My Young Lord Is Really Righteous

Chapter 289 ? Break into the Heavenly Gate and break through to rank 1!


Golden blood was sprinkled, golden clouds emerged, and regular power was stacked.

A celestial being has fallen!

Fell into the world!

At this moment, the entire sky in the world seemed to be shimmering with bright golden light, and the golden clouds were surging. Compared with the blood clouds of fallen masters in the world, the golden clouds presented by the falling of heaven and man have a different kind of... festive .

Li Xiuyuan was still in shock at this moment, Luo Hong actually rushed into the sea of ​​​​the will of the celestial being, and cut off the will of the celestial being!

Although the body of heaven and man is immortal, unaffected by rules, and can exist forever, but... they are still mortal, as long as they are living beings, they will die, and the sea of ​​will will collapse, and they will die as well.

However, it is very difficult to destroy the sea of ​​wills of celestial beings. After all, every celestial being is not weak. It is impossible for ordinary people to destroy the sea of ​​wills of celestial beings without knowing it.

And Junior Brother... is not an ordinary person.

Li Xiuyuan thought that what Luo Hong said about chasing into the Tianmen was just for fun, but when he saw that Luo Hong was really red-eyed and chasing towards the Tianmen, his expression changed immediately.

This is so compelling, he really wants to enter the Heavenly Gate? !

You are so crazy!

Li Xiuyuan stepped out step by step, and peach blossoms bloomed at every step, and he quickly chased Luo Hong.

"Second senior brother, don't be cowardly!"

"Keep killing!"

Luo Hong's breathing was incomparably short, these days people are all fat sheep!

Li Xiuyuan was a little dumbfounded.

"Little brother, they are heavenly beings, at least give them some respect..."

Li Xiuyuan said.

And the expressions of the two celestial beings who were hunted down changed endlessly.

A celestial being of the Nine Realms died!

Killed by a mortal, without using the power of rules, to kill him forcibly!

Is this mortal a monster? !

Moreover, after they were killed, Luo Hong and Li Xiuyuan seemed to have received the reward left by the Human Emperor's rules! This is something that none of them expected these days! there such a thing?

Kill heaven and man, get rewards!

The world is so dangerous!

The first celestial being who fell into the world appeared, and it was a celestial being of the Nine Realms. The Dao stretched for nine thousand miles, and nine Dao flowers bloomed.

However, he was forcibly killed in Jixia Academy!

They turned around and slammed a move, the situation changed, and with terrifying coercion and big palms, they slapped Luo Hong who was chasing him.

Luo Hong was dressed in white and had white hair flying. The blow was so strong that he felt as if he was suffocated.

After all, the opponent was in the Ninth Realm. In terms of strength alone, Luo Hong was still incomparable.

Li Xiuyuan took a step forward, a peach blossom bloomed, and a branch of the peach blossom was whipped out, which immediately shattered the big palm.

Although the rule reward he got was only as big as a pot, least he recovered a lot.


stop them! Don't let them go back to heaven! "

"These are all fat sheep!"

"Kill it, you and I will split the bill!"

Luo Hong said excitedly.

Li Xiuyuan: "..."

Junior brother, you are only a second grade.

Please recognize yourself.

"Brother! Do you want to do it!"

Luo Hongdao.


Li Xiuyuan laughed loudly, and with a twitch of the peach blossom branch in his hand, countless peach blossoms immediately bloomed above the sea of ​​clouds, swaying and flying continuously.

Afterwards, the two celestial beings of the Nine Realms who were about to fly to the gate of heaven suddenly felt that they were enveloped by the peach blossom formation!

One peach blossom tree after another moved sideways, blocking their way out and blocking their retreat.

Under each peach blossom tree, Li Xiuyuan was lying on his side with his chest exposed, full of coquettish arrogance.

boom! ! !

The two celestial beings flicked their sleeves, trying to forcefully break the formation.

However, every Li Xiuyuan held his peach blossoms and smiled calmly. The peach blossoms turned into sword energy, which instantly turned into a murderous sword array, enveloping the two heavenly beings.


The bodies of the two celestial beings were cut off in an instant!

Li Xiuyuan, who has been nourished by the power of rules, has just Nirvana's cultivation has stabilized a lot. Although he is not very familiar with the power of the "half-honored" state, he can still use it a little bit.

The two celestial beings of the Nine Realms were blown up in an instant, but the essence of life poured out, and their shattered bodies began to recover rapidly.

And just recovered.

Luo Hong, who rushed over, sat cross-legged in the void.


Luo Hong's eyes narrowed.

Spirit surges.

Luo Hong, who was nourished by the power of the rules and fully recovered, had even stronger mental power than when he was attacking and killing before!

The body of will sprang out, holding the projection of the magic sword Asura, and entered the opponent's sea of ​​will.

"Senior! Help me!"

As soon as he entered the opponent's sea of ​​will, a powerful oppressive force swept in, stronger than the beheaded celestial being before.

The Dao of Heaven and Man has traveled about 9,500 miles, which is close to ten thousand miles!

Much better than the one who just arrived at Jiuqianli Avenue before!

However, Luo Hong is not false at all, when the magic sword is raised, it shakes people.

The phantom of the saint in Luo Hong's dantian opened his eyes again, the saint's radiance was shining, and the waves roared.

The book mountain reappeared in the sea of ​​will of the celestial being, sending down fluctuations, making the sea of ​​will of the celestial being like a quagmire!

"Saint Soldiers! That's how it is!"

This body of the will of heaven and man was shocked and angry!

He finally knew how his previous partner died. It turned out that Luo Hong split the sea of ​​will and died.

"Can you directly attack the Sea of ​​Will?! Such attacking skills are rare in the world!"

Heaven and man were furious.

In the heavens, there are quite a few such methods, because heaven and man are hard to kill unless the sea of ​​will is wiped out.

But it is different in the human world. If the body of a monk in the world explodes, his vitality will be seriously injured. If he crushes the enemy's body a few times, the monk in the world will surely fall.

Therefore, there are very few techniques to attack the will in the world.

But this young man in front of him, he can do it!

Moreover, dare to break into his sea of ​​will!


This celestial being was also red-eyed, and the body of will turned into a clone. Although the sea of ​​will was suppressed by the power of Shushan, he still split into a body of will and killed Luo Hong!

This body of will is also not weak, almost has a level of strength.

He pondered, Luo Hong's weak willpower, one level is enough to deal with it.

Luo Hong was dressed in white and had white hair flying, holding a magic sword, and behind him appeared a thousand-handed evil Buddha, and there were one after another Buddha lamps lying across.

Facing the body of the will of heaven and man who came to kill.

Luo Hong pouted.

"Who do you look down on in a mere area?"

The next moment, one after another, the Buddha Lamps of World War II detonated!

The storm erupting from the spiritual power instantly blasted the opponent's condensed power to the ground!

A sword cut out, beheading the opponent.

Without any hesitation, Luo Hong ran towards the opponent's road!

Luo Hong's willpower is boiling!

"Slay God!"

The demonic energy in the magic sword surged, and suddenly plunged into the opponent's avenue.

Luo Hong slashed and waved.

There is no barren field that cannot be dug, only a hoe that cannot be swung!

It's like a hard-working farmer who works tirelessly to reclaim the barren land bit by bit.

after a long time.

The avenue is cut off!

Daohua was cut off!

Luo Hong's willpower was exhausted again, but he couldn't stop laughing.

Willpower returns.

Luo Hong's face was extremely pale again!

"Brother! Kill!"

Luo Hong raised his hand, his fingers were trembling, pointing at the celestial being, he shouted!

Li Xiuyuan's eyes narrowed.

In an instant, Li Xiuyuan, who was lying on his side closest to the celestial being, stood up, and the peach blossom branch whipped out.


Void cracks filled the air.

The celestial being was covering his head, his head was about to split, facing the peach blossom branch drawn out by Li Xiuyuan, who was half-honored, how could he resist it!

Weeping golden blood, staring at Luo Hong!

"I hate it!"

He actually fell into the hands of a second-rank monk in the world!

In the hands of an ant-like thing!

Mountain of books!

Shushan recognizes the Lord... the ancient saint soldiers recognize the Lord!

This son... must be a catastrophe in the heavens!


Li Xiuyuan pulled out with one blow, and the celestial man was instantly torn apart, and a dilapidated 9,500-mile road appeared behind him, and the brilliant Tao flowers fell from it and collapsed!


Terrifying energy exploded, and this mighty Nine Realm Celestial Being from behind the Tianmen fell.

buzz buzz...

The golden rain of blood is floating.

Li Xiuyuan's eyes were bright.

The power of the rules surged again and continued to surge, turning into a thick golden cloud of rewards.

There are two golden clouds, and the golden cloud above Luo Hong's head is still huge this time, like a pond.

The golden cloud above Li Xiuyuan's head...was the size of a pot.

Li Xiuyuan's hand holding the peach blossom branch was trembling, his breath was shaking and cold!

How unfair the rules are!

However, he is still like a big whale swallowing water, swallowing and absorbing the willpower rewarded by the rules, making his cultivation level that has just been nirvana more stable.

Of course, when he was receiving the reward, he still didn't forget to activate the Peach Blossom Formation, trapping the last celestial being.

The celestial being was full of despair.

These two...are they devils? !

Why do immortal beings die!

The avenue cracked, and the dao flower withered... This is the reason why the sea of ​​will was cut off.

That boy can kill in the sea of ​​will!

At this moment, Luo Hong was devouring the rewards of the rules with great joy. Most of the rewards were used to restore his spiritual will, and what he won was used by him to broaden the road.

The width of the foundation of the avenue has reached six thousand miles.

Luo Hong's eyes are bright, he has a dream, to widen the foundation of the road to ten thousand miles.

Others have a road that is 10,000 miles long, but Luo Hong's road is 10,000 miles wide!

That way, when he reaches the Land Wonderland, he will definitely be extremely powerful!

On Luo Hong's physical body, Qi and blood surged again, and the rules of rewards allowed him to complete body training again!

Body five tempered!

Luo Hong felt that his current martial arts strength was not weaker than a rank stronger, and if he punched down, a rank weaker would even be blown away!


Qi and blood rolled, as if breaking through the shackles!

In Luo Hong's eyes, there was a burst of light!

His martial arts cultivation base broke through to the first rank, and the majestic energy of heaven and earth began to surge, continuously venting into his body, and Luo Hong's energy began to become stronger continuously.

And as the physical body became stronger, the strength of Luo Hong's meridians also became stronger, and the sword energy flowing in the meridians also became like a mighty river!

The next moment, Luo Hong opened his eyes, their eyes shining brightly.

Raising his hand, a thick sword qi slashed out.

Luo Hong's swordsmanship cultivation base... also entered the first rank, the first rank returned to the sect, and the swordsmanship became a master!

As for Buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism, they have never broken through to the first rank.

This made Luo Hong a little bit regretful, but Luo Hong quickly set his sights on the last Nine Realm Heavenly Man.

No breakthrough, no problem!

Killing another celestial being, the reward given by the rules... must break through!

Luo Hong's eyes sparkled.

And the celestial man who was trapped, his eyes were about to burst.

He was taken as prey!


The human world is their hunting ground, why do some people regard him as prey? !

Shameful, hateful!

boom! ! !

The celestial being was so angry that he blew himself up directly.

A celestial being of the Nine Realms blew himself up, and the energy fluctuations caused were extremely majestic, and a huge mushroom cloud rose above the sea of ​​clouds.

Li Xiuyuan appeared in front of Luo Hong, blocking Luo Hong's self-destruction wave for Luo Hong!

call out!

The opponent's willpower turned into a golden light and quickly swept towards the Tianmen, and penetrated into the Tianmen.


Luo Hong emerged from behind Li Xiuyuan and shouted.

Li Xiuyuan hesitated, really still chasing him?

They have already reached the gate of heaven, do they really want to chase in again?

However, Li Xiuyuan gritted his teeth and thought about it, and took Luo Hong to chase after Tianmen together.

The eyes of the Heavenly Man of the Nine Realms who returned to the Tianmen were about to burst.

These two aggressive people are really not human!

Still chasing?

He's back to base camp!

"Little brother, hurry up! Senior brother will open the gate of heaven for you for half a moment!"

"Retreat if you can't kill!"

Li Xiuyuan gritted his teeth and said.

His body was full of vigor, and there was a faint fire of Nirvana burning behind him, like a big sun, he stood in front of the gate of heaven and opened the gate!

Book Shanhong on Luo Hong's head came to kill with red eyes.

Back to Tianmen?

After returning to Tianmen, I will kill you!

You were the one who sent you to die, but now... you can leave if you want? !

Molesting me, Luo Hong? !

I, Luo Hongnai, are the greatest villains in the world, you dare to tease me? !

"Slay God!!!"

Luo Hong stepped onto the gate of heaven step by step, stepping on the solid gate.

With a scream, his whole body swelled, the magic sword was held in his hand, and he slashed out. The phantom of the saint shone with light, causing the mountain of books to shed light and shine into the gate of heaven, suppressing the will of the heavenly man for a while!

Luo Hong's God-slaying sword fell immediately.

"Do not!!!"

This celestial being felt the crisis of death, and his heart was terrified!

really die!

"Tianzun! I would like to offer all my luck! Save me!"

he growled.

The next moment, the world seemed to freeze, and Li Xiuyuan, who opened the Tianmen for half a moment, only felt a terrifying pressure, sweeping from behind the Tianmen!


A "respect" who transcends the ten realms!

"Little brother! Withdraw!"

Li Xiuyuan gritted his teeth, his hair fluttered, and his eyes were full of solemnity.

After Tianmen, it was really dangerous, but in just such a moment, it provoked the attack of a powerful man of dignity!

boom! ! !

Luo Hong also changed color.

After he felt Tianmen, a big white jade hand tore through the space and slapped along the long river of time and space.

The speed is extremely fast, and the void seems to be solidified.

The phantom of the saint jumped, exuding a sense of crisis.

The celestial being blocked by the mountain of books showed a cold look!

"Still running away?!"

"Tianzun takes action, if you don't escape, you will be dragged into the gate of heaven... At that time, you will die!"

This celestial being is insane.

Unexpectedly, he is a majestic Nine Realm Heavenly Man, and he has traveled nine thousand and eight hundred miles on the avenue, but he was forced to this state by a second-rank monk in the world!

"Are you still arrogant?!"

Luo Hong's eyes froze, murderous intent rolled.

You are humiliating a great villain!


Luo Hong shouted loudly.

There are not enough mountains of books, isn't there still a boat of suffering? !

The saint phantom in Luo Hong's dantian sighed.

The next moment, the void tore apart.

Thousands of saints shine brightly.

The bitter boat emerged, accompanied by a monstrous golden sea of ​​will.


The bitter boat stood in front of the white jade palm, and the two collided, causing the white jade hand to be slightly blocked!

Luo Hong roared sharply, leaping onto the road of the extremely arrogant celestial man, pierced his sword, and began to run.

Make the road be cut into two halves!

"Do not!!!"

boom! ! !

The sound of the avenue collapsing caused the entire Tianmen to tremble.

Countless golden lights sprinkled, golden blood flying.

The flowers of the avenue withered and fell.

The world is full of golden clouds, extremely festive.

And behind Tianmen, blood rained down.


The owner of the white jade hand was suddenly furious, and his voice stirred behind the Tianmen, which actually caused a change in the world.


After Luo Hong killed the celestial being, Kuzhou and Shushan quickly withdrew and returned to Luo Hong's dantian.

Suddenly, the terrifying pressure between heaven and earth permeated instantly.

Luo Hong couldn't even raise his eyes to scan the world behind the Tianmen, it was too scary! Tianzun, who is not restricted and suppressed by the rules of the world, is powerful and boundless!

You can only exit quickly!

The danger of death is extremely strong, once he is left in Tianmen, he will die!

Li Xiuyuan stood in front of Luo Hong.

The peach blossom branches are handed out.

In the void, there were eleven Taoshan Mountains, pressing down on the white jade palm.

bang bang bang!

However, under that palm, eleven peach mountains collapsed one after another. Li Xiuyuan's face turned pale, and with a muffled snort, he led Luo Hong out of the Tianmen.

boom! ! !

The space in front of Tianmen exploded instantly.

Because that white jade palm that became angry from embarrassment continued to chase and kill him.

Countless regular forces turned into chains, intertwined and whipped, and the white jade palm was whipped like a cracked porcelain doll's arm in an instant.

In the end, this arm was still retracted, the gate of heaven was closed, and it was hidden for a moment.

Luo Hong fell down and sat on the sea of ​​clouds, gasping heavily, Li Xiuyuan was also holding his peach blossoms in shock.

too crazy!

This is really killing the gate of heaven!

Forcibly born under the eyes of a celestial being, he cut off the avenue of a celestial being of the nine realms!

Li Xiuyuan felt that the junior brother was really crazy.

However, it was inexplicably joyful, one word "cool"!

God? !

Shit god!

The heavenly man who forced the master so miserably was chased and hacked by their senior brothers!


The golden clouds began to sweep, causing the white sea of ​​clouds to turn into a golden sea of ​​clouds, and the vision was fully revealed.

The next step is the rules reward link.

Li Xiuyuan's eyes were bright, and he looked eagerly.


Soon, his face was dark for a while.

Above Luo Hong's head, there was a golden cloud reward the size of a pond.

And he, Li Xiuyuan... this time he didn't even have a pot!

Nothing at all!


Because the celestial being blew himself up, and then Dao was beheaded by Luo Hong, so he, Li Xiuyuan, was an outsider, without even a fart reward!

Obviously he, Li Xiuyuan, was the key person who resisted the closure of Tianmen and the palm of Tianzun!

Heaven has no eyes!

Li Xiuyuan was so sad, watching Luo Hong cross his knees in the sea of ​​clouds, bathed in rewards, he felt extremely sad.

The power of the rules fluctuated, and the golden cloud surged and fell.

Luo Hong's martial body, which had just stepped into the first-rank realm, suddenly had a golden light flickering slightly.

"The pinnacle of the five-forged physical body?!"

Li Xiuyuan's eyes narrowed, and it was only then that he realized that Luo Hong's physical body was actually so strong.

Five forged physical body, this kid...does he want to reach nine forged physical body before landing on the land immortal? !

Waiting for the land fairy to bloom nine avenue flowers in one thought, spanning nine thousand miles of the avenue in one step?

What a big ambition!

Li Xiuyuan took a deep breath.

Although the current Luo Hong has just entered the first rank, there is no distinction between the strong and the weak among Luo Hong.

Luo Hong's combat strength far surpassed that of the first rank!

After a long time, Luo Hong, who was bathed in the reward, slowly opened his eyes, which were full of disappointment.

The reward this time did not allow him to step into the six-forged body, but it also allowed him to step into the first rank of Confucianism and Taoism, reaching the realm of great Confucianism, while the cultivation of Buddhism and Taoism was still stuck at the second rank.

Moreover, the widening of the foundation of the Dao has not reached seven thousand miles. The further you go, the more difficult it is to widen, and I am afraid that many heavenly beings will have to be killed.

Feeling the disappointment in Luo Hong's eyes, Li Xiuyuan suddenly wanted to hit someone.

What are you disappointed about? !

What else do you want?

Killing heaven and man can get rewards, which Li Xiuyuan had never expected before.

Li Xiuyuan also understands that if he uses the power of the rules to kill heaven and man, he should not be rewarded, but if he kills with his own strength, he will be rewarded by the rules of the emperor!


"Heaven and man enter the world, depriving the world of luck, and the rules of the world are also advocating the world to hunt and kill heaven and man?"

Li Xiuyuan smiled, the Master may not know about this.

Tianmen disappeared.

Li Xiuyuan and Luo Hong tore apart the golden sea of ​​clouds and returned to the world. Li Xiuyuan was still playing with flowers and returned to the world in style.

Luo Hong was also full of energy, and his original appearance of kidney deficiency also dissipated.

The emperor's rules and rewards made his mouth full of greasy food.

And above the Jixia Academy.

Everyone was stunned.

The ever-changing sky on the sky, as well as the aura erupting from that terrifying confrontation, seemed to be the end of the day.

There was even a golden sea of ​​clouds, and the unwilling roar of heaven and man...

Luo Hong and Li Xiuyuan... What happened to the heaven and man?

The celestial being who walked out of the celestial being and entered the human he dead?


Li Xiuyuan and Luo Hong walked down the clouds.

Behind them, above the sea of ​​clouds, suddenly there were two pillars of luck smashing down, and there was an incomparably rich luck surging in them.

Li Xiuyuan and Luo Hong looked in astonishment. The two Lords of Luck were lingering around Jixia Academy, covering Anping County.

This is the power of luck of the first two fallen Nine Realms...

As soon as they fell, the power of luck returned to the world.

And the last one died in Tianmen, and his luck was intercepted by Tianmen.

Luo Hong and Li Xiuyuan also understood instantly.

The power of luck permeated, and soon, it turned into a tornado and swept away towards Dongshan.

Luo Hong and Li Xiuyuan were startled.

The two looked at each other, and quickly landed in the academy.

In the school palace.

Luo Xiaoxiao sat down on the ground, a little dazed, a little scared...

The power of luck kept pouring into her eyebrows and into her body. She didn't want to, but these powers of luck poured in anyway.

Luo Hong and Li Xiuyuan quickly landed. Seeing this scene, they couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

"This can her physical body be so sensitive to the power of luck?"

Li Xiuyuan frowned.

Always feel that something is wrong.

Could it be the reincarnation of some powerful celestial beings?

While Li Xiuyuan was thinking, on the other side, Luo Hong touched Luo's little head, and took out one fake surveillance mirror after another.

In front of Luo Xiaoxiao's face, smash it to pieces.

The pseudo-supervising sky mirror was smashed, and the power of luck in it suddenly gushed out and poured into Luo Xiaoxiao's body, causing Luo Xiaoxiao's body to unknowingly surged with a sense of coercion.

The thirteen pseudo-surveillance mirrors were all smashed into pieces.

Seventy points of luck in the world poured into Luo Xiaoxiao's body one after another.

"Little Empress Da Luo! It's none other than you!"

"Brother will be the regent..."

Luo Hong laughed.

"Seven points of luck in the world belong to my Luo family!"

"Even if the emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the Empress of the Great Chu came to ask for... she would not give it!"

He, Luo Hong... is just that bad!

He couldn't beat him before, so the conditions were relaxed. Now that the second senior brother has succeeded in nirvana, he can beat three heavenly beings of the nine realms. It shouldn't be difficult for him to face the Son of Heaven, the Empress of Great Chu.

Therefore, Luo Hong felt that he could become arrogant again.

As for whether Luo Xiaoxiao is the reincarnation of heaven and man?

Luo Hong is not worried, probably not, the reason why he is so sensitive to luck should be the reason for the master's hint.

The luck that Luo Hong obtained in the sea of ​​will before was transferred to Luo Xiaoxiao by the master.


Wangchuan Temple.

Shrouded in Buddha light, phantoms of golden Buddhas lie across the Wuliang Mountain.

Outside Wangchuan Temple, the ground was burned and the trees were withered.

An incomparably burly three-meter celestial armor corpse was rampant, as if born from a drought. It was extremely terrifying, and the powerful and depressing aura made the sky shrouded in black clouds.

And above the Tianjia Corpse.

Wen Tianxing, who was riding a crane, shook his face slightly.

He turned his head to look in the direction of Jixia Academy, frowning.

He seemed to have sensed the fluctuation of the realm of Tianzun just now...

And... looking at the golden clouds all over the sky.

"The three celestial beings of the nine realms... are dead?"

Wen Tianxing murmured.

How can I die?

Heaven and man are immortal in the world, and it is extremely difficult to kill. Only the seal like the old heavenly master of Longhu Mountain can be done.

"What happened?"

Wen Tianxing frowned.

Heaven and man fell into the world?

This thought made him hesitate. .

The three celestial beings of the Nine Realms attacked Jixia Academy, Wen Tianxing didn't expect to succeed at all, he just wanted to force out Jixia Academy's trump card.

And now, maybe something happened beyond his plan.

"Forget it...don't worry about it, let's deal with the matter of Wangchuan Temple first."

Wen Tianxing looked at Wangchuan Temple shrouded in the light of Buddha in the distance.

There is also the righteous sculpture of the master under the statue of listening to the martial arts on the martial arts arena.

He looked at the sculpture of Master, and the sculpture of Master was also looking at him.

Wen Tianxing smiled faintly, Master alone controlled the Three Realms.

Raise your hand to make a mudra.

Immediately, the Heavenly Armored Corpse transformed by Emperor Xia, with crimson red in the pupils, thousands of miles away, raised its head and roared, black air rolled!

The top of the immeasurable mountain.

The sculpture of the Master kept moving, looking at the world calmly.

It can be vaguely seen that the peak Tianjia Corpse, surrounded by endless darkness and destruction, is approaching.

Is this to destroy his statue and destroy his body?

Fortunately... the old man had expected it.

The master who turned into a stone sculpture seemed to smile lightly.

In the next moment, invisible fluctuations faintly spread out from the statue.

It turned into a gust of wind and swayed towards Jixia Academy.

Old man, it's time to shake people.

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