
The heavy snow was flying, and it was instantly melted, turned into boiling water, and evaporated into white air that mist the entire world.

The fire in the center of the earth in the sword casting platform spread like a curtain, showing a crimson color, so that hundreds of miles away, you can see the grand situation at this moment, making people dazzled.

But the ones who really made people stunned were the two people who were smashed on the sword casting platform.

The smell of blood filled the air, as if there were fine blood mud flying in the air.

Amidst the horrors of many disciples of the Wu family, Nan Lihuo, the lord of the Nanzhao Kingdom and one of the Nine Realms Land Immortals in the world, was pierced by Luo Hong with his sword. The body was nailed to the sword casting platform.

Looking at Luo Hong's splendid body, standing on the sword casting platform, he violently tore at Nan Lihuo's body with two swords, cutting Nan Lihuo's body into three pieces.

Sword Slash Nine Realms!

Is this still a product?

Some first-rank monks in the Wu family were trembling all over. They were also first-rank masters of swordsmanship who mainly focused on attacking. However, they didn't even have the courage to swing their swords when they faced a nine-level monk.

However, Luo Hong used the power of the first rank to kill the land immortal of the nine realms.

This is the most evil Tianjiao in the world.

Boom boom boom...

Nan Lihuo's body, which had been chopped into three pieces, fell on the sword casting platform.

He didn't scream shrilly, but just stared at Luo Hong, the pale golden arc of lightning was beating, shuttled around Nan Lihuo and Luo Hong.

He hates it, he didn't expect that Luo Hong would use the Heavenly Armor Corpse to detonate the aftermath of the thunder calamity. This was almost a life-for-life style of play, which caught Nan Lihuo by surprise.

And his strength was weakened by the thunder, and he lost the owl gu, his combat power was weakened a lot, and he was weakened by the thunder, so he missed.

Luo Honghan was not afraid of death, risked his life, and smashed down the thunder sea with his yin and yang sword diagram.

His body was torn apart, and his blood was spilled on the sword-forging platform!

Nanlihuo's eyes were also bright red. As a Nine Realm Land Immortal, his powerful vitality erupted, and he wanted to glue the severed body together.

However, standing on the sword casting platform, Luo Hong, who was naked with a muscular upper body, wore a mask of an evil king, with flying white hair and a grin.

He stared at Nanlihuo, raising the evil sword in his hand.

Suddenly stabbed down.

The speed of this sword stabbing was too fast, so fast that Nan Lihuo couldn't dodge at all.

The tip of the sword even pierced through space.

Nanli's fire was unavoidable, his head was pierced instantly, as if his will had been split by a sword.

Luo Hong stabbed down with the evil sword, nailing Nan Lihuo's head on the sword-forging platform.

The entire sword-making platform trembled suddenly, and the ground fire spread, like a huge stone thrown into a calm lake, causing thousands of layers of huge waves to explode.

There was a bit of shock in Nan Lihuo's eyes.

His eyes, following the golden evil sword, stared at Luo Hong...

Luo Hong's white hair flew up, with a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth, he stared at Nan Lihuo.

"My son should wait for me to kill you in Nanzhao.


Luo Hongdao.

"You must not listen."

Words fell.

Nanlihuo has not yet made a sound.

The evil sword in Luo Hong's hand turned suddenly, like a big windmill, spinning up, stirring up the vitality of the heaven and the earth, and the hot air that filled the sky was like a whirlpool.

Boom! ! !

Nan Lihuo's head exploded suddenly, splitting into pieces, like a smashed watermelon.

at the same time.

Nanlihuo's sea of ​​will emerged, and the powerful will roared like turbulent waves hitting the shore.

The clone of Luo Hong's will sprang out, the demon sword and the evil sword split, and rushed into Nanlihuo's will sea without fear.

The moment Nanlihuo's head was strangled and exploded, his whole consciousness fell into a momentary confusion, and Luo Hong also took advantage of this moment to break into Nanlihuo's sea of ​​will with his will clone holding his sword.


As a Land Immortal of the Nine Realms, Nan Lihuo's will is so strong, his sea of ​​will is like a real vast ocean. Of course, Luo Hong is not without the will of the strong Nine Realms.

There are also a few celestial beings in the Nine Realms who died under his "Slaying God" sword. However, those celestial beings were all suppressed by the sage's book mountain and the bitter boat to seal the sea of ​​will, so Luo Hong was able to easily kill them. opponent's will.

And Nanlihuo is a human cultivator. Even though he is an evil cultivator, neither the sage Shushan nor Kuzhou will suppress and suppress his sea of ​​will. It is very difficult to use this to destroy Nanlihuo's sea of ​​will.


Luo Hong entered Nanlihuo's sea of ​​will.

If there is no book mountain and bitter boat, then create it yourself and forcibly suppress the opponent's sea of ​​will!

Luo Hong's will surged, and Buddha lamps emerged one after another around his body, and all eighty-one Buddha lamps poured out, hanging in every corner of Nanlihuo's sea of ​​will, like the light of Buddha, stopping the sea of ​​will Huge waves!

In the sea of ​​will, Nan Lihuo's body of will quickly emerged.

"A mere first rank, with a will that is as weak as an ant, dares to enter the sea of ​​wills of the few!"

Nan Lihuo roared.

Although his body was broken, he was anxious, but he didn't care. He was ready to use the "blood of heaven and man" to replace his bloodline, regain his new life, and kill Luo Hong.

However, Luo Hong rushed into the sea of ​​will without knowing his life or death.

To kill a land immortal, both the physical body and the sea of ​​will have to be destroyed. Even, for a land immortal, the sea of ​​will is more important, because the sea of ​​will can be reshaped with flesh and blood, and reborn.

And once the sea of ​​will is destroyed, it will basically die and fall.

Luo Hong entered into his sea of ​​will, Nan Lihuo also understood that Luo Hong wanted to kill him completely!


Facing the confinement of eighty-one Buddha lamps, Nan Lihuo's sea of ​​will set off extremely terrifying waves. In his sea of ​​will, he is a god!

Luo Hong is courting death!


Nanlihuo's willpower erupted like a storm, and the terrifying air splitting machine impacted the eighty-one Buddha lamps.

Luo Hong's avatar of will is happy and fearless, carrying the evil sword and demon sword forward, like an ascetic in the desert staring at the wind and sand, or like a man against the wind on the vast sea watching the storm break through the waves.

The brilliance of the Buddha lamp flickers on and off, imprisoning Nanlihuo's will.

However, the Nine Realms are the Nine Realms after all, without the suppression of Shushan, it is still difficult for Luo Hong to easily kill God.

Bang bang bang!

The sea of ​​will was exploding, with a cold murderous intent, stirring and clamoring in Nanlihuo's sea of ​​will, he wanted to crush Luo Hong's will.

If Luo Hong's avatar of will explodes at this time, even if Luo Hong does not die, he will be severely injured!

And he still has the blood of heaven and man to reshape, this is his best chance for Nan Li Huo Yu Ni to kill Luo Hong!

In the sea of ​​will, the Buddha lamps were broken, and it became more and more difficult to seal Nan Lihuo's will.

Luo Hong frowned, turned his attention, and started to detonate the Buddha lamp directly.


The Buddha lamp is the splitting of will, and the moment it explodes, it seems to shake the entire sea of ​​will.

Nanlihuo's sea of ​​will was surging, and his consciousness was a little hazy.

The next moment, Luo Hong swung his sword.

The evil sword and the devil sword were cut out together.

Kill God!

The sea of ​​will was cut open, and it was difficult to heal for a long time. With a sword to kill the gods, and comprehend in the supernatural powers, Luo Hong only learned destruction, but never healed.

So under the sword, Nanlihuo's sea of ​​will, as if his skin was cut, bleeding profusely, and cracks continuously emerged.

And Luo Hong holds the newly forged evil sword, when the golden light shines brightly.

Suddenly, Luo Hong was shocked.

Inside the golden light of this sword, there is actually endless darkness.

The dead are crying, some are roaring, some ghosts are roaring...

This is a sword of the most evil, which can shake people's mind and soul.

The so-called killing evil is all bullshit.

This is the correct way to open this evil sword!

Luo Hong stood in the terrifying storm of will, like a solitary boat. Before Luo Hong became a land fairy, his will, facing the will of a real land fairy, was very weak, and would produce a kind of awe deep in his soul.

However, there were quite a few Nine Realms who died in Luo Hong's hands. Not to mention Emperor Xia, just those Nine Realms who died made Luo Hong lose his awe.

Nan Lihuo was also somewhat shocked by Luo Hong's resilience.

Luo Hong's physique is unparalleled, and his seven-forged body is not weaker than the seven land immortals and martial immortals.

However, Luo Hong was not a real land immortal after all, so Nan Lihuo always felt that will would be Luo Hong's weak point.

But now, the other side understands that Luo Hong's not a flaw or weakness, but rather, it is Luo Hong's strongest point!


Luo Hong opened his eyes, as if the evil sword cast in gold suddenly became cold.

Feeling countless howls, howls, and ghostly roars, Luo Hong's mind seemed to be constantly ups and downs. At this time, Luo Hong felt that his will seemed to travel through time and space, across the universe, and returned to the place where he was in the hidden realm of the earth. Encountered city.

A black lotus blooms in the darkness, and there is a Bodhisattva holding her palm with green silk, and there is a city in the palm.

Vaguely, Luo Hong seemed to be standing on a city tower, with a vast starry sky above his head. Under the starry sky, a ghost city filled with spooky aura lay across the land, with evil spirits surging, and evil spirits surging like snakes.

Luo Hongxin realized something, and he raised his sword in the storm of will.

Luo Hong opened his eyes, which were as deep as hell.

He raised his sword.

There was actually a substantial sword energy stirring in Nanlihuo's sea of ​​will, and this sword wasn't a mortal calamity, nor a yin and yang calamity.

It's the powerful swordsmanship he learned at the beginning, Hualong.

However, this sword is just like Chen Tianxuan's, a sword...Bone Bone Dragon!

The bone dragon is the way, leading directly to the nether world!

The sword turned again, Luo Hong danced the sword in the dark, and shook Kunlun with his hands!

However, this Kunlun is no longer the Peerless Heavenly Palace... The monstrous evil spirits burst out, the strong breath of death billowed, the Heavenly Palace turned into a secluded capital, the ghosts and gods were banned, and there were many bones!

Luo Hong opened his eyes in an instant, raised his hand and flicked his fingers, flicked his fingers and struck a sword, there are thousands of life and death.

There is also a terrifying aura criss-crossing in Nanlihuo's sea of ​​will.

"what is this?"

Nan Lihuo was a little shocked, at this moment Luo Hong... seemed to have realized something again!

And how did the sword in Luo Hong's hand change instantly, from its original brilliance and sanctity to its spooky aura at this moment!

This is not some evil sword, it is an evil sword in itself!

"You, Luo Hong... are you actually casting an evil sword?!"

Nan Lihuo was shocked.

at the same time.

Luo Hong, who was in the storm of will, slowly opened his eyes, his expression was calm.

There are eighty Buddha lamps left, and all the lamps are exploding!


Eighty Buddha lamps exploded, and the storm of will that was set off ripped apart the sky of will.

The trembling Nanlihuo fell into a momentary confusion.

And Luo Hong flicked a sword, and handed out the sword. The countless sword qi turned into a bone dragon first, and then transformed into a sword mountain. There is a ghost above the sword mountain!

Countless ghosts of evil shadows merged into the sword were crying and roaring...

All the ghosts are here!

One sword to open the nether world!

The sword technique of Zhanshen sword is also integrated into this move, and with the epiphany at this moment, Zhanshen and this evil sword are integrated. The evil sword is a semi-holy weapon, not only a weapon, but also Luo Hong's will, The spirit, the embodiment of practice.

Therefore, at this moment, in Nanlihuo's sea of ​​will, he turned into a sword move, and with a flick of his fingers, he will see the ghost capital!


A vast and majestic city, as if there were countless ghosts and gods shouting in it, the roaring and sinister city descended from the sky!

Nanlihuo's sea of ​​will was instantly suppressed by this city, as if it was frozen and frozen!

The huge city covers the sky, as if it is incomparably ethereal, and it seems that it does not exist in the world.

A sword hangs in front of the city, an evil sword that absorbs the power of infinite evil spirits!

Faintly, it seems that there is an extremely terrifying existence in the city that is about to recover.

Bang bang bang!

Nanlihuo's sea of ​​will was instantly torn apart by a city, and the moment it was crushed, countless wills were crushed and exploded!

"What exactly is this?!"

Nan Lihuo was shocked.

The keel paves the way, the ghosts are all over the sky, suppressing his sea of ​​will, making him strong, at this moment, he can't shake Luo Hong in the slightest!

And at the moment when Nanlihuo was shocked, the sword hanging on the ghost capital city shot out suddenly, and Luo Hong, dressed in white, landed on the Nine Thousand Li Avenue of Nanlihuo with the sword in his hand.

A sword is struck, and in an instant, it is as if there is a supreme god, holding the sword and cutting the avenue!

There was a loud click!

Nanlihuo's avenue suddenly split into two, bursting every inch of it!

One after another, the Dao flowers were cut off!


Nan Lihuo's eyes instantly turned red!

In the battle in the sea of ​​will, Nan Lihuo was aggrieved from the beginning to the end. Luo Hong's willpower was far inferior to his, but there was a point stuck, preventing him from attacking with willpower.

Makes you fall into a trance all the time.

It was as if a lone boat was floating on the vast ocean, and on the lone boat, a swordsman in a coir raincoat and a bamboo hat split the vast ocean with a wave of his sword!

"I'm not willing!"

Nan Lihuo's resentment surged wildly.

He was a majestic Ninth Realm Land Immortal, but was...killed by a first-rank cultivator? !

When Luo Hong didn't use any external objects.




In the sword casting platform, the ground fire spread and rushed into the sky.

Luo Hong actually sat cross-legged in it, his whole body's energy and energy were changing and roaring.

In the sea of ​​will.

Luo Hong's will clone returned, extremely weak, dying, almost annihilated.

Sword style...flicking the fingers to see the ghosts, it can be said that it is Luo Hong's strongest sword so far.

Luo Hong's willpower was completely exhausted, and even the eighty Buddha lamps were all shattered, which is how he did it.

The evil god Erha's nostrils enlarged slightly, and his eyes shrouded in mysterious black mist showed a little shock.

"This sword... faintly touched the threshold of supernatural power."

The evil god Erha let out a breath.

Stupid seems...not stupid, this talent is a bit unusual.

Luo Hong began to cultivate, and a will clone was almost wiped out, but his own will was intact.

And Luo Hong wasn't in a hurry to clean up Nanlihuo's body, since Nanlihuo's avenue was cut off by him, it was already certain that he would die.

Luo Hong was not in a hurry either.

He sat cross-legged, comprehending, and summing up the sword he had just slashed.

But his changes here have attracted the attention of many strong opponents around him.

Above the sky, the robbery clouds dissipated.

In the void, the strong are still fighting.

The Empress was blocked by many celestial beings, and the unicorn sword fairy Wu Qinghua was also blocked by many celestial beings.

However, when they saw Nan Lihuo being stabbed into the sword-forging platform by Luo Hong, the two swords were cut into three sections, and when a broken avenue appeared behind him, everyone in the battle froze.

Wu Family Sword Immortal and Chen Tianxuan, who had just torn apart the False Owl Gu's barrier, were also shocked.

died? !

The Dao collapsed, and the Dao flowers withered... Was Nan Lihuo killed by Luo Hong?

A rank-one monk, using his own strength, to kill the land immortals of the Nine Realms? !

Is this a myth?


The vision of the Great Dao collapsing is terrifying. The entire Wanjian Mountain is shrouded. As the Nine Realms of the World, Nanlihuo's reputation is not weak. After all, he is the king who created the evil capital of Southern Border. Although the emperor, empress, emperor of the Zhou Dynasty and others are weak, they are really not weak!

Holding the dragon sparrow in her hand, the empress forced several heavenly beings back with a sword. Her heroic eyes swept across and landed on Luo Hong's body below, and there was also a surge of surprise.

Nan Lihuo... was killed?


Is this something a first-grade cultivator can do?

It may be understandable to kill the land immortals below the five realms with a first-rank weapon in hand.

But killing the Nine Realms...

This is simply a fantasy.

In the void, Wu Qinghua poured out a river of sword energy with his sword, and forced back the three heavenly beings of the Nine Realms, and a few strange colors flickered in his eyes.

"Talented people come out from generation to generation, and a new generation replaces the old ones."

After two hundred years of not leaving the mountain, there is such a monster in the world!

Two hundred years have passed, and the sea has changed.

Even when Wu Qinghua was young, when he attacked Wushuang and held the "thorn forest", at most he could only kill some land immortals in the first and second realms.

However, facing the upper five realms, they would flee in despair.

Let's talk about the Nine Realms.

The Nine Realms... that's half a step beyond the power of the human world!


A nine-thousand-li avenue appeared in the void, and the avenue was collapsing and being destroyed continuously...

This picture is shocking.

There seemed to be howling and sobbing in the heaven and earth. Although the momentum was not as strong as that of Emperor Xia's fall, it was already considered huge.


These visions all disappeared.

Sitting cross-legged in Nan Lihuo's body that had been cut into three sections and his head that had been imploded, his eyes suddenly opened.

With white hair flying, Luo Hong stared.

He raised his head to look at the sky, and the sky that was originally covered in blood clouds and almost splashed with rain of blood has returned to normal.

The vision of the fall of the Nine Realms...disappeared!

The broken avenue seemed to be continued by an inexplicable force!

Back from the dead? !

Luo Hong stared.

In the void, the Heavenly Man of the Nine Realms who came together with Nanlihuo let out a satisfied chuckle.

Wu Qinghua's expression changed, and the Empress was furious.


A sigh lingered between heaven and earth, lingering on the sword casting platform.

"Luo forced me to do this!"

It was Nanlihuo's voice.

Nan Lihuo, who had been stabbed in the head, actually made a sound at this moment.

The sound waves are like hell, containing infinite power!

The next moment, a jade bottle actually appeared above Nan Lihuo's body, and a powerful force continuously spread out from the jade bottle.

Luo Hong stared at the jade bottle, and suddenly a powerful wave spread out!

Luo Hong's body changed shape and disappeared, left the sword casting platform, and landed on the martial arts arena.

But at this moment, magma instantly covered it.

The jade bottle exploded, golden blood spilled out of it, and the majestic vitality spread out. Nanlihuo's body, which had been cut into three parts, recombined instantly.

Nan Lihuo's hair was flying, and his eyes were a little golden.

The bright red blood in his body was fading, and was washed away by the golden blood, an invisible power spread out, and above his head, a gate of heaven emerged.

clatter clatter...

The essence of life continuously vents down from behind the Tiantian Gate.

Nanlihuo has recovered!

He opened the gate of heaven and replaced the bloodline!

The moment he was cut off by Luo Hong, he chose to replace his blood!

Even, there is an invisible existence in the dark, who made a move for Nanlihuo and continued the Dao!

"That's... the blood of heaven and man?!"

"Nan Lihuo replaced the blood of a celestial being, did he choose to ascend to a celestial being?"

This moment.

Many powerful people in the world have figured out Nanlihuo's purpose.

And the Nine Realm Heavenly Man who gave Nanlihuo the blood of the Heavenly Man laughed loudly. Nanlihuo was led into the Heavenly Gate, and the luck of Nanlihuo's body poured into his body one after another, making his Qi Yun Avenue began to surge wildly!


The avenue stretches for ten thousand miles!


This celestial being only felt that his aura surged instantly, and the nine flowers of the avenue were shining brightly...

Half respect!

Guided by Nanlihuo to fly up to the gate of heaven, and receiving the blessing of Nanlihuo's luck, this celestial being of the Nine Realms entered the Tenth Realm and became a half-respect!

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"Human world, what a wonderful place."

The celestial being laughed.

The moment he stepped into the demigod, he was as bright as a scorching sun, extremely eye-catching.

The empress who confronted her could only feel the surge of pressure!

"Congratulations, Brother Dao."

"Brother Dao is very lucky. I am really envious of us to receive and lead a statue of the Nine Realms of the World."

The surrounding angels cupped their hands in congratulations.

But this celestial being who stepped into the demi-respect was bursting with laughter.

"What the Nan Guozhu replaced was the blood of the Jiuli Demon Venerable. Jiuli Demon Venerable is best at controlling fire. Now, in the sword casting platform, it is simply God's help to the Nan Guozhu. The Nan Guozhu will be reborn from the ashes. Will get another master!"

But the demigod said with a smile, his eyes moved sideways and landed on Wanjian Mountain.

Boom boom boom!

The curtain of ground fire rolled up, as if it was burning everything.

The ground fire is like a giant whale spouting water, and the jet of fire rushes into the sky, piercing through the sky, making the sky seem to be surging with a mushroom cloud.

In the pillar of fire.

Nan Lihuo's body was surrounded by immortal light, and his body was slightly demonic. Outside his body, there was a layer of unique exoskeleton, like the strongest armor in the world.

Nan Lihuo clenched his fist, and in the pillar of fire, one after another, flowers of flames bloomed.

The golden blood flowed through his bones, flesh, viscera, and viscera, transforming his body.

He opened his eyes, looking high above Luo Hong and many Wu family disciples on the martial arts arena.

He sighed.

After all, he chose to replace his bloodline and became a celestial being.

The lost power, as if waking up from a deep sleep, flowed, churned, and climbed in his bones and flesh one by one!

Nan Lihuo straightened his spine, and a joint turned into a long tail, spreading out from his hip.

He raised his hand, and countless flames surrounded him, like a god controlling the flames, revived in the heaven and earth!

He stared at Luo Hong, and slowly raised the corners of his mouth.



Behind the Tianmen, there seems to be a faint light shining down.

Immortal energy curled up, and flames burst forth.

Nanlihuo is like a god coming to the dust, extremely powerful and unrivaled!

He was reborn from the ashes, extremely powerful!

And on the martial arts arena.

Everyone was shocked, feeling the terrifying power, and their bodies were trembling.

Many children of the Wu family didn't even have the courage to swing a sword.

Luo Hong's white hair fluttered, and he lashed at the evil king's mask.

Seeing Nan Lihuo standing on the pillar of fire, Wei Wei was a little stunned.

"What's wrong with change heaven and man?"

"Don't you know that heaven and man are easier to kill?"

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