My Young Lord Is Really Righteous

Chapter 325 ? No. 0! Powerful number 0!

The terrifying air mechanism seems to be about to destroy the world.

Between heaven and earth, only the clear and incomparable footsteps remained.

tuk tuk tuk...

That was the sound of real footsteps, as if someone came out from another time and space, another world, the black shadow was mighty, as if it was reflected in everyone's eye sockets, but it made everyone unable to see clearly.

The feeling of suffocation permeates the world.

Even though he was extremely powerful, Yuankui Tianzun, who took advantage of a loophole in the rules and entered the human world, felt his hair stand on end. Things seemed to be beyond his plans and expectations, and even somewhat beyond his imagination.

He wanted to kill Luo Hong very much, but Luo Hong's methods also exceeded his expectations.

Looking at the incomparably deep, abyss-like crack, a chill spread from the soles of Yuankui Tianzun's feet. Even though he was a Tianzun who was in a dignified state and looked down on the invincible hand in the world, he still had no bottom at the moment.

Luo Hong... still has a hole card!

Where did this monster in the world get so many cards? !

Not only Yuankui Tianzun, but everyone in the world felt a sense of suffocation, as if their souls were about to be swallowed.

In an instant, the sky turned into boundless darkness.

Everyone's heart is trembling.


The terrifying pressure fell, as if the entire sky was under pressure. The strong men who were originally suspended above the sky felt that they could not maintain their figures, and fell rapidly, and finally, they fell to the ground.

All the half-deities in the world fell to the ground.

Li Xiuyuan, the Empress, the Qilin Sword Immortal, the Great Zhou Tianzi and other half-respected powerhouses who are the most powerful in the world, at this moment, can't even keep flying.

It was a boundless coercion. Under this coercion, no one was allowed to vacate, and vacating meant being rude.

"I am the Celestial Lord of the Immortal Clan! Who are you, and you dare to suppress me?!"

Yuankui Tianzun also couldn't maintain his figure, the sense of oppression was too great.

It was so big that he was a little terrified, as if he was facing such a terrifying existence as Nan Tianwang.

Yuan Kui Tianzun Li Xiao, stared at the figure walking out of the dark crack, the figure was not very clear, it looked like a human race, but it was as tall as a star.

what exactly is it?

Yuankui Tianzun roared angrily, wanting to maintain his figure, however, no matter how he persisted, the coercion between heaven and earth was all condensed on him, making him unable to maintain his figure, and finally smashed hard on the ground. on the ground.

Like everyone else, they all fell to the ground, and they could only look up, as if looking at a real god.

The rules between heaven and earth have been dispelled. This is the rule arranged by the emperor. Even the existence of the king of heaven dare not break free easily. However, at this moment, everyone feels in a trance that the rules of heaven and earth seem to be temporarily dispelled open.

It's like a void has been emptied out of the vast sea.

And at this moment, the one with the most clear mind may be Luo Hong.

The entire sky in the world is still suspended in the sky, and only Luo Hong is left.

Luo Hong was levitating, his white clothes and white hair fluttering.

However, Luo Hong at this moment wanted to cry but had no tears.


Big hair!

The evil god Erha once reminded Luo Hong that the god descending technique has serious side effects, because no one knows which evil god is summoned.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, Erha, the evil god, would not support Luo Hong's use of the divine descent technique.

The cost is too great and the risk is too great.

However, this time, facing a celestial being far beyond the limits of the human world, the evil god Erha had no choice but to let Luo Hong perform the god descending technique.

The evil god Erha is actually somewhat sure, because he has left the mark of the evil god on Luo Hong, and he can easily rush to Luo Hong as long as he wants.

Everything is as perfect as the evil god Erha's plan, and the evil god Erha is going to suppress number three again and descend to the world.

However, Erha, the evil god, never expected that No. 3... would sue!

Complain to number zero!

damn it!

Can't afford it!


The evil god Erha couldn't stop crying.

And the number zero boss, not only did not listen to his explanation, but pressed his face, and pulled him back.

The evil god Erha is powerless, and number three is indeed an idiot. Now, no one has a chance to go out to breathe, right?

Among the cracks.

It seems that there are faint eyes emerging.

That was the resentful gaze of the evil god Erha, and of course, the triumphant and happy smile of the third evil goddess!

"Boss! Help me kill that little Heavenly Venerate! That thing insults me!"

Since he couldn't get out, the evil god Erha still shouted.

However, the figure in the crack did not stop or turn around.


Luo Hong's complexion changed drastically, he felt the power was passing away rapidly, and even the vitality was sucked away crazily, this is the real feeling of being hollowed out of the body!

This time, the God's Arrival Technique was like a bottomless pit on the opposite side, absorbing everything about Luo Hong crazily.

Really sucks!

Luo Hong's fear has come true!

Even if the other party was just a projection, Luo Hong felt that he couldn't bear it.

The boss of the evil god Erha?

The leader of the evil god?

Huh? !

The huge crack seemed to be torn apart. Luo Hong was floating, his clothes were flying, and his white hair was fluttering. Facing the huge crack, he seemed to be suspended in front of the abyss, and would fall into it at any time, forever.

In the embryonic form of Luo Hong's Holy and Evil Cave, the phantom of the saint suddenly opened his eyes, opened his mouth wide, and cursed at unprecedented levels.

The extremely strong reminder of crisis impacted Luo Hong's mind and reminded Luo Hong.


There is a big crisis!

However, Luo Hong was full of bitterness, he really wanted to run away.

But, he can't do it!

The figure behind the crack gradually walked out, completely shrouded in a mass of darkness, extremely misty, deep and strange.

Filled with unspeakable terror.

"Small mortals, are you...calling only?"

The figure shrouded in black mist approached Luo Hong and said calmly.

The sound floated, not loud, but it resounded throughout the world like the Wanfo bell of Wangchuan Temple.

"That...maybe the wrong call."

Luo Hong laughed dryly.

The evil god Erha Luo Hong understands, but Luo Hong really doesn't know the slightest bit about the strange "Number Zero" in front of him.

I don't know my temperament, I don't know my strength, I don't know my appearance... I don't know.

"Is that number three you called?"

"Blur the ignorant number two?"

The figure shrouded in the black mist obviously didn't expect Luo Hong's words. After thinking about it, he changed the term.

When Luo Hong heard this, his face turned dark.

Your family conflicts have nothing to do with me!

"I am sincere to Erha... oh no, Number Two is sincere! I have never lied to him!"

Luo Hong hurriedly said.

The world fell silent, not a single sound was left.

The darkness is approaching Luo Hong, constantly approaching, the other party is shrouded in darkness, slowly approaching Luo Hong.

It seems to be examining, and it seems to be looking at it.

Luo Hong had never been so nervous before, but he knew that what he was facing now should be an extremely terrifying existence, perhaps the most powerful existence in the entire Three Realms.

Is the other party a projection?

Luo Hong even felt that the other party didn't descend from a projection, but actually walked out from a mysterious and unknowable area!

Luo Hong felt that everything about him was invisible in the eyes of the other party shrouded in dark fog.

"The mark of number two."

A faint voice lingered.

With a little surprise.

It is rare for Number Two to leave his mark alone.


"Can communicate with the gods, who are you?"

The voice seemed to be whispering.

Luo Hong gradually calmed himself down. He was shocked to find that it was not his own panic, but an inexplicable force on the other party that was affecting his emotions.

Compared to the evil god Erha, this is the real evil god!

The existence shrouded in darkness seemed to be interested, interested in Luo Hong.

He stretched out his hand, and the thick darkness turned into a hand, grabbing towards Luo Hong.

The next moment, Luo Hong was shocked to find that a huge palm emerged from the sea of ​​his will.

The terrifying power emanating from the palm seemed to solidify everything and collapse everything.

Luo Hong's sea of ​​will seems to have fallen into a stagnation at this moment, and the vast sea formed by the power of will cannot be stirred up by the slightest storm.

However, at the moment when this palm entered the sea of ​​will.

The human skin book floating in the depths of Luo Hong's sea of ​​will suddenly emitted light.


In the blink of an eye, the human skin booklet appeared in front of the palm.

The palm touched the human skin booklet.

Vaguely, there seems to be endless changes of birth and death, as if the chaos is collapsing.

The hand backed away.

The human skin book also returned to its place and was silent, hanging quietly in Luo Hong's sea of ​​will.


in reality.

The figure shrouded in darkness stared slightly.

"what is this?"

"It's just... I seem to have seen it somewhere."

The whispered words made Luo Hong's scalp tingle.

Has this existence seen the human skin book? !

It can be said that Luo Hong's biggest secret so far is the human skin book, but now, there is an existence who may know the origin of the human skin book, how can Luo Hong not be shocked!

The other party quickly fell into deep thought.


"Boss Zero! Help me kill that little Celestial! Don't let him get away!"

The voice of calling floated out from the cracked mark of the evil god in Luo Hong's sea of ​​will.

Hearing the words, the figure shrouded in darkness no longer pondered, and withdrew its gaze from Luo Hong's body. It moved horizontally, and landed on the earth, Yuankui Tianzun who was oppressed by his coercion on the ground.

Yuankui Tianzun was glanced at, and met the eyes in the black mist, and felt indescribable fear added to his body, and the terrible pressure made him unable to move at all!

As for the words of the evil god Erha, Yuankui Tianzun could also hear clearly.

Yuan Kui Tianzun's face changed, he couldn't stay where he was waiting to die, he didn't want to die! I don't want to die like this!

He finally came to the world, how could he die without doing anything? !

Yuan Kui Tianzun screamed angrily, and the long knife in his hand slashed out!

He still doesn't believe it, he is the Heavenly Venerable from the Upper Realm, and he came to the mortal world through a loophole in the rules. In this mortal world where the strongest combat power is only a half-lord, will he still die?

He slashed out with a knife, forcing the existence in front of him to make a move.

It is impossible for such a powerful existence to be unrestricted. Once it is done, the Emperor's rules will definitely block it.

The stronger the strength, the more restricted it will be by the rules.

This is true even for the king of heaven, the existence in front of him must not escape the restrictions of the rules!

"After so many years, someone finally dared to swing a knife at him."

A faint voice came from the zero mouth shrouded in black mist.


The figure shrouded in darkness raised its hand slowly, with very small movements.

However, small actions can do a lot of damage.

In an instant, the power of the rules that had been emptied approached crazily, gathered crazily, and turned into shackles one after another, crazily hanging down and entwining.

The figure in the black fog frowned slightly.

Raise your hand and press it forward a little.

Bang bang bang!

The power of one rule after another exploded, and it was blown to pieces!

Yuan Kui Tianzun was stunned!


This is the rule set by the Emperor, how the hell are you able to crush it? !

Is this a king-level existence?

At this moment, the knife that Yuankui Tianzun had just raised became soft all of a sudden, and he didn't even have the courage to swing it down.

He turned his head, trying to tear apart the space and escape.

However, the existence of the black mist is just a glance, as if the space is crushed by the gaze.

Yuankui Tianzun only felt that the space in front of him had become extremely strong and could not be torn apart at all!

"This rule power is good."

A faint evaluation floated out from the mouth of the existence in the black mist.

Luo Hong's face flushed red.

This is the Emperor's rule, is it not bad?

Yuankui Tianzun also heard about it, his legs were a little weak from fright, didn't he say that Tianzun was the strongest and invincible in the world?

Why reality doesn't seem to be what it seems.

However, Yuankui Tianzun seemed to have heard the implication, that is, the existence in front of him could not do anything easily!

Yuankui Tianzun was ecstatic, he bet right!

It seems to have sensed Yuankui Tianzun's ecstasy.

The existence in the black mist looked over with some doubts, and did not continue to crush the rules.

Are you happy with a hammer?

Zero raised his hand and pointed at Luo Hong's forehead.

In an instant, a black crystal condensed between Luo Hong's eyebrows.

Afterwards, Luo Hong felt that his physical body was being controlled...

It's the same feeling as when an evil god possesses a body, but the only difference is that it's a feeling of being about to explode.

It's like putting the entire vast sea into a small water tank!

boom! ! !

And Luo Hong moved!

Without much movement, he took a step forward, and the white shirt turned into a jet-black black shirt in an instant, hanging above Yuankui Tianzun's head like a deep black hole.

Yuan Kui Tianzun felt cold.

Suddenly raising his head, he saw Luo Hong floating.

Luo Hong turned into deep black, overlooking Yuankui Tianzun.

Step down.

Yuankui Tianzun only felt that death was enveloping his head, and amidst the screams, the long knife slashed out!

How strong is the long knife of the half-holy soldier!

However, under Luo Hong's step, the long knife shattered inch by inch, tearing apart.

The arm of Yuankui Tianzun was also shattering, flesh and blood bursting, bones shattering, and exploded into a golden blood mist.

Bang bang bang!

Yuankui Tianzun couldn't resist the unpretentious step.

Even if he is the strongest Heavenly Venerate in the world, at this moment, there is only endless powerlessness covering him.

Can't stop it!

This is... a monster!


The roar of the huge explosion resounded, the whole world was shaking, and the terrifying power of rules surged wildly.

Yuankui Tianzun's screams filled the space between heaven and earth.

Afterwards, a huge cave emerged, this is Yuankui Tianzun's cave!

The cave sky wrapped his sea of ​​will and the avenue, turned into a golden light and shot towards the middle and third heaven gates.

He wants to escape.

Tianzun's physical body has been obliterated, but his will is still intact, he is not dead yet!

After returning to the heaven, bathing in the long river of life, he still has a chance to recover!

He doesn't want to die!

He is the god of heaven, he is immortal, immortal, how can he die in a fallen and ridiculous world!

And at this moment.

Everyone in the world fell into a sluggish state.

No one thought that Yuankui Tianzun, who was overbearing and invincible and defeated many demigods in the world with one move, would be instantly crushed and exploded his body!

Li Xiuyuan took a deep breath.

Is this the existence behind the little junior brother?

Is this too strong?

The master told him back then that when the time comes, he will settle accounts with the existence behind the junior brother...

Li Xiuyuan felt that if Master really went to settle accounts with the other party, he might be beaten to death!

A heavenly body was crushed just like that!

It's like crushing an ant to death!

This is the Heavenly Venerable from Heaven!

Beyond the limits of human power!

Luo Hong's dark eyes scanned, and when Yuankui Tianzun's cave moved sideways towards Tiantian Gate, a faint smile appeared on his face.

He stretched.

"No wonder No. 2 and No. 3 will fight over each other. It feels good to come out to get some fresh air."

A faint voice lingered.


"Can't stay long."

Words fell.

Luo Hong's figure instantly turned into thousands of afterimages, shattered the space, and appeared in front of the middle and third heaven gates.

In the cave, Tianzun Yuankui looked at Luo Hong, who was outside the cave and overlooking him, in great fear.

He felt that Luo Hong at this moment was like a demon!

king? !

Fuck! This is definitely a king!

It turns out that besides the master, there is also hidden fighting power at the level of a heavenly king in the world!

Yun Taicang tricked me!


Yuankui Tianzun hid in the cave and shivered.

However, he was already approaching the third heavenly gate at this moment, and Luo Hong did not make a move, so Dongtian wrapped his body and got behind the heavenly gate.

After he returned to the Heaven Realm, a strong immortal energy filled the air, and Yuankui Tianzun, who was hiding behind the cave, immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

He... survived!


Luo Hong, who was standing in front of Tianmen, laughed.

With his hands behind his back, countless darkness gathered behind Luo Hong, and in the end, it turned into a swaying barb!

The barb got behind the Tianmen of Zhongsanzhong in an instant!



After the gate of heaven, the realm of heaven.

The Nantianmen domain suddenly trembled!

Countless immortal energy was torn apart, tainted, turned into terrifying darkness, and corroded into poisonous substances.

And above the Nantianmen domain, a black barb phantom emerged, covering the sky and blocking out the sun, like a prehistoric giant beast striding across the fairy sky at this moment!

Countless celestial beings behind the Nantian Gate Region watched this scene dully.

what is this? !

at the same time!

The entire heaven seems to be shaking!

Four gigantic heavenly gates emerged, straddling the sky, releasing terrifying coercion.

In the west, at the West Heaven Gate, a Buddha with golden light emerged, clasped his palms together, twirling flowers with his fingers, and looked solemnly at the barb that tore apart the sky.

In the north, Beitianmen, a gigantic dragon made of gold was flying across the sky, its tail flicked as if trying to overwhelm everything, and it also looked at the barb solemnly.

In the east, the East Heaven Gate, the demonic aura is soaring to the sky, and a figure is looking at it solemnly, with a bit of fear.

In the central region, the Zhongtian Gate, endless divine light burst out, and there was a figure looming in it.

And under the gaze of many strong men.

The huge barb phantom roared through.

Yuankui Tianzun's cave was suddenly pierced through, Yuankui Tianzun hiding in it was terrified to the extreme, he fled back to Tianmen, after hiding back to Tianmen, why... didn't he let him go?

Why... still die? !

"Kings, save me!"

Yuankui Tianzun screamed mournfully.

His cry for help echoed everywhere.



The four extremely powerful beings just watched indifferently.

Yuan Kui Tianzun was extremely desperate, but unfortunately, Nan Tian Wang was sealed by his master, otherwise at this moment, Nan Tian Wang would have made a move for him.

However, no ifs.


The cave exploded, and in an instant, the entire heaven was in turmoil, forming a huge mushroom cloud, rolling endlessly!

The golden blood rains down.

Yuankui Tianzun, who was arrogant and arrogant before, has fallen!

The entire heaven fell into silence.

However, there is not much panic. The fall of a Heavenly Venerable is nothing in the heavenly world.

However, the phantom of the barb across the sky caught their attention.

"what is that?"

"This barb... the rich dark air... seems to come from the dark restricted area."

"The attack came from the human world, but it was the existence in the dark restricted area who attacked through a distant time and space... Interesting."

"Is this the Human Sovereign's backhand? It's impossible... How could the Human Sovereign and the evil creatures in the dark forbidden zone be mixed together?"

"No matter what... I need to re-examine the human world. The Nantian King was sealed by the master, and there are traces of life in the dark restricted zone..."

"The water in the world is too deep!"



The rules are rioting, perhaps too terrifying power, which has caused the clamor of the power of the rules.

The whole world fell into a deathly silence.

Everyone raised their heads blankly and looked at the sky.


They heard the screams of Yuankui Tianzun clearly, a supreme Tianjie Tianzun was killed!

After the middle third heaven gate, the golden rain of blood is falling, which means that Yuankui Tianzun has really fallen!

Li Xiuyuan took a deep breath.

The empress' eyes were shining, her red lips parted slightly, and she murmured: "Domineering!"

Wu Qinghua also watched dully.

Jixia Academy.

Luo Xiaoxiao was extremely excited and cheered, while Xiao Douhua was flying in the wind with a white dress, smiling.

"I knew the young master would definitely win! The young master upholds justice in his heart, since ancient times, evil has always prevailed!"

And the monks in the world are all dumbfounded. They thought it was the end of the world, but they never imagined that the final result would be like this!

The mighty Tianzun was beaten to death alive!

For a moment, the monks in the world were full of complicated emotions.



Darkness spread out from Luo Hong's body, and soon turned into a thick black mist again.

A figure in the black mist appeared behind Luo Hong, with a terrifying aura, full of depression.

Luo Hong regained control of his physical body, his eyes filled with amazement.

So strong!

Really strong, Luo Hong can be sure, this is just a projection of the other party! It's not the real body coming, but compared with the projection of the previous evil god Erha, it's much stronger!

That last barb move almost pierces through the world!

Compared with the one in front of you, the evil god Erha can only be described in two words, trash!

It seemed that he had sensed Luo Hong's thoughts.

Erha's imprint of the evil god shook endlessly, as if an angry roar was resounding!

Stupid Ronaldinho, are you insulting me? !

What is just rubbish?

Although it is true that he can't defeat number zero, but... he is still a very powerful existence!

The atmosphere was somewhat stagnant.

Luo Hong was levitating, his body was slightly stiff, and the number zero in the darkness was also looking at Luo Hong faintly, as if he had lost his mind and fell into deep thought.

"Able to communicate with the gods... Possesses the imprint of No. 2, and seems to be involved with No. 9..."

"Perhaps... this is fate?"

"This son... can you help me leave the dark restricted area?"

The pupils in the darkness are full of depth and wisdom, but also contain extremely terrifying oppression.

Originally, Luo Hong was a little nervous, but gradually, Luo Hong's mood calmed down.


Zero turned his gaze in the darkness and looked at the land of the world.

Click, click, click...

It was like the sound of a stone carving cracking.


A sigh sounded from heaven and earth.


"Time flies."

"Three years... passed so quickly."

In the direction of Wangchuan Temple.

Accompanied by sighs.

The next moment, the awe-inspiring righteousness hangs upside down in the sky, and countless rules gather, gather...

The master was released from the state of stone sculpture, and with his hands behind his back, he stepped into the air, and was pulled by the long river, and was born out of nowhere.

The power of rules in the entire world began to boil, and it couldn't stop boiling.

Everyone was shocked, and turned their heads to look at the brilliance soaring into the sky, all expressions changed.

The direction of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Yun Taicang's last clone, Chubby Ji, trembled: "I knew it, I knew it!"

Sure enough, the master still has a back hand!

However, he saw the Master flying up into the air, grasping it with his hand, countless rules turned into a torrent, and in his hand, turned into a whip.

The master's beard and hair were all fluttering, his waist was straight, and he climbed to the sky every step of the way, hanging in front of the dark zero.

Shrouded in darkness, No. 0 looked at the master who rose into the air with the whip of rules in his hands, with a bit of surprise in his eyes.

And Luo Hong's heart just calmed down.

It was hard to keep calm again.

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