It was raining heavily outside the window, like glass beads of rain, falling from the dark clouded sky, hitting the plantains outside the window, like big beads and small beads falling on a jade plate, the crisp sound echoed in the small between buildings.

Gollum, gollum.

In the small building of Chunfeng, steaming hot water is rolling in the teapot, and a piece of green tea heart rises and falls when the hot water in the pot boils.

The wife sat on the rocking chair, and the rocking chair made a "creak, creak" shaking sound.

Li Xiuyuan was dressed in white and sat quietly on the futon, quietly watching his master boil water and make tea.

Take a sip of the tea made by the master, and there is a kind of life full of flavors blooming on the tip of your tongue.

Li Xiuyuan's slender eyebrows frowned slightly, and as he pinched the teacup with his fingers, his fingertips turned blue and red.

"Teacher, do you really want to choose to suppress the Three Realms?"

"What if the one in Kunlun Palace is not fooled?"

"We may have a better way!"

Li Xiuyuan asked the Master with a worried face.

The old master's face was full of wrinkles, and he smiled gently. He took a sip of hot tea, and a warm current flowed into his limbs and bones along the tea, dispelling the cold rain from his body.

"You concentrate on attacking the new way of Nirvana. If the old man suppresses the Three Realms, there will definitely be great changes in the world. Yun Taicang has lived for several generations with a special method, and he is scheming and has far-reaching plans."

"It's like a game of chess, the layout of the moves, the break of the game and the moves are all alternating. Probably after I make a move, Yun Taicang will also make a move. He has fought with me for so many years and knows me very well, and the old man... And to know him."

"Yun Taicang has an ancient way of Taoism, which is a pseudo-supernatural secret technique that has been passed down from ancient times to the present. It is a method of splitting body in one breath, and has multiple clones."

The master said with a light smile.

"Of course, you don't need to worry too much. The foundation of Jixia Academy is not so easily broken by Yun Taicang."

"The old man will leave a pit in the secret realm, and he should be able to trap Yun Taicang's avatar."

When Li Xiuyuan heard the words, his eyes couldn't help but brighten up: "Is it the past masters?"

The master couldn't help but stroking his beard and laughing loudly: "Yes,

It was clever that you guessed it. "

Li Xiuyuan smiled softly and contentedly.

"However, there will probably be two avatars in the one-body avatar method. To be honest, there should be another one. According to the old man's observations for many years, the last avatar should be related to the evil gate of heaven and earth. Yun Taicang cut off his body. Evil thoughts, a shocking scheme based on the 'Grand Court Meeting', are used to breed clones."

"This avatar is the mastermind behind the Heaven and Earth Evil Sect, also known as the Evil Emperor."

The master blew on the hot air on the teacup, said while taking a sip of the hot tea.

"Evil Emperor?"

Li Xiuyuan was shocked when he heard the words, and his heart was shocked.

"Cut off evil thoughts, use evil thoughts as clones, use the slaughter of the Great Court as nourishment, gather the 'seeds of all evil', and become an evil emperor!"

"Yun Taicang's own strength is definitely not weak. He is a very ambitious person. He wants to prove the Tao in the world, so he searched for all the secret techniques and lived for several lifetimes."

Master looked at Yuda Basho outside the window, and said without haste.

Gradually revealed some secrets, which Li Xiuyuan had never heard before.

And Li Xiuyuan also understood that Master was arranging the funeral.

He listened quietly.

"Yun Taicang is a genius in the sky, if there is no restriction by the rules of heaven and earth, the current Yun Taicang may have already reached the realm of a king."

"Unfortunately, the rules of heaven and earth are too strong. Even though Yun Taicang is so evil, he still can't break free from the shackles, so he wants to break the rules, he wants to break the rules, he wants to break away from the Three Realms, and prove the Taoist King, and even prove the Taoist Emperor!"

The wife was very moved.

"Thus, the evil thoughts that Yun Taicang cut down have not been suppressed. Once he recovers, his strength must be comparable to that of a real Tianzun powerhouse. That kind of power is beyond the level of the Emperor's rules."

said the master.

Li Xiuyuan took a deep breath immediately.

"So, once this old man pulls in a heavenly king and suppresses the Three Realms, there will definitely be tragic changes in the human world in the future. You, Li Xiuyuan... can't change the tragic changes in the human world."

"And the only hope lies in your little junior brother, the only one who can destroy the recovery plan of Yun Taicang evil emperor's avatar."

"Exorcism, you are not as good as your little brother."

Master said.

After finishing speaking, Master silently added in his heart, facing the evil power of the evil emperor, the only way to cure evil is to use evil!

"However, when the evil emperor recovers, your junior brother's strength may not be able to compete with the half-honored one, so I need your help."

Master looked at Li Xiuyuan and said.

"Although you are not as talented as Luo Hongchen, you are not as talented as your junior brother, and you are even worse than Xia Ji, and you still like to flirt with women all day long..."

Li Xiuyuan: "..."

Master, even if you dislike me in every possible way, we are still disciples you can't get rid of!

"But you take the path of Nirvana and have a firm mind. This is your only advantage. To sacrifice yourself to become a demon and only guard the ray of light in your heart is also an opportunity for you to transform. If you can resist this transformation, you can truly realize Nirvana succeeds, breaks out of the cocoon and becomes a butterfly, reborn from the ashes."

The master put down the teacup, tapped the chair with his fingers, and said seriously.

"If you succeed in Nirvana, Yun Taicang's clone of the evil emperor will have to spend a lot of evil power and will power to control you, and even split into an evil seed, which will greatly delay the recovery time of the evil emperor."

When Li Xiuyuan heard this, his heart couldn't help but tremble.

after a long time.

He understood and nodded firmly.

Do you sacrifice your life to feed demons to buy time for the junior brother?

Li Xiuyuan let out a breath.

In terms of eliminating evil, he, Li Xiuyuan, is indeed not as good as Luo Hong.

Li Xiuyuan turned his head to look at Basho outside the window where the rain was roaring endlessly.

However, when it comes to resistance to pain, Li Xiu is far stronger than Luo Hong.

He has experienced too many failures and pains, the death of his beloved, the collapse of his beliefs, the burning of the fire of Nirvana...

He grew up in pain.

So, sacrificing one's life to feed demons... so what is it?

If it succeeds, it can eliminate a great harm for the world and eliminate the crisis for Jixia Academy.

If you fail... you fail.

The rain beat on the plantain, and the sound roared like a waterfall. Gradually, misty water vapor evaporated, as if it had turned into a haze, and in the haze, there was a ray of light shining, persisting in the darkness, unwilling to be swallowed by the endless darkness .



In Beidou secret realm.

Li Xiuyuan woke up from the memory.

His whole body was stained with blood, and the fire of Nirvana Dao all over his body was constantly dimming.

In the distance, Fairy Qingshu's clothes were torn, and her body was pierced by a peach blossom branch burning with Nirvana Fire, and she was nailed to the bloody mud ground, with golden blood continuously flowing.

On the other side, the dragon thorn turned into a golden dragon body, the dragon scales were broken in sevens and eights, the dragon blood was scattered, and the huge dragon head fell to the ground, panting endlessly.

However, Fairy Qingshu's sword and Dragon Thorn's spear also pierced through Li Xiuyuan, locking Li Xiuyuan in the mud of Xueyuyuan.

Blood rained.

Li Xiuyuan was expressionless, watching the countless blood rushing into the sky, the monstrous evil spirits surging, and gradually turning into a gigantic human face!

This is Yun Taicang's second will clone, and it is also the greatest guarantee for staying in the world!

Now, start it!

The evil spirits accumulated in Xueyuyuan for so many years surged at this moment. A black as ink coffin, which was pulled by chains by several Taoists who had turned into dry bones, floated from the ground of Xueyuyuan.

Afterwards, the coffin was pushed by the majestic evil spirit, and the evil spirit turned its hand and opened the coffin.

The terrifying evil spirit poured into the coffin like a whale, and slowly, a figure sat up half-length inside the coffin.

Li Xiuyuan stared intently at it.

He knew that this was Yun Taicang's clone of the evil emperor that the master said when he suppressed the Three Realms!

The master has expected everything and calculated everything!

A series of evil spirits, on the ground, seemed to have turned into mysterious runes, like wriggling black insects, climbing and spreading rapidly.

"Yun Taicang! Control him!"

Fairy Qingshu was nailed to the ground, with golden blood flowing, she said extremely resentful.

"Let him turn into an evil cultivator, imprison his soul, and let him never be reborn forever!"

The heart of the most poisonous woman, even a fairy, has the same hatred.

In the coffin, the half-length Evil Emperor sat up and slowly raised his hand.

Countless runes gradually attached to Li Xiuyuan's body.

Li Xiuyuan struggled a bit at first.

However, when the last rune covered Li Xiuyuan's body, a slight smile appeared on the corner of Li Xiuyuan's mouth.

It was like an invisible afterglow of stubbornness in Li Xiuyuan's pitch-black eyes at this moment.


When the evil spirit dissipated, revealing the face of the figure under the black robe.

Luo Hong only felt his heart trembling, a little unbelievable filled his heart!

Second senior brother, is this controlled by evil spirits?


Luo Hong's eyes froze. With Li Xiuyuan's strength, even if he couldn't escape, he couldn't choose to be controlled by the evil spirit!

Beside Luo Hong, the Empress, Wu Qinghua, the Great Zhou Emperor and others were all shocked.

They looked at Li Xiuyuan's emotionless, extremely cold eyes, the kind of deep, dark eyes, and the peach blossoms lingering around Li Xiuyuan.

Every petal of a peach blossom is as black as ink, so dark that it makes people feel chilling!

Wu Qinghua's heart was trembling, but he felt a little sad.

"It makes no sense!"

"Yun Taicang! You dog, you should be punished!"

As soon as Wu Qinghua grasped Cilin, he raised his head and screamed, the plain robe on his body fluttering.

The empress is also murderous.

Li Xiuyuan, the number one scholar of the Great Xia, although he didn't have many contacts, the empress also knew that Li Xiuyuan was a hero in the world.

But now, such a hero in the world was corrupted by Yun Taicang and turned into an evil cultivator, reduced to a puppet!

What a sad thing!

However, just when the energy of the two demigods exploded.

After the portal of the archway, another figure slowly stepped out.

Fairy Qingshu's complexion was slightly pale, and her chest was pierced by peach blossom branches, but she had recovered to her original state at this moment. However, without the nourishment of the essence of life, she was also severely injured.

Seeing Li Xiuyuan lose his will and become a puppet of evil cultivators, she was full of hatred.

This man actually pierced her chest with a peach blossom branch and nailed her to the ground. She is also the pride of heaven among the immortals in the celestial world. How could she ever suffer such a disadvantage!

Dragon Thorn also recovered his human body, his eyes were full of joy.

"The two newly promoted half-honored ones... Heh, just like this, they also want to destroy the Kunlun Palace?"

Long Ci sneered, raised his hand to grab it, and immediately grabbed a golden spear in his hand, stepped out, and the whole Kunlun Palace was shaken, rushing towards Wu Qinghua.

"Come to fight!"

Wu Qinghua's beard and hair flew upside down, his clothes bulged, and countless sword qi shot up from his feet.

Facing the killing dragon thorn, he was happy and fearless.

"Heaven and man are messing up the world, you should be punished!"

Wu Qinghua raised his sword, the unicorn roared, and collided with the dragon thorn's spear. In an instant, energy ripples continuously surged above the Kunlun Palace.

The two turned into two entangled rays of light, charged above the sea of ​​clouds, and fought!

In just an instant, the sword and spear collided for thousands of rounds!

The empress raised her hand, and the dragon sparrow sword that had nailed the elder Lu Xian of Kunlun Palace to death roared back, and she held it in her hand.

The Empress pointed her sword at Fairy Qingshu.

The bright and clean chin was raised slightly, the face was full of arrogance, the red lips were lightly parted, and said:

"Bitch, I give you death."

Fairy Qingshu's eyes suddenly sank.

"The monks in the world are indeed all crazy people!"

Fairy Qingshu held the long sword, soared into the sky, and entered the sea of ​​clouds with the empress, opening up a battlefield and fighting to the death.

Above the Kunlun Palace.

Luo Hong stood in white clothes and white hair.

Beside him, the emperor of the Great Zhou had a fortune furnace on his head, with a serious face.

Xiao Wuliu also squinted his eyes, and slowly twitched the two knives on his waist.

Because, they can see that one after another, heavenly beings come out from behind the heavenly gate above the Kunlun Palace.

These are the heavenly beings who have ascended from the Kunlun Palace since ancient times.

Now, they are all coming out, the number is extremely large, almost overwhelming the people.

"Ordinary people dare to disobey heaven and man, and rebel against the holy land, which is a heinous crime!"

The celestial beings who came out from behind the Tianmen looked down at Luo Hong, the Emperor of Great Zhou, and the others, all sneered.

The next moment, there was a loud cry from heaven and man.

Stepping out of the gate of heaven one by one, the avenue of luck appears behind, just like a fairy fishing, and the world is a pond.

Immortal energy curled up, killing towards the top of Kunlun Palace.

All around, the many quacks who besieged and killed the Kunlun Palace were all shocked, with anger and unwillingness in their eyes.

The Kunlun indeed the headquarters of heaven and man!

The Great Zhou Emperor's breath burst out all over his body, and above his head, the furnace of good fortune was burning!

"Master Luo, I'm going!"

The Great Zhou Emperor laughed.

The good fortune furnace above the head rises step by step into the sky, one palm is slapped on the good fortune furnace, and the fire pours out, as if burning the sky into a long river of flames!

Envelope the digital celestial beings in it!

Among them is a celestial being of the Nine Realms!

Xiao Wuliu's eyes turned red in an instant, and the two knives around his waist were unsheathed suddenly.

"Your Majesty! The minister is here too!"

Waving the two swords, it is like two galaxies pouring from the ground to the sky.

The sharp blade pierces straight into the sky, and fights with a celestial being of the Nine Realms who has stepped out of the gate of heaven!

The war broke out in an instant!


Luo Hong didn't move.

With a golden evil sword slung around his waist, with flying white hair and fluttering sleeves, he stared at Li Xiuyuan in front of the whirlpool at the gate of the Beidou Secret Realm.

King Ning's will was still completely engulfed by the evil spirit, and suppressed by the evil emperor.

His eyes were as black as ink, and his shot turned into a black line to kill Luo Hong.

King Ning's strength was even boosted by pulling seedlings, directly reaching the Ninth Realm.

King Ning's talent is not weak, he was able to go head to head with Luo Hongchen in Luo Hongchen's era, if not for Luo Hongchen, King Ning might be the proud son of that era.

Therefore, the evil emperor also controlled King Ning. Of course, one of the main reasons was that King Ning himself was an evil cultivator.

Yun Taicang is too afraid of Luo Hong now.

If it weren't for Luo Hong, Yun Taicang's Wen Tianxing avatar might not have been blown up!

Yun Taicang didn't dare to be careless after Luo Hong knocked out a clone.

So even though they controlled Li Xiuyuan, they still created King Ning to kill Luo Hong together!

Although this would delay his own recovery time, the Evil Emperor didn't care.

Without these two obstacles, it would be extremely difficult for the Evil Emperor's avatar to recover easily, and Luo Hong would definitely stop it.


King Ning came to kill him.

However, Luo Hong didn't care at all.

He still looked at Li Xiuyuan who was controlled by the evil emperor, his eyes filled with disbelief.

How could the second senior brother be so coquettish, be controlled?

Moreover, it reveals that it is unreasonable. Since Li Xiuyuan is not sure about destroying the Kunlun Palace, he should not come here alone. Li Xiuyuan does not seem to be such a reckless existence.

Luo Hong frowned, raised his hand, and pinched a peach blossom as black as ink, and when King Ning came to kill him in an instant, Luo Hong raised his hand and pushed forward violently.

Xia Huang Tianjia corpse suddenly opened his eyes and punched out.

King Ning immediately vomited blood and flew out backwards, his bones shattered and his whole body cracked.

But Luo Hong didn't even look at it, his eyes were fixed on the peach blossom, and he carefully examined it.

The black peach blossoms were incomparably pitch black, completely smudged by evil spirits.

Suddenly, Luo Hong's eyes lit up.

He saw it!

The answer really lies in the flowers that the second senior brother often plays with.

They are both flower players, the second senior brother plays with peach blossoms, and he, Luo Hong, plays with lotus flowers, so they really have a common language.

Luo Hong saw a pattern of light in the black as ink petals.

Like a ray of light in an endless darkness!

Sure enough...Second senior brother still has a ray of light in his heart!

That is the fire of Nirvana.



Li Xiuyuan's body swayed and moved!

Even if he is in the half-honored state, even if he resists in his heart, but he is controlled by the evil emperor, his strength is not weak.

In Luo Hong's heart, the phantom of the saint beat to warn!

Luo Hong burst out with energy between his fingers, crushing the peach blossom, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


Li Xiuyuan flicked his sleeves, and the black horse whipped down, as thick as a mountain.

Luo Hong didn't dodge or evade, and resisted with his eight-forged physical body!

"Second senior brother still has a ray of light in his heart!"

"If that's the case, let's suck up the evil spirits on the second senior brother... won't the second senior brother wake up?"

Luo Hong laughed.

The reason is that simple!

However, in order to absorb the evil spirit from Li Xiuyuan, what Luo Hong has to do is to suppress Li Xiuyuan first!

After blocking Li Xiuyuan's blow, Luo Hong flew back in his white robe and stepped back dozens of steps in a row. Dozens of spider web-like cracks bloomed on the ground under his feet.

In the distance, while coughing up blood, King Ning was manipulated to kill him.

Luo Hong took a glance, his body forcibly smashed through the sealed and compressed space, and a huge explosion exploded.

Luo Hong appeared next to King Ning and exhaled with a palm.

Although King Ning entered the Nine Realms, he was forcibly promoted after all.

Luo Hong now has a foundation of thousands of miles, and has completed many cultivation foundations.

The combat power is not weak to any of the nine realms!

Grabbing it with one hand, he suddenly grabbed King Ning's head, and slammed it on the top of the Kunlun Palace. The entire Kunlun Mountain was shaken. Under this blow, the ordinary mountain peaks would probably be razed to the ground. , but Kunlun Mountain is still solid, obviously there is a mysterious power to help protect it.

It was extremely miserable for King Ning to be hit like this.

His head was crushed directly, and Will Haidu was almost crushed.

And all of this was just done casually by Luo Hong.

Luo Hong's goal is not King Ning at all.

The majestic suction broke out, and the evil spirit power from King Ning's body poured into Luo Hong's body one after another. While absorbing the evil spirit, the positive yang energy on Luo Hong's body became more and more brilliant!

In the evil vortex.

The evil emperor's eyes narrowed slightly!

"It's you!!!"

"It was you who sucked away the blood rain and the original evil spirit!"

The evil emperor's low voice was stirred up.

With white hair flying in the air, Luo Hong raised his head and glanced at the evil emperor.

Pick up the corner of the mouth.

"Surprise? Surprise?"

"You are the villain?"

Luo Hong smiled lightly.

The body moved out and hit Li Xiuyuan again, but Xia Huangtianjia's corpse was controlled by Luo Hong, and rushed towards Li Xiuyuan quickly.

The two flanked Li Xiuyuan, making it difficult for Li Xiuyuan, who had turned into an evil cultivator and his combat power had declined, to resist!

Luo Hong's body instantly changed shape and appeared behind Li Xiuyuan.

Lifting his foot, he kicked Li Xiuyuan's buttocks, kicking Li Xiuyuan on the top of the mountain, flying for dozens of miles, and crashing into the arms of Xia Huangtian's corpse.

Luo Hong only felt a chill in his heart, and his heart was soaring!

One word, cool!

"I've wanted to kick down the flamboyant Second Senior Brother for a long time!"

Luo Hong laughed out loud.

But Li Xiuyuan was restrained by Xia Huangtian's corpse, unable to move at all.

The strength of Xiahuang Tianjia Corpse is definitely not weak!

In the evil vortex, the evil emperor's eyes suddenly froze.

Luo Hong looked at him and grinned: "Evil Emperor? You should be another clone of Yun Taicang, right?"

"Tsk tsk tsk..."

"The real body was sealed by the Master, and the previous avatar who entered the Sea Secret Realm was tricked by the Master... Now this Evil Emperor clone, might as well tell you secretly that you should be tricked by the Master again."

"Otherwise, do you think that Li Xiuyuan, with his pissing nature, would come to Kunlun Palace alone without any confidence?"

"It's so miserable, being counted three times in a row by the master...Are you a pig? Isn't your mentality broken?"


The evil spirits surged up in the entire Kunlun Palace, extremely rich, much richer than Nanzhao City, which is known as the capital of evil cultivators!

In the evil vortex, the evil emperor's eyes suddenly widened, with anger rolling in!

"Are you bluffing me?!"


Could it be that he was really tricked by the master again as Luo Hong said? !

Luo Hong walked to Li Xiuyuan's side, and couldn't help laughing when he saw the evil Li Xiuyuan whose body was held by Xia Huang's Tianjia Corpse.

"Bleed you?"

Luo Hong raised his hand and pressed it on Li Xiuyuan's head.


Suddenly there is a wind!

Luo Hong's white clothes fluttered endlessly, and his eyes were full of brilliance: "Don't talk, feel it with your heart, is this young master bluffing you?"

"In this world, perhaps only Master knows that this young best at dealing with evil cultivators!"

"Because... I am the biggest evil cultivator!"

next moment.

A majestic suction burst out from Luo Hong's body.

The evil spirit on Li Xiuyuan's body immediately crazily followed Luo Hong's arm and poured into Luo Hong's body, gathering the evil spirit sea in his dantian.

And a "evil evil seed" that was as black as ink and resembled an evil bead was sucked out by Luo Hong in Li Xiuyuan's body!

Luo Hong's eyes suddenly lit up, as if he saw some huge temptation.

This evil seed is vaguely linked to the Beidou secret realm behind the evil vortex!

Connected to the source of evil spirits!

Luo Hong understands!

As expected, Master is eating Yun Taicang to death!

Those who play tactics really have black hearts!

In a word.


Master is awesome!

"Miss Demon Sword, come out!"

"Come to live!"

"Suck as much as you want!"

Luo Hong's will was shaken, and he summoned the magic sword.

Immediately, in the Demon Sword Asura, the red dress fluttered, and Miss Demon Sword sat on the Demon Sword, as if swinging on a swing, with bright eyes, can I really suck it happily?

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