My Young Lord Is Really Righteous

Chapter 274 ? Today, the old lady towned 3 realms with one person



The earth trembled, a mountain was shifted, and a large crater emerged.

It's like the earth is wrathful and the sky is collapsing.

Above the sky, at some point, billowing blood clouds gathered, and the originally vast sea of ​​clouds was instantly covered with a layer of bloody red.

Inexplicable coercion and inexplicable sadness permeated the world, and everyone felt endless oppression in their hearts.

When the land fairy falls, there will be visions of heaven and earth, and the more powerful the land fairy falls, the more likely the vision will appear.

In fact, when Gao Lishi was beheaded by Luo Hongchen's sword of burning soul fire, there was a vision brewing.

And at this moment, such visions cover the entire world.

Not only in the sky above Tian'an City, but even the people of Great Chu and Great Zhou Dynasty raised their heads, and they could see the sky suddenly turned blood-colored, and the billowing blood cloud carried an incomparable oppression.

The world suddenly became deathly quiet.

In Tian'an City, one figure after another quickly soared into the sky, their eyes were full of shock, and they looked towards the direction of the big pit in shock.

The change in the situation is simply beyond everyone's expectations.

Emperor Xia, who had taken away Luo Hongchen, was supposed to be invincible in the world, but was violently beaten by the mysterious existence summoned by Luo Hong!

That's right, violent beatings!

Xia Huang was such a powerful existence, but Luo Hong, who was possessed by a mysterious existence, was severely beaten.

Many people were dumbfounded, even Luo Hongchen was a little confused, this scene was somewhat beyond their expectations.

Looking at the blood cloud billowing above the sky.

An unbelievable idea emerged in many people's minds...

Emperor Xia, who has half a foot beyond the land immortals of the ten realms...has fallen?


Mountains and rivers are moved, and water streams are evaporated.

All that remains is a deeply sunken basin of dirt.

It seemed to be evaporating with a hot high temperature.

The thick blood was spraying, and Luo Hong's flesh and blood were a little fuzzy. The boiling energy made his skin membrane lose its proper color, which was as shocking as if he had been burned by a flame.

In the deep pit, Luo Hong stopped punching.

He was pressing on Emperor Xia's body, with a fist hanging in front of Emperor Xia's bloody head.

Emperor Xia was very concerned about this body. He teamed up with heaven and man to design his master. Naturally, he got the help of heaven and man. He obtained a large amount of life essence, which has the effect of life and death.

Therefore, his physical body has a very strong vitality, and he will not die easily.

Luo Hong's eyes were purple, and he looked at the figure on the ground. Once again amidst the majestic vitality, the bloody appearance disappeared and became white and graceful, with his brows slightly frowned.

The hanging fist also never fell again.

"You can't kill me..."

"I stepped out of the ten realms with half of my foot... Immortal!"

Emperor Xia looked at Luo Hong with purple eyes,

Said calmly.

He didn't continue to resist, but looked at Luo Hong calmly. At this moment, Luo Hong was very strong, much stronger than Emperor Xia expected.

Is this the power above the Ten Realms?

What is the monster behind Luo Hong?

Is it a celestial being? is hell? Or... is it Master who left behind for Luo Hong?

Emperor Xia looked deeply at Luo Hong. There used to be two people in this world whom Emperor Xia could not see through. The first was his master, and the second was the head teacher of the Kunlun Palace. Now there is one more... Luo Hong.

Although this boy is young, the power behind him... seems to be stronger than Emperor Xia expected.

Although Luo Hong had to pay a huge price to obtain this kind of power, but... being able to obtain this kind of power is also a kind of ability.

"refuses to die?"

"Even real gods dare not say that they are immortal."

Purple-eyed Luo Hong showed a cold smile.

There is no one who cannot be killed.

If so, give it a few more punches!

Immortal body?

It's just that the essence of life is constantly repairing the body. When the essence of life is exhausted, if it is blown up, it will really blow up.

The evil god Erha is attached to Luo Hong's body.

The reason why he didn't land this punch was not because he didn't want to land, but because Luo Hong told him not to land.

After all, this physical body belongs to Uncle Luo Hongchen.

Originally, in the eyes of the evil god Erha, it was easy to kill this stupid mortal with one punch, but it didn't mean that there was no second way to kill Emperor Xia.


There was a deep brilliance in the purple eyes.

Around Luo Hong's body, the terrifying air mechanism was destroying everything, the gravel was crumbling, and the temperature emitted by the fiery energy melted the gravel on the ground.

With the mottled purple hair flying, Luo Hong's fist hanging above Emperor Xia's head turned into a palm.

Behind Luo Hong, the phantom of the evil god Erha emerged, covering the sky and covering the sun, also in sync with Luo Hong's movements.

The next moment, take a palm shot!

Boom! ! !

Emperor Xia's sea of ​​will suddenly suffered a violent impact, and the extremely powerful Great Xia iron law covering his sea of ​​will was unable to withstand it, and it instantly collapsed to pieces.

The phantom of the evil god Erha directly appeared in Emperor Xia's sea of ​​will.

Emperor Xia's expression changed suddenly, and he urged the cracked iron law to resist. The opponent actually directly attacked his sea of ​​will, and this time the evil god Erha invited by the "God's Arrival" was not comparable to the previous evil god's mark. The power that erupted was extremely powerful.

A terrifying palm continuously slapped from the Emperor Xia's will overseas.

At this moment, Emperor Xia's Sea of ​​Ten Realms trembled uncontrollably, unable to resist it at all.

Emperor Xia's heart palpitated.

"who are you!"

This is definitely not Luo Hong, where did this monster come from? !

He also understood why Qi Guangling's seal failed. Such an existence was beyond Qi Guangling's ability to seal.

Perhaps, only the mysterious headmaster of Kunlun Palace can seal it.

From the very beginning, Luo Hong had already broken the chessboard of this game, and he, the ridiculous one of Emperor Xia, had everything under control.

Luo Hong...


Boom! ! !

The iron law is completely broken.

The avenue in Emperor Xia's sea of ​​will began to crack inch by inch. The long and spacious avenue, the avenue shrouded in endless luck, fell apart under this claw.

Emperor Xia's consciousness was shrouded in extreme unwillingness.

In fact, his demise can be regarded as his own doing.

This kind of power beyond the ten realms should not have come to the world.

If he hadn't teamed up with Tianzun after the Nine Heavenly Gates, he had trapped the master.

There is no way this monster will come.

He had obviously succeeded, but why...all hopes were shattered by a little person who had never been in his eyes.


The avenue collapsed inch by inch, and Emperor Xia's body of will, despite trying his best to resist, was still being wiped out under the claws of the evil god.

The sea of ​​his will is collapsing, and countless wills are leaking out.

The divine light in Emperor Xia's eyes was fading.

And when Emperor Xia's body of will finally collapsed, he stared at Luo Hong as if he was burning with endless flames.

"Luo Hong...I know you can hear me."

"You won, the Luo family won..."

"But... you can't change the overall situation. I once visited the Kunlun Palace and saw a corner of the future in the mirror of the sky. Hell will open, the gate of heaven will hang, and the world will become purgatory!"

"You can't save the world!"

Xia Huang's body of will that was about to collapse stared at Luo Hong.

staring at.

The reason why he chose to cooperate with heaven and man is that he understands that there is no hope in the world.

He borrowed the power of heaven and man, so he was using heaven and man.

The power of the rules has long since begun to wane.

The dizang guarding the hell has already sat down, and the master in the world can't do what he wants...

There is no hope in the world.

Therefore, he took a gamble and wanted to combine all the luck in the world to prove the Emperor.

If he becomes the emperor, he still has hope.

However, Emperor Xia actually realized that the Human Sovereign... is too far behind, and the luck in the world is incomplete... It is impossible to carry him to prove the Human Sovereign. His unwillingness is not because he is about to fall, but because Not reconciled to the lack of luck in the world.

Sure enough, cooperating with heaven and man is tantamount to seeking skin with a tiger.

Unfortunately, there was no turning back for him.

In the sea of ​​will of Emperor Xia's collapse.

The phantom of Luo Hong's will gradually emerged and condensed.

Luo Hong looked at Emperor Xia with some emotion.

"Whether there is hope in the world... is none of my business."

"Do you think this son is a good man who saves the world?"

"My son... is a villain."

Luo Hongdao.

Emperor Xia's body of will was startled, scoundrel?

You are such a bad ass.

However, Luo Hong didn't listen to what Emperor Xia had to say, and was too lazy to say more.

He raised his hand and squeezed it violently.

The paw of the evil god Erha suddenly clenched tightly.

Xia Huang's body of will was suddenly crushed!



At the moment when Emperor Xia's body of will was pinched and exploded.

On the sky of the world, in the cloud of blood accumulated for a long time, it began to rain heavily, and visions appeared, as if palaces and palaces were collapsing, as if precious trees and flowers were withering...

Extreme sadness surged in the vision.


It seems that there are blood dragons rolling in the clouds, howling and howling...

Endless rain of blood poured down, as if a brilliant sun was collapsing and perishing.

There seemed to be a sigh coming from the heaven and the earth. It seemed that the power of the rules was sighing for the fall of a legendary figure.

In the world, everyone was shocked.

The appearance of the vision of heaven and earth made everyone tremble.

Emperor Xia...has really fallen!

Luo Hong, killing the emperor... No! Emperor Xia, who crossed ten realms with half a foot, is no longer a mortal, but a god comparable to him!

Luo Hong, you are killing God!

Luo Xiaobei, Mr. Luo, King Ning, King Chu, Empress Da Chu, Emperor Da Zhou... Everyone was shocked, unbelievable, and filled with emotion.

Luo Hong did something impossible in the world, Emperor Xia who took that step would be killed by mortals!

But is Luo Hong a mortal?

Many people raised their heads and looked at the sky above Tian'an City, a huge and incomparably dark crack in the shattered space.

There seems to be a mysterious space connected behind the crack.

Luo Hong was the Emperor Xia who was beheaded by the monster in that space.

Many people are silent, summoning this kind of power... the price that needs to be paid is naturally extremely high.

Last time, Luo Hong lost his lifespan and his black hair turned white. What about this time?

The summoned being is more powerful, and the price... is naturally greater!

King Ning stood on the tower of Tian'an City, his face trembling uncontrollably, the world... is about to change!

He looked up at the gigantic crack above his head.

There was a serious look in his eyes, and he looked at the throne in Tianji Palace, which contained the luck of the world.

He took a deep breath, jumped off Tian'an City, and disappeared at the end of the horizon in a stream of light.

Great summer, it's over.

If he stayed, he would not survive.

Soon after King Ning disappeared.

Everyone can see Luo Hong with his purple eyes floating back in the midst of the shattering smoke and dust, holding Luo Hongchen's intact corpse in his hand.

Today's war is not over yet.

Luo Hong did not end the traction of God's descent.

He threw Luo Hongchen's body to Luo Xiaobei.

The purple eyes turned, and he raised his head to look at the blood-colored sea of ​​clouds, the sky and the earth were still howling, it was the vision of Emperor Xia's fall.

Luo Hong didn't stop, he stepped down with one step.

An invisible energy suddenly surged and scattered in all directions, like a huge empty wave, shaking the world.

Afterwards, Luo Hong turned into a cannonball and blasted towards the sea of ​​clouds in the sky.

Luo Hong hovered in front of the sky, raised his hand, and tore it suddenly.

The vision was torn apart like a piece of paper, the blood cloud dissipated, the vision disappeared, and the last trace left by Emperor Xia in the world was obliterated by the domineering.

The heaven and the earth are sad?

Emperor Xia is not worthy.

After the purple-eyed Luo Hong tore the vision of heaven and earth with his hands, he plunged into the sea of ​​clouds.



The moment the vision appeared, the master who held the whip of rules and the book "Xue Hai" sensed it.

Emperor Xia died.

Who was killed?

The master actually knew it well, feeling the evil power filling the world, the master understood that his ineffective little disciple had gone on the wrong path again.

Thinking of this, the Master felt angry.

Why isn't there a good person among my disciples?


With anger in my heart, I put in a little more force when I started.

The body of a Heavenly Venerable after Tianmen burst from being hit by a whip, but the surging life essence made this Heavenly Venerate recover again, but he stared at the Master more and more crazily.

The power of the rules made them suffer.

Master, as the guardian of the human world, holds the power of the rules of the human world. If you want to kill them, the gods who trespassed in the human world, you can.

However, Master did not choose to kill.

At this moment, these Heavenly Venerate powerhouses also felt the Master's thoughts.

Master... What are you waiting for?

The eyes of the Heavenly Venerables flickered, their bodies were cracked, and they stared at the master, this old bastard... what are you waiting for? !


The sea of ​​clouds was suddenly blasted through, and a mighty hole floated above the clouds.

Purple-eyed Luo Hong with mottled purple hair fluttering, rushed up to the sea of ​​clouds and set foot in the sea of ​​clouds.

Luo Hong originally planned to go to the sea of ​​clouds to help his master. After all, Emperor Xia colluded with the heavenly beings and dispatched nine powerful heavenly beings after the Heavenly Sect to suppress the master. Luo Hong was really afraid that something would happen to the master.

However, the current situation above the sea of ​​clouds seems to be different from what I imagined.

No wonder there was such a moment of sluggishness when Emperor Xia entered the sea of ​​clouds before.

turn out to be……

The Master is fighting against the nine Heavenly Venerates alone!

Luo Hong took a deep breath.

There was only one thought left in my mind.


Master is awesome!

Above the sea of ​​clouds, the atmosphere was a bit weird, and the appearance of Luo Hong made the Master's eyes turn over involuntarily.

The nine Heavenly Venerates also looked over with icy eyes.

They felt that Emperor Xia was dead... That trash Xia Jie actually died.

They had clearly stepped into half a foot beyond the tenth realm, and should be invincible in the human world. They still hoped that Xia Jie would enter the sea of ​​clouds to rescue them, but they did not expect that Xia Jie, who was invincible in the world, was actually killed!


Absorbed so much life essence, but it is useless at all!

It feels like feeding meat buns to dogs.

At this moment, several Tianzun wished to dig out Emperor Xia's corpse and whip him.

"what is that?"

And several Tianzun looked at the tyrannical phantom behind Luo Hong, and they were also a little surprised.

"Jie jie jie..."

"Stupid mortal! Only saw you!"

Behind Luo Hong, the ghost of the evil god spoke, and laughed at the master.

"Mortal, tremble! I only feel your strength, you weak scum!"

The evil god Erha stared at the master and said.

For this old man who has ridiculed him many times, the evil god Erha remembers clearly.

The master glanced at Luo Hong, and frowned slightly.

"Are you calling again?"

"Work hard to improve your own strength, don't always hire substitutes, be careful of these evil existences, and have bad intentions."

Master said.

The phantom of the evil god suddenly roared!

Just harboring ill intentions? !

It's just to let the stupid Ronaldinho feel what power is!

Luo Hong smiled: "Teacher, my disciples don't want to either..."

"But this disciple has been cultivating for more than three months. If you want to beat Emperor Xia, don't ask to fight on your behalf... This disciple can't do it."

Luo Hong's words made the Master stagnate for a moment.

Why the emphasis on three months...

If you don't tell me, the old man will forget.

Well, after three months of practice, except for Taoist cultivation, all others have reached the third rank, which is enough to be monstrous.

"Anyway, after this time, practice hard...Only if your own strength is strong enough is your capital...Foreign power is not your own after all."

Master said.

In his words, there is a bit of warning and a bit of teaching.

When Luo Hong heard this, he immediately became solemn.

After that, Luo Hong looked at the celestial beings who were blocked outside the gate of heaven, raised his eyebrows, and said, "Do you need help from disciples?"

The evil god Erha also laughed coldly.

"Jie jie jie..."

"Stupid old man, do you want to make a move? Please!"

However, the master ignored him, holding the whip of rules in one hand and the Xuehai booklet in the other, and said indifferently: "No need."

"take care of yourself."

The master meant something.

Luo Hong's eyes fluctuated slightly, not only Luo Hong, but also the faces of many cracked Tianzun who were blocked outside the Tianmen and whipped by the whip of the rules also changed suddenly.


Kunlun Palace on Kunlun Mountain.

The ancient Guandian, after years of sharpening and erosion, still maintains a unique charm.

On the highest peak of the Kunlun Palace, on the Zhaixing Pavilion.

A Taoist shrouded in white brilliance stood quietly. The Taoist looked extremely old, but he was full of vitality. After the baptism of the years, it is only for people to understand the old age of this Taoist.

Qi Guangling controlled the clouds, turned into a stream of light, soared through the clouds and fog, and landed on the Daping of Kunlun Palace.

One after another, Kunlun Palace disciples wearing Taoist robes and holding Taoist swords on their backs looked at Qi Guangling coldly and mercilessly.

"Disciple Guangling has met Grand Master."

Qi Guangling's Taoist robe was disheveled, and he looked a bit embarrassed, but the young Taoist on the Zhaixing Pavilion had a solemn face and bowed respectfully.

"You cheated Emperor Xia to death?"

On the Zhaixing Pavilion, there was a voice drifting down.

Qi Guangling's face froze.

I didn't, it wasn't me, don't talk nonsense!

In Qi Guangling's heart, he immediately denied Sanlian.

However, on the surface, he smiled calmly: "The death of Emperor Xia is due to time and fate."

Translated, it means... none of my business.

The monster in Luo Hong's body was not something he could seal at all!

"It's a pity that Xia Jie died too early. The poor Taoist taught him the art of longevity, hoping that he can change the pattern of the world. Although the luck of the world is lacking, he swallowed the luck of the three dynasties. Although he can't prove the throne, But to be able to win the position of a false king is also a chance to shake the rules of the world."

"Unfortunately, it was broken by a variable."

Daoist Taoist robes are flying, and pinching fingers on the Star Picking Pavilion, there is a faint air shrouded in the sky above the head, as if the stars are moving, and the hands can pick the stars.

"This son of Luo Hong... the first half of his life was mediocre, he was not a practitioner, but he was able to rise up in a short period of time and become a variable in the world. I am afraid that he has great luck... Those monsters behind him claim to be gods... ...Pindao may know the origin."

"Pindao once dreamed of entering the Nantian Gate, visiting the heavens, visiting the Heavenly King's mansion, and reading ancient books. Perhaps...the monsters behind Luo Hong came from the mysterious places recorded in the ancient books."


Down there, Qi Guangling was startled when he heard the words, and gasped the next moment.

Sleepwalking in the world behind the Heavenly Gate, is the Headmaster so strong? !

However, what he was more curious about was the origin of the monsters that the Taoist said.

"Where did those monsters... come from?"

Shrouded in brilliance, the Taoist glanced at Qi Guangling.

"You will know when you should know..."

Since then, there is no more text.

The smile on Qi Guangling's face was rather stiff.

The Taoist wore a crane cloak and carried a mahogany sword on his back, and smiled: "Although those monsters are troublesome, they are not too much trouble."

The Taoist pinched his fingers, and then took a step forward, the heaven and the earth gathered energy and turned into a white crane. He sat sideways on the white crane, and his Taoist robe kept flying.

The Taoist threw out a kit, which floated in front of Qi Guangling.

"After the big change, act according to the records in the kit."


The daoist's eyes shrouded in brilliance flickered, and he smiled at the next moment: "The rules of the world are on the verge of collapse, so let the poor... add fuel to the flames."

After the words fell, the white crane spread its wings, and the Taoist on his back hummed a Taoist song with a distant voice.

It seems to have broken through time and space.

The next moment, it appeared in the sky above Wangchuan Temple which closed the mountain gate.


A gigantic golden statue of Buddha suddenly appeared in the sky of Wangchuan Temple.

"Amitabha... the gate of Wangchuan Temple is not allowed to trespass."

The top of the immeasurable mountain.

Master Faro's cassock fluttered, staring at the Taoist who rode a crane, clasped his palms together, and stared at him.

Behind him, tens of thousands of monks from Wangchuan Temple sat cross-legged, chanting the name of the Buddha, and the sound of the Buddha soared into the sky, urging the formation.

However, the young Taoist behind the crane only smiled lightly.

Take off the mahogany sword on your back.

With a flick.


The golden Buddha statue was instantly torn apart.

Tens of thousands of monks suffered bleeding from their mouths and noses as if struck by lightning.

The prayer beads in Master Faro's hand suddenly collapsed and fell to the ground one by one.

Master Faro sat on the ground, his face pale.

The Taoist sang Taoist songs leisurely, and with another sword, he tapped lightly on the sky above Wangchuan Temple.


The statue of listening to the truth that sank into the top of the immeasurable mountain reappeared.

The Taoist sword tore through the barrier of the Statue of Listening to Truth and floated into it.

Master Farrow looked at this scene, his eyes tightened, and his whole body trembled.

This Taoist...

Still alive? !


Above the sea of ​​clouds.

The master's eyes moved slightly.

He raised his head and looked at the nine gates of heaven, but there was an unparalleled terrifying coercion permeating the world.

Bang bang bang! ! !

The phantoms of the nine masters of the past who blocked the gate of heaven disappeared in an instant.

Above the nine heavenly gates, there is an incomparably noble gate that stretches across the sky, carved with dragons and carved with phoenixes.

There is a plaque on the gate, and on the plaque, there are three big characters "Nantianmen" written on it!


The Nantian Gate emerged, and the incomparably majestic power of luck shrouded the gate. It is obvious that opening this gate requires a majestic power of luck!

The eyes of the nine Heavenly Venerates whose bodies were covered with cracks and cracks were whipped by Master's rule suddenly shrank.

They stood respectfully and bowed.

"We have seen Nan Tian Wang."

Purple-eyed Luo Hong's hair fluttered, and the phantom of the evil spirit lay behind him, staring at the emerging Nantianmen, and took a deep breath.

what is this? !

Nan Tian Wang? !

So strong!

Extreme depression, even though Luo Hong is not very sensitive to coercion, he still feels the depression at this moment.

Even the rules seem to be restless at this moment.

The master, wearing a Ru shirt, held the book of Xuehai in one hand, and stared at the figure sitting cross-legged in front of the Nantian Gate.

The opponent is huge, as if covering the sky and covering the sun, there are endless visions growing in clusters, there are fairy towers, fairy trees, and fairy flowers floating and sinking.

"Master, are you waiting for this king?"

The figure sitting cross-legged in front of Nantianmen said calmly.

"As you wish, the king is here."

As the words fell, the figure suddenly stretched out a palm, and that palm covered the sky and the earth in an instant, and the rules of the world suddenly struck on it, making a crackling sound.

at the same time.

The earth trembled suddenly.

The next moment, there was an extremely black column of dead energy that pierced through the sky and the earth.

Breaking through the sea of ​​clouds, a mighty dark tide is reflected.

In the dark tide, a gigantic cheek emerged.

The faces of the Tianmen Tianzun changed suddenly: "Hell Corpse King?!"

Luo Hong was also taken aback, thinking of what Emperor Xia said, hell will open, the gate of heaven will this the corner of the future?

Master saw the dark tide surging above the sea of ​​clouds, and immediately understood.

"The old man's seal to suppress hell...was broken."

"No wonder the Nantian King dared to come... Are you trying to break the rules of the world?"

The master smiled lightly.

"But the old man... is also waiting for you."

The Master's words fell.

The learning book that absorbed the luck of the nine Heavenly Venerates in his hand suddenly clicked... it was full of cracks.

Then, it shattered with a bang.

Countless luck poured into the body of the master.

The next moment, countless chains of rules spread out from the master's body. Suddenly, they slammed into the void, entangled the palm of the Nantian King, and swept away all the Qi on the Nantianmen. And the Nantian King was pulled out of the door with a startled expression, and fell into the world.

As for the corpse king in the dark tide, his face was also covered by the chains of rules.

"It came just in time."

"Hell, the world, the gate of heaven..."

The master is entwined with rules, densely packed.

Smile lightly.

"It's you who are waiting."

"Today, I will try..."

"One person controls the three realms."

PS: The first update, 7000 words, and then, the third update today, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a freshly released recommendation ticket.

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