My Young Lord Is Really Righteous

Chapter 288 ? ? Demon Sword Cuts Heaven and Man, Rules Reward!

Looking at the second senior brother who suddenly appeared.

Luo Hong was a little moved at first, but you finally showed up after so long.

However, as soon as the second senior brother opened his mouth, he became an old hermaphrodite.

playing with flowers?

He, Luo Hong, is playing with the Seven Evil Evil Lotus, does it have anything to do with your coquettish peach blossom?

Still need you to teach?

Luo Hong's face darkened.

When Li Xiuyuan appeared, the peach blossoms were in full bloom, his big sleeves were fluttering, he was wearing a spacious green shirt, the front of the chest was opened to reveal his chest, his hair was flying around, full of coquettishness.

Luo Hong didn't crush the evil lotus of the seven evil spirits again, mainly because his body couldn't bear it anymore. He had just killed Yelu Dagu, and his body was still weak.

Luo Hong was also worried about what sequelae would be left behind.

Luo Hong also felt that his senior brother might not be able to bear the three gods of the nine realms.

"Second senior brother... are you okay?"

Luo Hong glanced at Li Xiuyuan.

After Li Xiuyuan stretched his waist, he stretched out his hand to pinch the peach blossom, and smiled faintly.

"do not know."

"Nirvana has just ended, and I don't know how strong I am."

Li Xiuyuan said.

"However, the old master thinks I can do it."

Li Xiuyuan's words made the corners of Luo Hong's mouth twitch. This unreliable second senior brother always feels that he is pretending to be forceful. What does it mean that the master says you can do it?

"Okay, let's try to find out."

Li Xiuyuan smiled lightly.

The next moment, the peach blossom petal in his hand flicked with his fingers.

The peach blossom petals spun at high speed immediately, cutting through the void like sharp blades, and burst out.

It turned into a flying sword and slashed towards the man of the day.


In an instant, being covered by the palm of the heaven and man caused the darkness of the world, it was cut open, and light fell from behind.

The palm of the Heavenly Man of the Nine Realms was cut open!

Li Xiuyuan put his hands behind his back, and the peach blossom tree behind him was in full bloom, and the petals made a clanging sound as they swayed.

Step by step, Li Xiuyuan stepped into the air.

Pushing forward with both palms like waves, the next moment, the peach blossom petals on the peach blossom tree behind him suddenly fluttered and fell.

Li Xiuyuan rolled up his wide sleeves, just like knocking on the gate of heaven, knocking lightly.

The void suddenly resembled the surface of a calm lake, swaying with ripples up and down.

With such a sway, the countless peach blossom petals all turned into a flying sword.

Densely spread out from the air, and on each peach blossom flying sword, there is a flame burning, that is the fire of the Dao, the fire of the Dao.

in the void.

The expressions of the three celestial beings who climbed down the ladder suddenly changed.

The vitality swept across, and it turned into a big palm and pushed forward, trying to disperse the burning flames.

"Nirvana fire!"

"Jixia Academy is really not as simple as imagined,

Nirvana rebirth, instead of taking the road of thousands of miles, blooming the road of Taoism, burning the road in exchange for supreme cultivation! "

"The road to Nirvana is boundless, and you are cutting yourself off from the future!"

The expressions of the three Heavenly Beings of the Nine Realms changed slightly, and they sternly shouted.

However, they didn't dare to underestimate Li Xiuyuan's blow. They kept slapping the palms of vitality, and the mighty palms hit down, causing the blood cloud and torrential rain on the sky to dissipate in an instant.

The people in Anping County are numb.

In the past few months, they have experienced the second rank, the first rank, and then to the current land immortal, and now to the nine realm heavenly beings...

They feel that although they are mortals, they have experienced a grand occasion that many monks can't see in their entire lives!

And county magistrate Liu was clutching his heart. After such a confrontation between existences, even a little leakage of the aftermath might turn Anping County into ashes.

Li Xiuyuan fights with three celestial beings.

It's not the kind of terrifying close combat, nor the horror of throwing everything horizontally with a fist after the evil god Erha possessed his body.

Li Xiuyuan's Nirvana Dao fire burned the heavens and the earth, turned into flying swords, and turned into all things to attack and kill heaven and man from all directions.

"The road ahead is burnt out, and the future is confused, so what?"

"The Tao that can kill you is a good Tao."

Li Xiuyuan smiled lightly, holding a peach blossom, smiling like a flower.

He is the follower left behind by the master, and he is also the follower who suppressed the Jixia Academy and saved it from being destroyed.

He should have completed Nirvana long ago, but because Luo Hong frightened him twice, the Nirvana that should have been completed was retracted twice...

So wasted a little time.

Fortunately, Luo Hong, a little guy, didn't make too much of a mess.

It also killed Yelu Dagu, killed the Taoist Thirteen Swords, and killed a group of loose cultivators and land immortals... Fuck!

The whole thing, the big one is about to pierce the sky!

Jixia Academy is bleeding like a river!

Also move away the mountain of books and bitter boats in the Sea of ​​Learning Secret Realm, Li Xiuyuan felt that he was not completing Nirvana, did Luo Hong want to evacuate the Sea of ​​Learning Secret Realm?

Li Xiuyuan feels that the times are changing a bit fast, and he can hardly keep up with the rhythm of the times.

If he leaves the gate later, is Luo Hong going to blow up the Tianmen and enter the Tianmen?

However, with the current Luo Hong...

I'm afraid it can't be done like this, Luo Hong can't stop these three celestial beings of the nine realms alone.

Li Xiuyuan should have strengthened his cultivation, but now that the situation is urgent, he feels that he should show his demeanor as a senior.

So, he's out.

Raising his hand, countless peach blossoms began to gather and turned into a peach blossom branch.

He was holding a peach blossom branch, as if he was dancing a sword, or like a swordsman, gaining momentum and drawing his sword.

There is wind in the sky and the earth, and the three celestial beings sweep down, transforming into thousands of figures in the void.

Li Xiuyuan strides, other people grow lotuses every step, but he grows peach blossoms every step.

The four turned into a long rainbow and poured into the sea of ​​clouds.

In an instant, the golden light behind the sea of ​​clouds spreads all over the world.

Luo Hong stood on the top of the mountain of books and stared at the tumultuous battle above the sea of ​​clouds.

Li Xiuyuan succeeded in Nirvana, as if he proved the Tao in an alternative way, which made the three Nine Realms dare not underestimate him.

Luo Hong also stared at it with shining eyes. He sat cross-legged on the top of the mountain, sat down in the sea of ​​blood on the mountain of corpses, and stared at the battle above the sea of ​​clouds.

Watching the battle of the strong, you can understand and improve your cultivation.

Naturally, Luo Hong would not give up this opportunity. Luo Hong had already benefited a lot from watching the battle between the evil god and Yelu Dagu before, and now that Li Xiuyuan was fighting the three heavenly beings, it was also a rare good show in the world.

Today's Luo Hong feels that he is already at the bottleneck of the second rank to the first rank, and needs an epiphany before he can understand the essence of practice and embark on the road.

Above the sea of ​​clouds, fighting continued.

Li Xiuyuan held the mahogany branch like a sword.

The other hand put the sword fingers together, pressed against the end of the mahogany branch, and slowly moved forward an inch.

Between the heaven and the earth, there seems to be a sword energy growing, cutting open the sky and the earth an inch.

A peach mountain covered with peach blossom trees pressed down and smashed towards a Nine Realm Celestial Being.

The other party flicked his sleeves, and the vitality of heaven and earth transformed into a palm that shattered Taoshan.

While Li Xiuyuan smiled lightly, his whole body seemed to be burning with flames, and he kept pushing forward, like a sword out of its sheath, one inch, two inches, three inches...

The peach branches are eleven inches long, so there are eleven peach mountains stretching between the heaven and the earth, oppressing a heaven and man!

boom! ! !

The void is torn into intertwined black cracks.

A celestial being growled lowly, punched continuously, and pushed the void horizontally, smashing peach mountains one after another, turning them into countless peach blossoms.

And the bursting peach blossom released extremely strong sharp cutting power, spilling the scars and golden blood on the body cut by heaven and man.

"You don't take the big road, have already transcended the ten realms with half a foot!"

"If you are given a chance, you will definitely be able to surpass the ten realms and become an existence in the extreme realm of the world! You are also the most invincible in the world!"

"Unfortunately, you have just completed Nirvana, and your Dao foundation is unstable. You shouldn't have shot. If you hide for a while, I will definitely not be able to do anything to you!"

in the void.

The bloody three celestial beings, sprinkled with golden blood, opened their mouths with incomparable dignity.

They were a little fortunate to have discovered Li Xiuyuan earlier, otherwise, when Li Xiuyuan really consolidated his cultivation, he might be another most invincible person in the world.

Once the power of rules can be used like the master, even the heavenly deity will be blown up!

Li Xiuyuan was as indifferent as water, very calm.

Is it important to consolidate or not?

It is impossible for him to sit back and watch the Jixia Academy collapse, this is a rare light in his dark years.

He wants to protect this pure land in his mind.

Li Xiuyuan's hair fluttered, and the peach blossom branches beat the void. Between the blows, there were peach blossoms lined up side by side. On the sea of ​​clouds, a sword of peach blossoms was stacked and slashed down.

The splitting void is cracked out.

He is a scholar, he is the number one scholar in the Xia Dynasty, he likes to read books, but he prefers to use swords, peach blossoms bloom like swords.


The Peach Blossom Sword passed by, and immediately, a celestial being was crushed and exploded, and the flesh and blood exploded in the void.

But soon, the exploded flesh and blood gathered again and turned into a complete heavenly being.

"Although you are a student of Jixia Academy, you are not a master, and you cannot control the power of cannot kill us."

In the void, the re-condensed Nine Realms Celestial Beings are incomparably dignified.

He and the other two celestial beings Li Xiao, the next moment, there was a fairy light floating behind them, as if an ancient fairy king appeared behind them, overlooking the world.

Boom boom boom!

Li Xiuyuan remained silent, frowned slightly, and flung out the sword energy, which was like a peach blossom.


The heavenly man was killed by him, but he was also attacked by the heavenly man, his body trembled, and his mouth and nose were bleeding.

Although he can kill heaven and man, five times, six times.

However, the gods only need to kill him once, and he will fall.


Above Jixia Academy.

Luo Hong frowned slightly, Li Xiuyuan fell into a disadvantage, no, it should not be said to be a disadvantage, but these's not easy to kill!

They can be resurrected infinitely, even if their physical bodies are blown up, they can still be reunited.

In short, their physical bodies are not actually human bodies, but more like an invisible energy.

Li Xiuyuan couldn't kill the celestial being, but as long as the celestial being hit once, Li Xiuyuan might be bloody.

Therefore, Li Xiuyuan was at a disadvantage!

"It's difficult for Li Zhuangyuan, he can't directly hurt heaven and man like Master!"

Luo Xiaobei frowned and said.

"In other words, their bodies contain extremely rich life essence, which can instantly reshape their bodies."

Luo Hong also spoke.

He understands something.

"Why can Master hurt heaven and man, so that heaven and man cannot enter the human world?"

Luo Hong frowned and thought.

"Stupid Ronaldinho, because that old man can use the power of rules..."

"Then what is the reason why the power of the rules makes heaven and man afraid? Because the rules can directly act on the sea of ​​​​will, and kill the will."

The evil god Erha yawned, he couldn't stand it any longer, Ronaldinho was so stupid.

Afterwards, the evil god snorted and said.

Luo Hong's eyes lighted up slightly, and he realized.

"Directly hurt the sea of ​​will..."

Luo Hong's eyes lit up. Did the God-Slaying Sword he had just comprehended directly affect the Sea of ​​Will?

If so, is it permissible to kill heaven and man?

Luo Hong thought he could give it a try.

Enter the opponent's sea of ​​will!

Slash the sea with one sword!

"However, although my strength has skyrocketed now, in terms of willpower alone, I should have a level of strength, but facing the heavenly beings of the Nine Realms, I'm afraid it's like looking at a big river from a small pond. There is a big gap."

"If you are not careful, you will be shot out."

"You have to find a way to lock the opponent's sea of ​​will."

Luo Hong was deep in thought.

Suddenly, Luo Hong thought of it... Xuehai Shushan is a soldier of the saints, and in the secret realm of Xuehai, he has dominated the will of a large number of land immortals.

Perhaps, it has the effect of suppressing the sea of ​​will!

Luo Hong's eyes brightened, perhaps, he could use the mountain of books to suppress the will of heaven and man!

Soon, Luo Hong sank into his dantian.

I have fooled once before, and I feel that the saint's face should not be so easy to be fooled again.

But he still had to continue to fool the saint phantom to use Shushan.

It was under the guise of probation before.

Next... what should I do?

However, just when Luo Hong was having a headache about how to speak to the sage's face, the sage's face sitting cross-legged in his dantian opened his eyes.

"Heaven and man break into the human world, rebelling against the rules of the emperor."

"Put to death!"

Such a roaring voice resounded in Luo Hong's mind.

Luo Hong's eyes couldn't help but light up.

"Senior, that is to say, are you willing to help me with a mountain of books?"

Luo Hongdao.

However, to Luo Hong's inquiry, Saint Xuying only responded with one word.


Saint Xuying was very unhappy about this mud that was fooling him and couldn't support the wall.

Luo Hong didn't care, as long as there was a promise from the other party.

A saint is not the same as a villain like Luo Hong.

The sage makes a promise, and a promise is worth a thousand dollars.

How could he be the same as the villain who turned his face faster than a book?

On the top of the mountain, Luo Hong stood up.

In the sea of ​​clouds.

The blood of heaven and man is sprinkled.

And Li Xiuyuan's lips were vermilion, he vomited blood and swallowed it back.

He felt a little sad.

The master once said that the celestial realm is stronger than the human world as a whole, because there are no rules and restrictions in the heaven realm after the Tianmen, and it is easy to break through the ten realms and reach the "respect" realm.

This is not possible in the human world, and the heavenly beings are no longer considered human beings. Ascending to the Heavenly Gate needs to replace the blood, wash away the human blood, and replace the blood of the powerful clans in the heavenly world according to their talents.

Therefore, heaven and man can live forever, but they can live forever.

But not in the human world.

The three celestial beings of the nine realms were extremely dignified, and even they couldn't bear being blown up again and again.

However, Li Xiuyuan, who has succeeded in Nirvana, possesses the strength of a "half venerable", and the three of them can only compete with difficulty.

Fortunately, Li Xiuyuan has not fully grasped this power, so he can't consume them.

They can restore their physical bodies infinitely, but Li Xiuyuan can't, because Li Xiuyuan is a mortal in the world.

This is also their advantage as celestial beings!

The three of them became more and more motivated.

It's a pity that they can't convert Li Xiuyuan. If Li Xiuyuan is willing to replace his bloodline with the help of them, he will be able to make a great breakthrough in his cultivation!

Now, the only option is to kill!


While thinking about this, Li Xiuyuan's peach blossom branch tore through the void again and pulled out the three's bodies again.

"You dare to distract yourself from fighting with me." Li Xiuyuan said indifferently, holding his peach blossoms.

It seems that the essence of life is like a waterfall flying down three thousand feet, which makes the body of the heavenly man regain its shape.


The Dao of Luck appeared, and the three Heavenly Beings of the Nine Realms roared angrily, not daring to be distracted any longer, and fought with Li Xiuyuan.


Above the academy.

Luo Hong, dressed in white and with white hair flying, took a step forward.

Immediately volley straight up.

Luo Xiaobei was shocked, but he thought of the terrifying and mysterious existence behind his eldest nephew, so he didn't dissuade him.

Just sighed.

Although the existence behind Luo Hong is powerful, how many times can Luo Hong use his strength?

Luo Hong ignored Luo Xiaobei. He climbed up to the sky in white clothes and white hair, and came under the sea of ​​clouds. He stretched out his hand, and with a sudden swipe, he tore a small hole in the sea of ​​clouds, and then sneaked into it.

The sea of ​​clouds is tumbling, and the terrifying air is permeating and intertwining.

But Luo Hong withdrew his energy, hid in a corner of the sea of ​​clouds, and was concentrating on fighting Li Xiuyuan's three Nine Realm Heavenly Beings, but he never noticed it.

Even Li Xiuyuan didn't notice it.

After all, he never thought that Luo Hong would dare to enter this battlefield without resorting to his strength.

To put it bluntly, Luo Hong's own second-rank strength is rubbish. In this kind of confrontation, if one is affected, it may be gone.

Li Xiuyuan frowned, his body was blood-stained like red plums, and he was a little embarrassed. He was no longer as calm and calm as "Peach Blossom Champion".

He was covered in blood, and peach blossoms bloomed in the void, like sword energy blooming.

The three celestial beings were constantly blown to pieces, but they were quickly condensed and reshaped under the catharsis of the essence of life.

Although it's painful to be blown to pieces,'s worth it if you can kill Li Xiuyuan!

Luo Hong stepped on a small cloud, which was indistinguishable from the sea of ​​clouds.

He sat cross-legged, with white clothes and white hair, as if he had merged with the clouds.

He stared at a nine-level celestial being who had just condensed his physical body. The other party's road was nine thousand miles away, and it was too long to be seen.

However, the physical body is broken and condensed the slowest.

In other words, this force is the weakest!

Of course, the persimmons should be picked softly!

Luo Hong stared at this celestial being.

it's you!


A mountain of peaches collapsed and exploded in an instant, and countless sword qi tore the void into powder.

The body of the celestial being targeted by Luo Hong exploded again.

However, when he had just finished reshaping his physical body, Luo Hong's eyes lit up!

This is the time!

"Senior! Help me!"

Luo Hong shouted loudly.

The next moment, the power of will surged out.

In his dantian, the phantom of the saint suddenly opened his eyes, and the holy power was mighty.

Outside of Luo Hong's physical body, a saint's dharma image suddenly emerged.

The sage sat cross-legged, holding a book in his hand, and slowly threw it out.

The golden light shone brightly, covering the celestial being targeted by Luo Hong!

The power of Luo Hong's will stretched out, and penetrated into the sea of ​​will of heaven and man!

This is Luo Hong's first time fighting in the sea of ​​will.

Luo Hong's spiritual evil method was cast.

The Thousand-Handed Evil Buddha emerges from behind, and the eighteen Buddha lamps are suspended, emitting a long brilliance.

The moment Luo Hong appeared in the will of heaven and man, he saw the opponent's way.

Um? !

In the sea of ​​will.

The celestial being suddenly opened his eyes, and saw Luo Hong who was accompanied by the emergence of the evil Buddha and the Buddha lamp!

"court death!"

This celestial being was furious, unbelievable, and bewildered.

This weak and pitiful body of will, dare to invade his sea of ​​will?

Just like a toothpick stirring a big vat!

What does this mortal want to do? !

The other party reacted, and Luo Hong really couldn't invade the will sea of ​​a nine-level celestial being without anyone noticing!

However, Luo Hong didn't say much.

Willing the imperial power sword, holding the imperial power sword, with a solemn expression.

Kill God!

Luo Hongli screamed.


This celestial being was furious, and a terrifying storm of will would be set off in an instant in the sea of ​​will.

However, just when the storm of will was about to break out.

The saint's brilliance sprinkled down, and the mountain of books emerged, straddling the sky above the sea of ​​will.

"Ancient Saint Soldiers?!"

This celestial being was immediately sealed off by the mountain of books, like solidified cement, unable to move!

Luo Hong leaped onto the opponent's avenue, the avenue surrounded by luck stretched for nine thousand miles, with no end in sight.

Luo Hong gritted his teeth and slashed down with his sword.

The opponent's avenue was cut open.

The energy of Luo Hong's God Slaying Sword was exhausted.

The celestial man breathed a sigh of relief, thinking what Luo Hong was trying to do by urging out such battles as the sage book.

So... that's it?

His sea of ​​will is extremely strong, and Luo Hong's willpower is too weak, even if he doesn't move and chops Luo Hong, Luo Hong may not be able to kill him.

Luo Hong was also a little speechless, and his face turned dark!


Can't move? !

It must be a problem with the sword, the sword of imperial power transformed by willpower... is too weak!

That being the case, change your sword!

Luo Hong raised his hand, his willpower surged!

"Miss Demon Sword... come!"

Dan Tian Zhong.

A beautiful figure in a red dress emerged.

The next moment, the demonic sword oscillated and released a monstrous evil spirit, rolling evil spirits like a turbulent river, projecting a phantom of the demonic sword.

In the will of heaven and man.

Luo Hong raised his hand, a sword as black as ink, wrapped in a monstrous evil sword, as if flying from outside the sky!

The demonic energy is surging, and the evil spirits are rolling in!

Luo Hong was overjoyed, it really did!

Since the mountain of books can come to the sea of ​​will, and the magic sword also stays in the dantian, why can't it come?

Holding the magic sword, Luo Hong felt his energy suddenly soar.

"Magic Sword... God Slashing!"

Luo Hong's white hair flew up, Li Xiao made a sound.

The magic sword was held backhanded, and it ruthlessly pierced the opponent's avenue.


The magic sword pierced into the avenue of will of this celestial being, and after that, Luo Hong began to run wildly on the avenue of the opponent!

A total of nine swords were used to cut the gods, and each sword traveled a thousand miles.

Running nine thousand miles all the way, beheading all nine Taoist flowers.

Luo Hong's willpower is also completely exhausted, and the body of will dissipates.

But the opponent's avenue was cut into two, above the incision, the devilish energy surged, and it was difficult to heal!

in reality!

Li Xiuyuan was taken aback by Luo Hong who appeared above the sea of ​​clouds.

Seeing the phantom of the saint behind Luo Hong, and seeing the saint holding the magic sword...

Li Xiuyuan couldn't figure out what kind of medicine was being sold in the little junior brother's gourd!

next moment.

Luo Hong, who had his eyes closed, suddenly opened them.

"Brother! Kill him!"

Luo Hong's face was instantly pale and bloodless, but he still roared fiercely, said.

When Li Xiuyuan heard the words, he had no doubt about him.

The celestial being who raised his hand towards Luo Hong pushed the peach blossom branches horizontally, eleven peach mountains pressed down on the top, and the peach blossoms bloomed!

The endless sword energy instantly engulfed the opponent!

Pooh! ! !

The celestial being let out a miserable howl, his body was shattered, and countless golden blood was spraying.

However, half a sound failed to reshape the physical body.

Li Xiuyuan was stunned.

My big fuck? !


The nine-thousand-mile avenue of heaven and man began to collapse, and from the middle, it was divided into two, and the nine dao flowers withered one after another as if they had been hit by a torrential rain!


The avenue collapsed, and the dao flowers withered!

A celestial being of the Nine Realms has fallen!


Not only Li Xiuyuan, but even the other two celestial beings of the Nine Realms were all shocked, and they were so shocked!


Li Xiuyuan couldn't use the power of rules, how could he kill the heavenly beings? !

Even the old celestial masters of Longhushan just smashed the bodies of twenty-three celestial beings and sealed them!

But Li Xiuyuan really killed a celestial being!

Compared to the shocked Li Xiuyuan and the heavenly people.

Luo Hong's face was pale, but his eyes were piercing!

It works!


Heaven and man... can also be killed!

Li Xiuyuan also vaguely understood something at this moment.

He is not stupid, after all, he is the number one scholar of the Great Xia. Luo Hong's attack does not affect the body, it is... the effect on the sea of ​​will!

In other words, Luo Hong killed the other party in the sea of ​​will? !

Killed a celestial being of the Nine Realms?


This idea sounds easy, but it is too difficult to implement.

If Li Xiuyuan attacks the opponent's Sea of ​​Will, let alone whether he can be killed, his physical body will be blown up by the other two celestial beings first.

Therefore, this success rate is too difficult!

But Luo Hong... actually did it!

Junior brother... you really deserve to be a murderer!


At the moment when this Nine Realm Heavenly Man fell, there was a surge of majestic rules between heaven and earth.


"Rule reward?!"

Li Xiuyuan's eyes lit up immediately.

Luo Hong raised his head, but found that there was a group of golden clouds floating above his head.

The golden cloud layer is huge and is as large as a lake.

On the other side, Li Xiuyuan also had a reward on top of his head, but... it was only as big as a pot!

The power of rules swept across, and in the golden clouds, there was a majestic willpower rolling down.

The catharsis of those willpowers allowed Luo Hong's originally damaged willpower to recover instantly.

Moreover, in the sea of ​​will, the foundation of the avenue was broadened again, but because Luo Hong was unable to open up the avenue, this reward directly widened Luo Hong's avenue. Others were nine thousand miles long, but Luo Hong's avenue was widened horizontally. Now It even reached five thousand miles!

If it is changed to a vertical state, except that there is no Dao flower in full bloom, it is comparable to the length of the Five Realms!

Not only that, but with the surge of rewards from the golden clouds, Luo Hong's physical body once again completed a tempering, his qi and blood were rolling, his martial arts cultivation reached the pinnacle of the second rank, and his righteousness, sword energy, and Buddha's light... were all skyrocketing!

All kinds of cultivation bases have been steadily improved, reaching the limit of the second rank!

Li Xiuyuan also received a reward, but... he just recovered from his injuries, and his Nirvana realm was slightly stabilized.

He suddenly lost his balance!

He killed heaven and man with one sword, why is his reward so little? !

Junior brother, are you hanging up? !

He Li Xiuyuan refused to accept it!

However, just as Li Xiuyuan opened his eyes, Luo Hong stared at the other two shocked celestial beings with red eyes.

With scorching eyes, it was as if seeing a supreme treasure!

The next moment, the two celestial beings reacted, terrified, turned around and ran away without hesitation!

A heavenly gate hangs above the sea of ​​clouds.

The two celestial beings galloped towards the gate of heaven!

"Second Senior Brother! Don't let them run away! Chase them!"

Luo Hong got up and roared angrily.

Fat sheep...don't run away!

Li Xiuyuan saw Luo Hong swearing and chasing the two celestial beings to the Tianmen.

Li Xiuyuan suddenly felt tired.

Master, if you don't come back all the time, I really can't hold back my little brother who is about to go to heaven!

PS: The second update, 7000 words, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a freshly released recommendation ticket!

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