My Young Lord Is Really Righteous

Chapter 306 ? The Slightly Flooded Grand Prize!

The heat wave was rolling, and Nanlihuo's flesh and blood was filled with an unprecedented feeling of strength.

Moreover, a steady stream of vitality burst out from the depths of his body, secretly communicating with the mysterious place behind the Tianmen. This strange force made Nanlihuo understand the profound meaning of the eternal life of heaven and man. .

The reason why heaven and man can live forever is because of this power.

Power from the long river of life.

"The blood of Jiuli Yaozun..."

Nan Lihuo looked at his palm, the flames were beating in the palm of his hand, and there was a majestic fairy energy lingering around, that feeling of blessing to the soul, that feeling of transcending the shackles of the world, seemed quite beautiful.

However, Nan Lihuo understood that behind this replacement of blood was actually a loss of freedom.

Although he gained longevity, he also lost the qualification to be born as a human being, and he is no longer a human race.

Sighing, Nan Lihuo's eyes rolled, murderous intent surged up.

He recalled the scene that happened in the sea of ​​will.

Luo Hong's sword, flicking his fingers to see the ghosts, really shocked him a bit, he had never seen such a sword technique.

Even if the empress holds a dragon sparrow, it seems that she may not be able to slash that stunning and brilliant sword.

As for Luo Hong, he was just a rank one.

Monsters, real monsters!

Even Nan Lihuo, who had always wanted to kill Luo Hong, had to admit that Luo Hong was indeed a monster, even... a monster!

That sword faintly made him feel beyond the limit of the world!

That is not the pinnacle of strength, but the pinnacle of a mysterious and mysterious technique!

Even if he became a celestial being and replaced his blood, he still felt a sense of crisis!

He must be killed!

Nan Lihuo's eyes moved sideways, and locked on Luo Hong who was on the martial arts field.

He took a step forward, and in an instant, flames billowed all over his body, and the fire in the entire center of the earth was rolled.

The fire in the center of the earth is like a fire dragon,

Burning the void, tearing the sky apart.

boom! ! !

The flames fell down, and the sword-forging platform that exploded trembled, as if it was going to be torn apart!

The entire Wanjian Mountain was shaking.

Nanlihuo walked through the air, replaced his blood, and turned into a celestial being of the Nine Realms. Behind Nanlihuo, the Great Dao appeared, and he even stepped into the tenth realm with half a foot.

Nervous, chilling, terrifying!

On the martial arts arena, the disciples of the Wu family were shrouded in fear.

The sword fairies from the land of the Wu family came across the sky, holding long swords in their hands, blocking Nanlihuo.

Chen Tianxuan was also in charge of the ground dragon, and his complexion was extremely ugly.

It is also an extreme impact to see a strong man in the world replace his blood, shed his human body, and turn into a heavenly man.

in the void.

The heavenly people all laughed freely.

"Cultivators in the human world, have you seen...Ascension to become a celestial being, the strength will be improved, and you will be able to have endless life, and you will be able to search for the road in the endless years."

The half statue that broke through thanks to Nan Lihuo's replacement of blood burst into laughter.

Laughter surged between heaven and earth.

Everywhere in the world, there are many strong human races who are waiting and watching, and the fairy eyes of the human race land are all flickering.

Many people feel a little bit moved by Nanlihuo's tyrannical aura.



On the other hand, Empress Dachu held the dragon sparrow and slashed out with a sword. There was a dragon sparrow spreading its wings across the sky between the heaven and the earth, and it suppressed the half-honored heavenly being. The Empress, who can barely break out of the power of a half-lord, is even more difficult to fight against.

Wu Qinghua also tried his best to smash out a sword, and a long river of sword energy descended from the sky, and a unicorn stepped on the sword river, crushing and shattering the void, forcing back the three surrounding heavenly beings of the nine realms.

He is a Sword Immortal of the Nine Realms, and his attacking power is not weaker than that of the Ten Realms.

This is his arrogance as a land sword fairy.

"Everyone... It is our honor to be born as a human being. Don't be deceived, everyone."

Wu Qinghua said lightly.

However, despite the deterrence of the two strong men, many Loose Cultivation Land Immortals are still moved.


On the martial arts arena.

A white robe appeared in Luo Hong's hand, and he put it on again. The white robe fluttered and the sleeves fluttered.

Nan Lihuo didn't pay much attention to Nanlihuo, who was so powerful in the void and looked like a god controlling flames.

Even at this moment, Nanli's fire strength is terrifying.

But... from the moment Nan Lihuo chose to become a celestial being, everything was over.

Nanlihuo was no longer something to be afraid of.

Become a celestial being...

Are there still few heavenly beings who died at the hands of Luo Hong?

It may be very difficult for Luo Hong to deal with the land immortals of the nine realms, but it is extremely easy to deal with the heavenly beings of the nine realms....

Luo Hong didn't bother to pay attention to Nanlihuo. Instead, he fell into deep thought. In the sea of ​​Nanlihuo's will, he accidentally came up with a trick, "seeing the ghost capital with a snap of his fingers", this is his strongest method so far.

Luo Hong also heard the words of the evil god Erha, and it seemed to touch the supernatural power, but it was just a touch... the touch was not there, and it could only be regarded as a false supernatural power.

This sword is indeed very strong, if Luo Hong is asked to do it again, Luo Hong may not be able to comprehend and use this sword.

It can be said that everything is a coincidence, if there is no pressure from Nan Lihuo's will, Luo Hong may not be able to do this.

Therefore, Nanlihuo is a good person.

Luo Hong is going to give Nan Lihuo a good time.

Of course, Luo Hong is also in order to better comprehend the next type of pseudo-supernatural power, and he will see the ghosts with his fingers.

On the whole, this time, Luo Hong achieved a great success in casting soldiers. The semi-holy soldier was cast, the body was tempered seven times, and he realized the false supernatural power. It can be said that Luo Hong is very satisfied. The only shortcoming is that the evil sword It's not like the evil sword, but was named Zhuxie.

This is the most uncomfortable point for Luo Hong.

No harm, though.

Even, Luo Hong had a faint feeling. With the improvement of his realm, he vaguely understood that the so-called evil and the so-called fact, the essence seems to be the same.

It's just that he still can't figure out the mystery of it.

Even Luo Hong had a new understanding of the human skin book suspended in the sea of ​​will, and faintly felt that the other party seemed to be transformed.


Luo Hong's energy was surging, he wanted to comprehend and perfect his pseudo-supernatural powers, so that he would not continue to entangle with Nan Lihuo.

Seeing that Takong walked out of the sword-forging platform, it seemed as if Nan Lihuo was about to crush the sword-forging platform to death.

Luo Hong is also holding the evil sword, stepping up to the sky step by step.

With every step, the air seems to be condensed into substance.

However, the aura on Luo Hong's body is very different from that of Nanlihuo who has replaced Yaozun's blood at this moment, just like Yinghuo and Haoyue.

"Send you on your way, I will enlighten you."

Luo Hongdao.

Nanlihuo, who was engulfed in a sea of ​​fire and fire, suddenly said in his eyes, his murderous intent was overwhelming!

"The widow has become stronger! I want to do you send the widow on the road!"

South from Fire Road.

The next moment, he raised his hand, and the ground fire gathered in an instant, condensing into a flaming spear in front of him. The spear seemed to have turned into a substance, with terrifying flames burning on it.

After that, he held the spear and twisted his waist violently.


The world changes color.

As if a meteorite fell from the sky, the sky was illuminated by a sea of ​​flames.

The flaming spear pierced through the air, as if splitting the world!

A huge river of flames spread for several miles, from the sword-forging platform, it was approaching Luo Hong, and it was only 1% of an instant to penetrate Luo Hong.

Luo Hong stood in the void, but at this moment, the white robe he had just put on was clinging to his body, revealing his slender body.

The white hair flew backwards.

Luo Hong stared, his eyes were extremely bright.

This spear was extremely powerful, even if it was the aftermath, it made his seven-forged body faintly feel a little overwhelmed.'s not a big problem.

Luo Hong's heart skipped a beat.

The sea of ​​yin and yang in the dantian is rolling, and they all turn into evil spirits.

In an instant, a black light descended rapidly from the sky.

Emperor Xia Tianjia Corpse!

Emperor Xia's scarlet eyes opened, sharp, cold, and violent.

He stretched out his hand, slapped it with a palm, and hit the flame spear.

Immediately, the flaming spear exploded inch by inch, and the terrifying explosion exploded from the martial arts arena, causing restless ripples in the space, like the ground being violently shaken.

Luo Hong urged Xie Sha to let Emperor Xia block this move.

Although the power of the spear is terrifying, Emperor Xia is a heavenly armor corpse after all, a powerful force summoned by Yun Taicang, the head teacher of the Kunlun Palace, in order to break the power of the statue of the master.

Nature is incomparably powerful.

Although Nan Lihuo had replaced his blood, he still hadn't stepped into the half-honored state. Although this move was strong, it was blocked by Xia Huang's Tianjia Corpse.

Nan Lihuo's eyes narrowed: "It's pathetic..."

"After death, he was humiliated like this!"

Nan Lihuo's words fell, and the next moment, his body suddenly appeared in the sky, pulling out endless afterimages of flames.

He also discovered that although Luo Hong could use the Emperor Xia's corpse, it was very difficult.

There is nothing to be afraid of Emperor Xia's corpse, there is still a chance to kill Luo Hong!

Luo Hong laughed.

His eyes froze, and he immediately took a step back in the void.

Luo Hong, who has completed the transformation of his physical body and stepped into a seven-forged physical body, his physical body is like a new life, and every cell contains majestic evil spirits.

The ten thousand evil spirits were turned into one method, and the Yin evil spirit was immediately stripped away, just like a fish entering the vast sea, turning into Luo Hong's power.

Luo Hong's body became more and more radiant.

Like the ultimate innocent body.

Stretching out his hand, Luo Hong pressed on the golden evil sword, and slowly wiped it forward, and then wiped it away. In the golden evil sword, ink color emerged.

Luo Hong took a step back, and the white robe automatically moved without wind.

The black evil sword was thrown up.

With a flick of the finger.

Fuck the hell!

buzz buzz...

In an instant, countless sword qi gushed out, intertwined in the sky, and turned into an incomparably tall city. In the black city, there were wailing everywhere, and ghosts and gods dancing wildly...

The sky and the earth were all gloomy, and a towering city covered the sky!

On the martial arts arena.

All the disciples felt deterred and trembling all over, as if they were dead, walking alone on the path of darkness.

what is that?

hell? !

Is hell alive? !

Luo Hong, dressed in white clothes better than snow, with white hair like frost, stood in front of the city, with a sword hanging in front of the city.

The next moment, this ghost city suddenly fell towards the Nanli fire cover!

With a blow of pseudo-supernatural power, Luo Hong is now using it in reality!

Nan Lihuo's eyes froze suddenly, and it was another move!

But he is no longer just a body of will!

"Break it for the widow!"

Nan Lihuo raised his arms, supporting this majestic and spooky city.

Above Wanjian Mountain.

A city that didn't seem to exist in the world suddenly appeared, the ground shook, and the entire Wanjian Mountain trembled.

And Nan Lihuo resisted the city with both arms, like a god!

However, Luo Hong smiled.

"Saint help me!"

Luo Hong shouted.

Above the dantian, Saint Xuying slowly opened his eyes and sighed.

"I was originally a guest in the world, but how can I turn into a heavenly man..."

"Turning heaven and man into the gate of heaven, and causing disaster to the world, you should be punished!"


The phantom of the saint appeared behind Luo Hong, and then there was a deafening roar, like a majestic voice from the Nine Heavens, blasting in everyone's ears.

Especially Nanlihuo.

I only felt a shock all over my body, and the next moment, my mind was agitated, my mouth and nose were bleeding, and golden blood sprayed out.

And above the "Ghost Capital of Sword Qi", a mountain of books shrouded in brilliant gold emerged, under heavy pressure.

Nan Lihuo only felt that what he was holding was the sky.

And he is like an ant.

Between howls.

Nan Lihuo hit the Martial Arts Field, his legs bent, and the ground of the Martial Arts Field was smashed, and countless bricks and stones shot up into the sky!

Chen Tianxuan and the land sword immortals of the Wu family quickly looted, and hurriedly dragged the stunned disciples away from the martial arts arena.

If you don't leave, this terrifying aura will spread, and these disciples are afraid that they will all die!

And Chen Tianxuan looked at the city with shock in his eyes.

"Is this swordsmanship?"


Transform a real city with sword energy!

In the void, Wu Qinghua, who was fighting the enemy with all his strength, also turned his head, looking at the sword spirit ghost capital on Wanjian Mountain, his whole body was shaken.

His understanding of the way of the sword is naturally extraordinary.

At this moment, seeing Luo Hong's sword, it seemed as if he saw a smooth path!

His whole body trembled, as if he had been touched by something.

"So that's how it that's how it is..."



Nanlihuo was completely suppressed by ghosts.

And his will in the sea.

Luo Hong's clone of will came again.

Nan Lihuo was furious!

Dare to come!

But this time, Nanlihuo felt the danger of death.

Luo Hong raised his eyes and looked at him coldly.

Become a celestial being...

What's the point?

Luo Hong shook his head, very disappointed.

The fire roared in Nanli, and huge waves rose in the sea of ​​will. However, the mountain of books broke open, and the golden light shone across everything.

Nan Lihuo's will was immediately suppressed and he couldn't move.

There is no need for a Buddha lamp to explode, and no need for sword energy to kill ghosts.

Only a book from a sage can suppress the heavenly beings on earth.

Nan Lihuo was stunned.

In the next moment, an unparalleled look of madness appeared in his eyes.


He condensed the clone of will.

The power of the four realms is not bad.

However, with a flick of Luo Hong's fingers, the yin and yang diagram appeared, and the sword energy cut the gods.

Nan Lihuo's clone of will was directly chopped off!

Even a momentary barrier has never been done!

Luo Hong, dressed in white, with white hair like frost, walked on foot, stepped on the avenue of Nanlihuo, raised his hand and swung the nine swords, and the sword cut the dao flower.

The nine dao flowers withered immediately.

Nan Lihuo was stunned.

so easy...

"Perhaps you think that the Heavenly Man is very strong, and if you replace the Heavenly Man's bloodline, you will be invincible..."

"But in my eyes..."

"Slaughter them like ants, kill them like chewing wax."

Luo Hong said lightly.


boom! ! !

Nan Lihuo's eyes were full of confusion, full of confusion and hesitation about life.

Is it... is it going to be like this? !

Aren't celestial beings very strong?

What he replaced was the blood of Tianzun, shouldn't he be stronger?

But the reality... why is it so cruel!

Heaven and man... aren't they immortal?

Nan Lihuo felt the air of death approaching him, and he couldn't live anymore.

The road to the avenue is cut off, and the dao flowers wither, he must die!

On the martial arts arena.

The mountain of books disappeared, and the ghost capital of sword energy also dissipated.

Nan Lihuo was smashed into the Martial Arts Field, sinking deep into it, the armor on his body was torn to pieces.

He knelt down on the ground, while Luo Hong, dressed in white and with white hair, stood in front of him leaning on the evil sword.

There is heavy snow in the world, whistling and blowing, constantly rolling, sweeping the world.

Above the sky, there are golden clouds billowing in, and in the golden clouds, there is also golden blood sprinkled, and a little blood is faintly mixed in the golden blood.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"A heavenly being... a ridiculous heavenly being..."

"It's still the world... infinitely better, but the widow... is wrong."

Nan Lihuo knelt on the ground, unable to move his body, he couldn't stop coughing up blood, golden blood.

Smile miserably.

The light in the eyes gradually began to dissipate.

The avenue collapsed and the flowers withered.

Nanlihuo... fell!

He was not yet a celestial being, but he was able to fight fiercely with Luo Hong, but Luo Hong was in a panic.

And became a celestial being, Luo Hong didn't even get a piece of snow on his body, just like a king overlooking him, he easily killed him.

Nan Lihuo will also replace the blood of heaven and man as his trump card.

How ridiculous!

The deathly silence of heaven and earth!

Looking at the figure in the snow on the top of the mountain.

Even the celestial beings fighting above the void sea of ​​clouds were stunned...

The empress held the dragon bird sword, her body trembling uncontrollably, her long eyelashes quivered slightly, and a little excitement appeared on her face.

"That's how it feels!"

"This is the feeling I want!"

The Empress laughed.

And Wu Qinghua was also shocked, this... isn't heaven and man immortal?


Above the sky, the Tianmen emerged, and the river of life swept across, wanting to water it down to replenish life for Nanlihuo.

Luo Hong glanced, raised his hand and made a move, and the storage page was blocked at the gate of the sky, cutting off the essence of life, the movement was skillful, and it was done in one go.

After a long time, Hanoi, the long life after Tianmen, once again had a powerful existence uttered a deafening roar.

"A dog thief in the world! Stealing the essence of life again and again! Unforgivable!"

The roar exploded, faintly visible, and the long river seemed to roll up terrifying waves.

Luo Hong raised his head and glanced at Tianmen, with a strange expression on his face.

He suddenly had a bold idea in his heart, would he cut off the essence of life to the extreme, would he let the long river of life cut off the supply of essence of life to the heavenly beings in the world?

Maybe... will it?

If that's the case, heaven and man are in the world, but it's really not impossible to kill!

The reason why heaven and man cannot be killed is because the essence of life is constantly flowing, and there is a long river of life to replenish them.

The physical body is indestructible, and ordinary people cannot step over the physical body and directly cut through the sea of ​​will like Luo Hong.

And even if an ordinary person destroys the sea of ​​​​wills of the celestial beings, the seeds of will will be restored in the celestial beings' bodies...

That's why it is said that heaven and man are hard to kill.

But, in fact, the source of heaven and man being hard to kill lies in the long river of life.

If the supplies of the long river of life are lost, the celestial beings are actually almost the same as the terrestrial immortals in the world.

This idea appeared in Luo Hong's mind, and it could never be erased, as if it had taken root.

A large group of golden cloud rewards rolled over, hanging above Luo Hong's head.

Luo Hong did not immediately refine the reward.

He walked on the top of the mountain and came to Nan Lihuo's corpse, which was kneeling in the wind and snow and covered in a thick layer of snow.

He stretched out his hand and touched Nan Lihuo's forehead.

It's like... a fairy touching his head.

To outsiders, it looks like an immortal touching his head, but in fact, Luo Hong is absorbing the evil spirit of Nanlihuo!

Luo Hong had been staring at Nanlihuo's evil spirit for a long time.

There are not many evil cultivators in the Nine Realms, and Luo Hong cherishes the rarity of Nanlihuo.

Fortunately, even though Nan Lihuo replaced his blood, these evil spirits never disappeared!


The billowing evil spirit peeled off from Nanlihuo's body, flowed into the body along the limbs, and poured into the yin and yang sea of ​​Dantian.

The saint's phantom glared.

Ruzi can't be taught, and it has caused so much filth!



Purify the dirt!

The Xie Sha Sea, which was originally in short supply, was suddenly replenished and completed. Perhaps it was the enhancement of the evil power, which made the mountain of books and the bitter boat emit a mighty brilliance. With yin and yang.

As for Luo Hong's physical body, as Nan Lihuo's evil power was continuously absorbed by him, it began to gradually bloom with dazzling brilliance.

Zhengyang's energy is getting stronger and stronger, even more immortal energy and dazzling brilliance than those heavenly beings in the sky.

On the martial arts arena, the ice and snow melted.

Luo Hong was smiling, stroking the top of Nan Lihuo's head.

Endless holy brilliance surged, and Nanlihuo, as a cultivator of the Nine Realms, even if his blood was replaced, his evil spirit would be hard to get rid of. Even if it was just a corpse, it would be enough to make the vegetation wither and the insects and birds die within dozens of kilometers. , Vitality is wiped out!

However, now, the evil spirit and ferocity on Nan Lihuo's corpse gradually dissipated as Luo Hong stroked his head.

Even, on Nan Lihuo's dead face, there was a bit of holiness and relief, as if he had been detached.

This scene fell in the eyes of the surrounding Wu family disciples... like a miracle.

Xiao Douhua pursed her lips.

Looking at the young master shining brilliantly in the holy radiance, his eyes shone brightly.

Chen Tianxuan landed on the martial arts arena, and also smiled, the young master is still the young master... as always, he is righteous and awe-inspiring, even if you were a heinous person in life, even if you shouted to kill the young master, after death, you will still pass. You, let you die in peace.

The young master has been unrestrained all his life, just to... get rid of the evil spirits in the world.

May there be no evil cultivators in this world.

The three master swordsmiths of the Wu family were even more excited. is this pure and flawless heart of justice that can forge such a semi-holy weapon that surpasses divine weapons!

As expected of a closed-door disciple that the master still accepts in his later years.

Worthy of being an example of justice in the world!


Nan Lihuo died.

Above the sky, the fierce battle seemed to have fallen into a stagnation.

Several figures separated above the sky.

Wu Qinghua held the thorn in his hand, and his face was neither happy nor sad. He did not continue to study because the situation was not right.

In the distance, three Heavenly Beings of the Nine Realms had ugly expressions on their faces.

The empress was also laughing wantonly, the laughter was full of joy, she held the Dragon Sparrow sword in her hand, she was unparalleled in the sky above the sky.

"This is what heaven and man call immortality... Ridiculous, extremely ridiculous!"

"You... still want to become a heavenly person?"

"Nan Lihuo's end may be your end!"

The Empress laughed.


So happy!

This son of Luo Hong is really powerful!

The quacks who were watching this battle also fell silent, speechless, and the impulse in their hearts was completely extinguished with the fall of Nanlihuo.

In the void, the demigod who had entered the ten realms thanks to Nanlihuo's breakthrough had an extremely ugly expression.

Nan he dead?

This son is the variable in the world that can kill heaven and man? !

There is one less master who beat them with the force of rules.

But there is one more evil boy who can kill them!

In the void, the gate of heaven lies across.

The atmosphere was temporarily caught in a confrontation. Nanlihuo's death was a warning. After all, Nanlihuo replaced the blood of Jiuli Yaozun, so he was a Nine Realm Heavenly Man.

However, it was still a tragic death.

This shows that Luo Hong has the ability to kill the heavenly beings of the Nine Realms!

This made them naturally fearful!

Therefore, the heavenly beings gathered together, fixedly staring at the top of Wanjian Mountain, and caressing Luo Hong, who had Nanlihuo's head, with his palm.

The empress and Wu Qinghua also gathered together, and both let out a sigh of relief.

Although the two of them are the most powerful people in the world, the number of heavenly beings is too many, and they are a little out of breath.

"Be careful, since Luo Xiaoyou can kill the heavenly beings, it may arouse the fear of these heavenly beings. Once the heavenly beings who come out of the five directions of heaven join hands to kill Luo Xiaoyou, we may not be able to stop it!"

Wu Qinghua said seriously.

He seemed to feel the seriousness of the matter.

The Empress also became serious, with the Dragon Sparrow sword across her chest, murderous intent rolling.

Luo Hong is the hope of killing heaven and man, and the Empress absolutely does not allow Luo Hong to do anything.

In this world, anyone can die, except Luo Hong!

However, what Wu Qinghua said was right, once the Heavenly Beings of the Five Directions Heavenly Sect really forcibly killed Luo Hong, they might not be able to stop him, after all, there was a newly promoted demi-honor among them.

Even if it's just a breakthrough, it's definitely not easy to deal with!

in the void.

Among the five hanging lower triple heaven gates, there are many heavenly beings walking out, there are many of them, and the figures are vague.

In the southeast, northwest, and in the realm behind the five-direction heavenly gate, there are all heavenly beings walking out.

Although there is only one half-respect, there are quite a few in the Nine Realms!

At this moment, these heavenly beings are extremely dignified, gathered together, they looked at each other, and they all saw seriousness.

"Is this son the incarnation of rules?"

"It should not be the incarnation of rules. This son is Luo Hong, a disciple of the master. He has been recognized by the saint and has the power to control the ancient saint soldiers... This power is extremely suppressed and dangerous for the heavenly beings!"

"This son... must die, otherwise, the world will not allow us to act recklessly."

One after another, the heavenly beings spoke.

In the next moment, there was a surge of murderous intent, and a consensus was even formed.

Kill Luo Hong!

Taking advantage of Luo Hong not returning to Jixia Academy, this is the best chance to kill Luo Hong!

Just let Luo Hong fall to the Ten Thousand Swords Mountain!

for a while.

Above the sky, a murderous intent broke through the sea of ​​clouds.

The empress and Wu Qinghua suddenly changed their expressions.

Wu Qinghua screamed loudly.

The land immortals of the Wu family rose into the sky one after another and turned into a line of defense outside Wanjian Mountain.

The empress also shouted.

The land immortals in the Imperial Capital of Great Chu also came from a distance.

Chen Tianxuan's green shirt was flying up, and he touched the ground dragon, with his arms hanging down, his murderous intent was awe-inspiring.

Whoever wants to kill the son, he will kill whoever!


And at this very moment.

Luo Hong was completely in the mood to feel this crisis.

His mind was attracted by a strange force, and he entered the human skin book suspended in the sea of ​​will.

The human skin booklet was opened slowly as if there was no wind... It went straight to the page of the reward pool.

But when Luo Hong's mind fell on the reward pool page, he couldn't help but jump.

That special prize that hangs high on the top of the list and poses like a high-ranking oiran...

It was actually glowing slightly!

PS: Looking for a monthly ticket, looking for a freshly released recommendation ticket!

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