My Young Lord Is Really Righteous

Chapter 273 ? Just Let You Understand What Is a God

The world fell into deathly silence.

Everything that happened in Tian'an City, the imperial capital of the Great Xia Dynasty, was like an earth-shattering drama, which made everyone unable to calm down.

The Great Court Meeting was completely reduced to a joke.

Emperor Xia swallowed up the fortunes of many great forces by himself, occupying seventy percent of the world's fortunes, and wanted to prove himself the Emperor.

How big is this?

However, what is shocking is Emperor Xia's methods. What is even more frightening is that fifteen years ago, Luo Hongchen, the peerless arrogance who shocked the world, unexpectedly became the target of Emperor Xia.

Emperor Xia occupying Luo Hongchen's body was reborn and descended, overwhelming the world, as if he had taken half a step that was not allowed in the world.

Like a fairy, like a god, extremely powerful.

Take home!

Xiahuang was actually the one who seized Luo Hongchen, which shocked everyone and caused everyone's cognition to be biased.

Emperor Xia actually took the last step by taking Sheluo Hongchen's body to break the shackles of heaven and earth.

Many powerful monks hidden in the blessed land of the cave were shocked, and after the shock, they couldn't help but curse shamelessly.

Who would have thought that Emperor Xia's so-called seeking longevity was actually such an evil method!

That's right.

In the eyes of many people, Emperor Xia's taking away his life is a kind of evil method!

However, this evil method has an extremely powerful temptation for many people.

Many people are not aware of this evil law for the first time.

Some strong men of the older generation looked at the towering mountain in the world with complicated expressions.

There are many palaces on the mountain peak, that is the Kunlun Palace, and this longevity method was first spread from the Kunlun Palace.

The head teacher of the Kunlun Palace, the peerless evildoer who once took over the Kunlun Palace, lived a second life.

When the news came out, the world was shocked.

It's just that this incident was too long ago, so long ago that the three major dynasties had never been established at that time, and it was still a time when the kingdoms were in chaos.

Now, this news has long since disappeared in the world, except for some old things who have lived for a long time who still know this news, young people basically don't know it.

Emperor Xia... perhaps learned the longevity technique taught by the Kunlun Palace, a forbidden technique in the world.

Emperor Xia succeeded.

He took away Luo Hongchen, not only lived a second life, but also obtained Luo Hongchen's incomparably powerful spatial talent.

Today's Emperor Xia is even stronger.

In front of Tianan City.

Everyone in the Luo family stared blankly at Emperor Xia occupying Luo Hongchen's body.

Even King Ning on the tower was a little unbelievable. Although he had already guessed the ending, when the ending appeared in front of his eyes, all that was left was shock.

That man took away Luo Hongchen.

lived a second life.

King Ning suddenly lost his mind, what is this...

King Chu's face was shocked, his face was shaking, his hands were trembling, and he pointed at Emperor Xia who had taken away Luo Hongchen's body.

He thought of a lot, thought of Emperor Xia's appreciation for Chu Tiannan, and thought of Emperor Xia's gift of Chunjun to Chu Tiannan, which contained a strand of Emperor Xia's will.

Perhaps, Emperor Xia has already trained Chu Tiannan as the next Luo Hongchen?

King Chu's eyes were full of sadness. When the truth was presented to everyone, all that remained... was the shock of the soul.

As for the Luo family outside the city, their hearts ached.

Mr. Luo's eyes were red, and the hand holding the ink knife was trembling. Luo Hongchen...that was his eldest son, his own flesh and blood!

No wonder Emperor Xia wanted to destroy the Luo family, no wonder Emperor Xia wanted to get rid of everyone in the Luo family.

It turned out to be the reason.

At this moment, Mr. Luo figured it out.

Luo Hongchen's obsession exists, like a stubborn stone, and Xia Huang wants to perfectly occupy Luo Hongchen's body, he must destroy this obsession, and the way to destroy this obsession is to destroy the Luo family !


What a ruthless Xia Jie!

Master Luo held the ink knife, raised his head, his eyes were red and murderous.

"Kill kill kill!"

Mr. Luo roared angrily.

Luo Xiaobei's eyes were also red, his memory was a little missing, but he vaguely remembered something.

"No...not just Emperor Xia! There are others too!"

"It wasn't just Emperor Xia who planned to take over Big Brother back then!"

Luo Xiaobei clenched his fists, his mouth full of steel teeth was about to burst. He was very angry, but a picture flashed in his mind.

He was covered in blood back then, and it was the elder brother who stood in front of him and resisted all attacks for him.

And in his blood-filled eyes, he could see that the world was blood-red.

Xia Huang stood quietly, beside Xia Huang, there were Taoist priests wearing Taoist robes...

They told Emperor Xia that they could use Luo Hongchen's body to live a second life.

Luo Xiaobei closed his eyes, trembling uncontrollably all over.

His memory was broken here.

But now, when the big brother's physical body was really taken away, Luo Xiaobei still felt deeply powerless.

Situ Wei covered her mouth, her eyes were full of shock and disbelief.

She let out a terrible scream.

Emperor Xia?

Shit Emperor Xia!

Are you also worthy of insulting Luo Hongchen's corpse? !

Situ Wei hugged the guqin, like a moth to a flame, quickly rushed towards the Emperor Xia who was whipped back to the world by the master.

She screamed and cursed.

Qiang Yipin's qi burst out, and the energy and spirit converged at this moment.

She... will die together!

However, she just rushed into Tianan City.

King Ning's eyes narrowed on the city tower, and he glanced at Situ Wei, his body disappeared instantly, and reappeared behind Situ Wei.

This woman only had Luo Hongchen on her mind.

He raised his hand and touched Situ Wei's neck. Situ Wei's body and soul, which were about to explode, immediately calmed down.

The whole person also passed out.

Situ Wei is only a rank one, but he, King Ning, is a land immortal of the second realm.

It was still very easy to subdue Situ Wei.

"This woman..."

King Ning looked at Situ Wei's face and sighed.

I didn't continue to pay attention to it, and looked in the direction of Tianji Palace.

Is it over?

The man who took this step is probably invincible in the world.

Luo Hongchen's remnant soul, all kinds of plans have failed, this man who has lived out his second life, is afraid that he will transcend the ten realms.

And perhaps the only one who can subdue this man is the master.

But, can the master beat it?

There are so many heavenly beings above the sea of ​​clouds, and this man occupies seven points of luck in the world, condensing the throne of the gods.

The strength has been improved to a higher level.

Master... I'm afraid I can't stop it.

King Ning took a deep breath, the world is about to usher in the rule of that man.


Tianan City, above the city tower.

Qi Guangling's body, which was covered by gravel, suddenly trembled.

His face "shua" turned pale, pale without color.

He got into the sea of ​​Luo Hong's will, intending to seal the monster in Luo Hong's body. At first, he succeeded in sealing it, but that monster... was too terrifying!

Emperor Xia... is tricking him!

What is the remnant soul of the land immortal in the ten realms of ancient times?

The remnant soul is indeed a remnant soul, but how the hell could it be the land fairy of the ten realms? !

The suffocating and terrifying pressure, the period when Qi Guangling felt that his body of will was sealed, was the darkest and most humiliating day in his life.

He was tortured and beaten in various ways.

He cried and begged for mercy, and the existence said that he begged for mercy, that he was trash, and wanted to crush him to death.

He stiffened his neck to resist, the existence said that he looked down on him, beat him up, and still wanted to crush him to death.

But he just didn't pinch him to death, he was playing with him.

Qi Guangling has no love in his life, like a young daughter-in-law who has suffered humiliation.

He has never been so miserable before, this is his history of humiliation.

Fortunately, at the last moment, Luo Hong finally let the existence crush his body of will to death.

Originally, the body of will exploded, and he would die without a doubt.

However, he is such a stable person, how can he take everything into account, he has already calculated the secret, this trip is dangerous.

Therefore, he has backhands in his physical body, no, although the body of will has been crushed, but...he is not dead yet!

Qi Guangling turned over and looked at the distant, silver-haired Luo Hong with palpitations all over his face.

Without hesitation, he gritted his teeth, gritted the tearing pain of the sea of ​​will, and fled away.


Luo Hongchen's remnant soul was burning, and he almost disappeared.

But he was very unwilling, because Emperor Xia did not die, not only did he not die, but he also occupied his physical body, lived out his second life, and wanted to take a step beyond the ten realms.

He is not reconciled, very unwilling.

But at this time, Luo Hong actually appeared.

Looking at Luo Hong, he grinned brilliantly at him and said, "Little nephew will take you to kill the emperor."

Luo Hongchen was in a daze.

He admitted that Luo Hong's talent was very monstrous, and his methods were very strange. With the strength of the third rank, it was not easy to be able to obtain the power of Zhan Luxian.


How to kill the emperor?

Killing a land immortal is completely different from killing a land immortal with half a foot who has transcended the ten realms.

The difference is one underground and one heaven!

However, soon, Luo Hongchen's eyes narrowed.


"Stupid Ronaldinho! Just let him out and kill him!"

In Luo Hong's sea of ​​will, the evil god Erha squeezed Qi Guangling's body of will, said.

That mortal, dare to ask a trash mortal to seal it?

I want to imprison only the freedom!

Imprisoning a god is disrespectful to the god and must be beaten to death!

"Jie jie jie..."

"Stupid mortals, tremble!"

The voice in the sea of ​​will exploded.

Luo Hong stood on the throne. This was the throne built by Emperor Xia who plundered the luck of the four dynasties. The beam of luck that erupted, possessed supreme coercion, was incomparably terrifying.

If Luo Hong didn't have Erha, the evil god, to support him, he might be crushed in an instant.

However, at this moment, Luo Hong was standing on the throne, his eyes under the mask of the evil king were ruthless, and his silver hair was flying.

Staring at the sky, Emperor Xia was whipped from the world by his master.

This is his best chance, and also the best chance to kill Emperor Xia with one blow!

Luo Hongchen made a mistake.

Or it can't be called a mistake, it can only be called a failure. Emperor Xia anticipated every step. He deliberately forced out Luo Hongchen's remnant soul, deliberately let Luo Hongchen's remnant soul tear his old body, and deliberately let Luo Hongchen's remnant soul tear his old body. Hong Chen exploded the power of all the remnant souls to kill his body of will.

In the end, he also used tricks to predict that Gao Lishi would come to block the sword for him.

Emperor Xia counted every step, stood on the highest point, and looked down at Luo Hongchen with a calm mood.

He played Luo Hongchen with applause.

This is a psychological game. If Luo Hongchen is on the fourth floor, then Emperor Xia is on the fifth floor...

As for Luo Hong, Emperor Xia didn't care, because at the beginning, he directly killed all Luo Hong's hopes, and used Qi Guangling to seal the monster in his body.

The only thing that Emperor Xia feared about Luo Hong was the invisible monster in his body.

However, what Emperor Xia did not expect was...

Qi Guangling's sealing technique didn't work at all.

It was even said that Qi Guangling's will was detained and became a big pit.

If one insists on which level Luo Hong is in in this game, it should be considered an atmospheric level.

Because Luo Hong smashed the chess from the very beginning.

boom! ! !

Emperor Xia was whipped by Master with a regular and orderly whip, and his body fell from above the sea of ​​clouds.

He was a little dazed, the image of the blood dripping Heavenly Venerable in the nine heavenly gates made his eyes shrink slightly.

Master... So you also have a backup? !

Nine Heavenly Venerates, unable to suppress Master?

Emperor Xia suffered a slight shock to his mind.

However, soon, Emperor Xia's heart trembled slightly. This was a kind of induction ability to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages after half a foot stepped out of the tenth realm.


Emperor Xia occupied Luo Hongchen's powerful body full of vitality. This body has been nourished with the essence of life for fifteen years, and its vitality is terrifying!

And what Emperor Xia appreciated the most was the spatial talent of this physical body.

His body turned in the air, and the space twisted. He was knocked down by the master and fell into the world, but he turned into a state of falling with zama steps.

He overlooked the world and saw the young man standing on his "throne".

That boy... the black shirt was flying up, and the silver hair was scattered like a pear blossom.

His eyes were clear, without the flowing gold possessed by Luo Hongchen.

In other words, this young man... wants to use his mortal flesh and blood to block him, a human god who looks like a god?

Just like Zhang Huaiyi back then?

The corner of Emperor Xia's mouth was raised slightly, revealing a hint of sarcasm.

The monster in this boy's body was sealed by Qi Guangling's sealing technique early on. Qi Guangling is a nine-level cultivation base, and he possesses the most powerful sealing technique in the world.

Therefore, he didn't think Luo Hong could break the seal.

He saw the stubbornness in the boy's eyes, what did he want to use to fight against God?

Do you use the sword in your hand?

That black sword is indeed somewhat miraculous.

Nice sword.

But, the sword wielder... can't.

boom! ! !

Emperor Xia fell from the sky, falling rapidly, like an asteroid hitting the atmosphere, a powerful wave of air was blown away by his body, and his jet-black hair poured into the sky.

The golden robe on his body was also constantly agitated and flying under the gust of wind.

He raised a hand.

Make a move slowly.

Countless luck began to surge up, rushing up from the throne.

Boom boom boom!

Seventy percent of the world's luck, at this moment, turned into a roaring white dragon, entangled behind him.

The imperial power sword fell into the hands of Emperor Xia.

The imperial power sword was wrapped in countless lucks and turned into a scabbard.

Xia Huang's sharp eyes looked down at that tiny young man on the human throne.

The imperial power sword in his hand slowly came out of the scabbard.

It's like the birth of a peerless god.

Inch by inch, it moved out of the scabbard transformed by his luck.

The imperial sword is eighteen inches long.

It is also eighteen inches out of the sheath, and there are wonderful visions growing every inch.

Every inch he unsheathed, a vision appeared behind him, with undulating mountains, great rivers and rivers, countless magnificent palaces, goddesses flying into the sky, immortals bowing their heads, and Buddhas giving birth to flowers.

Emperor Xia's sword was the most powerful sword he had slashed out with all the luck in the world.

An incomparably huge golden sword light emerged from the sky and the earth, and around the sword light there were many strange phenomena, which made people suffocated.

This sword cut straight at the young man standing on the throne.

Mortals would naturally have to pay an unbearable price to challenge the gods!

However, standing on the throne, leaning on the magic sword, Luo Hong, who was overlooking the falling Emperor Xia... laughed.

Afterwards, Emperor Xia noticed that the boy's eyes turned purple instantly, and a terrifying phantom emerged from behind him.

The slashed Qi Luck sword stagnated slightly.

The visions all over the sky seem to be at this moment, as if they are difficult to stabilize and are about to collapse.

Emperor Xia's sea of ​​will suddenly trembled.

His will was shocked to find that there was a huge palm on the sea of ​​will, and it was slapped quickly. Wherever it passed, the sea of ​​will seemed to be collapsing inch by inch!


Sneak attack? !

It was the monster in Luo Hong's body!

Directly shameless sneak attack to attack his sea of ​​will!

Emperor Xia confirmed it in an instant, and at this moment, he was actually a little furious!

What does Qi Guangling do to eat? !

The strongest sealing technique in the world failed? !

However, Emperor Xia quickly calmed down, this killing move was terrifying, if he didn't startle, his sea of ​​will would be hurt!

And Emperor Xia suffered a loss once, so he has a countermeasure.

Daxia Tielu, suspended above the ruins of Tianji Palace, suddenly trembled, and instantly turned into golden light, falling into the sea of ​​Emperor Xia's will.

Turned into the strongest barrier, protecting his will.

Boom! ! !

A palm, or a claw, slapped hard on the iron law.

Suddenly, the turbulent sound exploded in Emperor Xia's sea of ​​will.

Even Emperor Xia was a little dazed at this moment, as if ten thousand Buddha bells were ringing around his eardrums.


Indestructible, the iron law known as the strongest defense in the world... shattered.

And that claw also retreated.

Before retreating, there was an echo of an angry voice that never forgets.

"Damn mortal! Only you are remembered!"

They were all instigated by the cunning Ronaldinho to sneak attack!

He didn't kill this mortal!

This humiliation, just remember!

The sound faded away.

Emperor Xia suddenly opened his eyes, feeling terrified.

Qi Guangling, you bastard!

Emperor Xia turned his head to look in the direction of Tian'an City Tower, just in time to see the scene of Qi Guangling getting up from the rubble, carrying his tattered Taoist robe, and running away through the clouds and fog!

This made his face even more gloomy!

All the calculations were done well, but Luo Hong, who was the first to make the arrangement, actually made a mistake!

However, at this moment, Emperor Xia didn't care about Qi Guangling at all, and his heart trembled slightly.

It was as if darkness descended on the world, eclipsing countless golden lights.


Black clouds piled up in an instant.

Afterwards, the void was torn apart, the space was shattered inch by inch, and a terrifying and indescribable roar came from behind that space.

Xia Huang's rapidly descending body froze suddenly.

The next moment, continued astonishment appeared in his eyes, that is... what? !

And underneath.

Luo Hongchen's remnant soul burning with Dao Huo was also shocked.

He, who is extremely sensitive to space, felt the... endless horror behind that space!

Luo Hong's eyes turned purple, and his willpower was quickly absorbed. Behind that space, there was an invisible connection somewhere, which was extracting his vitality, his will, and his evil spirit...

However, Luo Hong immediately poured out the life essence looted from the storage page, which stopped the loss of life essence.


After the huge crack that was torn in the sky above Ancheng that day.

There is a crazy and excited, cold and evil female voice resounding.

"Mortal, I only heard your voice again..."


Luo Hong was slightly taken aback, so familiar... Is it that evil goddess again?

What a coincidence, what a fate.


The space was trembling, and at the other end of the void, the evil goddess didn't say much, and she didn't show any signs, and she couldn't wait to crawl out of the space!

I finally waited for you, but fortunately I didn't give up!

She's going out to get some air!

It's rare for that mortal to summon him again!


Halfway through the climb.

In Luo Hong's sea of ​​will, the imprint of the evil god Erha returned in a sneak attack, and the imprint burst into infinite brilliance instantly.

A majestic traction burst out from Luo Hong's body, pouring into the crack.

The next moment!

The scream of the evil goddess was so angry that it broke the sound and exploded again!

Afterwards, there was the shrill sound of being dragged back!

"You... come again?!"

"Number two! Only with you!!!"

The voice... gradually faded away, with a few echoes.

And then... what was replaced by an incomparably wild laugh.

"Jie jie jie..."

"Stupid Ronaldinho! Zhi is back again!!"

The void was broken, as if a huge gap had been torn open in the daytime and the blue sky. In the darkness like ink, there were endless ruins of collapsed palaces, collapsing worlds, shattered mountains and rivers...

It formed a stark contrast with the golden light all over Xia Huang's body, which was indescribably wonderful.

Behind the crack, an extremely evil force converged into a beam of light and dropped down.

The beam of light above Luo Hong's head turned into a figure.

Like a human, like a beast, I can't see clearly.

at the same time.

Above Tian'an City, the suspended Heaven and Earth Evil Gate trembled violently.

Afterwards, the figures of evil kings appeared one after another, staring at the cracks in the shattered sky, feeling the extreme evil, and feeling a little panicked!

"what is that?!"

"Quick... let's go!"

"Evil Emperor? No... This is not the power of the Evil Emperor! Escape!"

Evil kings emerged one after another, and jointly released the power of space. The void tore apart the long river of time and space. The evil kings carried the evil gates of heaven and earth, rushed into it, and escaped directly.

Not an evil emperor, but possessing such an evil spirit!

Like origin attracts, once it is targeted, the evil sects of heaven and earth will probably be eaten up!

So, these evil kings ran away.

An extremely evil existence came to the world, descended from another mysterious different space.

Bringing the ultimate in evil, destruction and mystery!

Luo Hong's eyes turned purple, and he is no longer the Luo Hong who used the God's Arrival technique in the secret realm of Changling.

At this moment, Luo Hong possessed the intercepted majestic life essence, and his strength has also been fully improved. He is a second-rank evil cultivator.

The power of the summoned evil god has also become much stronger!

Emperor Xia was entwined with luck, his golden robe was billowing, he held the imperial sword in his hand, and his eyes were full of solemnity.

real body?

No... just a ray of projection!

But it vaguely brought him a sense of crisis!

"Existence beyond the Ten Realms?!"

"An existence that is enough to rival the Heavenly Venerate among the heavenly beings?"

Emperor Xia became serious.

If it is not restricted by the rules, the Tianzun of Tianmen will come to the world, and it will be powerful and terrifying!

And the existence in front of him, perhaps... is the existence of the honor beyond the ten realms!

"'s just a ray of projection, so what?"

Emperor Xia slowly raised the sword of imperial power, endless visions trembled, and terrifying murderous intent rolled up.

Seven points of luck in the world, plus the divine weapon imperial power sword, he has a half-legged cultivation base beyond the ten realms!

Even if he is a real dignitary, he dares to fight!

in the void.

The evil god's projection did not strike directly, but turned into a black thunderbolt, which suddenly fell down.

It diffused into Luo Hong's body.

Luo Hong's eyes were purple, deep purple!

And a huge force also burst out from Luo Hong's body!

Little by little, Luo Hong's silver hair turned purple, as if turning into purple hair.

The 40,000 evil shadows that were stacked in the body dispersed one after another.

Luo Hong's skin seemed to be burned by the flames, but it actually burst open bit by bit...

In the sea of ​​Luo Hong's will.

The phantom of the evil god Erha straddles the sky and the earth, and the sea of ​​will is setting off huge waves.

"Stupid Ronaldinho, feel the real power!"

"Just take you to smash him!"

The words of the evil god Erha roared, the imprint of the evil god exuded extreme brilliance, and Luo Hong's sea of ​​will expanded little by little.

Luo Hong was bloody and bloody, and his physical body was a little overwhelmed, as if it was about to shatter into pieces like a porcelain doll.

However, Luo Hong floated up.

The deep purple eyes burst into divine light.

He stared at Emperor Xia, and said, "Insignificant mortal, as long as you understand, what is a god!"

Purple-eyed Luo Hong's words fell.

Immediately raised his fist.

But Emperor Xia was extremely dignified.

"I am blessed by the luck of the world, even the gods... have to submit!"

Xiahuang held the imperial power sword, and countless visions swept across it, as if the stars were shifting.

In an instant, the phantom of the majestic golden giant sword slashed down fiercely.

Space was cut by this sword.

The reply to this sword was a punch from Purple-eyed Luo Hong.

No fancy, unremarkable punch.

The tip of the giant sword collided with an extremely small black spot.

Time seems to be forbidden.

The next moment, dense cracks covered the blade in an instant.


The giant sword exploded.

Emperor Xia's hand holding the Imperial Quan sword couldn't help shaking...

What kind of power is this? !

Emperor Xia's eyes froze, this is definitely not the power of the world!

Emperor Xia occupied Luo Hongchen's body and obtained an unparalleled spatial talent.

At the moment when the sword collapsed inch by inch.

He then began to flicker and jump in the void, traveling through the void. Luo Hongchen's talent gave him the most flexible movement skills.

As long as he hides fast enough, that fist will miss him!

The imperial power sword in his hand gathered the momentum of the sword again.

However, at the next moment, Emperor Xia's flickering movements suddenly froze.

Purple-eyed Luo Hong's white shirt fluttered, his dappled purple hair lashed out at the void, and with a punch, he actually appeared early and waited outside the space he shuttled out of.

"Are you happy?!"

"Are you only playing with space?"

"You jump with a hammer!"

The next moment.

Punch down.

Emperor Xia turned around abruptly, resisting with both arms.


With one punch, Emperor Xia occupied Luo Hongchen's body and exploded instantly!

Like a brilliant firework.

The essence of life flows.

Emperor Xia's body condensed again.

But Luo Hong, whose eyes were purple, punched again.


Emperor Xia, who had just condensed his physical body, exploded again!

Condensed... hammered and exploded.

Condensed again... hammered again!

Emperor Xia's body was hammered from above the sky by Luo Hong, all the way into the earth, and smashed into a towering mountain peak.

Boom boom boom!

Punch down.

Mountains panning!

The earth shattered and the sky collapsed!

PS: Hammer blast! Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a freshly released recommendation ticket!

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