My Young Lord Is Really Righteous

Chapter 269 ? Going to Death and Killing the Emperor!

All sounds between heaven and earth disappeared.

Only the sound of heartbeats remained.

The slight beating sound, like the waves beating against the reef, and the slight sea breeze blowing, also moved people's hearts.

The defense of the light sphere is very strong, so strong that even if Luo Hong attacks with all his strength, it may not be broken. However, the magic sword Asura in Luo Hong's hand consumes all the evil power that has been devoured in the blood rain field, and cuts out the power contained in it. A sword that destroys breath.

Nothing is broken.

This sword gently cut the ball of light.

It was like crushing a diamond with bare hands with extreme strength.

A strong vitality surged out from the ball of light, impacting Luo Hong's mind.

Luo Hong raised his eyes and saw a table of white clothes, flowing white clothes, full head of black hair, and extremely handsome face.

Luo Hong didn't recognize this face, but inexplicably felt a familiar aura.

Who is he?

The sense of familiarity from the bloodline made Luo Hong's heart full of deep doubts.

He couldn't guess the identity of this person, but he understood that this person's identity was very important.

Luo Hong's eyes moved horizontally, and he could clearly see the layout inside.

This person is sitting on the Dragon Throne, dressed in a white shirt, with black hair, youthful, energetic, and full of vitality... Filling every corner of the ball of light.

But above this person's head, there is a white stream of water, like fine agarwood, the smoke is like water, falling down, along this person's celestial cap, spreading and intertwining this person's whole body, penetrating into it bit by bit This person's body, Dantian, is in the orifice.

"Life essence?!"

Luo Hong took a deep breath, it was like the essence of life flowing down from a different space, it was extremely rich.

Luo Hong is no stranger to the essence of life. The essence of life he got when he killed the young emperor Xia brought him a lot of benefits.

But now, Luo Hong saw the essence of life again.

Luo Hong's heart moved,

The storage page opened, blocking the place where the essence of life flowed.

Immediately cut off the path for the essence of life to flow into the figure's Tianling Gai.

And these life essences are constantly flowing into Luo Hong's storage page.

Luo Hong almost burst into laughter.

Great harvest!

The evil god Erha said that the essence of life is not a human thing. Luo Hong looked at the source of the essence of life, is it connected to the gate of heaven?

Tianmen, the essence of life, a body full of vitality...

Luo Hong narrowed his eyes.

Could this be Emperor Xia's backhand?

This strong vitality is simply terrifying, could it be... is it a backhand left to deal with Master?

Just when Luo Hong cut off the life essence channel.

Indistinctly, the body of the figure sitting cross-legged with eyes closed trembled suddenly.


Luo Hong only felt that the world was trembling endlessly, as if a peerless existence was about to wake up.


Above Tianji Palace, Emperor Xia was covered in blood, and the armor transformed by Daxia Iron Law was in tatters. His eyes were full of shock and anger.

How could this be?

He has set up the most powerful defense in the Tianji Palace, and the nine-tiered ladder of the emperor's way. Even if it is a land immortal of the Nine Realms, it is not as easy as imagined before it is easy to board the light ball.

However, how could Luo Hong, a mere third-rank monk, be able to resist all the coercion, ignore all defenses, and land in front of the light sphere?

What happened? !

Xia Huang was all over, and the luck of the world swallowed by him suddenly turned into a white dragon, circling and tearing at his body, tearing apart the noble righteousness that the master restrained him.

"Enter Tianji Palace! Kill Luo Hong!"

Emperor Xia's cold voice resounded.

His eyes swept down from the sky, and there was no doubt that his eyes passed by.

He is ordering, this is the emperor's order.

With his current status of tying the world's seven-point fortune, he conveyed the order.

Just like the emperor's order.


Gao Lishi, who was fighting with the Emperor of the Great Zhou, gritted his teeth. A white and young palm exploded, and the waves of the explosion caused terrifying energy ripples. The three-color flame of the Creation Furnace.

He tore open the sky and strode in the void. After just a few steps, he came to the front of Tianji Palace.

"Share your Majesty's worries."

Gao Lishi's purple robe was fluttering, and drops of blood were still dripping from his broken palm. He bowed respectfully to Emperor Xia who was above the long sky.

Afterwards, his eyes turned to the depths of Tianji Palace, murderous intent boiled over.

"It's a big treason."


Gao Li Shidao.

The next moment, his steps fell, and he landed in front of Tianji Palace. He flicked the whisk lightly, and his purple robe flew away. For Emperor Xia, remove the last obstacle.

No one knew better what Emperor Xia was pursuing than him.

Gao Lishi broke through the siege and appeared in Tianji Palace, which was somewhat beyond everyone's expectations.

After the eyes of the Great Zhou Emperor flickered for a while, he glanced at Tianji Palace, thought for a while, and the fortune furnace returned, held in his palm, and the next moment, he threw it out viciously.

The Furnace of Creation instantly turned into a scorching sun and smashed towards Tianji Palace. In the oven, three-color flames billowed, burning the void and everything.

Even if the vitality is inside the oven, it cannot exist!

This is the magic weapon of the Great Zhou Dynasty, not weaker than the magic weapon of the imperial sword!

Although he didn't know what happened in Tianji Palace, Emperor Dazhou understood that the events in Tianji Palace had greatly affected Emperor Xia, and made Emperor Xia's mentality a little unbalanced.

Luo Hong's visit to Tianji Palace greatly exceeded Emperor Xia's expectation.

Let Emperor Xia be the Emperor?

The emperor of Zhou refused to agree, and neither did the empress.

That being the case, fuck him!


The void shattered inch by inch, and all the people and monks in Tian'an City only felt the fear of impending catastrophe.

King Ning stared at the Fortune Furnace, his fear flickered.

However, after thinking about it, he still walked towards Tianji Palace.

The man gave the order, and since he was not sure that the man would die, King Ning felt that it was better to obey his order.

Moreover, King Ning is also very curious, what is the secret in Tianji Palace...?

What is it that makes Emperor Xia so nervous?

Just when the Creation Furnace was floating above the Tianji Palace.


Zhou Tianzi's expression changed, but he discovered that an incomparably magnificent portal opened up from the sky.

The door is carved with dragons and phoenixes, and there is a curl of air lingering on it.

A palm as bright as white jade was slapped from behind the Tianmen, and it was slapped on the good fortune furnace smashed by Zhou Tianzi.

Boom! ! !

The flames of the Fortune Furnace were trembling, as if a monstrous sea of ​​flames had been set off.

Shock and anger appeared on Zhou Tianzi's face.

"Tianmen... Tianzun?!"

"You dare to interfere in the human world?!"

Zhou Tianzi said coldly.

The Creation Furnace was blown away, and the extremely tall Tianmen hung above the sky, blooming with endless brilliance.

It seems that there is a curl of immortal energy flying behind.

The blurry figure sitting cross-legged in front of the gate of heaven, with fluttering sleeves and a face that cannot be seen clearly, looks like a peerless beauty, but also looks like a handsome man.

That palm contained unparalleled power, which seemed to make the space in the world faintly shatter.

The Creation Furnace let out a whine, and a sunken palm print actually appeared on it.

The Furnace flew back upside down, and Zhou Tianzi grabbed the Furnace with a livid face.

Not only Zhou Tianzi, the Empress of Great Chu, but also the profuse Khan of the Golden Tent Royal Court also had solemn expressions.

The Empress of Great Chu held the Dragon Sparrow Sword in her hand, her cold eyes were filled with murderous intent: "Even if you are a celestial being, you dare to enter the world before your Master dies?!"

And at this time, the celestial being behind the Tiantian gate, who also opened the Great Court Assembly, smiled lightly.

The sound is ethereal.


Suddenly, just as he said those words.

Master's figure emerged from the sea of ​​clouds, and he glanced lightly at the Heavenly Man behind the Tianmen, "You mean the old man is going to die soon?"

Words fell.

The master raised his hand and grabbed it.


Immediately, orderly chains emerged between the heaven and the earth, and the chains seemed to have turned into a whip, whipping out fiercely.

The porcelain-like palm that Tianzun stretched out from Tianmen was immediately cracked by a whip, as if it was about to burst at any time.

The celestial beings behind the Tianmen seemed to frown, but this time, they didn't withdraw their hands like before.

Immortal energy curled up, and there was a surge of strong life essence, which actually made the cracked palm return to its original state.

"Xia Jie, you promised this deity, but you haven't done it yet."

The heavenly man behind the Tianmen said lightly.

In the sea of ​​clouds, Emperor Xia broke free from the shackles of righteousness, and glanced at Tian Zun coldly: "Shut up, are you teaching me how to do things?"

Gao Lishi entered Tianji Palace.

Emperor Xia felt relieved.

Gao Lishi is his right-hand man, the person he trusts the most. He has followed him for hundreds of years, and he still trusts him if he makes a move.

Gao Lishi's strength has reached the ninth level, Luo Hong can kill Xia Ji, but against Gao Lishi, he has no chance of winning.

"Don't save your life, kill it."

Emperor Xia said coldly.

Originally, Emperor Xia wanted to study the monster in Luo Hong's body afterwards, but now, there is no need.

This kid is an odd number, just as Qi Guangling said, it is a huge variable.

If it can be removed as soon as possible, it should be removed.

Otherwise, if you keep it, big things will happen sooner or later.

Emperor Xia felt a little regretful, he had killed Luo Hong immediately before, and let this kid jump up to now.


Emperor Xia's body shook, as if there were mighty ripples exploding in the sky, and the rolled-up air waves blew up the gravel all over the ground, causing the gravel to shoot in all directions like crossbow arrows.

He stepped forward and turned into a streamer to kill Master.

"Teacher, you are old!"

Xia Huang said.

The words rolled like thunder, and they were pushed out with a fist, darkening the world.

On the other side, the master frowned, loosened the chains of order in his hands, and faced the fate-ridden Emperor Xia who held the imperial sword and wore the iron law of Xia.

And the order that lost the master's control also roared out like a long dragon, preventing the heaven and man behind the gate of heaven from descending to the world.

However, the palm of that Heavenly Venerable still penetrated into the world and never took it back.

Without the chains of order controlled by the master, it is not so terrible.

Zhou Tianzi was wearing a Tai Chi Taoist robe with an oven on his head, and rushed out. The Great Chu Empress also abandoned Nan Lihuo, who was beaten by her, who was coughing and coughing blood, and together with Zhou Tianzi, killed the heavenly beings sitting in the Tianmen from left to right. .

The palm of the hand was instantly covered with cracks, but the essence of life flowed, and it returned to its original state.

"I am Heavenly Venerable, Immortal, Immortal, Transcending Ten Realms, Enduring Life and Death, If it is not for the check and balance of human rules, how dare you offend Heaven and Man."

The person behind the Tianmen said indifferently.

Flipping his palms, he blocked Zhou Tianzi and Chu Empress.


The battle was chaotic in an instant, and everyone and all the monks were pale.

This battle, until now, has completely exceeded their expectations, and even Tianzun after Tianmen has made a move.

It has been somewhat out of the imagination of many people.

Emperor Xia and Master, Heaven and Man intervene.

This means that Emperor Xia may have colluded with heaven and man long ago, in order to break the order of the world.

Many people's eyes flickered, and some hidden strong men in the famous mountains and rivers were also watching.

They saw the process of this battle, but they didn't choose to make a move.

For many strong men who have reached the limit of their lifespan, there is also some expectation, looking forward to Emperor Xia breaking the rules of the world, breaking the rules of not being able to live forever in the world.

Of course, they didn't take action either, because they were still afraid of Master's strength. If Master was not dead, the future would be settled one by one.

Therefore, they maintained a wait-and-see attitude, neither intervening nor assisting.


And in Tianji Palace.

Gao Lishi's purple robe fluttered, with a dust whisk on his arm, and among the flying dust, the silver threads were like sharp knives, cutting the void.

Gao Lishi took two steps and saw the corpse of Prince Xia Ji lying in front of the gate of Tianji Palace. He glanced at it, but there was no emotion in his eyes.

Xia Ji is dead.

Emperor Xia's own son died.

Daxia's future heir, after all, fell, and fell into the hands of Luo Hong.

Is this karma?

If Xia Ji didn't provoke the Luo family, would Luo Hong kill Xia Ji himself?

Gao Lishi shook his head, but he was somewhat relieved. After all, he watched Xia Ji grow up, from the time he was just born to the time he grew up.

"Let's avenge His Highness by the way."

Gao Lishi said softly.

The next moment, he raised his head and looked at Luo Hong in black who stood above the ninth step and cut off the ball of light.

If there is any substantive murderous intent, it permeates the entire hall.


"That position is also where you, Luo Hong, can stay!"

In Tianji Palace, Gao Lishi suddenly shouted.

Stepping down with one step, the whisk is thrown out in the hand, the whisk has three thousand strands, and its strokes are like sharp swords!

"Luo Hong, die for our family!"

Gao Lishi yelled angrily, he felt the figure in the ball of light, faintly about to recover, his complexion changed slightly, and his shots were a little bit relentless, Tianji Palace faintly seemed to be unable to bear it, some Cheng Zhu began to Cracked.

Luo Hong naturally sensed it, and the demon sword Asura suddenly swept back, transforming the dragon with one sword, and the four demon dragons flew out, colliding with the whisk.

However, the magic dragon collapsed instantly.

Gao Lishi is too strong!

Although Luo Hong had overshadowed 40,000 troops, he still felt as heavy as a mountain when facing Gao Lishi's move.

The moment he was oppressed, his body was covered with fine cracks, and blood shot out drop by drop.

Immediately, within the light sphere, there was an incomparably thick and bloody smell.

The figure that was faintly about to recover, at this moment, seemed to be stimulated by the strong smell of blood.

A consciousness that seemed to have been buried for countless years began to slowly recover.

Luo Hong was also somewhat vigilant, while fighting against Gao Lishi, he was vigilant at the same time.

The white-clothed man behind him seemed to be waking up. The power wrapped around the white-clothed figure was extremely terrifying, even Luo Hong, who had overshadowed 40,000 troops, was far behind.

Definitely a powerful land fairy.

Luo Hong was thinking, should he kill the other party while he is still awake?

Gradually... that figure slowly opened its eyes.

Like eyes covered in dust for countless years, vicissitudes, confusion, astonishment...

The entire dim Tianji Palace became extremely bright at this moment, and the light lit up!


Between the heavens and the earth, gradually, there is energy boiling.

Afterwards, these eyes fixed on Luo Hong's body. At this moment, the blood in Luo Hong's body was boiling.

"The blood of the Luo family?"

The man in white spoke with an extremely hoarse voice.

When Luo Hong heard this, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows slightly.

And in Tianji Palace.

Gao Lishi's expression suddenly changed, and his complexion became extremely ugly.

Fifteen years.

This will...hasn't disappeared yet? !

"Luo Hongchen! You are dead! You should die!"

Gao Lishi felt sad.

After the words fell, the purple robe flew up, and with one step, he actually crossed the distance between the halls in an instant and appeared in front of the ball of light.

The silver threads on the whisk were tangled together, turning into a sharp spear, piercing towards Luo Hong's heart.

Luo Hongchen?

Luo Hong was shocked by Gao Lishi's roar.

This man in white... is Luo Hongchen? !

Uncle Luo Hongchen? !

The Luo family's once peerless evildoer? !

This news was like thunder in Luo Hong's mind and ears. He never thought that Luo Hongchen would be found in the depths of the palace, in the Xia Huang's retreat.

Luo Hongchen, who should have been dead for fifteen years!

Just when Gao Lishi's spear was about to hit Luo Hong, the figure in white raised his hand and patted it lightly.

Gao Lishi, an extremely powerful Nine Realm Land Immortal, was immediately swung away by a majestic force.

"Quick... run away!"

After the white-clothed figure blocked Luo Hong's blow, he struggled all over his face and said.

Luo Hong was taken aback, his expression changed slightly.

something wrong!

Luo Hongchen should have died fifteen years ago, but now not only is he not dead, but he is still in the retreat of Emperor Xia, and his aura has become extremely powerful.

Emperor Xia, Luo Hongchen, peerless evildoers...seeking longevity.

Luo Hong vaguely seemed to think of something.


"There's no escape."

Gao Lishi stood floatingly in the center of Tianji Palace, and smiled coldly.

"If you, Luo Hong, were born fifteen years earlier, perhaps you would be more suitable for Your Majesty than Luo Hongchen."

Gao Li Shidao.

With a shake of his hand, the silver threads in the dust fly fell down one after another, turning into a dense net that interweaves space. With a sudden shake, he came towards Luo Hong's net. If he passed through Luo Hong's body, Luo Hong would definitely be caught. Disassemble eight pieces.


A strong crisis enveloped Luo Hong, and Luo Hong couldn't help but want to release the evil god Erha in his body.

However, Luo Hong quickly stopped his movements.

"Emperor Xia..."

Luo Hongchen sat cross-legged, his face was filled with struggle, as if he was engaged in the strongest struggle.

The next moment, Luo Hongchen raised his hand and made a move.


The space beside Luo Hong was shattered inch by inch.


A sword emerged inch by inch from the shattered space.

The name of the sword is Piaoxue.


Outside the Tianji Palace.

Luo Xiaobei, who was fighting fiercely with the seven land immortals, shuddered the moment Luo Hong cut open the light ball. The blood in his body seemed to be rushing like a river. A sense of familiarity in his blood made him suddenly turn his head and look up at the sky. Ancheng burst into tears.


Luo Xiaobei roared.

yes, Sir!

Brother's breath!

Under Tian'an City, there was endless scuffle fighting, and with the addition of Xie Ying, the battle fell into a stalemate in an instant.

And the pressure on Mr. Luo's body was also relieved a lot. Suddenly, he, who was leaning on the ink knife, turned his head to look at Tian'an City, inside the Tianji Palace, his heart couldn't help but tremble.

Situ Wei held the guqin in her arms and kept playing it. Even though the strings on the guqin were all broken and her ten fingers were dripping with blood, she still never stopped fighting.

She wants to fight for the Luo family and die for the Luo family.


Situ Wei turned her head to look at Xiao Douhua who had fallen outside the city. The Piaoxue sword held in Xiao Douhua's arms actually released a strong aura.

"Red dust?"

Situ Wei's eyes lighted up slightly, and ripples appeared in the heart lake that had not fluctuated for more than ten years.

Hong Chen... not dead?


above the sky.

Xia Huang, who was fighting fiercely with the master, suddenly exploded through the clouds like a cannonball, and his body flew upside down and surged out, blasting the void into circles of air waves and ripples.

His complexion changed slightly, and he turned to look at Tianji Palace.

"A ray of will buried in the deepest part of it revived?"

"But I finally found you."

"The Luo family... It really is your bondage, Luo Hongchen. You should have thought of it a long time ago with your persistence. This is indeed the fate of the Luo family."

Emperor Xia stood still in the clouds.

A bit of coldness gradually appeared in the eyes.

He originally planned to take the opportunity of the Grand Court Meeting to completely wipe out the Luo family, but he did not expect that the Luo family was stronger than he imagined, or that Luo Hong was... more weird than he imagined.

Luo Hong... was the only variable in his calculation.

A little spark, but now it has the potential to start a prairie fire.

far away.

Master stood still in the void, Emperor Xia was covered in blood, the iron law wrapped around his body was shattered, and even the imperial power sword in his hand was much dimmed.

The Master looked at Emperor Xia calmly, turned his eyes, and looked at the Tianji Palace below.

He seemed to be much older and more profound: "Sure enough... You really still walked this way."

"You are not the way of the emperor, but the way of the devil..."

The master sighed.

The last glimmer of hope he had for his eldest disciple was completely wiped out, and this guy... really went the wrong way.

Old man, it's too difficult.

No disciple is normal.

"Xia Jie, Xia Jie... It is not wrong for you to have a grand plan, and it is not wrong for you, as the emperor of the world, to pursue the way of the emperor."

"But, you have to choose the right path."

Master said.

Emperor Xia was covered in blood, and slowly removed the Great Xia Iron Law covering his burly body.

Shaking his head: "Teacher, you are the guardian of the rules of the world, you should be clear...with you, it is impossible for a human emperor to be born in this world, and you cannot live forever."

"Rules are the original sin. He is unattainable and makes people see no hope."

"Whether it's the second junior, the third junior, or the junior... When they grow up to the limit, they will eventually become enemies with the teacher."

"This is reality."

Emperor Xia said lightly.

The master shook his head: "You are wrong, the rules are not the original sin...weakness is the original sin, you are too weak."

Emperor Xia couldn't help but hesitate when he heard the words, as if he heard something funny.

"I'm weak?"

"Where is I weak? After a hundred years, I have set foot on the top of the ten realms, standing tallest in the world, how weak is it?"

Emperor Xia sneered.

"My talent, the teacher once said personally, no one in the world can match it."

"Even if it's Luo Hongchen, it's actually not as good as it is."

Xia Huang said.

The master shook his head dejectedly when he heard the words: "It's all my fault that I was too young at that time, with little experience, and I was used to saying hello, which gave you some illusions..."

Emperor Xia: "..."

The master raised his head, stared at Emperor Xia, and said: "Your junior brother is better than you."

Emperor Xia frowned slightly and said nothing more.

Luo Hong... that is an odd number!

He suddenly threw out the iron law of Daxia in his hand, and the iron law turned into a stream of light, and quickly smashed towards Tianji Palace.

And the aura on Emperor Xia's body began to burn and recover like the flame of Nirvana.

An extremely exquisite Wuxian armor floated above his body, and the sunlight poured down like a golden battle armor.

Xia Ji held the imperial power sword and looked at the master calmly.

The tip of the sword slowly raised, pointing at Master.

"Please master to die."

Words fell.

The master raised his head and put his hands behind his back, the Confucian shirt was constantly stirring in the howling wind.

The sky above the Master's head suddenly opened one, two, three...

Plus the gate of heaven that fought fiercely with Zhou Tianzi and Chu empress.

A total of nine heavenly gates spanned the sky, and the dazzling brilliance dimmed the glory of the sky and the earth.

After the Nine Gates of Heaven.

There are nine figures sitting cross-legged in front of the door, calmly and indifferently looking down at the master in the world.


Da Xia Tie Lv fell down rapidly.

After that, it smashed hard on the top of Tianji Palace.


A majestic coercion and will burst out from the iron law of Great Xia, like a beam of light, pouring down, and diffused into the depths of Tianji Palace.


The terrifying coercion spread like ripples, making everyone in Tian'an City feel extremely heavy.

And in Tianji Palace.

In the ball of light.

Luo Hongchen's opened eyes suddenly became extremely struggling.

The next moment, his eyes changed, becoming indifferent, majestic, and magnificent.


A mouthful of dark red blood sprayed out and splashed on the Piaoxue sword.

"Hold the sword."

At the moment when Luo Hongchen's consciousness was suppressed by the terrifying will, he only had time to spit out these words.

Facing the terrifying silver net thrown by Gao Lishi, Luo Hong did not hesitate, gave up using the evil god Erha, and gritted his teeth to hold the Piaoxue sword.

The moment of holding the sword.

Luo Hong's eyes instantly turned golden.

The Piaoxue sword was burning, it was Luo Hongchen's only ray of will and soul burning.

And Luo Hong also ended the storage page's interception of life essence.

The majestic life essence poured into Luo Hong's dantian.

In front of Luo Hong's eyes, there was a figure in white clothes whose whole body was burning like a flame, burning bit by exchange for powerful strength and aura.

"Luo Hong? Are you the third brother's son? That little one?"

Luo Hongchen was burning, smiled and said.

"I haven't seen you for fifteen years, and I've grown up so much."

Luo Hong's emotions were a little complicated, and his uncle Luo Hongchen... Sigh.

While Luo Hongchen controlled Luo Hong's body, he smiled.

His eyes were flowing with gold, and the snow in his hands suddenly turned around and swept out, the space was trembling.

In Tianji Palace, desolate snowflakes suddenly fluttered down, and each petal of snowflake was transformed by a supreme sword energy, distorting the space.

The silver net thrown out by Gao Lishi was chopped and exploded under the pressure of the snowflakes.

But Gao Lishi shrank his eyes, only to find that Luo Hong, who was standing in the ball of light, disappeared with his silver hair flying.

Reappeared, a sword had pierced through his chest.

Luo Hong held Piaoxue Sword with one hand, and lightly picked it.

The space is faintly broken.


Gao Lishi's body was torn into two halves by the space crack.

Blood dripped, mixed with snowflakes.

Luo Hong, with golden eyes, turned his head and glanced, and the ball of light was re-covered tightly by Da Xia's iron law.

Turning around, his clothes fluttered, and he walked towards the outside of Tianji Palace.

Looking at the Emperor Xia covered in golden armor above the sky.

"Little nephew, borrow my uncle's body."

"Uncle will take you... to kill the emperor."

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