Kunlun Palace.

Wen Tianxing fell from the void, his Taoist robes flew, and his heavy bags under his eyes trembled slightly.

Then, it landed on the Zhaixing Pavilion, looked up at Longhu Mountain.

"Suppressing Tianmen alone..."

Wen Tianxing lowered his eyes, but he sneered lightly.

"There are a total of seventy-two heavenly gates that appear in the human world in the heavenly world, but what is it to suppress one heavenly gate... Is it worthwhile to exchange one's own wealth and life for such a trivial resistance?"

Wen Tianxing shook his head.

He felt that the old celestial master Hong Qianqiu's actions were very unwise.

The reason why Longhushan was able to compete with the Kunlun Palace for the authentic position of the Taoist sect was because the celestial masters of the Kunlun Palace all had extremely powerful strengths, and most of them were the strength of the ceiling of the world.

However, in this generation, once Hong Qianqiu died, Longhu Mountain would be broken. Even if Hong Qianqiu suppressed the Tianmen of Longhushan and saved Longhushan from the disaster of Tianmen, but... Wen Tianxing still felt that Hong Qianqiu's actions were really It's stupid.

With his hands behind his back, the void was torn apart, and a blood-stained thunder spear roared towards him.

It was the Thunder Spear he threw out, trying to stop Hong Qianqiu from closing the Tianmen, but now, Hong Qianqiu threw it back directly.

Tears the void, tears the sky.

Wen Tianxing watched indifferently, his eyes were extremely deep, and he saw the scene of Hong Qianqiu cursing in the void.

"Dragon Tiger Mountain should be prosperous? How can it be prosperous?"

Wen Tianxing shook his head.

He raised his hand and tapped with his fingers.

The void suddenly exploded a circle of rippling energy fluctuations. The translucent energy ripples spread out mightily, like a wall of iron and steel. The thunder spear hit it, and it exploded to pieces.

Longhushan is broken, there is no old celestial master, there is no land fairy in the nine realms, Longhushan... The decline is a foregone conclusion.

Wen Tianxing didn't care.

He didn't continue to watch, the Tianmen of Longhu Mountain was closed, but Hong Qianqiu exchanged his life for the safe development of Longhushan from the disaster of Tianmen. He was unexpected, but the impact was not great.

Wen Tianxing's eyes sparkled.

There are heavenly gates hanging from all over the world.

If the rules of the world are a big net, then the current Tianmen is like a big net, and the actions of Master Town's Three Realms before are like a pair of scissors, cutting a huge gap in the big net.

But now, the seventy-two lower triple heaven gates can pass through this gap and come down to the world.

And as time goes by, this gap will become bigger and bigger, and the heavenly gates of the lower, middle and third levels that can be accommodated will descend, and in the end, even the upper third level of heaven can be passed through.

This big net of rules in the world has completely lost its effectiveness.

Wen Tianxing smiled.

"Three years..."

"Master, master... Three years is enough for the world to change."

Wen Tianxing laughed lightly.

Taking one step forward, he rides the wind to go back like a banished immortal. Countless vitality gathers in the world,

Transformed into a white crane, he sat sideways on the white crane and flew towards the direction where Daxia's Ancheng was.

It is just a trivial matter for the old master to seal the gate of heaven with his body. He still has important things to do.


In Tianan City.

Mr. Luo, who was dressed in black armor, had a serious expression on his face.

In the sky, above the Changling Mausoleum of Great Xia, there is a heavenly gate emerging. Behind the hanging heavenly gate, there is a mighty and terrifying coercion released, and there are figures of heaven and man in it.

The old man's complexion suddenly became ugly.

Chen Tianxuan's blue shirt fluttered, and he stepped on the ancient sword, standing on the sky, looking at the world with his eyes, and facing the wind, he seemed to see the heavenly gates that came to the world one after another above the sky in the world.

"It should be that the rules of the world have become weak, and heaven and man have stepped out of the gate of heaven and descended to the world..."

"They came here for luck."

Chen Tianxuan was entangled in dead air all over his body, frowning, and said.


"Withdraw from Tian'an City!"

"Most of these returning celestial beings are land immortals who could not withstand the temptation of longevity and ascended to the gate of heaven. Once they return, they will inevitably take over Daxia. I can't stop it."

Chen Tianxuan said.

The words fell, which immediately caused many Luo family powerhouses to change countenance.

Tian'an City is a piece of fat, so give up like this?

Mr. Luo made a decisive decision without any hesitation: "Give up! Withdraw our troops and return to Anping County!"

He is also clear that there must be many powerful celestial beings behind the Tianmen, and Chen Tianxuan was hunted down by the celestial beings before, so he may not be able to deal with the existence after the Tianmen.

So withdrawing troops is a wise move.

As for the foundation of the Great Xia Dynasty.

Mr. Luo sighed, the foundation of the Great Xia Dynasty is small, and the more serious problem is the people of Great Xia...

Mr. Luo knows some secrets. These days, people are in the dust. For the common people, it may not be good news.

Chen Tianxuan floated in the sky, sitting cross-legged on top of the ancient sword.

Suddenly, his heart moved, and he looked in the direction of Longhu Mountain, his expression changed slightly.

Between the heaven and the earth, there seemed to be a desolate smile, and after that, the endless sea of ​​blood-colored clouds surged, and the torrential rain began to pour down.

Facing the rain of blood, Chen Tianxuan was slightly taken aback, another strongest person in the world fell.

In the past, he was Yelu Dagu, the Great Khan of the Golden Tent Royal Court, but now... it seems to be the old heavenly master of Longhu Mountain!

They are all land immortals of the Nine Realms, and they are the most powerful people in the world who have walked nine thousand miles on the road of the great road!

Only when such a strong person falls, the vision will cover the entire world.

"Sure enough...it's not a good thing that the heavenly gate came to the world, otherwise the old celestial master in Longhu Mountain would not have tried to seal a heavenly gate!" Chen Tianxuan frowned slightly, and then looked at the Luo family army below.

"Retreat! Retreat quickly!"

Chen Tianxuan said.

Mr. Luo and the others also saw the vision of heaven and earth, and their expressions were extremely dignified.

The army withdrew in an orderly manner, headed towards Anping County, and disappeared into the wilderness.

Chen Tianxuan breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the army was far away from Tian'an City, but when he turned around, his body froze suddenly.

Among the blood clouds, there was an old man riding a crane floating in the air.

"Wen Tian Xing?!"

Chen Tianxuan's eyes narrowed.

Wen Tianxing looked down at Chen Tianxuan indifferently.

"Dragon Transformation Sword Chen Tianxuan?"

Wen Tianxing was slightly surprised.

At this moment, Chen Tianxuan's whole body was tense, and a terrifying pressure enveloped his whole body.

This feeling is even more terrifying than when facing Gao Lishi of the Nine Realm!

This is not Wen Tianxing!

Chen Tianxuan can be sure that this old thing in front of him is definitely not Wen Tianxing, the vice president of Daxia Sitian Academy.

Take home?

Wen Tianxing was taken away?

What did the person who took the house think, such a bad old man as the house?

After Chen Tianxuan complained in his heart, he controlled the ancient sword Dijiao and slashed out with a sword.

One Sword Bone Dragon.

The dead air was surging, and there was only a terrifying white bone dragon straddling the void in the world, smashing towards Wen Tianxing.

And Chen Tianxuan Yujian didn't hesitate, turned around and shot away in a stream of light.

The bone dragon approached Wen Tianxing.

Blow the old man's clothes and the white crane.

The old man smiled faintly: "What a Dragon Transforming Sword, it is worthy of being a famous sword fairy in the world."

"Live to death, tainted with a little bit of hell... This is not good news, the heavens and humans chase after you, because you will gain luck when you are killed, and when the hell opens... you will become the target of the corpse king again .”

"It can be called the worst monk in the world."

The old man smiled.

He raised his hand and pointed out with one finger.

The white bone dragon suddenly collapsed, turning into scattered sword energy, stirring between the heaven and the earth.

As for Chen Tianxuan who escaped, he did not chase after him.

A mere land fairy of the three realms, he is not very interested yet, and he can't make any waves.

The purpose of his coming to Tian'an City this time was not for Chen Tianxuan.

Above Tian'an City, there is a heavenly gate floating out. Behind the heavenly gate, heavenly beings are facing the dust. The powerful heavenly beings headed by them have a nine-thousand-mile road behind them, and the Taoist flowers are blooming.

"Xia Wuji? The father of Xia Jie who ascended seven hundred years ago?"

Wen Tianxing looked at this golden celestial being, frowning, and said.

"The non-celestial bloodline you replaced... is the bloodline of the god race?"

Wen Tianxing asked.

The mighty celestial being who walked out of the Heaven's Gate smiled, "Headmaster of the Kunlun Palace, are you still alive? The Longevity Technique of the Kunlun Palace can find a loophole in the rules of the Emperor, and survive for several lifetimes. It's amazing."

"It's a pity, my son Xia Jie..."

"As for the replacement bloodline, is it important? Anyway, it's inhuman..."

Wen Tianxing heard the words, his heavy eyelids trembled.

If you don't say it, then ignore it.

The main reason is that after all, Xia Wuji and him were old acquaintances thousands of years ago. Now that they met, they asked him out of curiosity.

All the powerful people in Tian'an City were wiped out by the Luo family, and only Emperor Xia could fight against Heaven and Man, and now that Emperor Xia is dead, basically no one in Tian'an City, or the Great Xia Dynasty, can resist Heaven and Man invasion.

Wen Tianxing floated down on a crane.

The ground is an extremely huge pit, and in the pit, there are terrifying fist lights and auras stirring.

Wen Tianxing stood in the deep pit, feeling the intertwined terrifying power, closed his eyes slightly, his thick eye bags trembled, as if he had seen the most proud moment in the world when Emperor Xia of Tianan City crossed the ten realms with half a foot, The horrific battles encountered.

"Xia Jie... the talent is considered very monstrous, and it is rare to be able to transcend the ten realms with half a foot in the world under the cover of rules."

Wen Tianxing smiled.

"It's a pity... I encountered a mysterious existence in the dark forbidden zone recorded in the ancient books."

Wen Tianxing stood in the deep pit, and suddenly a piece of black and yellow paper appeared in his hand.

"Even though Emperor Xia died, but he died so badly, there should still be resentment in the world..."

"In this case, use your resentment to exert its final effect."

Wen Tianxing made seals with both hands, and in an instant, tens of thousands of seals were formed.

All around, there was a sudden wind!

The wind seemed to turn into a big dragon to draw water, like a tornado, sweeping around the deep pit.

Wen Tianxing's beard and hair were flying, and in his eyes, there was an incomparable brilliance.

above the sky.

The celestial man called Xia Wuji had his hands behind his back, his black hair was loose, and his white shirt was fluttering, watching Wen Tianxing calmly doing his work.

Beside him, there were a few celestial beings with doubts in their eyes.

"Half-respected adults, what is this person doing?"

Even if they are celestial beings, they still can't understand them.

Xia Wuji said indifferently: "The general of Juling sent by the Taoist sect...have you heard of it?"

"This is the general sent by Juling..."

The surrounding heavenly beings couldn't help frowning upon hearing this.

And Xia Wuji didn't continue to read, "Let's go, rule the Great Xia Dynasty, build temples, and take away the beliefs and luck of the world... Maybe, I can break the respect in the world."

"By the way, I just sensed that the Tianmen of Longhushan was sealed. Although there is no strong man in Daxia, we still restrain ourselves and slowly scrape away our faith and luck."


Several celestial beings bowed down, and then they didn't continue to watch Wen Tianxing's actions below, followed Xia Wuji, and left in the air.

After Wen Tianxing finished his seal for a long time.

The eyes suddenly appeared as black as ink.

There was a strong death energy surging around him, and then he slapped the ground fiercely with his palm. The dense black runes, condensed by the death energy, spread like chains, like stars in the sky, and like Hell magic pattern.

Pit cracked.

Afterwards, a portal that was as black as ink and exuded a long lifeless energy slowly opened out from the ground.

"Heaven has heaven gates, hell has prison gates..."

Wen Tianxing's beard and hair were flying, and blood began to flow from the palm of his hand, making the black lines all over the floor more shocking and exuding evil.

The prison gate floated up quickly, and behind the prison gate, there was a terrifying opportunity permeating the air.

Behind the prison gate, a scarlet eye emerged, staring at Wen Tianxing coldly, a single look seemed to destroy the world.


The horror behind the prison gate is shallow.

However, it caused the entire world to shake endlessly.

Wen Tianxing's face was a bit dignified, but he ignored it, and kept drawing symbols with blood.

"The soul is back!"

Wen Tianxing's will power was shaken, and it was still very difficult for this wisp of will to do this kind of soul summoning.

After a long time, behind the gate, a terrifying black arm wanted to pass through the prison gate and descend to the world.

And the invisible and insubstantial rules between heaven and earth suddenly emerged, lashing at the arm, causing the arm to retract like an electric shock.

There was a roar of anger and unwillingness.

Finally, the terrifying figure went away.

Behind the prison gate, a dilapidated coffin was spit out from it and fell to the ground, causing the ground to emit a deafening roar.

The prison gate gradually disappeared and sank into the ground.

The sky recovered, Wen Tianxing paced slowly, and came to the coffin.

There are unwilling resentments roaring between heaven and earth.

After a long time, Wen Tianxing held a talisman between his two fingers. The talisman changed from yellow to dark, and he finally patted it on the coffin.

The cry between heaven and earth disappeared immediately.

The coffin lid was opened.

A celestial armored corpse slowly sat up from it, with a terrifying dead air and strong murderous intent surging.

When the eyes opened, they were extremely scarlet, with a hint of coldness and violence.

"I... am back!"

Wen Tianxing looked at the Tianjia corpse with his eyes open, and bowed slightly: "Welcome Your Majesty to return."

With a twist of the body, the coffin was instantly shattered and exploded to pieces.

He walked out of the coffin, and the body of the Tianjia corpse was extremely burly, three meters high, like a giant.

Emperor Xia's face was full of murderous intent, he only wanted to destroy everything.

"You're that old bastard from Kunlun Palace...you wake me up...with malicious intentions."

Emperor Xia stared at Wen Tianxing and said hoarsely.

He could tell at a glance that this person was not Wen Tianxing, and Wen Tianxing smiled, "Your Majesty, please return from hell, but it took me ten years of life..."

"What do you want to do?"

Emperor Xia, who had turned into a corpse, said coldly, full of murderous intent.

Facing this terrifying murderous intent, Wen Tianxing acted as if he had never heard of it, smiled, and a talisman appeared in his hand.

"The art of arresting spirits and dispatching generals...is at the cost of consuming lifespan, and it should be given and cherished."

"Xia Jie, respect my order, go to Wangchuan Temple and smash the statue of Master!"

Before you were alive, you wanted to kill your wife.

After death... don't forget your original intention.

When Emperor Xia heard this, a look of struggle appeared in his eyes.

However, the talisman burned and dissipated into dust bit by bit.

It was as if there were rules turning into silk threads and wrapping around Emperor Xia's body, making him unable to move.

Wen Tianxing smiled lightly, riding a crane against the wind.

And Emperor Xia, who was transformed by the Tianjia Corpse, turned around, murderous intent rolling.

Step by step, he walked towards the direction of Wangchuan Temple.

One step down, all the grass withered, the trees were scorched, and the land was red for thousands of miles.


Daoist Hong and the two Taoists from Longhu Mountain left the Jixia Academy, sailed against the wind, and flew hundreds of miles away, only to find blood clouds billowing in the sky, and blood rain torrentially falling.

There are desolate laughter filled the air.

Daoist Hong trembled all over, as if struck by lightning, but without realizing it, the torrential rain washed over her, but she suddenly realized that her face was already full of tears.

The two land immortals of Longhu Mountain also wept bitterly: "Old Heavenly Master... has fallen!"

Sure enough, great changes have taken place in Longhu Mountain.

But they did not expect that this great change would be such an unacceptable thing.

They looked at Daoist Hong and sighed. Daoist Hong was picked up by the old celestial master from the foot of the mountain.

The three of them were speechless along the way, and quickly swept towards Longhu Mountain.


Jixia Academy.

The blood cloud piled up, and the blood rain torrentially.

Countless strong men raised their heads and stared at the sky. Over there, there was a heavenly gate, with immortal light and immortal energy floating and sinking.

Luo Hong, who arranged for Xiaodouhua to collect the body, also turned around slowly and looked at the sky.


There is actually a heavenly gate hanging above Jixia Academy?

Where did they get their guts?

When the master is in charge of the school, will they dare to show up?

But now, Luo Hong is in charge of the academy, and a group of people covet the secret realm of Xuehai, and now even Tianmen dares to hang above the academy in such a grand manner.

This is... looking down on Luo Hong?

He, Luo Hong, is a villain after all, so he is looked down upon like this?

Shaking and cold!

When will the wicked stand up!

And those casual cultivators who have never left Jixia Academy all stared at each other.

There was a torrential rain of blood, and some of the most powerful fell.

The emergence of Tianmen is of extraordinary significance.

"Hiss! The Tianmen is hanging above the school, is this intended to destroy Jixia School while the master is away?"

"Can the Jixia Academy stop it? Without a master... How can the Academy stop these three heavenly beings of the nine realms?"

Many powerhouses transmitted voices.

Although some strong men are unhappy, they have no desire to make a move.

Because the three celestial beings have a nine thousand li road stretching behind them, and nine flowers are blooming. If they try to stop them, they will risk their lives.

The cultivation paths of heavenly beings and land immortals are actually the same, they are both cultivating the Dao, the only difference is that the road of heavenly beings is full of luck.

Blood rained, and the wind howled.

Luo Hong was dressed in white with white hair, hands behind his back, frowning slightly, staring at the three celestial beings who were not weaker than Wang Ting and Khan walking out of the Heavenly Gate.

Three statues and nine realms, a big deal!

However, Luo Hong's heaven and earth have changed, and he has also sensed that there seem to be many heavenly gates hanging in the world.

Emperor Xia had told him back then that he had climbed to the Kunlun Palace to see a corner of the future through the Heavenly Mirror.

There will be a sky gate hanging in the world, and the hell will open...

Calamity befalls the world, the earth is full of bones, people are devastated, the strong fall, and the school palace collapses...

Mortals are reduced to a tool for heaven and man to provide luck.

Now, everything seems to be proceeding according to Emperor Xia's prophecy.


Luo Hong frowned slightly, the white shirt on his body scattered the blood rain, and let out a breath slowly.

"Who knows in the future, as a human being, we only live in the present."

In the void, the three celestial beings who walked out of the gate of heaven were out of the dust and refined, and the celestial light swayed, tearing apart the rain of blood.

They frowned: "The Tianmen of Longhu Mountain has been sealed off, and the old celestial master of Longhu Mountain suppressed one of them. There are still strong people in the world."

"Longhushan Tianmen is not strong among the seventy-two triple heavenly gates..."

"There is only one of the Nine Realms sitting in the town, and there is no 'half-honored'. Moreover, the replaced blood seems to be only the blood of the lower immortals, so it is nothing to be suppressed."

"Be careful, once you are sealed, you can't come to the world, but you will lose the hope of gaining luck and faith, and impacting the dignity."

The three celestial beings communicate.

"After destroying the Jixia Academy, I will start to collect luck and beliefs in the world, and prepare to hit the prestige."

"Be careful, after all, Jixia Academy has been passed down from ancient times to the present."

After a long time, the three remained silent.

Looking down at the small Anping County.

Overlooking Dongshan, Jixia Academy.

The gate of heaven hung behind them, and the three of them smiled faintly.

Step by step, like stepping down an invisible ladder.

As they stepped down, the tyrannical force of will swept past like a storm, sweeping the entire Jixia Academy.

They are investigating whether there is a strong person in the academy!

"Jixia Academy, which has been passed down from ancient times to the present... is just a land fairy sitting in town?"

"It's just a second realm..."

The three celestial beings smiled lightly, their voices reverberating above the sky.

But above the academy, everyone's expressions changed.

Luo Xiaobei stood behind Luo Hong, his face was ashen, and the armor of Wuxian appeared on his body, and anger burst out like flames.

These three things... are they mocking him?

What is just a second realm?


Luo Xiaobei was so excited.

One step down, as if a scorching sun was rising into the sky, the blood was boiling and burning continuously.

Fen Tian Jue!

Luo Xiaobei's aura continued to rise, and soon reached the level of the fourth realm!

A celestial being in white robes flew up, and his eyebrows raised: "Eh? Although it is the second realm, but the cultivation method is extraordinary, it can reach the four realms of combat power."

The next moment, the celestial being stretched out his hand and pressed down slowly.

Countless coercion filled the air, a palm appeared between the heaven and the earth, and the palm was pressed down, and the Wuxian armor on Luo Xiaobei's body was instantly covered with cracks.

He flew upside down like a shooting star and landed on the Xuegong Square.

There was blood all over his body.

Luo Xiaobei was so aggrieved that he had nothing to love in life.

He... was beaten again!

People and ghosts are showing off, only Master Qi is being beaten!

He was beaten in the Tianan City battle before, and he was still beaten when Yelu Dagu attacked and killed him.

Now...he was being beaten again!

What the hell is he...

When can I stand up!

Luo Hong stared, very strong!

Each one is not weaker than the Great Khan Yelu Dagu of the Golden Tent King Court...

Huge pressure swept down, Luo Hong's white clothes and white hair flew up, and his brows were tightly knit.

He felt a little pressure...

Three Nine Realms...he might not be able to stop it!

Maybe, I have to use the God's Arrival technique again?

However, unless it is absolutely necessary, Luo Hong really does not want to use the divine descent technique. The evil god Erha said that using the divine descent technique frequently may lead to some bad beings descending.

If you don't use the God's Descending Technique, you can use only the Seven Evil Lotus, which may be able to counteract it, but there are only two halves of the Seven Evil Lotus, and one petal is missing. After using it, Luo Hong will still feel a direct hit to the soul. the emptiness.

The three celestial beings are suspended in the sky.

After sending Luo Xiaobei flying with a palm, he smiled faintly.

"It's boring. Without a master, the Jixia Academy can be destroyed with a backhand."

Words fell.

A nine-thousand-li avenue appeared behind a Nine Realm Celestial Being.

The flowers of the avenue are blooming.

Raising his hand, a big palm covering the sky and the sun scattered the blood cloud and torrential rain.

Suddenly, they shot towards Jixia Academy!

Without the master, the orthodoxy of Jixia Academy... should be destroyed!

Luo Hong took a deep breath.

With a thought, the remaining two petals of the seven evil lotus floated up.

Pinch a petal of the evil lotus.


Just when Luo Hong was about to crush Xie Lian.

The void around him was suddenly torn apart.

Petal after petal of peach blossoms flew in, sprinkled between the heaven and the earth.

Li Xiuyuan floated out from the torn void, the peach tree swayed, and the peach blossoms bloomed.

He glanced at Luo Hong, then at the black lotus in Luo Hong's hand.

"Little brother... are you playing with flowers?"

"Second senior brother is familiar, do you want senior brother to teach you?"

Li Xiuyuan smiled.

After that, the big sleeve fluttered out of the void and stood in the square of Shushan Xuegong.

But Li Xiuyuan yawned, stretched his waist, looked at the three gods above his head, smiled like flowers, and said:

"Let's wait for the senior brother to stretch his waist and slaughter these three celestial beings... and then teach the junior brother to play with flowers."

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