My Young Lord Is Really Righteous

Chapter 290 ??My Young Master...I Feel Your Anger

Jixia Academy.

Luo Hong shattered the thirteen fake prison sky mirrors, and among them, the seven points of luck in the world collected by the thirteen Taoists of the Kunlun Palace entered the sea secret realm, one after another swarmed out of it and poured into Luo Xiaoxiao's body. middle.

The small body bears the pressure that this age should not bear.

Li Xiuyuan caressed Luo Xiaoxiao's head and sighed. He didn't know whether it was a good thing...or a bad thing for Luo Xiaoxiao to bear so much luck.

However, Luo Xiaoxiao now has no objections as the Queen of the Great Luo Dynasty. With so much luck, the Great Luo Dynasty will surely prosper!

Outside the Jixia Academy, a group of casual cultivators who surrounded them withdrew one after another.

They didn't have the guts to continue coveting the secret realm of the sea of ​​learning in Jixia Academy, because Li Xiuyuan succeeded in Nirvana and possessed the powerful strength to fight against the three gods of the nine realms alone.

Therefore, today's Jixia Academy cannot be offended by the world, and the Sea of ​​Learning Secret Realm is not what they should covet.

Luo Hongxiu has stepped into the first grade, and at this moment the energy in his whole body is surging.

Moreover, the rewards obtained by killing three celestial beings expanded Luo Hong's Dao foundation to nearly seven thousand miles.

If ordinary land immortals knew about Luo Hong's actions, they would probably beat their chests and feet, and feel heartbroken. Luo Hong's move was simply reckless. These rewards brought down by the power of rules are extremely precious, and can help land immortals open up the road.

As a result, it was meaningless for Luo Hong to use it to broaden the foundation of the avenue and lay the foundation, not to mention the increase in strength, and even cause troubles that would make it extremely difficult to open up the avenue in the future.

However, Luo Hong didn't care, after all, the rewards were placed there and would eventually be used up.

Moreover, the so-called difficulty in opening up the avenue is nothing to Luo Hong. If it is really difficult, he should kill more heavenly beings, anyway, the rewards he gets can open up the avenue.

If one celestial being is not enough, there are ten, and if ten are not enough, there are a hundred!

Luo Hong didn't stay for long, he needed to consolidate his cultivation bases, swordsmanship, martial arts, Confucianism and Taoism were all at the first rank, and if he was not careful, he was faster than evil cultivation bases.

Luo Hong was also depressed, the rules rewarded so much, but it didn't improve the cultivation base of the evil way.


Look down on evil cultivators?

Should the evil cultivator be so cold?

Therefore, Luo Hong planned to find a place to practice quietly, and took out the human skin booklet to practice.

All things pay attention to a balance. Luo Hong feels that his major is evil cultivation, so the cultivation base of evil cultivation must at least reach the first rank.

Otherwise, his reputation as a villain would be too shameful.

However, just when he was about to dig out the human skin book and study it carefully.

But Li Xiuyuan's voice came from the ear.

"Little Junior Brother... Maybe it's time for us to meet Master." Li Xiuyuan said.

Luo Hong was startled, and looked back.


"Didn't he suppress the Three Realms for three years?" Luo Hong immediately became vigilant.

What's the matter?

Master is going home?

Xuehai Secret Realm hasn't been emptied yet.

Li Xiuyuan: "..."

What's with your vigilant look?

However, thinking of the mountain of books and bitter boat that Luo Hong moved away from the secret realm of Xuehai, Li Xiuyuan understood a little bit, this kid... is used to being the master of the house.

Is it true that Jixia Xuegong's surname is Luo?

The also Li first!

Li Xiuyuan turned out a page of a sage book.

On the page of the book, words gradually appeared: "Come quickly!"

Afterwards, there was a signature at the end of the page: Master.

Luo Hong was startled: "What does this mean?"

"Master is asking for help."

Li Xiuyuan said indifferently, "It should be that someone is going to attack Wuliang Mountain, and even the power of rules can't stop it, so Master called us to help, Master has expected it, this is the master's backhand."

When Luo Hong heard this, he suddenly realized.

The master is awesome, you can still call for help if you petrify!

Sure enough, ginger is still old and spicy, so keep everything in one hand.

He should not know about the fact that he evacuated the Sea of ​​Learning Secret Realm, right?

Luo Hong muttered in his heart.

Li Xiuyuan didn't say much, and with a flick of his hand, a peach blossom bloomed in the void, enveloping the figures of Luo Hong and Li Xiuyuan, and fled away in an instant.


Wuliang Mountain, above Wangchuan Temple.

A gate of heaven opened, and the majestic Buddha light shone down from the gate of that day. It seemed that Buddhas with golden brilliance emerged from it one after another.

At the foot of Wuliang Mountain.

The Heavenly Armored Corpse transformed by Emperor Xia stopped immediately, and the Buddha's light shone down, causing the body of Emperor Xia's Heavenly Armored Corpse to let out a deadly sound of "Chi Chi".

And Wen Tianxing came on a crane, and said with a faint smile to the celestial monks who came out from Tiantianmen, "You all come from Xitianmen?"

"West Tianmen is bathed in the blood of the Buddhist clan. He is an eminent monk who has achieved Taoism in the heavens. Now he has nothing to do with Wuliang Mountain. If he doesn't block half of it, the surrounding area of ​​Wuliang Mountain can be transformed into a kingdom of Buddhas."

Wen Tian Xing Dao.

Behind the Tianmen, the leader is a golden monk with an extremely powerful aura. There is a surge of colorful light behind him. With palms together, he glanced at Wuliang Mountain.

"Amitabha...Ksitigarbha finally passed away."

"Wuliang Mountain belongs to the lineage of Ksitigarbha, and has nothing to do with us."

"Forget it, the headmaster of the Kunlun Palace... Since you want to deal with the master, the poor monk will not intervene."

Under the gate of Buddhism, many Buddhas twirled flowers and laughed lightly, and then turned into streams of light to escape from the Wuliang Mountain and head towards the surrounding cities. Faith and luck.

After the Buddhist monks left, the head teacher of Kunlun Palace narrowed his eyes.

"West Heaven Gate Buddha Clan..."

The Southern Heaven Gate is dominated by the Immortal Race, the West Heaven Gate is dominated by the Buddha Race, the North Heaven Gate is dominated by the Dragon Race, and the East Heaven Gate is dominated by the Monster Race...

There is also the Zhongtian Gate, which is the Protoss.

This is an overview of the upper realm recorded in the Kunlun Palace classics.

Every person who ascends to the Heavenly Gate can choose to change his blood and become a member of the Five-Direction Heavenly Gate.

In short, if you enter the Tianmen, you will not be a human race.

The human race is only in the human world.

But there are rules in the world.

The Buddhist clan of Xitianmen is also very powerful. It is rumored that the king of Xitian is even more unfathomable.

The Heavenly Vault of Buddhism disappeared, and the Tianjia Corpse transformed by Emperor Xia climbed the mountain again.

He set foot on Wuliang Mountain, and the whole Wuliang Mountain trembled.

The monstrous corpse energy of the Tianjia corpse surged and impacted.

On the top of the mountain, there is a martial arts arena.

Sitting cross-legged, the monks of Wangchuan Temple opened their eyes one after another, with a bit of solemnity in their eyes.

Master Faro stood up, and tens of thousands of monks stood behind him.

Countless ideas roared.

On the top of the mountain, a huge golden Buddha statue is formed!

"Hell ghoul?! Back!"

Master Farrow shouted loudly.

He clapped his palm sharply.

The golden Buddha statue also slapped the Emperor Xia's Tianjia Corpse.

And the Heavenly Armor Corpse transformed by Emperor Xia is the condensed thought of a demigod who has transcended the Ten Realms half a step away.

At this moment, the corpse aura of the Tianjia corpse surged.

"I... don't accept it!!!"


Surrounded by the corpse's aura, he punched out and collided with the golden Buddha statue.

Boom! ! !

Deafening tremors and sounds reverberated between the heavens and the earth.

The golden light and corpse energy dissipated in ripples.

Master Farrow immediately sprayed blood from his mouth and nose, and his eyes tightened.

"Emperor Xia?!"

"This is the general sent by Ju Ling of Kunlun Palace, the head teacher of Kunlun Palace?!"

Master Farrow raised his head, looked at the sky, rising up on a crane, and said, Wen Tianxing, who was so immortal.

The headmaster of the Kunlun Palace actually used Emperor Xia who had turned into a corpse to deal with them.

Xiahuang roared, stretched out his hand and tore it violently.

The Buddha statue that blocked his steps was instantly torn apart!

"This may be the cause and effect..."

Master Faro lowered his eyes and sat on the ground, a little sad.

If Ksitigarbha hadn't been transformed, it would have been impossible for the headmaster of the Kunlun Palace to use secret techniques to summon a celestial armored corpse to help Emperor Xia revive his soul.

"It's a pity that Emperor Xia crossed the ten realms with half a foot, and in the end, he became your puppet. It's sad and deplorable."

Master Farrow said while dripping blood.

"You want to break into Wangchuan Temple, and you want to destroy the statue transformed from Master's body?"

"I, Wangchuan Temple... have already neglected my duties regarding the matter of Ksitigarbha. This time, I will definitely not let you succeed!"

Master Farrow clapped his palms violently.

The monks behind them glared angrily and strode forward.

The Buddha's light shines everywhere, and the Buddha's potential is surging!


Hearing that Tianxing rode a crane in the sky, he said calmly.

The Heavenly Armor Corpse transformed by Emperor Xia roared angrily.

Climb the immeasurable mountain step by step.

The stone path of Wuliang Mountain, which carried pilgrims up and down the mountain for eight thousand years, burst into pieces at this moment.

The peak Tianjia Corpse, the Emperor Xia of the half-respected realm.

Incomparably powerful.


From Wangchuan Temple, an old monk floated out. He was an old monk in the land fairyland. The road behind him stretched for nine thousand miles. He was holding a golden bowl and a magic wand, trying to suppress Emperor Xia.

However, Emperor Xia was extremely ferocious, and his will was completely washed away, and he punched this eminent monk of Wangchuan Temple, causing the avenue to crack and the Tao flowers to wither.


The Heavenly Armor Corpse transformed by Emperor Xia roared like a god and demon, and he landed on the martial arts arena.

However, although the eminent monk fell, he bought time for Master Faro and many eminent Buddhist monks. He recited the name of the Buddha, turned the beads, and used the energy and blood of 30,000 Buddhist vajras to activate the formation of the Buddha statue and guard the Wuliang Mountain. Block the footsteps of Emperor Xia.

Emperor Xia kept punching and punching, but he still couldn't break it.

"As expected of Wangchuan Temple, which has been passed down for eight thousand years... The origin of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is indeed a little tricky."

"No wonder Master chose to go to Wangchuan Temple."

Wen Tianxing smiled lightly on the sky, seeing the indestructible defense of the golden Buddha statue. Unless the outside world has more than ten and a half Buddha statues to attack, it will not be able to break through this defense.

Wen Tianxing laughed.

Among them, the sculpture of Master is the safest.


"The old Taoist said... Master, you are half a game away."

Wen Tianxing smiled calmly, and slapped suddenly on the sky.

Suddenly, a thunder mark appeared in the palm of his hand.

The thunder mark fell, and a thunderbolt with a thick arm smashed down from the nine heavens.

In Wangchuan Temple, there is a martial arts arena.

Suddenly a bell rang.

The roaring bell sounded long, and in an instant, it sounded like a storm blasting the entire Wangchuan Temple.

The head of the Buddha who was suppressed by the master before under the ten thousand Buddha bell broke out of the bell.

The Buddha's head stepped out with one step, and the aura rose. The avenue stretched for five thousand miles, and the Buddha's head of the five realms was broken today!


The Buddha's head's eyes were filled with compassion, and he was a little dazed, but he also had a feeling of seeing the sun again.

He slapped it with one palm, and instantly spanned the void and crossed the mountain gate.

Among the inconceivable gazes of many monks, Master Farrow was photographed!

The beads in Master Faro's hand suddenly shattered, and the beads fell to the ground one by one, bouncing like glass beads.

"The head of the are no longer a Buddha, but a demon!"

Master Faro looked back angrily, staring at the somewhat embarrassed Buddha's head, bleeding, and said.

The Buddha's eyes were indifferent, and he looked at the statue guarded by the Master in front of the Diting sculpture, and suddenly chuckled.

"Suppressing the poor monk for a year, master... the last thing you should do is to be soft-hearted."

Master Farrow was injured, and the monks were shocked.

Immediately, the array of golden Buddha statues began to disintegrate from the inside, falling apart.

The statue of Master stood in front of the statue of Diting, and let out a faint sigh.



Suddenly, the demonic energy surged, and the moment the golden Buddha statue collapsed.

The Tianjia Corpse transformed by Emperor Xia completely landed on Wuliang Mountain, and the golden light of the whole Wuliang Mountain began to dim, as if being burned by the horrible corpse aura.


And on Wuliang Mountain, in the martial arts arena.

None of the monks chose to retreat, they were not afraid of death, they held sticks and aimed at the Tianjia corpse transformed by Emperor Xia.

Master Faro was slapped by the Buddha's head, his chest was pierced, dripping blood, and the blood stained the already bright red cassock.

Wen Tianxing landed on Wuliang Mountain on a crane, his Taoist robes fluttered, and his eyes were thick and deep.

The Heavenly Armor Corpse transformed by Emperor Xia slapped a palm, and many monks' bodies were blown to pieces under the force of this palm.

However, there are more brave monks who are not afraid of death, moving forward and resisting without fear.

Surrounded by eminent monks from Wangchuan Temple, they came to block Emperor Xia.

However, how could Huang Xia, who was in the semi-respected realm, be able to stop him.

The blood dyed the martial arts arena of Wangchuan Temple red, and the broken stone steps seemed to have turned into a river, flowing towards the world.

Wangchuan Temple is bleeding.

And Wangchuan Temple has a radius of thousands of miles.

However, there are Buddhist monks who are reciting Buddhist words and brainwashing the will of the people with their powerful spiritual power, making them kneel down and become citizens of the new Buddhist country, offering their faith and luck.

The birth of the Buddha Kingdom was based on the destruction of Wangchuan Temple.

The contrast is stark and shocking.


Wen Tianxing walked up to the statue of Master step by step.

Intertwined with regular power, one after another talisman emerged around Wen Tianxing.

He came to the listening statue and looked at the statue of Master.

"You sealed my main body, but you didn't expect that I have a wisp of will in the world."

Wen Tianxing laughed, looked at the master, and said.

Like a conversation between old friends.


And in the sculpture of the Master, there is also the condensation of mysterious energy, which turns into a vague body of ideas.

"Why did you end up here... the fall of the world, what good is it for you?"

"You want to break through the ten realms? So you lure heaven and humans into the world?"

Master said.

Wen Tianxing put his hands behind his back, facing the power of the rules, one after another talismans were burning.

He dare not fight against the rules, but he can temporarily evade the rules with the power of talismans.


"Beyond ten realms?"

Wen Tianxing smiled.

"You should know... none of this is what I want."

The master raised his eyebrows, as if he understood something.

"Where is the Human Emperor Sword?" Wen Tianxing asked.

"There is no emperor in the world, so where is the emperor's sword?" The phantom of the master narrowed his eyes and asked.

"Is the Human Emperor Sword in the Sea of ​​Learning Secret Realm?"

Wen Tianxing asked again.

"The Sea of ​​Learning Secret Realm is not owned by this old man..." There was a bit of resentment in the Master's words.

The two didn't answer the question.

Wen Tianxing smiled lightly, "It seems that he is in the secret realm of Xuehai..."

Wen Tianxing felt that he had found the answer he was looking for.

Master, on the other hand, is delaying time.


On the immeasurable mountain, blood flowed like a river.

Many monks were brave enough to kill and suppress Xiahuangtianjia Corpse. However, they were all shot to death by Xiahuangtianjia Corpse. The original 30,000 monks were killed by Xiahuangtianjia Corpse who only knew how to kill. Many, corpses littered the martial arts arena.

The smell of blood rose to the sky.

However, the Tianjia corpse transformed by Emperor Xia was not obsessed with killing. Under Wen Tianxing's control, he walked towards the statue of Master.

"Stop him!"

Master Farrow coughed up blood.

Many old monks from the land fairyland came across.

Wen Tianxing just flicked his sleeves, and suddenly a piece of talisman lay across, turning into a formation, covering all the old monks, so that they could not break through the formation and get out.

clang clang clang!

Countless corpse auras are permeating the air, and Xiahuang Tianjia Corpse is under control, constantly attacking and wiping away the power of the rules, and getting closer to the sculpture of Master bit by bit.

Wen Tianxing laughed, riding a crane like the wind, suspended in the sky, overlooking the world.

"Master, Emperor Xia was your favorite student before he was alive. He failed to complete the act of killing his master. Now, the poor monk is helping him."

Wen Tianxing laughed lightly.

The next moment, five fingers snapped.

The Heavenly Armor Corpse transformed by Emperor Xia, even though it was covered with wounds from the regular force, still moved forward.

The Master looked at the Tianjia Corpse transformed by Emperor Xia, and at the Emperor Xia who had lost his intelligence and turned into a wild beast, and sighed.

To blame, to cooperate with the Kunlun Palace, was a tool in life, but after death... still reduced to a tool.

Wen Tianxing had a good idea, using the power of Emperor Xia's half-lord to wear down the power of the rules, although it could not be completely wiped out, at least it could be weakened a lot.

Once the power of rules disappears, his body will be slaughtered by Wen Tianxing.

Moreover, as Emperor Xia's corpse aura spread, the corpse king in hell struggled more and more fiercely!

Fortunately, the old man and that Wen Tianxing talked and delayed for a while.


Over Wangchuan Temple.

Suddenly, a stream of light flew across at high speed.

Peach blossoms are blooming.

Li Xiuyuan and Luo Hong came hand in hand. The two of them were on the sky, overlooking Wangchuan Temple. Looking at the bloody Wangchuan Temple, their eyes could not help but focus.

Li Xiuyuan sighed, while Luo Hong remained silent. Luo Hong still had a deep memory of Wangchuan Temple. After all, he had once committed massacres in the secret place of Ksitigarbha here.

In fact, he was also angry at Wangchuan Temple. After all, the head of the Buddha at Wangchuan Temple plotted against him.

But now, Wangchuan Temple has been reduced to a sea of ​​blood, and Luo Hong's emotions are still very complicated.

Luo Hong and Li Xiuyuan looked at each other.

The two fell from the void one after another.


Luo Hongluo was in the martial arts arena, with white clothes and white hair, watching the corpses of monks piled up all over the floor, blood flowing like rivers, and remained silent.

Li Xiuyuan landed in front of the statue of Master.

Slowly handing out the peach blossom branch in his hand, the void exploded inch by inch, and touched Xia Huangtian's armored corpse's chest.

The body of Emperor Xia was smashed and flew out, shaking the ground.

Li Xiuyuan held the peach blossom branch, looked at the familiar aura, raised his eyebrows slightly: "Xia Jie?"

With a feeling in his heart, Li Xiuyuan raised his head and looked at the sky, where Wen Tianxing sat quietly on the back of the white crane, like an exile overlooking the world.

"It was calculated again..."

Li Xiuyuan shook his head.

Afterwards, she pointed at the peach blossom branch with her finger and wiped it slowly.

Looking at Xia Huangtianjia's corpse, he said calmly, "Then... please enlighten me, senior brother."

On the other side, Master Faro's Buddha's head was severely injured, his monk's robe flew up, stained with blood, and his eyes were full of coldness, staring at Luo Hong who fell from the sky.

He has deep memories of Luo Hong.

It was because of Luo Hong that he ruined his plan in the hidden realm of Ksitigarbha.

It was Luo Hong who took away his Ksitigarbha inheritance!

He has unreserved murderous intent towards Luo Hong.

"I haven't seen you in just two months, but you have already become a first-rank... You are indeed a monster in this world!"

"It's just in time... The poor monk just happened to retrieve the inheritance of Ksitigarbha."

The Buddha's head said indifferently, raised his hand and sucked it suddenly, and he held a blood-stained magic wand in his hand.

There was a crisp jingle!

The rings on the drop wand were colliding with each other.

Afterwards, the coercion was great, the golden light of the descending wand circulated, and it waved with a terrifying range, causing a roar of vigor.

The Buddha's head threw a stick at Luo Hong.

Luo Hong looked at the corpses of monks all over the floor, and at the bloody Master Faro, and sighed.

The next moment, he raised his head, white clothes and white hair flying.

He took out the evil king's mask and covered his face, his white hair turned into silver, reflecting the blood red all over the ground.

Is it a land fairy in the five realms?

Although I, Luo Hong, am a rank one, but... it is not impossible to fight!

Lord Buddha, times have changed!

Still think that Luo Hong is a little monk who has just entered the secret realm of Ksitigarbha?

Under the evil king's mask, Luo Hong's face was strange.

He raised his hands sharply.

Behind, there is a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

Among the corpses of the monks, evil shadows squirmed...

Afterwards, one after another, evil shadows climbed up from the corpse, carrying overwhelming resentment and unwillingness!

Luo Hong's outstretched hand clenched violently!

The next moment, one after another evil shadows turned into black light and penetrated into Luo Hong's body.


20,000 monk shadows, superimposed!

Luo Hong's aura suddenly soared!

The eyes under Luo Hongxie's mask were cold and heartless, but they fluctuated slightly.

He saw the Buddha's head breaking the seal, and saw the Buddha's head hit Master Faluo with a palm, breaking the formation.

After the formation was shattered, the Heavenly Armor Corpse transformed by Emperor Xia slaughtered the monks.

The blood turned into a double dragon vortex under Luo Hong's feet.

"My son... I can feel your anger."

Luo Hong raised his chin and said.

The words fell, one step after another.

Facing the falling magic wand thrown by the Buddha's head, he suddenly punched it out!

It hit the magic wand.

Behind Luo Hong, the faces of the twenty thousand warrior monk Xie Ying loomed.

Luo Hong's five-forged body let out terrifying roars, and his qi and blood surged like a mighty river!

under one punch.

The magic wand was smashed and bent, and it collapsed into a huge arc!

There was a bang!

The falling wand exploded!

Luo Hongna stacked up 20,000 monks, and the powerful punch he unleashed was like a smashing bamboo!

Smashing the Buddha's head's cassock, smashing the arms of the Buddha's head to resist, smashing the disbelieving eyes of the Buddha's head.

Hit the chest!

After that, pass through the body.

The body of the Buddha's head exploded instantly into thousands of bloody mud.

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