My Young Lord Is Really Righteous

Chapter 326 ? The boss of No. 2 is my Luo Hong's boss!

The pitch-black crack stretches across the sky, hanging like an abyss, giving people an unparalleled deterrent.

And the figure that came out of the abyss was even more powerful, unbelievably powerful, far beyond the limits of the human world.

Because a powerful person who descended from the heavens, the most powerful person who looked down on the world, was crushed and killed, and it was the strong person who walked out of the abyss that killed this powerful person!

It can be said that this Tianzun is the most miserable, if this Tianzun does not descend to the mortal world, he will not die at all, even in the heavens, Tianzun is a powerful existence and can dominate one side.

However, this Heavenly Venerable died inexplicably and tragically.

The tragic death of Tianzun is indeed eye-catching, but what is even more eye-catching is that the master who was originally transformed into a sculpture in Wangchuan Temple broke the seal and appeared in the world!

Everyone is dumbfounded!

How domineering and tragic was the Master who suppressed and sealed the Three Realms by himself, sacrificed his life to seal the Heavenly King and the Corpse King for three years.

However, how long has it been since the three-year period has passed, master...why did you wake up? !

Li Xiuyuan was stunned, and stared blankly at the river of righteousness running through the sky, watching his master stepping on the river of righteousness, grabbing countless rules and turning them into regular whips.

Your old man... So you still have someone behind you? !

He looked in the direction of Wangchuan Temple, and he could see that with the departure of the master, the seal of Wangchuan Temple was still maintained without much turmoil.

Obviously, the master broke the seal and came out, and he was also the second hand left by the master.

Li Xiuyuan couldn't laugh or cry.

That is to say, Yuankui Tianzun came to the world. Although the problem is very serious, it is actually all in the master's scheme?

As long as the Master wakes up and holds the whip of rules, a mere Yuankui Tianzun will probably be whipped to death by the Master!

The power of the Human Sovereign's rule is so strong that it cannot be resisted by anyone other than the Heavenly King.

However, Li Xiuyuan was a little flustered for a while as he looked at the existence next to Luo Hong who had just killed a Heavenly Venerable who was holding the whip of rules.

At this point, the war should be coming to an end.


If Master fights against this mysterious existence at this moment, will Master be beaten?

Li Xiuyuan's expression changed, and so did the Empress, Wu Qinghua and others. Obviously, they also guessed this situation.

Also, they all heard the Master's sigh, and they were even more speechless.

Above the sky, the wind is a little strong.

Luo Hong was suspended, feeling a little cold.


How did the master break the seal? Didn't it say that the seal would be broken after three years?

At this moment, Luo Hong was a little dazed. Seeing his master confronting No. 0 aggressively, Luo Hong only felt that he was under a little pressure.

How strong is Zero?

Luo Hong knew that he was very strong, but he didn't have a concept. After all, even a powerful existence like Yuankui Tianzun was easily defeated. It was absolutely outrageously strong.

The master is also strong, and even called it the most invincible in the world.

And the master can manipulate the rules, but...the rules were crushed before the zero number!

"Master... are you always... awake?"

Luo Hong looked at his master and hurriedly said.

However, the master ignored Luo Hong, as if he was facing a big enemy, he held the rule whip in his hand, and the rule whip in his hand was trembling violently, which was drawn by the terrifying aura of No. 0.

Excited like meeting an opponent.

Luo Hong's face is dark, they are all his own people, you are so excited!

Projection Zero, wrapped in the dark fog, looked at the Master lightly, his eyes filled with the brilliance of wisdom.

He felt the hostility toward the Master, and it was a kind of hostility between good and evil.

Number Zero knew his identity as the evil god of the dark forbidden zone, and the person in front of him seemed to be the master of the rules of the world, representing the righteous way.

But that's all.

The master stared at number zero, solemn and apprehensive.


No, among the five heavenly kings in the heavenly realm, there is no one in front of you.

The breath of the existence in front of him does not belong to any of the five heavenly gates.

Even, the existence in front of me brought an inexplicable pressure to the master!

The master raised the whip of rules in his hand, and the power of the rules around him was intertwined around him. The master also felt that something was wrong, and frowned slightly.

"Three come the power of rules is still so strong?"

The master frowned, he found a blind spot.

Logically speaking, being able to stimulate the last of his followers means that the rules of the world have broken down and a catastrophe has come to the world.

There will be many gods coming to the world.

Mortals are raised in captivity, and their luck in the world is deprived of everything!

Therefore, the master will sense the collapse of the rules, and will break the stone sculpture and return to the world!

As a result, the master has now discovered that the power of rules is still so strong!

Although it is weaker than three years ago, there is basically no big difference!

The luck in the world has even become more prosperous!

Master took a deep breath, now is not the time to think about these issues, the existence in front of him is the biggest problem.

The pressure in front of him is not weaker than a heavenly king entering the world.

Of course, at first Master thought that this existence was the evil thing behind Luo Hong.

However, Master knew the aura of the evil god Erha, and the aura of the existence in front of him was completely different from the evil thing behind Luo Hong.

That's why Master is so serious.

There are too few stupid and cute evils like Luo Hong's will in the sea. The real evils are all extremely sinful existences. It is possible to slaughter the common people and destroy the world.

And the existence in front of him has such power!

"Your Excellency... who is it? Or what is it?"

The master said solemnly.

The whip of rules wraps around his body.

Zero, shrouded in darkness, looked on indifferently, without speaking.

Luo Hong was a little confused when he heard his master's sigh and question, three years?

The master thought it had been three years, so he broke the seal?


Where did three years come from? It's less than three months, how come it's been three years!

Your old watch... is going fast!

Of course, Luo Hong thought about it quickly and seemed to understand some of the reasons.

Perhaps it was because of the appearance of the zero number that the master misjudged the time.

Number zero is very strong. When he appears, he smashes the rules and makes them evade...

Perhaps, it was just like this that the master mistakenly thought that three years would come when the rules collapsed, so he broke the seal ahead of time and returned to the world!

Ignoring Luo Hong, who was next to him with a fluctuating expression, Master saw Number Zero wrapped in darkness, whose breath was so suppressed that Master felt afraid of Number Zero, and did not reply.

Master took a deep breath, it seems difficult to talk about!

Luo Hong wanted to understand the reason, so he wanted to speak, but the master glanced at him: "Xiao Luo, stay away!"

"The rules still exist in the world, this is not the place for you to do evil!"


The master suddenly raised the whip of rules in his hand.

Between heaven and earth, a storm suddenly rises!

The master is like an old man in coir raincoat standing in a lone boat floating on the vast sea, waving a fishing rod, stirring up the entire vast sea to swirl!

And at this moment, the whip of the rules is the fishing rod!

Luo Hong's face turned dark immediately.

Why did it start?

Master, don't smoke, your own people!


The void burst instantly, and every inch of it was broken. This whip contained terrifying regular power, making the world seem to be in turmoil!

In the void, behind the heavenly gates.

One after another, the heavenly beings looked down, watched, and watched the restless power of rules in the world. They were shocked and grateful!

This master, in charge of the rules of the world, is really strong!

With the power of such rules gathered, even if the king of heaven enters the country, he will suffer a loss!

In other words, from the moment Yuankui Tianzun stepped into the human world, his fate was already doomed!

Many heavenly beings cursed secretly.

In other words, Master... What the hell is still digging a hole!

Master, how treacherous!


Zero looked at the rule whip that was drawn towards him, and a strange color appeared in his eyes.

He raised his hand, countless rules wrapped around his arm, but it was easily broken by his strength.

The master's whip of rules fell and hit No. 0's arm. However, on No. 0's arm, a layer of armor condensed by black matter appeared vaguely!

The power of the rules has actually been broken!

Afterwards, he was caught by No. 0 backhand.

The atmosphere became tense.

When Luo Hong saw this, he was also anxious. It was impossible to go on like this, so he shouted to No. 0: "Boss! Be merciful!"

Master: "???"

What's the meaning?

This little disciple... looks down on the old man?

Number Zero was shrouded in black mist, and also glanced at Luo Hong, boss?

Mortal, are you shouting?

"You are number two's boss, and you are my Luo Hong's boss!"

Luo Hong smiled brightly.

Number Zero fell into deep thought again, and began to lose his mind. He was thinking about the meaning of Luo Hong's words.

No. 2 left the imprint of the evil god in Luo Hong's sea of ​​will, perhaps, this really makes sense.

Luo Hong called him the boss, but there was nothing wrong with him.

However, something always felt wrong.

Forget it, it doesn't have much impact.

Zero was very curious about Luo Hong, mainly because of the personal book in Luo Hong's will, he always thought he had seen it somewhere, but he couldn't remember it.

However, one thing is certain, that booklet is very mysterious and powerful.

In addition, Number Zero also values ​​Luo Hong a lot.

Of course, not only this, but also because Luo Hong was able to communicate with them who were in the dark forbidden area.

This is the best hope.

Zero let go of his hand, and the master only felt that the feeling of being targeted by a terrifying poisonous scorpion suddenly disappeared, and he was inexplicably relieved.

"Master, because of some emergencies, I invite this senior to help...he is not an enemy, but a friendly army!"

Luo Hong explained clearly to his master first.

Hearing this, the master also thought of the evil thing Luo Hong had come into contact with, and his expression became heavy.

Sure enough, is he still on the wrong path?

The old man has tried so hard to bring you on the right track, but you are still off the track.

Among the disciples of this old man...isn't there any one who walks the right path?

The master looked up at the sky, his mood languishing.

He dispelled the Whip of Rules. Since he is a friendly army, there is no need to continue the fight. Of course, Master also felt that even if he had mastered the Whip of Rules, he might not necessarily be the opponent of the existence in front of him.

The master's heart is very heavy. Why is the evil that Luo Hong has come into contact with becoming more and more powerful? If this continues, Luo Hong will be attracted by the power of the evil and go on a crooked path.

No, the old man has to find a way to make Luo Hong feel the strength of the Righteous Way.

The master was also lost in thought.

The power that can rival this evil thing in front of me, perhaps, is only the power of the Human Sovereign...

The master narrowed his eyes, and a thought flashed in his mind, Human Emperor's Tomb!

The air of darkness was constantly permeating, Number Zero woke up from contemplation, and didn't look at Luo Hong, nor did he look at Master.

He scanned the world, raised his head again, and looked up at the sky.

His eyes are deep, as if he wants to see everything in the world.

He saw the heaven, saw the mighty world.

Even Luo Hong could feel a sense of loss under the dark fog.

"The sky, the land, and the light are all beautiful."

Zero sighed.

"Sooner or later, brothers and sisters... will come out of the darkness and feel the freedom of the world."

Zero murmured.

The next moment, he turned around resolutely and walked towards the crack that was torn open in the void.

He's coming back.

If you don't come back, something big will happen.

This time, just come out to get some air.

Master also woke up from contemplation, looking at Zero who was about to leave, the vigilance in his expression began to dissipate.

The pressure is too great, this existence is even greater than the pressure given by the king of heaven!


A huge rift in the sky begins to heal.

The figure of No. 0 stood at the opening of the crack, bit by bit swallowed by the endless darkness.

His eyes overlook the world, Luo Hong, and everything.

Finally, his eyes fell on Luo Hong.

He raised his hand and flicked his fingers.

Afterwards, Luo Hong felt that a finger jumped into his sea of ​​will, and touched the broken mark of the evil god Erha.

One smear after another of darkness wrapped around it, allowing Erha, the evil god, to completely repair and stabilize the imprint of the evil god that was about to be broken.

"No. 2's imprint will not be destroyed, this is his freedom."

"You need to pay a huge price for the spells you cast, but since you only call the boss, you don't need to pay such a price..."

"Live well, and hope that one day, you and I can meet in a dignified manner."

"This is the map to the dark forbidden zone."

"Just waiting for you."

Zero in darkness, said.

He still has hope, although he doesn't know how long this day will take, maybe ten thousand years, one hundred thousand years...

The current Luo Hong, in his eyes, is still too weak.

As the words fell, in Luo Hong's sea of ​​will, the finger pointed out by No. 0 exploded, and countless black lights gathered, and finally turned into a bead.

There is a little bit of light in the beads, combined to form a map.

It was a map to the dark restricted area, lingering with a dark atmosphere, as if it had been passed down from ancient times to the present.

In the void, the fissures like the devil's abyss suddenly healed, and the darkness between the sky and the earth faded away like a tide.

The darkness recedes, and the light returns.

And Luo Hong's body, which felt hollowed out and crumbling, recovered instantly the moment Zero disappeared and left.

Of course, there is still a price. The evil power in the holy and evil cave has been drained.

Not a drop left.

Luo Hong absorbed so many evil spirits in the evil emperor's cave, and at this moment, they were all exhausted.

This number zero...can suck more than Miss Demon Sword!

However, if you think about it, Number Zero and Ms. Demon Sword are not of the same level at all.

"I hope that one day, we will meet in a dignified manner?"

Luo Hong murmured these words with a strange expression on his face.

Isn't this meeting upright?

Are we sneaking around?

Or does Zero mean that he hopes to meet Luo Hong in the evil god's lair?

As expected of number zero who likes to think, very artistic.

And Luo Hong will be in the sea.

The imprint of the half-dead evil god Erha was completely restored.

"Jie jie jie!"

"Stupid Ronaldinho, only came back!"

The voice of the evil god Erha stirred in the sea of ​​will.

Just now, the consciousness contained in the imprint of the evil god Erha almost disappeared, but he didn't expect that the boss actually helped him recover before leaving.

As expected of the boss!

Luo Hong's avatar in the sea of ​​will looked at the evil god Erha, and said with a smile, "That's...number zero?"

"Yes, it's Zhi's boss, the most powerful existence that Zhi has ever met! Zhi doesn't know how strong it is!"

"So far, there is nothing that can make the boss go all out!"

"Stupid Ronaldinho, do you feel it too? Fear? Trembling?"

The evil god Erha was extremely excited.

Luo Hong listened and couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Is it that strong?

However, that's right, just a single projection can easily crush a Celestial Venerable, and even make the rules retreat, such an existence... the level must be extremely high!

Emperor level?

Luo Hong's eyes flickered. Before the Erha of the Evil God said that he was at the level of the Emperor, Luo Hong made all the judgments, and Erha of the Evil God might be pretending to be bragging.

Perhaps, this number zero is the real "emperor" level!

Without asking too much about number zero, Luo Hong speculated that there should be many numbered evil gods in the evil god's lair.

Luo Hong withdrew from the Sea of ​​Will.

And the outside world.

Master floated up and down, he broke the seal, suspended in the air, and the power of rules wrapped around his body one after another.

The Master was looking around. He saw the destroyed and razed Kunlun Mountains, the many corpses of human monks who had stained the earth red, and many corpses of celestial beings dripping with golden blood.

Master took a deep breath, heaven and man...why so many died? !

The master looked into the distance and saw Li Xiuyuan who had completed the second nirvana and possessed the top-level half-lord combat power, as well as the empress who had broken through to become a half-lord, Wu Qinghua, the Great Zhou Emperor, and others...

There have been many changes in the world.

However, what makes the Master's face dark is that these changes do not seem to have been completed within three years.

"It's been less than three months since the old man sealed the Nantian King... in the past?"

The wife looked bewildered.

Less than three months?

He paid such a high price, but the seal only lasted for less than three months?

This made the Master feel a little bit heartbroken, and the bloody feeling of piercing the heart was inexplicably trance-like.

With the departure of No. 0, the coercion between heaven and earth began to dissipate, and everyone can float.

Li Xiuyuan, the Empress, Wu Qinghua and others all rose into the sky, hovered above the sky, and faced Master directly.

Luo Hong also opened his eyes, and his will withdrew from the sea of ​​will.

"Less than three months have passed, what happened during this time?"

Master looked at Li Xiuyuan and asked.

Li Xiuyuan also had a bit of a wry smile on his face, and he didn't expect that the master would break the seal.

The master had arranged funeral affairs with him before, but Li Xiuyuan knew very well how much the master had paid to ban Nan Tian Wang.

And all of this has a great relationship with the little junior brother.

Luo Hong did not listen to their chat.

Heaven and man were defeated, and the Kunlun Palace was also destroyed.

Moreover, this time in the battle, Luo Hong broke through to become a land immortal of the fifth realm, and his own cultivation and combat power have been greatly improved. Luo Hong is quite satisfied.

It has been rewarding.

The only pity is that the dead Yuankui Tianzun did not trigger the rewards of the rules in the world. If the rewards can be triggered, the cloud of rules must be huge!

However, there is no cloud of rules. Although Luo Hong regrets, he doesn't have too many regrets.

On the contrary, killing so many celestial beings, the death of Yuankui Tianzun actually has an indirect relationship with Luo Hong, and it should also provide Luo Hong with evil.

Therefore, what Luo Hong is most looking forward to now is the upcoming update of the human skin booklet.

He really wanted to know how far his evil rewards would be in the book of human skins!

At least it should be able to be exchanged for the ripening demon indestructible body again.

Thinking of the crime, Luo Hong narrowed his eyes and looked in the direction of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

There... there is still a wave of evil to harvest!

As Luo Hong broke through into the Land Immortal, the six senses became stronger and stronger. Even at such a long distance, Luo Hong could clearly sense the resentment of Yun Taicang's fourth clone.

This is a resentment towards him, Luo Hong!

With such a great resentment, the crimes that can be obtained... are definitely not low!


Luo Hong threw out the evil sword, jumped out with one step, Yujian flew.

In an instant, it was like a stream of fire tearing through the sky, shooting towards the direction of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Li Xiuyuan and others looked over and saw Luo Hong's direction, so they understood Luo Hong's purpose.

This is Luo Hong's plan to settle accounts with Yun Taicang's fourth avatar, that is, Qiubiji.

Li Xiuyuan and the others smiled, and they don't need to worry too much if Luo Hong makes a move. Although Qiubiji is Yun Taicang's fourth clone, Luo Hong now, when it comes to combat power, is really good for an ordinary deity. Not necessarily an opponent.

So...they didn't have too much to worry about.

Great Zhou Dynasty.


When the Master broke the seal and appeared, Qiu Biji's expression was completely ferocious, and he knew that the Master still had a backhand!

Unexpectedly, his fourth clone was actually counted into it!

Master, you are a devil!

Yun Taicang felt that it was too difficult for him.

And when Luo Hongyujian came to kill, Yun Taicang's Qiubiji clone turned around and fled without hesitation.

He hates his wife.

But, at the same time, he also hated Luo Hong!

Wen Tianxing's clone was killed by Luo Hong, and the evil emperor's clone was also killed by Luo Hong.

Now, don't you even let go of this last clone? !

Yun Taicang's resentment immediately surged into the sky.

It even surpassed the resentment towards the master.

Luo Hong felt this blazing resentment, and his face suddenly showed joy!

So enthusiastic!

If you don't kill me, who will you kill? !


Over the capital of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Luo Hong came like a stream of fire in an instant, and many people in the capital were stunned.

However, Luo Hong was dressed in white with white hair, his whole body was as bright as the sun and the moon, his skin was crystal clear, free from dust and dirt, he was extraordinary and refined, like a god like a fairy!

However, facing the fleeing Chubby Ji, Luo Hong smiled "Jie Jie" who didn't care about his image, wanted to escape?

Shapeshifting burst out, and Luo Hong instantly exchanged positions with the evil shadow that climbed up from the shadow of the Chubby machine.

The crisis of death is approaching Chubby Ji, and the strong sense of crisis makes Chubby Ji frightened.

Today's Luo Hong is as powerful as a beast.

He slammed out the sky monitoring mirror!

However, the evil sword in Luo Hong's hand suddenly stabbed out. The evil sword was a half-holy soldier, and after colliding with the sky-monitoring mirror, it instantly pierced the sky-monitoring mirror!

This magical weapon of the Kunlun Palace has been completely scrapped so far!


And Luo Hong's sword pierced through the sky monitoring mirror, and by the way, it also pierced through Qiubiji's head.

The tip of the sword came out between the eyebrows, dripping blood.

Luo Hong smiled, raised his hand, and flicked his fingers on the hilt of the sword.


A large wave of evil, at hand.

The shock force exploded.


Chubby Ji's head exploded suddenly, and even the sea of ​​will was blown apart!

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