My Young Lord Is Really Righteous

Chapter 318 ? Physical Body Nine Forgings! Lend me Xiesha 3000!

The golden blood rained continuously.

In the sky above the Kunlun Palace, there are densely packed lower triple heavenly gates hanging in the air, and behind the gates, one after another heavenly beings stand and look at them, with a little bit of complicated color in their eyes.

In the sky of the world, golden rain of blood is sprinkled, and extremely rich golden clouds float over.

This is a regular reward. Killing a heavenly being can get a reward, and killing a pure-blooded heavenly being can get even richer rewards.

Fairy Qingshu and Dragon Thorn were defeated, and were beheaded to the world by the empress and Wu Qinghua one after another!

The two of them are the arrogance of the upper world, one is a pure-blooded fairy, and the other is a pure-blooded dragon. Compared with the ascended heavenly beings in the world, their status, status and strength are much higher.

However, such two people exist, but they are dead, so the rewards of the rules of the world are extremely generous.

The empress sat cross-legged in the void, holding Fairy Qingshu's pale and beautiful head in one hand.

Wu Qinghua landed on the top of the Kunlun Palace, standing on the huge dragon head with dragon thorns, with his hands behind his back, his sword aura gushing out.

The golden cloud of rules hangs above their heads, nourishing them, recovering their injuries, and enhancing the unsteady strength of their first-time half-lords.

And Li Xiuyuan also has a golden cloud reward.

Although the empress and Wu Qinghua are powerful, their chances of victory against Fairy Qingshu and Longthorn are actually very low. After all, although these two were injured by Li Xiuyuan, they are the pride of heaven after all.

The empress and Wu Qinghua had just entered the semi-honored state, even if they were in their prime, they would actually be at a disadvantage in a battle with them, and Li Xiuyuan's intervention completely changed the outcome of this battle.

Therefore, Li Xiuyuan's reward was particularly generous, and finally it was no longer the small pot-sized reward of that stingy Bala.

Li Xiuyuan smiled softly, holding the peach blossom branch, blocking the densely packed Tianmen in the sky.

Behind Tiantian Gate, there are also celestial beings in the half-respected realm watching over them.

However, the fall of Qingshu and Longthorn made them dare not descend to the mundane world easily.

But the battle situation above the Kunlun Palace has completely changed. The fall of the two demigods has greatly shocked the monks in the world, and they can be rewarded by the rules for killing heaven and man, which makes the monks in the rivers and lakes even more crazy.

The so-called seeking wealth in danger,

In fact, this is what they are talking about. If they can kill a celestial being and get a golden cloud reward, their cultivation will definitely be greatly improved, and they can even break through their own shackles!

Rules rewards are nothing to Luo Hong, but to ordinary monks, they are extremely important!


The cauldron poured down.

The sea of ​​flames spread, and the two heavenly beings of the Nine Realms were refined alive.

The Emperor Da Zhou was bleeding all over his body, sitting cross-legged above the stove, laughing heartily.

Xiao Wuliu is a peerless swordsman with two swords. His body was pierced by several spears. However, the number of heavenly beings killed by him was quite a lot, including a Nine Realm statue!

No matter whether it is the Emperor of the Great Zhou or Xiao Wuliu, they are fighting with their lives.

Because they understand that if they lose this battle, the world will become the world of heaven and man from now on.

So, it's all about fighting desperately.

And the result also made them feel gratified.

Under the shrouding of the golden cloud, the spirit of the Emperor of the Great Zhou was suddenly broken at this moment!

He stepped into the realm of the half-honored, the avenue spread thousands of miles, and the furnace of good fortune directly pressed into the avenue, and the aura became stronger and stronger.

Xiao Wuliu also made great efforts to break through the barriers, the road is thousands of miles away, and the light of the sword spans the sky, letting the world understand that the way of the sword can also reach the pinnacle.

The Kunlun Palace on Kunlun Mountain has long been reduced to ruins, with dense corpses lying around.

There are disciples of Kunlun Palace, there are celestial beings, and there are human monks...

This is a war, a brutal war.

However, as Li Xiuyuan blocked the celestial beings behind the Tianmen, the strong people in the Kunlun Palace also began to gradually decrease.

Everyone is sitting cross-legged under the golden cloud, feeling the rewards of the rules.

At the same time, everyone is also staring at the evil vortex in Beidou Secret Realm.

Not only Li Xiuyuan knew it, but they also knew that Luo Hong had entered the Big Dipper Secret Realm, and it was very difficult to prevent the recovery of the evil emperor, but only Luo Hong could do it.

No one knows what will happen to the evil emperor once he recovers.

However, the only thing that is certain is that no one wants the evil emperor to revive!


Beidou Secret Realm.

Luo Hong first came to the Mystery Realm, the ancient city is still the same, but the ancient city is no longer sprinkled with Qingming light rain, but blood-colored torrential rain like pillars, and the rain is mixed with strong evil spirits that are hard to escape!

Luo Hong was wearing the mask of the evil monarch, with overlapping shadows on his body, and his aura was extremely powerful.

Entering the Secret Realm again, he is no longer the weak boy who first came into contact with cultivation.

Yun Taicang's clone of the Evil Emperor is not in the Secret Realm, so Luo Hong doesn't plan to stay here for a long time. He wants to go to the Blood Rain Field, the place where countless evil spirits gather. The position of the emperor's recovery.

The evil emperor stole Luo Hong's leeks, this hatred, Luo Hong will never forget.

With one step down, the entire Secret Realm of Heaven was trembling, shaking constantly, and the ground seemed to be cracked.

Luo Hongbiao shot out, eight-forged body, not afraid of the oppression of space cracks.

He wants to rush out of the mysterious realm.

However, Luo Hong soon discovered the strangeness. He was blocked and could not leave the Secret Realm.

Luo Hong ran for a long time, but finally returned to the original place.

"The Beidou secret realm is divided into seven small secret realms. Now that the seven small secret realms are combined into one, I'm afraid it forms a unique formation."

Luo Hong fell into deep thought.

Luo Hong felt that he might have fallen into an illusion composed of secret realms.

Yun Taicang intends to use this Beidou secret realm to interfere with Luo Hong's actions and delay his recovery time.

The aura on his body rose steadily.

Luo Hong closed his eyes, he calmed down his mind, and calmed down from the anger of the evil king's leeks being harvested by the evil emperor.

He wants to break through the blockades of various secret realms and find the Blood Rain Field.

The only way is to break the secret realm of heaven, how to break it?

Naturally, it was broken by brute force. Back in the Great Xia Changling's imperial secret realm, the evil god Erha used force to break through the secret realm, and the evil god's sword directly tore the sky of the imperial secret realm.

But now, Luo Hong can also learn a hand.

Opening his eyes, the energy in his body continued to soar. Luo Hong raised his hand, and the evil sword shot up, and his fingers tapped lightly on the sword.

Pseudo-supernatural powers, you can see hell at your fingertips!

In the sky above the Secret Realm of Secrets, the rain of blood was torn apart, and countless sword qi gathered and impacted, turning into a gigantic Ghost City Youcheng.

The majestic and majestic city crashed into the sky above the Secret Realm of Heaven.

However, the deafening roar from the secret realm of secrets has never been broken!

This Secret Realm of Heaven is a real secret realm, not the same as the man-made secret realm of Dynasty Secret Realm.

Luo Hong frowned.

He stomped his foot heavily on the ground, and his body shot into the clouds immediately, his sleeves fluttering like an exile.

Keep going up, up!

The ancient city of Tianji under his feet has become the size of a small black spot.

Luo Hong floated above the sky, even if the oppressive feeling above the sky is full, but with Luo Hong's current eight-forged body, he is happy and fearless.

Finally, after Luo Hong rose to the extreme, he felt a barrier.

Without hesitation, Wu Guang circled his fingers, and the demon pointed out!

Swipe in the void.


Suddenly, there was a terrifying roar and explosion in the sky above the Secret Realm!

It was as if the sky had been torn into a huge space crack.

The secret realm of heaven and earth trembled, and began to sway continuously. Soon, with the roar, the secret realm of heaven and secrets collapsed inch by inch!

Luo Hong got out of the broken secret realm, and soon entered the second secret realm, Tianxuan secret realm.

Luo Hong didn't care, and still rushed into the sky. The Heavenly Demon pointed out that the Heavenly Demon Indestructible Body was extremely powerful. Luo Hong had dreamed of the Great Thousand, dreaming about the universe and starry sky, and taught the existence of the Heavenly Demon Indestructible Body. land.

Therefore, such a method can be called the most destructive method in the world!

All the secret realms couldn't stop Luo Hong at all.

However, using the Heavenly Demon One Finger continuously consumes a lot of energy.


Finally, Luo Hong came to the familiar place of blood rain, full of bloody aura and death aura.

The evil power of heaven and earth was so strong that it could not be dissipated, and it turned into blood rain and poured down.

Luo Hong's whole body vibrates, forming a vacuum around him, making it impossible for blood to rain down.

His eyes behind the mask swept away, and landed in the coffin emerging from the bloody mud of the blood rain.

On the coffin, there was a figure half sitting.

Luo Hong took a closer look and saw clearly the figure sitting up from the coffin.

Luo Hong was taken aback.

Not only was Luo Hong startled, but the magic sword in Luo Hong's hand trembled even more.

The beautiful figure in the red dress who was sulking appeared from behind Luo Hong...

Miss Demon Sword stared blankly at the figure half-sitting up from the coffin, with jet-black hair hanging down, sharp ears, and evil spirit...

"This is...the Ashura clan..."

Miss Demon Sword murmured.

Luo Hong was taken aback: "Asura clan?"

He naturally knows about the Asura clan, after all, the current Luo Hong can activate the Asura state.

Now, Yun Taicang's clone of the evil emperor in the coffin is actually a member of the Asura clan?

"Yes! It's the Asura clan! No... the soul is no longer there, it's just the body!"

"This person has obtained the body of an Asura tribe. No wonder the evil spirit here is so strong! Every Asura tribe is a body of gathering evil spirits, able to gather evil spirits from heaven and earth."

Miss Demon Sword's face was pale, and her face covered with bloody lines was somewhat cold and angry.

Obviously, there is endless anger rolling over the possession of the physical body of the Asura people.

Luo Hong landed in the blood rain field, covered with white bones in the soft blood mud.

Inside the coffin, the Evil Emperor stretched his arms out and placed them on both sides of the coffin. His burly body was covered with blood-colored lines. The Evil Emperor's face was not very good-looking, and even a bit ferocious. Too much.

The evil emperor opened his eyes and stared at Luo Hong, with surprise and coldness in his eyes.

"You actually broke the blockade of the formation formed by the Big Dipper Secret Realm so quickly!"

The evil emperor was somewhat surprised.

He was really surprised. In order to have enough time to complete his awakening, he led Luo Hong to the Secret Realm of Heaven, and he had to go through many obstacles to get to the Blood Rain Field from the Secret Realm of Heaven.

However, Luo Hong came so fast.

In his impression, Luo Hong used brute force to break through the blockade of the secret realm, this son... is simply a freak!

Suddenly, the evil emperor's eyes turned and landed on the beautiful figure in the red dress who appeared behind Na Luo Hong.

The evil emperor's eyes became more and more surprised.

"One of the four ancient royal families in hell...the Asura family?"

"No, that's not's not the body, it's just a spirit! This is...the sword spirit transformed by Asura?"

The evil emperor's long and narrow eyes are like a deep abyss.

His hoarse voice lingered in the rain of blood that was constantly falling.

Luo Hong looked at the evil emperor and frowned.

Unexpectedly, the evil emperor recognized the origin of Miss Demon Sword.

It seems that this Yun Taicang still has contact with the Asura clan?

Hell Asura?

One of the four royal families?

Luo Hong learned a lot of secrets from the mouth of the evil emperor.

It turns out that Miss Demon Sword is actually from hell!

Asuras were born in hell!


The evil emperor was half-sitting in the coffin, his hair flying like a whip, his eyes staring at Luo Hong, revealing an extremely cold smile.

"You are late."

"Although the loss of one evil seed has delayed the recovery process of this seat, with the addition of more than a dozen evil kings and the reserves of evil spirits in the evil gates of heaven and earth, the recovery of this seat is already unstoppable, even if it is the master here. , I can't stop it!"

The evil emperor laughed coldly.


Suddenly, the entire Blood Rain Field shook.

Miss Demon Sword behind Luo Hong said coldly: "Kill him!"

"He is insulting the warriors of the Asura clan!"

Miss Demon Sword's eyes were full of murderous intent.

This was the first time Luo Hong saw Miss Hongqun, so angry.

"Where did you get the body of the Asura?"

Luo Hong held the evil sword and the demon sword, and walked step by step in the violent wind and trembling blood rain.

Gradually, the evil emperor could be seen standing up slowly from the coffin.

It was as if there were regular chains winding around at high speed, slamming against the evil emperor's body.

"This physical body?"

"It's from the exterminated Asura clan..."

"This seat paid a huge price in exchange for the corpse king, one of the royal families of hell."

"Arranging the blood rain field, using the evil spirits transformed by the killings of the Dachaohui to nourish it. After 800 years of cultivation, this physical body can finally be revived!"

The Evil Emperor didn't care if the origin of this physical body was known.

Hearing this, Luo Hong couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

"Unfortunately, due to the restrictions of the rules of the world, this seat shouldn't wake up so quickly. When the rules of the world collapse and this seat wakes up, it will be able to become a heavenly lord. The three clones can be combined into one, which can impact the realm of the heavenly king, and even, can be in the world. Proving the way to the emperor! Unfortunately, everything was destroyed by you and Master!"

The evil emperor twisted his neck.

Countless rain of blood poured into the sky while the Qi machine on his body was released.

Luo Hong narrowed his eyes, the evil emperor hadn't fully recovered yet, his body was still unable to leave the coffin, moreover, the strong evil spirit between heaven and earth was still pouring into the evil emperor's body.

"You stole my son's leeks, how dare you say so?"

Luo Hong also had a cold face.

He raised his hand, the magic sword floated in the air, and the red dress of Miss Magic Sword fluttered.

"I can't let him recover completely, suck! Suck as much as you want, and suck all the evil spirits in the blood rain field!"

Luo Hong said to Miss Demon Sword.

The red dress fluttered, and Miss Demon Sword restrained her killing intent. This time, there was no complaint, no unnecessary inquiries, and she immediately began to absorb madly.

Immediately, the blood rain turned into two evil whirlpools, one was the evil emperor and the other was the devil sword.

Luo Hong drew out the evil sword, and the evil sea in the dantian also burst into suction, and the practice method "Ten Thousand Evil Returns to One" was in operation.

Luo Hong also began to try to absorb Xie Sha.

However, Luo Hong found helplessly that the speed at which he absorbed Xie Sha was nothing compared to the Demon Sword and the Xie Emperor.


Luo Hong cursed secretly in his heart.

He is clearly the official and serious evil cultivator!

Luo Hong simply stopped sucking Xie Sha, anyway, he stored it with Miss Demon Sword, and when the time came, he would fool Miss Demon Sword and suck it back from Miss Demon Sword.


Luo Hong drew out the magic sword, and his body shot out in an instant, killing the evil emperor who was sitting half up from the coffin.

Kill the evil emperor!

Suck the evil emperor dry!

A sword in the world of mortals!


The space seemed to be cut open, and the long river of time and space ran in it, and Luo Hong appeared in front of the evil emperor in an instant.

With a sword extended, the space was torn apart and oscillated endlessly.

This sword wanted to cut off the head of the evil emperor.

With an eight-forged body, coupled with the foundation of the Dao that widens thousands of miles, the power of Luo Hong's sword is not weaker than that of the land fairy of the Nine Realms!

But at this moment, there are more than a dozen evil shadows possessed by the evil kings, and the power has broken through the barrier!


The evil emperor leaned against the pitch-black coffin, but just smiled coldly, and while maintaining Xie Sha's absorption, he pushed out a punch.

Boom! ! !

Luo Hong felt a shock all over his body, and his eight-forged body couldn't hold it any longer. There were many cracks and lines, and bright red blood spewed out.

Luo Hong was pushed horizontally by the evil emperor's fist, and he flew upside down and fell to the ground. His legs plowed out two ditches on the ground, which were hundreds of miles long.

"It's just a first-rank realm, although it has been boosted by the secret method, but... that's all."

"Even if this seat has not fully recovered, it still has half the combat power. Why do you want to kill this seat?"

The evil emperor said coldly.

After punching Luo Hong with one punch, the evil emperor even breathed a sigh of relief.

Originally, when Luo Hong told him that he was being tricked by his master again, the evil emperor raised his heart in his throat.

But now it seems that the Master did plot against him, but he miscalculated Luo Hong's strength.

Luo Hong's strength is not bad against the Nine Realms, but it is basically impossible to destroy his plan.

As a result, Yun Taicang Evil Emperor's avatar, which was originally under great pressure, suddenly relaxed.

Luo Hong raised his head. Behind him, the ground was covered with blood, mud and bones, piled up into a shocking hill.

Blood rained down obliquely.

Luo Hong trudged out, with excitement surging in his eyes.

"Interesting... so strong!"

Luo Hongli screamed, his hair fluttered, and his white clothes bulged.

Blast out again.

Raise a sword, sword Kunlun!

With Luo Hong's current strength, the Kunlun sword should not be underestimated. A pitch-black mountain seemed to be pressing across the starry sky, smashing down on the evil emperor.

While absorbing Xie Sha, the evil emperor also slapped it out with a palm.

Strong and evil, turned into a palm, covering the sky and the sun.

Scatter the sword Kunlun.

A straight palm hit Luo Hong, the blood in Luo Hong's body was boiling, and the Wuxian armor was not covered, and the Yuxie sword was all over his body, punching punch after punch, colliding with the evil emperor's palm!

Luo Hong threw nearly a hundred punches, only to destroy the power of the evil emperor's palm.

The eight forged body was also full of cracks, and blood spilled from the cracks.

Luo Hong's mind moved, and the life essence in the storage page overflowed, allowing Luo Hong to recover quickly from his injuries.

"Come again!"

Luo Hong was excited.

With a heavy kick, his body was incomparable, and he punched out again.

Choose the flesh body to fight against the evil emperor!

However, the evil emperor's physical body was from the Asura clan, and Luo Hong's physical body almost exploded almost every time he was beaten.

He was beaten into the air again and again, and he was beaten upside down.

However, Luo Hong persevered every time.

After repeated defeats and battles, his body was shattered, so he used the essence of life to recover. He didn't hold back at all, and squandered the essence of life wantonly.

From the beginning of the evil emperor's disdain and indifference, later on, he gradually felt that something was wrong.

Even if he used a truly ruthless hand, completely smashing Luo Hong's body into bloody mud.

But under the irrigation of the essence of life, Luo Hong will recover again.

Like the immortality of heaven and man, this extremely disgusting way is vividly displayed in Luo Hong.

"Are you borrowing this seat to forge your body?!"

The evil emperor finally discovered Luo Hong's purpose.

His complexion suddenly darkened.

His eight-hundred-year-old layout is for you, Luo Hong, to forge your body?

How about some respect?

And Luo Hong's physical body recovered under the lingering of the essence of life again.

Luo Hong felt that his body was approaching nine forgings, and his eyes were also burning.

Every time the evil emperor's attack was accompanied by strong evil spirits, these evil spirits would corrode flesh and blood, and they were simply the best choice for Luo Hong to exercise his body.

After training the body, you can also inhale these evil spirits into the dantian evil sea.

Luo Hong laughed loudly: "You have discovered all of this, but let me tell you, your style is pretty good."

After the words fell, Luo Hong ran wildly again, turned into afterimages in the blood rain field, and rushed towards the evil emperor.

The evil emperor was furious, it was wrong to fight, and it was wrong not to fight.

Because if you fight, you can't kill Luo Hong. If you don't fight, Luo Hong's attack will fall on him again.

This made the evil emperor so depressed that he vomited blood.

The master's calculation... seems to have worked faintly again!

Master is not a good thing.

Master's disciple is not a good thing either!

Both master and apprentice are equally disgusting!


The evil emperor was furious, and still chose to take action.

With a sharp whistle, the beard and hair borrowed Zhang.

If you fight, then fight to the death!

After hitting this point, it is impossible to revive at all!

The next moment, a terrifying change occurred in the sky above Xueyuyuan.

The dense black clouds, constantly pressing down, are extremely depressing, making people breathless!

The evil emperor clenched his hand and slammed it forward!

A black thunder spear fell down.

With a flying shot, Luo Hong, who swung out with a punch, was suddenly hit, and in an instant, he flew upside down and flew thousands of miles across.

Rolling continuously on the ground.

And the evil emperor stretched out his palm, and pressed down from afar!

Boom boom boom!

Thunder is still falling endlessly.

Constantly smashing Luo Hong into a bloody mess!

Thunder was like rain, amidst thousands of thunder, the storage page above Luo Hong's head opened, pouring life essence continuously.

Luo Hong's body, broken and healed, healed and broken!

In Luo Hong's physical body, there was a deafening roar, and indistinctly, the physical body was forged nine times, and it was completed!

The physical body and the practice method are all complete!

The real foundation building Dzogchen!

And the evil emperor no longer paid attention to Luo Hong.

Open your mouth and swallow in one gulp, like a giant whale sucking water.

Countless waves of evil spirits gathered in his mouth, and he was about to recover!

He wants to fully recover and step out of the coffin!


The evil emperor's eyes narrowed, and he looked into the distance, but saw that the speed of the magic sword Asura sucking was not weaker than him at all!

Half of the evil spirits in the blood rain field were sucked clean by the demon sword Asura.

The beautiful figure in the red dress floating above the magic sword was even hiccupping.

When the last ray of evil spirit was sucked away by the evil emperor.

The evil emperor's face turned red!


Xie Sha...there is not enough!

A little short!

Being sucked by the magic sword is not enough to recover!


What kind of broken sword is this, why does it have such a big appetite? !

But soon, the evil emperor's eyes became more and more cold, and he had to find a way to recover!

Almost evil, he has to find a way to get together!

He screamed.

In the next moment, above the blood rain field, the evil gate of heaven and earth broke through the space and slowly emerged.

The evil emperor stretched out his hand and grabbed the evil gate of heaven and earth with one hand. Many evil cultivators carried in the space of the evil gate were shaken into blood mud one after another, and the squeezed evil spirits fell into the evil emperor's body like a torrent.

The cold and ruthless evil emperor absorbed these evil spirits with great enjoyment.


The evil emperor's burly body slowly tried to stand up from the coffin, but even the rules and chains couldn't restrain him!

The evil emperor is about to fully recover!

And far away.

Luo Hong, who had completed nine forgings of his physical body, also opened his eyes.

He raised his hand, and in the distance, the magic sword shot towards him, and was caught by Luo Hong.

Miss Demon Sword belched contentedly.

Luo Hong glanced at it.

"Lend me three thousand evil spirits, and I will let you suck it up again in the future."

"The hatred of your Asura clan is the hatred of me, Luo Hong!"

Luo Hongdao.

Miss Demon Sword was immediately unhappy.

Borrow again?

A man's mouth, a deceitful ghost!

How many evil spirits have you borrowed, do you have no points in your heart? Have you paid off? !


Although Miss Demon Sword was reluctant in every possible way, she still borrowed it.

boom! ! !

In the magic sword, Taotao evil spirits rolled, and the evil spirits absorbed by the magic sword Asura, at this moment, poured into Luo Hong's body frantically under the distress of Miss Demon Sword.

Luo Hong was shocked!

Behind it, the road of the avenue appeared, and the avenue with a width of thousands of miles began to spread. On it was a flower, a flower bone condensed by evil spirits, quietly blooming on the avenue!

Luo Hong was covered in white robes, and his eyes looked at the evil emperor in the distance.

The evil emperor will be revived today!

Then I, Luo Hong...for today, build the foundation of Dzogchen!

As soon as you think about it, you will become a fairy, and you will enter the land fairy!

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