely curious in his heart.

"Are you curious who is in this ball of light?"

"Not only you are curious, everyone is curious, even Zhang Huaiyi before, and Zhang Huaiyi is the only one who saw the identity of the person in the light sphere."

"So, Zhang Huaiyi is dead."

"He could have survived."

At this moment, the crown prince was approaching the stairs under the throne covered by the high ball of light.

The stairs are covered with luxurious carpets. There are nine steps in total, and nine is the number of extremes, which represents the supreme, climbing the nine steps and sitting on the throne.

"Do you want to know?"

"I beg my palace."

Prince Xia Ji laughed wildly.

finished laughing.

He turned around and wanted to climb up the stairs.

However, he just picked up his steps.

Luo Hong's figure had already appeared beside him.

Grabbing Prince Xia Ji's body of will, pulled him down.

Luo Hong glanced at Prince Xia Ji, his eyes filled with indifference.

Prince Xia Ji was startled.

The power of will erupted, and the powerful will power rushed into Luo Hong's will sea.

He wanted to attack Luo Hong's soul through willpower attack.

However, Luo Hong didn't care at all about this.

Prince Xia Ji's will rushed into Luo Hong's sea of ​​will, and the next moment...he saw a scene that made him unforgettable.

In the sea of ​​will, he saw an extremely tall evil god exuding an extremely suppressed and terrifying aura.

That mysterious existence is entangled with monstrous evil and sin, and those icy eyes are greedily watching the world like a demon in hell.

Is this the monster in Luo Hong's body?

Prince Xia Ji was taken aback.

The next moment, my heart was terrified!

No... why wasn't this monster sealed by Qi Guangling? !

He seems to have discovered the great secret!

And the eyes of the prince Xia Ji turned to look at the will of Qi Guangling, who was clutching in the hands of the evil god Erha, with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

Qi Guangling's swollen eyes opened slightly, as if he saw the willpower of Prince Xia Ji...


The old man's first name.

The next moment, he simply closed his eyes as if he didn't see anything.

The evil god Erha looked indifferently at the phantom of the will of the tiny prince Xia Ji that emerged.

Another stupid mortal?

The evil god Erha did not hesitate, and slapped it with a palm, and that palm that covered the sky and the sun instantly enveloped the will of the prince Xia Ji.


Prince Xia Ji's will was shot to pieces, like a bursting watermelon.

In reality, the prince Xia Ji howled miserably, his willpower collapsed, and his body of will suddenly became blurred, as if it was about to collapse at any time.


"No son, you can go and see for yourself."

Luo Hong pouted and looked at Prince Xia Ji, and said calmly.

Afterwards, Luo Hong stretched out his hand, and there seemed to be darkness flowing between his five fingers, and he slapped on the body of will of Prince Xia Ji suddenly.

"The power of will... I have the most experience in dealing with it."


In an instant, Prince Xia Ji could only feel endless Buddha light surging from behind Luo Hong.

Afterwards, when the Buddha's light dissipated, there was an incomparably huge Buddha statue lying across.

The Thousand-Handed Evil Buddha is the embodiment of willpower.

The Thousand-Handed Evil Buddha restrained the willpower of Prince Xia Ji. The Evil Buddha showed an evil smile on his face, and the Prince Xia Ji looked inexplicably terrified...

What kind of Buddha is this? !

And Luo Hong waved again.

Buddha lamps emerged one after another, and the flames on the lamps suddenly danced and turned into a dark green, and the Thousand-Handed Evil Buddha was also shrouded in the dark green Buddha light.

"Amitabha... Jie Jie Jie..."

The voice of the evil Buddha reverberated in the ears of Prince Xia's extremely weak body of will.

Afterwards, the Buddha lamp burned forever, burning the body of will of Prince Xia Ji.

A shrill howl suddenly came from Prince Xia Ji's mouth. It was a pain that burned the soul, it was an indescribable torture!

The evil Buddha is imprisoned, and the Buddha lamp is always burning.

With the burning of the Buddha lamp, the body of Prince Xia Ji's will is constantly distorted, as if being burned and melted, melting bit by bit...

The power of will is like melted butter, dripping into the Buddha lamp, making the flame of the Buddha lamp more brilliant and bright.

It fed back Luo Hong's spiritual power, making Luo Hong's spiritual power stronger and stronger.


"Luo Hong! Let me go!"

"Aren't you a model of justice? Give this palace a good time!"

The prince Xia Ji screamed terribly.

Painful, so painful!

As a model of justice, how could Luo Hong have such vicious methods? !

He had always heard of Luo Hong's reputation as a righteous example, and he hated it. The more righteous Luo Hong was, the more he hated it.

Unexpectedly, Luo Hong was so vicious.

And Luo Hong's black shirt was swaying, and his silver hair was flying. He turned his head and glanced at the prince Xia Ji who was tortured by the evil Buddha and the Buddha lamp, and couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

"Who are you scolding?"

Luo Hong said dumbly.

Who is to say that it is a righteous example?

I have tortured you so viciously, and you still say that this young man is an example of justice?

Why are you so cheap? !

Luo Hong raised his hand, clenched it violently, the flames of the Buddha lamp shone brightly, and he snapped his fingers.

Evil shadows twisted and emerged one after another.

They are not powerful evil shadows, such as Dishan evil shadow, they cling to the prince's body of will, constantly biting and tearing...

Double the pain.

It's like being tortured in hell.

Prince Xia Ji felt that he knew Luo Hong for the first time.

This son...

It's the devil!

The pain continues.

Luo Hong just looked at him indifferently, with his hands crossed over his chest, and the corners of his mouth slightly turned up.

He felt like a great villain, a great villain, with such vicious means and such narrow mindedness, he was the worst in the world.

And the prince Xia Ji was burned and melted little by little in the endless pain, and finally... completely annihilated his vitality and vitality.

Prince Xia Ji, die!

As for Luo Hong, seeing that Xia Ji's will was completely burned out, he also stepped forward and stepped up the nine steps in front of the dragon chair.


Immediately, there was a terrifying coercion of the emperor's way that suddenly oppressed.

In an instant, the sky over Tianji Palace changed dramatically at this moment, and a thick vortex hovered over Tianji Palace.

In the sky above Tian'an City, there were blood-colored clouds rolling over, and in an instant, blood rained down.

The land fairy... fell!

Prince, dead!

However, at this moment, everyone is concerned about whether the prince is dead or not, because everyone is looking at the vision above Tianji Palace.

At the gate of Tianji Palace, King Ning squinted his eyes.

And at the moment when the sky changes.

Above the sky, the sea of ​​clouds suddenly shattered.

Like a terrifying sword energy, it cut the sea of ​​clouds into a ravine tens of thousands of miles away.

Emerging from the clouds, Emperor Xia's burly body, entwined with endless power of luck, radiated golden light, like a round of brilliant sun.

But at this moment, Emperor Xia's face was full of ashen, full of anger, and full of murderous intent.

When Prince Xia Ji was pierced by Luo Hong's sword, he was not moved, angry, or even a little bit emotional.

Even when Prince Xia Ji's will was burned and shattered, he didn't care too much.

However, when Luo Hong resisted the coercion of the emperor, stepped on the ball of light, and stepped on the dragon chair, he finally experienced emotional fluctuations.

"Stop him! Whatever the cost!"

Emperor Xia's voice seemed to be descending from the Nine Netherworld.

And the moment his words fell.

Accompanied by the sound of coughing, a huge fist blew up the sea of ​​clouds and smashed down from behind the sea of ​​clouds.

"Xia Jie, you are distracted."


Emperor Xia was immediately hit by a huge fist, and a terrifying explosive energy ripple stirred up on the cloud layer, scattering the cloud layer for thousands of miles.

Emperor Xia turned into a beam of light and fell to the ground.

The ground suddenly shattered inch by inch, and the aftermath of the punch seemed to wipe out thousands of miles of mountains and rivers.

Like a cloud of mushrooms rising from the flat ground, the substantial gunpowder spread like a waterfall of sand.

It's like the sky is falling!

The huge momentum made all the warring people look pale.

And in the clouds, the Master floated down, stained with spots of red blood, his face indifferent.

On the ground, Emperor Xia stood up amidst the gunpowder smoke of the sand waterfall. The armor transformed by the iron laws of Daxia was covered with cracks.

The ground trembled like an earth rage, and the mountains and rivers were trembling and boiling.

And Emperor Xia shot into the sky, and once again fought and fought with Master.

There was blood spilled.

But that drop of blood was so heavy that it fell on the earth, evaporated the lake, and smashed the mountains and rivers.


The Emperor of Great Zhou, the Empress of Great Chu, and the profuse Khan of the Golden Tent Royal Court all felt a chill.

"So strong!"

"This breath... I'm afraid it has reached the pinnacle of the tenth realm?!"

At this moment, the three most powerful men in the world had such thoughts in their hearts.

Master himself is strong.

And Emperor Xia is not weak, and now he has gathered seven points of luck in the world, coupled with the iron law of Xia and the sword of imperial power, the three of them joined forces, and they would all be beheaded by Emperor Xia.

Today's Emperor Xia is too strong.

The momentum is in full swing.

"Gathering the luck of the world in one body, Xia Jie may really be able to become the emperor!"

The sweaty eyes of the Golden Tent Royal Court flickered, and at this moment, they were a little hesitant.

And Empress Da Chu sneered coldly: "Human Emperor? Also worthy?"

"It's just a puppet played by heaven and earth after Tianmen. He Xia Jie is playing with fire and setting himself on fire!"

"Cooperate with heaven and man, sooner or later you will be played to death!"

The Empress of Great Chu was extremely cold, she knocked away Nanlihuo who was using Gu worms to stop her with all her strength.

She doesn't have any good looks towards the heavenly beings behind the Tianmen.


However, Gao Lishi, who was fighting with the Emperor of the Great Zhou, changed his expression.

His eyes looked in the direction of Tianji Palace.

"Damn it!"

Gao Lishi cursed angrily, and wanted to get away and go to Tianji Palace.

But the Emperor Da Zhou smiled lightly, at this moment, he was not in a hurry.

The Furnace was pressed down, and three-color flames swept out, stopping Gao Lishi in place.

for a while.

Everyone paid attention to the situation in Tianji Palace.

No one would have thought that Emperor Xia, who was not moved even by the death of the crown prince, would change color because of Luo Hong's small step.

"Stop him!"

Emperor Xia's wrathful words still linger and span between heaven and earth.

And Luo Hong naturally heard it too.

Luo Hong was very relieved, the coercion of the imperial way was very strong, even though Luo Hong could ignore most of the coercion of the imperial way, at this moment Luo Hong still felt that he was about to be crushed, every step Luo Hong took , feel extremely heavy.

However, the ninth step is as if there are tens of thousands of steps, so vast and unattainable.

But Luo Hong was not in a hurry, and climbed the ladder step by step.

The world seemed to have become quiet, only the sound of blood flowing through the air was left, and the figure in the ball of light seemed to be of the same vein as Luo Hong.

"who is it?"

Luo Hong stared at the ball of light.

At some point, Luo Hong was already dripping with cold sweat. If it wasn't for the power gathered by forty thousand evil shadows, he would have been crushed to death at this moment.

Ordinary land immortals don't even have the strength to climb ladders!

what exactly is it? !

Luo Hong's heart was full of curiosity.

There is also a call from the blood.

The sphere of light is close at hand.

Luo Hong stared at the ball of light, vaguely, as if he could see the figure in the ball of light.

Luo Hong raised the magic sword, he wanted to split the ball of light.


The sky above the Tianji Palace.

Emperor Xia's blood-stained body emerged, and the dense righteousness around him turned into horses, wrapped around his body, bound his figure, and his icy eyes were full of terrifying murderous intent. .


The cold voice, in this endless coercion.

It smashed down mightily like a dragon pillar, and passed into Tianji Palace.

It hit Luo Hong's body.

Luo Hong's body trembled and he let out a muffled snort.

Then, raising his head, he seemed to see the extremely angry Emperor Xia above Tianji Palace.


"Are you angry?"

"It's right to be angry."

Words fell.

The magic sword in Luo Hong's hand immediately spewed out all the magic energy absorbed in the blood rain field, and slashed at the light ball.

There was a crisp click!

The ball of light burst suddenly and fell apart!

The moment the ball of light shattered, Luo Hong could clearly see the figure sitting cross-legged in it.

The resonance between the blood vessels became clearer and clearer.

Luo Hong felt as if he had seen this person somewhere before.

PS: The first update, asking for a monthly ticket, asking for a freshly released recommendation ticket~

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