My Young Lord Is Really Righteous

Chapter 317 ? Damn the Evil Emperor, steal my son's leeks!


The evil spirit surged endlessly, like extremely dense clouds, constantly agitating.

And Luo Hong's body seemed to have turned into a bottomless pit, continuously absorbing the power of evil spirits into his body, flowing into the sea of ​​evil spirits in his dantian along his limbs and bones.

As the master expected, Luo Hong was a professional in absorbing evil spirits.

Luo Hong, who can absorb the evil spirit, will deal with the evil emperor more easily than Li Xiuyuan. Even if Li Xiuyuan succeeds in Nirvana and possesses half a battle strength, he still has little to do against the revived evil emperor.

But Luo Hong was different. According to Master's experience, when Luo Hong was at the fourth and fifth ranks, killing a first-rank evil cultivator was just like playing. Now, there may not be no chance to kill an evil emperor by jumping up the ranks!

Therefore, Luo Hong is the master's biggest reliance in calculating the clone of the evil emperor Yun Taicang!

But the reality is, Yun Taicang's clone of the evil emperor really got caught!

Even Luo Hong has to admit that Master Jiang is really spicy, the older he is, the hotter he is, Yun Taicang is plotting against the common people in the world, and Master, he is just staring at you, Yun Taicang, plotting!

Luo Hong summoned the Demon Sword Asura, Miss Demon Sword's red dress fluttered, her eyes were bright, this time, she might really be able to suck as much as she wanted.

And Luo Hong also waved his hand, letting her suck as much as she wanted!

Previously, he was afraid that the existence of the Blood Rain Field would disrupt his rhythm, but now...the evil emperor in the Blood Rain Field has recovered, so why worry?

Worry ass!

It's best when it's dry!

"If that's the case, then I really started smoking?!"

Miss Demon Sword is eager to try.


Luo Hong pressed Li Xiuyuan's head into Xia Huangtian's arms, said with a faint smile.


As soon as the words fell, the magic sword trembled suddenly, and the lines on it seemed to come alive.

Suddenly, the magic sword seemed to be breathing, and between each breath, it seemed to turn into a giant whale, and all the evil spirits on the top of the Kunlun Palace were suddenly shocked.

After that, as if being swept by a vortex, it surged towards the magic sword!

Luo Hong continued to absorb the evil spirit in Li Xiuyuan's body, and the jet-black seed of evil spirit was absorbed by Luo Hong and connected to the evil spirit in the blood rain.

Luo Hong's body also seemed to have turned into a bottomless pit, and endless evil spirits rushed towards him, washing away Luo Hong's eight-forged body, but Luo Hong's body became more and more radiant, like a ghost in the endless darkness. An incomparably strong white spot of light!

Outside the Kunlun Palace, everyone was dumbfounded.

Daoist Hong, the land immortals of Longhu Mountain, and many monks from the rivers and lakes who gathered along the way like a flood, were all dumbfounded. No one thought that the Kunlun Palace today would turn into such an evil spirit. land.

They looked at Luo Hong, who was overwhelmed by endless evil spirits, but insisted that his body was crystal clear, like a white lotus in the mud, they were full of emotions, and their eyes fluctuated violently.

However, they didn't watch. On the current Kunlun Palace, heaven and man came out from behind the gate of heaven, and the war was imminent.

This battle to encircle and suppress Kunlun Palace, the sacred place on earth, will definitely affect the future situation in the world.

Therefore, they must win!

The Empress, Wu Qinghua, the Great Zhou Emperor and others are already fighting to the death, so what qualifications do they have to avoid fighting?

Therefore, the land immortals headed by Daoist Hong rushed to the top of Kunlun Palace one after another, fighting with the land immortals of Kunlun Palace and the heavenly beings who walked out of the gate of heaven!

The battle suddenly became extremely tragic.

Fortunately, today's celestial beings do not have the protection of the long river of life, and are no longer immortal. Otherwise, the land immortals in the world would not have any courage to dare to fight against the celestial beings.

The heavenly beings who are no longer immortal, except for the golden blood, are not much different from the land immortals in the world, so what is there to be afraid of?

Bright red blood, golden blood, soared on the top of the Kunlun Palace.

At the beginning, the monstrous evil spirits inside the mountain gate of Kunlun Palace had a great influence on many practitioners, and they all needed clones to resist the erosion of evil spirits.

And as all the evil power was absorbed by Luo Hong, it gathered around Luo Hong's body.

The sky of Kunlun Palace has become clear, and everyone can fight more and more heartily!

This is the Ching Ming that Mr. Luo sacrificed his life for them!

Everyone looked at Mr. Luo Hong who was engulfed by Tao Tao's evil spirit and looked like a strong white lotus in the endless evil darkness. Everyone felt sorry for him, and their fighting spirit became more and more high!

And Luo Hong couldn't pay attention to the battles of the people around him at the moment.

All his thoughts are on absorbing evil spirits!

His current cultivating base of the evil way is the first-rank Heavenly Evil Realm, and this realm was reached with the help of Nanlihuo. They are all in a dry state.

But now, Yun Taicang's long-term layout, based on the slaughter at the Great Court Conference, gathered a monstrous evil spirit, and wanted to revive the evil emperor.

Luo Hong planned to take this opportunity to see if he could make the cultivation base of the evil way surpass the first rank and reach the realm of land immortals!

Today's Luo Hong, the avenue is widened thousands of miles, the body is eight forged, and the foundation is perfect. Now he can no longer be suppressed, and can choose to break through the land fairy, and he is only one step away from becoming a land fairy.

Once he becomes a land fairy, Luo Hong's strength will definitely have a qualitative breakthrough.

Therefore, Luo Hong is still looking forward to it!

The master is plotting against Yun Taicang, and at the same time paving the way for Luo Hong.

Naturally, Luo Hong would not waste his master's painstaking efforts!


Crazy suck!

Luo Hong is inhaling, and the magic sword Asura is also inhaling!

The evil spirit seeds were sucked out from Li Xiuyuan's body, dripping thick evil spirits, and continuously poured into Luo Hong's body.

Luo Hong's evil sea is rolling, roaring huge waves!

The aura of Demon Sword Ashura is also getting stronger and more solid, and the body of Miss Demon Sword seems to become more and more clear, as if she has turned into a real person.

In the evil vortex.

The eyes of Yun Taicang's clone of the evil emperor revealed thousands of expressions of shock and anger.

When he felt that terrifying suction erupting from Luo Hong's body, the Evil Emperor was sure that he was tricked by his master again!

He shouldn't be greedy and not choose to kill Li Xiuyuan, but chose to use an evil seed to control Li Xiuyuan!

He wanted to use Li Xiuyuan to resist Luo Hong.

In the end, he just made a wedding dress for Luo Hong!

"No! This kid's evil spirit is absorbed too fast! How did he do it?"

"Why are you able to absorb evil spirits so crazily? This he really an evil cultivator?"

"No! Is this purifying evil spirits, or absorbing evil spirits?"

The eyes of Yun Taicang's clone of the evil emperor are like long and narrow black abyss, full of disbelief and anger!


He was furious.

Three times, being tricked by the master three times in a row, Yun Taicang really felt that his mentality was going to explode!

"Master, you are the one who forced me to do so. If that's the case... then let's make this world even more chaotic!"

The evil emperor was roaring, a hoarse and icy voice rang out from the Big Dipper Secret Realm.

"Heaven and earth evil door!"


A dull sound exploded.

The next moment, above the Kunlun Palace, a huge portal filled with evil spirits emerged, stretching across the sky.

"Kill! Stop Luo Hong! Kill Luo Hong!"

There was a bit of sternness in the voice of the evil emperor.

And behind the evil gate of heaven and earth, suddenly one after another figures rushed out.

The strong evil spirit made the Kunlun Palace seem to be completely transformed into a sea of ​​evil spirits.

It seems that there is a huge black sea of ​​clouds rolling up, like the terrifying oppression released by the storm!

From the evil gate of heaven and earth, there are actually fifteen strong evil kings who shot out, and each evil king is a strong man in the land fairyland.

Luo Hong was absorbing the evil seeds heartily.


The evil emperor let out a cold snort.

Afterwards, the connection between the evil seed and Xue Yuyuan was severed!

The evil seed was instantly cracked by Luo Hong's suction, and completely collapsed into black powder.

And the fifteen powerful evil kings who shot out let out mournful howls one after another. In the evil vortex of Beidou Secret Realm, black chains shot out one after another, piercing through the evil kings. head!

These evil kings are sluggish and unbelievable.

It seems that they did not expect that they followed orders, and the revived Evil Emperor would choose to kill them? !

The howls came and went.

After that, the evil spirits of the fifteen evil kings were sucked dry one after another, and were sucked away by the evil spirit vortex.


The fifteen evil kings were sucked to pieces even the sea of ​​will, and finally turned into fifteen cold corpses, which fell to the ground.

Behind the evil gate of heaven and earth, many evil cultivators ran wildly.

Huang Chao was among them, and he was terrified.

Sure enough, the evil cultivator didn't have a single good thing!

If you say turn your face, turn your face, even if it is your own people, you will not hesitate to kill him!

It was really shocking for him to be an undercover evil cultivator.

Fortunately, now, Mr. Luo, who is an example of justice, has come to kill him, and his undercover career of evil cultivators is over!

The evil seeds exploded.

The evil spirit in Xue Yuyuan immediately cut off contact with Luo Hong!

Luo Hong's expression changed suddenly.


Why didn't you suck?

This evil emperor actually cut off a strong man's wrist directly, and cut off an evil seed without hesitation!

Don't let Luo Hong continue to smoke.

Abandoning an evil seed, the time for the evil emperor to recover may take longer, but the evil emperor doesn't care.

Even with a vicious design, even the fifteen evil kings who charged were sucked dry by the evil emperor.

Looking at those evil kings who were sucked dry, Luo Hong's heart ached!

This damned evil emperor dared to steal Luo Hong's leeks!

These evil kings are all leeks raised by Luo Hong!

But now his leeks were actually cut off by the evil emperor, Luo Hong only felt as if his own cabbage had been scooped up by a pig!

The anger is rising steadily!

Killed the evil seed, and also cut off Luo Hong's leeks!

This evil emperor is too deceitful!

On the other hand, when the connection between the evil seed and the evil emperor was severed, the demon sword Asura also had no evil spirit to suck.

Just now, she just felt that she had suffered a huge deception.

Miss Demon Sword's beautiful eyes gave Luo Hong a sad look, as if she was looking at a bad uncle who deceived an ignorant girl.

It is agreed to smoke casually, is it enough?

How long has it been since I stopped smoking.

Luo Hong trembled angrily.

It was not easy for him to be generous and let Miss Demon Sword suck as much as he wanted, but in the end...he was screwed up by the evil emperor.

Luo Hong gritted his teeth and looked at the evil vortex that was gradually closing.

"You want to run away after cutting off my son's leeks?"

"Where in the world is there a free lunch!"

"Do you know that you are provoking an officially certified villain?!"

With fluttering sleeves, Luo Hong grasped the evil sword Asura, with the evil sword slung around his waist.

With a sweep of his eyes, he scanned the corpses of the fifteen evil kings!

The evil king's mask covered his face, and his emotions were instantly cold, cruel and ruthless!

"stand up!"

The deep voice was like the chant of a monarch who ruled death.

Luo Hong fell to the ground, the tip of the magic sword resting on the ground, his chin raised, and his silver hair flying.

The next moment, the corpses of fifteen evil kings wriggled in the dark. These evil kings were not too strong. Only one of them was above the fifth realm, and the others were below the fifth realm.

Therefore, under the call of Luo Hong's evil shadow, they stood up one after another.

Fifteen evil kings successfully summoned ten evil shadows. This success rate is not low.

Luo Hong's eyes were cold, he raised his hand and squeezed it violently.


Ten evil shadows of the evil king who had reached the land fairyland turned into black lights and plundered into Luo Hong's body one after another.

The aura on Luo Hong's body rose steadily, vaguely, like a wild beast that overwhelms the world!


Stepping down with one step, the body instantly pulled out black afterimages, like a raging beast, roaring and rushing towards the entrance of the evil vortex in the Beidou Secret Realm.

The evil spirit's entrance was blocked, making it difficult to enter.

But Luo Hongyi was fearless, raised his hand, and the black gray light in his dantian surged, wrapped around his fingertips, and the demon pointed!


The oscillating magic wave spread, and the evil vortex was instantly blasted open a huge hole!

Luo Hong held the magic sword, pulled the afterimage, and rushed into the Beidou secret realm.

The evil emperor dared to cut Luo Hong's leeks.

This matter is endless!


The evil spirit above the Kunlun Palace disappeared instantly, as if it had never appeared before.

Li Xiuyuan's body was still tightly hugged by Xia Huangtian's corpse.

Although Luo Hong entered the Big Dipper Secret Realm, Xia Huang Tianjia Corpse did not follow him.

Li Xiuyuan lay quietly in the arms of Xia Huangtianjia's corpse, his whole head buried in it. Suddenly, Li Xiuyuan's fingers moved.

In the sea of ​​his will.

Shrouded in thick darkness, a peach blossom carries a ray of light, just like the light formed by flickering candles. This beam of light is unstoppable, constantly breaking through the surrounding darkness and illuminating the surroundings.

After that, the light gradually skyrocketed.

The rays of light flourished and turned into boiling flames, and the flames spread out like a prairie fire, instantly turning the entire sea of ​​will into a sea of ​​boiling flames.

At this moment, the vitality that was originally wiped out surged forth in a turbulent and majestic manner.

In Xiahuang Tianjia's arms, Li Xiuyuan suddenly opened his eyes.

His will revived and he regained control of his body. He awoke from extinction and returned from death.

The fire of Nirvana purified his soul, he was never corrupted in the darkness, he completed Nirvana again, and was successfully reborn again!

Li Xiuyuan felt that his physical body was regaining control, and he suddenly felt a surge of joy.

Junior succeeded!

As expected, he is the little junior who is valued by the master. As the master said, he is the best at dealing with evil cultivators!

Li Xiuyuan gave up his life to feed the demon, and used his physical body to take away an evil seed of the evil emperor, which delayed the recovery of the evil emperor and created an opportunity for Luo Hong.

Now, the war should have broken out.

Suddenly, Li Xiuyuan's expression changed slightly, and he felt that his face seemed to be pressed against a cold and hard object.

Also, why is there a slight pain in the hip ratio?


An incomparably powerful energy erupted from Li Xiuyuan's body, which immediately shook Xia Huang's Tianjia Corpse.

Li Xiuyuan's blue shirt flew up, looked around, and immediately saw the scene in front of him clearly.

Above the sky, terrifying auras collided and collided. It was the confrontation between the powerhouses of the Half Venerable Realm.

And everywhere in the Kunlun Palace, fighting continued.

Blood and golden blood of heaven and man flowed endlessly.

The war... really broke out.

Li Xiuyuan's eyes became serious.

And Li Xiuyuan also saw Xia Huangtian's armor corpse, so he guessed that Luo Hong should also come, but he looked around, but he didn't see Luo Hong's figure, and boldly guessed that Luo Hong should have entered the Big Dipper Secret Realm.

"In the Big Dipper Secret Realm, Yun Taicang's third clone, the Evil Emperor's clone, is recovering. Master said, my junior brother may have a way to deal with the Evil Emperor's clone..."

Li Xiuyuan's body was burning with the fire of Nirvana.

His cultivation has recovered and even improved to a higher level.

The way to Nirvana, rebirth from the ashes.

Although his cultivation base has become stronger, but because of the limitations of the human world, he still cannot transcend the realm of the half-honored one.

The half-respect is the ceiling of the realm of today's world!

Li Xiuyuan withdrew his gaze and didn't look at the evil vortex again. He knew that he couldn't help Luo Hong, and he was obviously not as easy as Luo Hong to deal with evil.


Behind Li Xiuyuan, a peach blossom tree swayed up, glanced at the pitch-black peach blossom tree, and with a thought, the peach blossom tree suddenly faded from black and turned into a peach color.

Li Xiuyuan rose to the sky in one step, countless peach blossom petals lingered around his body, and there was a fire burning.

Standing on the top of the Kunlun Palace, Li Xiuyuan glanced at the many Kunlun Palace disciples who were vomiting blood because the formation was broken.

Luo Hong didn't kill these disciples, but he, Li Xiuyuan, would not be merciful.

"Junior brother is still too righteous and merciful, but you can't be so merciful to the enemy."

"Let the senior brother be the villain."

Li Xiuyuan smiled.

Originally, Li Xiuyuan promised the dead Qi Guangling that he would not attack the disciples of Kunlun Palace.

However, Yun Taicang's third avatar and the help of these Kunlun Palace disciples made Li Xiuyuan give up this idea.

Even if he breaks his promise, he doesn't care.

He, Li Xiuyuan, is not a good person.

He has done massacres of cities, but what about Tu Zong?

Li Xiuyuan rose to the sky, raised his hand, and immediately countless peach blossom petals spread from the ground, covering every Kunlun Palace disciple.

The next moment, Li Xiuyuan flicked his finger on a peach blossom, and the peach blossom exploded.

And those Kunlun Palace disciples who were shrouded in peach blossoms also burst into pieces when the peach blossoms exploded, their flesh and blood crumbled, and they died on the spot!

Above the Kunlun Palace, thick and bloody blood rolled up like a storm.

Blood burst from between the rolling peach blossom clusters.

Kunlun Palace... countless casualties.

Above the sky, heavenly gates emerged one after another.

There are celestial beings with celestial spirits coming out from behind the portal.

Li Xiuyuan laughed happily.

One hand is behind her back, and the other is pinching a peach blossom.

Step by step to the sky.

One person blocked the gate of heaven.

Li Xiuyuan played with peach blossoms and smiled.

"Go back, otherwise... Kill without mercy."

Those celestial beings who walked out of Tianmen only felt a burst of oppression coming, and they all retreated back to Tianmen under pressure.

Above the sea of ​​clouds.

Fairy Qingshu, who was fighting with the Empress, felt her heart skip a beat, and she had a bad premonition.

But above the sea of ​​clouds, countless clouds surged and turned into an incomparably huge peach blossom.

The peach blossoms seemed to turn into a large formation, enveloping Fairy Qingshu in it.

Seeing this, the empress' eyes brightened.

"Li Xiuyuan?"

In this world, Li Xiuyuan is the only one who plays with peach blossoms!

Isn't Li Xiuyuan controlled by the evil emperor?

The river of righteousness surges in the void like a long dragon, accompanied by peach blossoms floating down.

The sea of ​​clouds was torn apart, revealing the scene below. Li Xiuyuan sat cross-legged on the river of righteousness, blocking the gate of heaven, so that the heavenly beings behind the gate of heaven would not dare to enter the human world.

The empress glanced at it, and couldn't help being startled, this... smells like a master!

Li Xiuyuan bowed slightly towards the empress.

The next moment, with a flip of his hand, a peach blossom branch suddenly appeared.

"Your Majesty, Xiaosheng will help you."

Li Xiuyuan smiled lightly.

He has experience in beating Fairy Qingshu.

Although one person blocked the gate of heaven, he could still give some help to the Empress and Wu Qinghua.

Words fell.

Li Xiuyuan pulled out a peach blossom branch.

On the peach blossom branch, the fire of the Nirvana Dao was blazing, and the void was instantly shattered inch by inch, making it difficult to maintain.

Fairy Qingshu resisted the female emperor Longque's sword, and was hit by the whip, screaming angrily.

Her chest was blown apart, her hair was covered with black hair, and she looked extremely embarrassed.

On her beautiful face, there was endless anger.

Li Xiuyuan... this evil beast!

Where should the peach blossom branches go?

Is there still a little bit of strong demeanor? !

How could Master accept such a shameless thing as his disciple!


The empress laughed loudly: "It's good."

"Bitch! Die!"

The dragon sparrow sword was raised in the female emperor's hand, and the sword energy rose, and the dragon sparrow was auspicious. Behind her, it turned into a roaring offensive, pierced through the sea of ​​clouds, and slammed at Fairy Qingshu fiercely.


With Li Xiuyuan's help, Fairy Qingshu, who was already injured, suddenly bled to death, and her chest was crushed again and again!

Suddenly, the Empress approached Fairy Qingshu.

The empress's eyes were full of majesty and domineering.


"Bullshit! The heavenly beings after the heavenly world don't have a single good thing!"

The empress opened her mouth domineeringly, grabbed Fairy Qingshu's black hair with one hand, and yanked it hard.

Fairy Qingshu's eyes were filled with murderous intent.

"Sooner or later, my Southern Heaven Immortal Clan will slaughter all of you damned human monks!"

Fairy Qingshu screamed, and the fairy sword in her hand suddenly swung out, slashing towards the empress.

The empress stared, and raised the dragon sparrow sword to block Fairy Qingshu's sword.

"It's a pity you can't wait for that day!"

Words fell.

The empress's beautiful face was full of madness, she pulled Fairy Qingshu's hair with one hand, and blocked the fairy sword with the dragon sparrow with the other.

The Empress directly smashed her head out, and hit Fairy Qingshu's red lips, shattering her entire mouth!

Dots of golden blood dripped down from the sky.

Fairy Qingshu was extremely miserable.

Looks like crazy!

The combat strength of the half-honored realm is terrifying, but at this moment, the fight between the two girls is extremely bloody and cruel.

Fairy Qingshu was constantly hit by the head of the empress, and the fair forehead of the empress was covered with dark red blood, but she didn't care, and kept hitting.

The sea of ​​will that Fairy Qingshu was hit was in turmoil.

Empress Li Xiao, the Dragon Sparrow Sword rested on Fairy Qingshu's neck, and wiped it violently!


Fairy Qingshu's head was suddenly separated from her body, and was grabbed by the empress.

There was a loud snap.

Li Xiuyuan yanked off the peach blossom branch and shattered Fairy Qingshu's body from her chest.

And the other side.

Li Xiuyuan rested for a while, then pulled the peach blossom branch stained with golden blood towards the dragon thorn that was fighting Wu Qinghua!

Wu Qinghua is a sword fairy, and he has stepped into the realm of half-lord. Although Dragon Thorn is a pure-blooded dragon, he was seriously injured by Li Xiuyuan.

And Li Xiuyuan's peach blossom branch was the last straw that crushed him.

The dragon thorns and dragon blood splashed, the dragon scales shattered, and the howling sound exploded above the sky.

Wu Qinghua is an experienced sword fairy, the thorn forest rolled instantly, and countless sword qi gushed into the clouds, turning into a majestic sword force, chiseling down fiercely, piercing the huge dragon body of the dragon thorn!

The golden dragon's blood flowed out like a waterfall.

Lacking the nourishment and replenishment of the long river of life, the dragon thorn is no longer immortal, and under Wu Qinghua's sword energy, it is ground to death bit by bit!

The strength of the human deity is somewhat beyond Longthorn's expectation!

"Do not!!!"

The dragon thorn made a deafening dragon cry.

However, Wu Qinghua was covered in blood, his beard and hair turned blood-colored, he stood on the dragon's neck, and chopped off the huge dragon's head with a single blow!


The huge dragon's head fell from the sky, and hit the blood-soaked Star Picking Platform in Kunlun Palace, crushing the Star Picking Platform to pieces!

The Jianghu guests who were fighting with the land immortals of the Kunlun Palace, Hong Taoist nuns, were all shocked.

Afterwards, there was an extremely excited cheer, and the morale was greatly boosted!

Li Xiuyuan sat cross-legged on the river of righteousness, playing with peach blossoms.

With the defeat of Fairy Qingshu and Dragon Thorn, the empress and Wu Qinghua's two demigods have freed up their hands. In the next situation, in the confrontation between human cultivators and heavenly beings, they should be able to gain an advantage.


Li Xiuyuan's eyes narrowed slightly.

Turning his eyes, he looked at the Xie Sha portal of the Beidou Secret Realm where Xie Sha was rolling.

The most important point affecting the battle situation is whether the junior brother can prevent Yun Taicang's third avatar Evil Emperor from reviving!

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