Luo Hong was slightly stunned.

When the human skin booklet was hidden in the sea of ​​will, Luo Hong was not surprised. Although the booklet was hidden in the sea of ​​will, as long as the mind moves, it can be opened.

However, it needs his will to pull it, just like reversing the booklet by hand.

However, now, this booklet... actually moved by itself!

I turned directly to the rewards page, and the top prize was still shining!

What's the meaning?

Luo Hong's eyes flickered, is this reminding himself that he can exchange for special rewards?

As soon as this thought appeared, Luo Hong was shocked!


Grand Prize? !

Is it the reward that has remained at the top of the list? !

Luo Hong's breathing became rapid in an instant. After the battle with Nan Lihuo, Luo Hong also understood the importance of strength, but his strength was still too weak.

Facing the land immortal of the Ninth Realm, it is already very difficult, even if the body is seven forged, even if the foundation of the Dao is almost eight thousand miles away, but Luo Hong still understands that he is only a first-rank, and it is very difficult to face the Ninth Realm... If you are not careful, you will be killed!

But now, as the situation changed, Luo Hong could also feel an inexplicable sense of oppression.

This is the pressure from the world behind Tianmen.

Master sacrificed his life to suppress the Three Realms, why?

It should also be because of this sense of oppression, or pressure. Once the rules of the world disappear, and the heavenly beings with the realm of Tianzun come to the world, it will inevitably be a catastrophe for the world.

In fact, Luo Hong also knew in his heart that the reason why he could continue to slaughter heaven and man now was because he could motivate the ancient sages of war and bitter boats.

These two Saint Soldiers moved out of the Xuehai Secret Realm followed the rules, and as long as they were Heavenly Beings from the lower realms, they would be imprisoned.

And if the rules disappear, the saint soldiers will have no rules to follow. At that time, it is still unclear whether they can suppress the will of heaven and man.


Luo Hong couldn't put all his hopes on this.

Therefore, what Luo Hong has to do is to strengthen his own strength, and the key is to constantly become stronger. If he is strong enough, all problems will not be a problem.

Therefore, Luo Hong naturally looked forward to being able to redeem the special prize.

【Reward pool】

Special Class: Heavenly Demon Indestructible Body (Sin: +??...? can be exchanged)

First class: Nine evil evil lotus (sins: ﹢100000~﹢1000000 can be exchanged)

Second class: Earth-level evil method "Evil Emperor Sutra" (sin: +10000~+100000 can be exchanged)

Third class: Mysterious level evil method "Evil Spirit Strategy" (sin: +300~﹢1000 can be exchanged)

Consolation: A super unscrupulous Gathering Pill (Sin +10/﹣1~﹣??...? can be exchanged)

Luo Hong looked at the rewards page, and there wasn't much change. The first prize was still the Nine Sharks Evil Lotus, and the special prize was still the indestructible demon body.

The only things that have changed are the second, third and consolation prizes, these are things that Luo Hong doesn't like.

With a thought, blood words appeared on the human skin book.

"Testing the prototype of enlightenment supernatural powers 'flicking to see the ghosts', and the crimes amount to millions, open the special prize redemption authority."


Luo Hong was stunned when he saw this line of blood.

At first, I thought that I could only redeem myself if my sins reached the standard, but now it seems that it is not enough just to meet the standard of sins.

It was actually because he had comprehended the rudimentary form of supernatural powers that he stimulated this hidden pattern.

Luo Hong raised his eyebrows slightly, showing interest.

The special prize has been hanging on the reward pool for a long time. It has been hanging since he got the human skin book, and the exchange request is also a series of "?", which is not good.

Now... it has fallen into the hands of my son!

With a thought, the panel page emerged.

Character: Luo Hong

Sin: +1280060

Level: 12 (rewards to be claimed)

Title: villain

Occupational Title: Evil Spirit Swordsmith (Level 2)

Races: Terran (mortal), Asura (activated)

Supernatural powers: "Slaying the Gods", "Finger to the Ghost City (False)"

Cultivation methods: "Ten Thousand Evils Return to One (Disabled)", "Sword Qi Jue", "Yun Jian Jue", "Burning Heaven Jue"

Spiritual Practice: "The Beidou Sutra (Disabled)"

Techniques: "Thousand-Handed Evil Buddha", "Little Evil Burning Lamp Sutra"

Swordsmanship: "Dragon Transformation Sword", "Red Dust Tribulation"

Realm: First Rank (Heavenly Evil), First Rank (Guizong), First Rank (King Wu), First Rank (Great Confucianism), First Rank (Bodhisattva Fruit)

Luo Hong's eyes fell directly on the column of crimes, and the crimes actually reached 1.28 million!

It was originally 760,000, but it has increased by more than 500,000. So many crimes can be achieved in such a short period of time.

Among them, most of them should be the crimes of the land immortals who were killed on the school before, and a lot of crimes came from one person slaughtering one city, from those evil cultivators who died in Nanzhao City!

Of course, the celestial beings who were brutally killed by him, as well as Nan Lihuo, definitely provided a lot.

Luo Hong took a deep breath, only feeling refreshed for a while.

Breaking a million crimes!

He Luo Hong is also a big villain!

Looking at the official evaluation title, Luo Hongzhi was so moved that he wanted to cry, he, a villain, did it too hard.

As for the evil spirit swordsmith who has reached level 2, Luo Hong thinks it should be because he forged a semi-saint-level evil sword. During the casting process, Luo Hong was on the verge of failure several times.

However, I finally persevered!

Rubbing the palm of his hand, Luo Hong was actually looking forward to it.

"It is detected that the current crime is 1.28 million, which can be exchanged for 'Heavenly Demon Indestructible Body (1%)', do you want to exchange it?"

The words of blood appeared.

Luo Hong: "???"

What the hell?

Is my eyes dazzled?

In exchange for 1% of the Heavenly Demon Immortal Body...

Is it so picky? !

1.28 million sins, exchanged for 1% of the indestructible demon body, can be used as farts, I have 1 million sins, exchange him for a nine evil evil lotus, and I can exchange the evil god Erha for nine shots Well, isn't it fragrant? !

No, the odd 280,000 was eaten by dogs again? !


Big profiteer!

Luo Hong feels that behind this human skin book, there is definitely a profiteer manipulating it, 1.28 million is a crime, since Luo Hong debuted, all his net worth, in the end, is only enough to exchange for 1%...

Luo Hong suddenly had the urge to cry.

There is an urge to point to the human skin book and call out the profiteers behind the book to come out and fight one-on-one.

But after thinking about it, Luo Hong gave up.

This human skin book seems a bit awesome, even the existence of the evil god can be rewarded, the existence behind it... Anyway, the current Luo Hong is definitely unable to beat it.

"Do you want to exchange it?"

The bloody words reappeared, as if urging.

Luo Hong suddenly became angry, why is he urging, such a large sum of crimes, wouldn't it hurt to spend it?

He's not hot yet!


Anger to anger, Luo Hong finally chose to exchange.

With tears in my eyes, I changed it!

As for only opening 1% of the Heavenly Demon Indestructible Body, Luo Hong also chose to follow.

Even if it's only 1% turned on, it's still a special prize!

And it's a triggered opening and exchange, so it can't be too shabby, right?

After Luo Hong chose to exchange, the bloody words suddenly fell silent.


Suddenly, Luo Hong only felt a roar in his sea of ​​will, as if a terrifying roar resounded in his ears.

A black light suddenly shot out from the human skin book suspended in the sea of ​​will.

Misty in the mysterious mist, the lazy and boring evil god Erha suddenly became excited!

He turned over abruptly, causing the entire sea of ​​will to tremble.

"what is that?"

"what exactly is it?"

The evil god Erha's nostrils were enlarged to the extreme, and he was staring at the disappearing black light.

He could feel the will of the stupid Ronaldinho...disappeared!

I don't know where it went!


Luo Hong felt that his mind was wrapped by a black light and disappeared between heaven and earth.

It was like sinking into the boundless sea, sinking, sinking.

When he woke up, he saw a starry sky, vast and boundless, with countless stars floating, each star was extremely gorgeous, blooming with extreme brilliance in the dark starry sky.

Some stars burst out with astonishing vitality, they are life stars, possessing infinite energy.

Luo Hong felt that he was suspended in this starry sky with an invisible body.

There is no feeling of change and passage of time.

after a long time...

He saw it!

Seeing a star approaching, and the star was dilapidated, lost its vitality, and there was a huge corpse lying on it, even before it got close, Luo Hong could feel a power that made his soul throb.

It was a terrifying dragon with multicolored scales and extremely powerful aura. If it didn't die, it might be able to crush a starry sky.

Stars passed by one after another, and Luo Hongjie saw the corpses of powerful creatures above these stars.

There are true phoenixes, great rocs, and giant beasts that surpass the stars...

Even Luo Hong saw a humanoid creature...

It is also breathless.

Only when you get close can you feel the dead silence, and the strong breath of death permeates every corner of the starry sky.

After a long time, Luo Hong's sight was pulled, and kept pulling.

After that, it landed on a deep star.

The stars were as black as ink, old and dilapidated, full of dilapidated atmosphere.

Above the stars, there was a figure sitting cross-legged.

Luo Hong does not know whether it is humanoid or not.


When Luo Hong's will approached, the eyes of this dead and lifeless figure suddenly opened!

boom! ! !

Luo Hong only felt that his mind seemed to explode, and a strong will seemed to erode his mind, his soul, and his body!

"A will from nowhere..."

"Inherit my inheritance?"

His eyes were extremely cold, as if he had seen through Luo Hong's terrifying pressure, as if he wanted to destroy everything!

However, soon, the divine light in these eyes dimmed, as if they had lost all their power.

He lowered his head dejectedly.

"Leave a seed of hope?"

"Ha ha……"

The deep voice exploded, the laughter gradually became louder, and finally it seemed to resound from every corner of the starry sky.

The next moment, Luo Hong felt a terrifying force burst out from the figure's body.


This dead starry sky seemed to come alive.

The powerful corpses above the dead stars were annihilated and shattered one after another...

The starry sky seemed to have turned into a big mill, constantly obliterating, eliminating, and isolating the power released by that figure.


That incomparably powerful energy turned into a black light and shot out from the starry sky.

Through time, space, universe, heaven and earth...

And Luo Hong's will was wiped out in an instant!


Luo Hong suddenly opened his eyes!

His will clone sat cross-legged in the sea of ​​will, panting heavily, a feeling of incomparable oppression permeated his heart.

what is that?

Who is that?

Why are there so many incomparably powerful corpses lying around, and... why didn't that figure die?

A lot of doubts filled Luo Hong's mind and heart.

That existence... is so powerful that it is unbelievable. At least, Luo Hong has never seen anything more terrifying than that existence so far, even if it is the Master...not good, no, it is far worse.

With such an existence, how does the booklet of human skin realize the connection, and what is the booklet of human skin?

Luo Hong panted, the more things the human skin book revealed, the more Luo Hongfang understood how mysterious, powerful, and terrifying this human skin book was!

But why was such a powerful thing picked up by him?

Luo Hong frowned, or in other words, the process of his collection of crimes was also the process of recovering the human skin book?

I didn't think about it any more.

"Stupid Ronaldinho! What did you do?!"

"Tell me, what is that power...?"

The deep voice of the evil god Erha exploded in the sea of ​​will.

Luo Hong glanced at Erha, the evil god, and shook his head.

Without resolving his confusion, he directly withdrew from the sea of ​​will, leaving only the evil god Erha who racked his brains and seemed to be unable to figure it out, and was even a little bit out of his wits.


A beam of black light pierces through the heavens and the earth!


On the top of Wanjian Mountain, the wind and snow howled, and suddenly, the sky was torn apart by the wind and snow, and a black light hung down, shooting from an unknown place, piercing through the sky and the earth, and finally shooting down fiercely, Walking into the martial arts arena, Luo Hong stretched out his hand to caress Nan Lihuo's corpse.

And this black light smashed into the world, instantly shaking the whole world.

Wuliang Mountain.

Wangchuan Temple.

The statue of Master standing under the Statue of Listening to Truth suddenly trembled, rattling...

The constant stone chips on the statue of Master began to fall.

The rules between heaven and earth are surging, a little restless.

Anping County, Jixia Academy.

Xuehai secret realm, deep.

The sculptures of masters from past dynasties suddenly trembled, causing the golden sea of ​​learning in the secret realm of the sea of ​​learning to stir up shocking waves.


at the same time.

The highest point in the human sky.

Four huge heavenly gates emerged, and terrifying void cracks were constantly intertwined around the heavenly gates.

And under the Tianmen, there are rule forces constantly running around, terrifying rule forces, intertwined into a huge net, isolating these four portals!

East, West, North, Center!


Except for the Nantianmen, which was suppressed by the master, these four heavenly gates are all in place. Behind the gates, there is a terrible aura of turmoil, as if there is an extremely powerful existence, looking at the world through the gates.

"What was that black light just now?"

"So it from the dark forbidden zone?"

"The forbidden area of ​​darkness has been sealed for endless years, it cannot and cannot be those ten evil creatures..."


The terrifying existence is whispering and talking, and the words are stirring in every corner of the world.

"Heaven and man began to fall in the world."

"This dark light is a variable... Send more celestial beings to the lower realms, since they are starting to die, then die more... Obliterate the rules of the world..."

"This can be."

After the powerful existence finished the conversation.

The four powerful portals disappeared immediately.


Wanjian Mountain.

Martial arts arena.

When many celestial beings confronted the Empress and Wu Qinghua, a black light suddenly shot down.

The black light was so fast that it diffused into Luo Hong's body in an instant, causing Luo Hong's body to tremble suddenly, and the righteous yang energy above his body became somewhat dimmed.

Luo Hong's body was on the martial arts arena, retreating back and forth step by step, the martial arts arena was crushed by the trampled depressions, and cracks like spider webs scattered in all directions.

This change made many people startled, and the atmosphere of confrontation in the void became more and more dignified.

But at this moment, Luo Hong felt that ray of black light penetrate into his body rapidly and continuously.

In the dantian, above the mountain of books.

The phantom of the Holy Ruins opened its eyes.


It seems to be angry, it seems to be heartbroken, it seems to be unbelievable.


That black light penetrated into the dantian quickly, breaking through all barriers, and finally fell into the evil half of the yin and yang diagram.


The black light instantly flourished, causing a great change in the atmosphere in the dantian.

"Heavenly Demon... Immortal..."

Intermittent voices rang out from the black light.

Finally, it exploded with a bang.

Luo Hong's dantian suddenly shattered at this moment, as if invaded by the black light, it was torn apart in an instant.

Not only that, at this moment, on the martial arts arena...

Everyone was stunned, because there seemed to be a gust of wind blowing past.

The body of Luo Hong, who was dressed in white, turned into a burst of dust in an instant, into extremely fine, tiny particles, floating in every corner of the void.

The wind was like a tornado, howling wildly on the martial arts arena.

Each particle is extremely small and subtle, and each particle is absorbing the energy between the heaven and the earth to nourish and strengthen itself.

A particle formed a storm, enveloping Luo Hong's sea of ​​will, as if it had merged with the sea of ​​will, and the will and the body were one.

It's like the beginning of chaos, like the restoration of heaven and earth.

Everything happened in the blink of a finger, and Luo Hong's physical body experienced disintegration and reorganization.

Skeleton, meridians, viscera, flesh and skin... everything began to recover and reshape, even the shattered white robe recovered in an instant.

The white robe fluttered, and the energy of positive yang permeated the whole body. Everything seemed to have not changed, but everything seemed to have undergone a shocking change.

When the fluctuation of will recovered, Luo Hong slowly opened his eyes.

Everything between the heaven and the earth seems to become clear, clear, and agile...

The disciples of the Wu family, the Sword Immortal of the Wu family, and Chen Tianxuan and others all looked at Luo Hong in surprise.

Just now... what happened?

Luo Hong seemed to explode, but it was only for a moment, and he resumed his combination, as if the explosion was just a falsehood and confusion.

Luo Hong himself was also in a trance, but the powerful force surging out of his body made Luo Hong understand that something had definitely happened to him.

The seven-forged body is still seven-forged.

However, the physical body is different.

Luo Hong's mind settled down.

I feel that the power of will seems to be integrated with every cell, and my own strength, speed, will, defense, and blood seem to have climbed a ladder.

In short, it means that Luo Hong's physical body has completed eight exercises!

The combat power is at least 30% stronger than before!

Luo Hong frowned slightly, but he was a little disappointed. The Heavenly Demon Indestructible Body didn't seem to have changed much except for this point, or there was a change, but Luo Hong didn't know it.

"I don't know if the human skin book will give some hints."

Luo Hong thought for a while.

With a thought, in the sea of ​​will, the human skin booklet still floated quietly, but, on the surface of the booklet, amidst the golden light, a few large characters emerged.

"In maintenance……"


Maintenance again? !

Luo Hong was also speechless.

"Heavenly Demon Indestructible Body (1%) Enhancement: Right index finger."

Perhaps feeling Luo Hong's resentment, a line of blood words emerged, and finally disappeared completely, and the human skin book did not move at all.

"Right index finger?"

Luo Hong raised his eyebrows, and his spiritual perception instantly landed on his right index finger. At this moment, Luo Hong felt that the ray of black light in his dantian surged rapidly, and finally poured into his right index finger.

And the index finger of the right hand also became as black as ink, as deep as a black hole, absorbing all light and heat!

Luo Hong felt a strong, extremely powerful!

Taking one step forward, Luo Hong appeared in front of Nanlihuo's corpse as if teleporting, and all the evil spirits of Nanlihuo had been absorbed by Luo Hong.

It's a pity that an evil cultivator of the nine realms still can't fill Luo Hong, break through to the first rank, and enter the next realm of evil cultivators!

This is something that Luo Hong never expected.

Cultivating evil, creating a bottomless pit!

Where in this world did so many evil cultivators suck him up!

Luo Hong also felt a headache, an incomparable headache.


With a single pointing finger, Nanlihuo's body was instantly pierced. In an instant, Luo Hong's finger strengthened by the indestructible body of the demon suddenly shook, the space trembled, trembling at an irregular frequency, Nanlihuo's body melted, It turned into tiny particles and vanished into thin air.


Luo Hong raised his eyebrows. Nan Lihuo was a celestial being of the Nine Realms. Although his physical body was average in strength, it was comparable to a physical body that had been forged six or seven times.

However, under Luo Hong's finger, Nanlihuo was instantly annihilated in ashes!

This finger... seems a bit strong!

As if between those fingers, flicking the fingers thousands of times, the terrifying energy wave burst out, annihilating everything!

Black light flowed from the fingertips, and Luo Hong's eyes turned and fell on Xia Huangtian's corpse.

Do you want to give it a try?

Although Nan Lihuo's corpse was very strong, its physical strength was not as strong as his, Luo Honglai's.

But Xiahuang Tianjia Corpse is different, it is the body of a Heavenly Jia Corpse at the half-princess level of hell, after being smudged by countless death qi, it can be compared to the strongest metal.

Even the thunder of the sky can hardly shake Emperor Xia's Tianjia Corpse.

The Tianjia Corpse of Emperor Xia was extremely burly, standing there.

Luo Hong thought for a while, Wu Guang twisted his fingers softly, and poked out with one finger.

It poked at the chest of Xia Huangtian's armored corpse.


The Xia Huang Tian Jia Corpse, which was so strong that even Nan Li Huo hadn't broken a single bit, was pierced by Luo Hong's finger!

The next moment, there was a bang!

The chest of Xia Huangtianjia's corpse exploded immediately, leaving a bloody hole the size of a fist.

This is still the dead energy of Xiahuang Tianjia Corpse automatically stacking up to block the aftermath.

Otherwise, Xiahuang Tianjia's corpse would probably be annihilated in ashes like Nanlihuo's corpse!

Xia Huangtianjia corpse opened his eyes, and there seemed to be a faint sadness flowing in the scarlet and fierce eyes.

Such a strong body!

Luo Hong was amazed.

Then, he looked at his finger, what an awesome finger!

What kind of finger is inserted!

Heavenly Demon is immortal, one finger is unparalleled!

Perhaps in terms of combat power, he Luo Hong is not as good as the Nine Realm powerhouses, but... as long as he puts a finger on Luo Hong, the opponent's body will definitely explode!

At least, the physical body of a strong man below half a statue will definitely not be able to hold his finger!

"This is a killer move!"

Luo Hong's eyes lit up. Although he felt that the Million Sins Flower was a loss before, but now it seems that it is not a loss.

"This is still only one percent. If you strengthen the Heavenly Demon Indestructible Body with one finger, if you strengthen the entire body, the energy wave will sweep away everything that I pass by, and everything will be annihilated!"

This is the Heavenly Demon!

Walking Scourge!

Luo Hong became more and more excited!

Of course, besides this, Luo Hong also had some headaches.

"You can't break through the shackles of the first-grade Heavenly Evil even if you suck up Nanlihuo, and the foundation of the Dao is only eight thousand miles away... It seems that if you want to break through the Land Immortal, you must rely on the Heaven and Earth Evil Sect."

"The most important thing is, this thing is not in Nanzhao, where did it go?"

Luo Hong frowned.

And just when Luo Hong frowned, many heavenly beings who were confronting the empress and Wu Qinghua in the sky felt something was wrong with the atmosphere.

The aura on Luo Hong's body seems to have become stronger!

Even the sense of crisis brought to them is even worse!

At this moment, many heavenly beings stopped hesitating, looked at each other, and made up their minds.

Kill Luo Hong!

Destroy the only existence in this world that can bring death crisis to heaven and man!

The world will become a paradise for heaven and man!

boom! ! !

One after another, the heavenly gates gathered rapidly and lined up across the sky.

One after another celestial beings, stretching across the void, the powerful celestial aura intertwined continuously.


The celestial being who became a half-demon thanks to Nanlihuo's replacement of blood had a serious face, and his body trembled, as if giving orders.

Many heavenly beings suddenly turned into the sky!

Torn apart the vault of the world, creating cracks one after another, leaving behind turbulent air waves!

The empress and Wu Qinghua stood in the air, looking at the mighty momentum of the dozens of heavenly beings coming to kill together.

The sky seemed to change color.

The faces of the two were extremely serious, and they held their swords in front of them. Longque and Cilin seemed to be trembling before the battle.

Chen Tianxuan and the land immortals of the Wu family were also extremely serious. Flying their swords across the sky in the wind and snow, the avenue appeared behind them, and they were also ready for the next terrifying battle. Fighting against heaven and man must be difficult!

On the top of Wanjian Mountain, the wind and snow howled.

Luo Hong held the evil sword and raised his head, how many sins must there be with so many heavenly beings.

Looking at these heavenly beings who seemed impatient to give him a big gift.

With white hair flying in the air, the corners of the mouth under the mask are evil.


I hope that people in these days will also like his gift.

PS: It's a new month, ask for a freshly released monthly pass!

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